Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 529 Very reasonable

Is it possible that the identity of Chen Yang, the boss behind the scenes, will be exposed in the future?

If he protects himself well, he may not be exposed to the whole society.

However, it is really not certain whether it will happen in a small area.

Maybe, a small group of people already know the true details of Honggu Capital and Rainbow Fund, but they all pretend to be deaf and dumb in a tacit understanding.

Otherwise, why would the provincial leaders like this young man so much?


Huang Shan was holding the teacup but hadn't finished drinking yet. Suddenly something occurred to her. She turned around and said, "The new Rainbow Group restructuring plan is almost complete. Let me show it to you."

Chen Yang was a little surprised, "Is it going to be fine so soon?"

Then he asked, "Is this the second thing you said?"

Huang Shan opened her iPad and handed it to him, "No, this is something I just mentioned about Honggu Capital. I thought of it by the way. Originally, I wanted to make a complete plan before giving it to you, but the main content is almost the same. You can read it first. look."

Chen Yang took it and scrolled down, "Why are there so many financial statements?"

"Because there are so many investment projects,"

Huang Shan pursed her lips and said helplessly, "Xiaoyu's side is okay, mainly just some income statements, but Honggu Capital's is more complicated.

Not counting direct companies, there are quite a few companies that Honggu directly invests in, such as Twitter, Jingdong, Sogou, and Tesla. There are even more companies that are indirectly controlled through Chuangfuture.

The financial statements of each company are indispensable, and are finally summarized into a general asset accounting table to obtain the total assets of Honggu Capital.

Then add it to the total net value of Rainbow Fund, which is the total assets of the new Rainbow Group.

Then under the main group company, Rainbow America and Rainbow Asia will be established, as well as the planned Rainbow Europe company.

First from bottom to top, then from top to bottom, and finally the brand new Rainbow Group! "

Huang Shan spread her hands, "That is to say, Deloitte and PricewaterhouseCoopers were the two accounting firms that did the accounting and statistics from beginning to end, so all the accounts were clear. Only then could this be done in such a short period of time." Everything needs to be sorted out, otherwise, I’m afraid we may not be able to calculate it by the end of the year.”

Chen Yang touched his forehead and felt a little dizzy looking at the series of numbers. He simply raised his head and looked at Huang Shan, "Just tell me the key points."

Huang Shan pursed her lips and smiled helplessly, "The point is, the current total net worth of Rainbow Fund has reached 90 billion US dollars.

Then Honggu Capital, calculated in terms of net assets, including Damai, Huahuo, Hengli, Anjia Real Estate,, Dajiang,, Damai Browser, Meipai and other companies, also has more than 10 billion US dollars.

But based on the company’s valuation, conservative estimates,..."

Speaking of this, Huang Shan paused.

After a moment, she looked at Chen Yang, stretched out her hands and gestured, "Twenty-four billion US dollars!"

Chen Yang was not too surprised when he heard this number.

DaMai alone is worth more than 100 billion. There is also HuaHuo, which is not as good as DaMai but should not be underestimated. Hengli and Anjia are swimming against the current, Dajiang, which has unique technology in the world...

One piece after another, 240 billion US dollars is not only not a lot, but as Huang Shan said, it is a bit conservative.

He leaned on the sofa, tapped his fingers on the armrest twice, and then asked, "How did you get this valuation?"

Huang Shan took a deep breath, pondered for two seconds, and said,

“This is not a number that can be determined by a few investors sitting together and patting their heads when the company is raising funds.

These are the results of two of the world's top accounting firms, Deloitte and PricewaterhouseCoopers, after a comprehensive assessment of the tangible and intangible assets of all companies under Honggu Capital, as well as market development. They are highly market-referenced. meaning conclusion,

Besides, you are not looking for financing now. Useless exaggeration will be good for you, but not good for Xiaoyu.

So, you don’t have to doubt the authenticity and reliability of this data! "

Chen Yang rubbed his temples, shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "That's not what I meant, but if you go by this valuation, Mr. Yu will suffer a big loss."

Huang Shan's original estimate was that Qin Yu might hold 8 to 10 percent of the shares in the reorganized company, but now it might only be about 4 percent, more than double the difference. Qin Yu Can you bear the rain? !

After hearing Chen Yang's words, Huang Shan showed an expression of surprise, shook her head and laughed,

"If you are worried about this, then there is no need. After I got the data last night, I contacted Xiaoyu and her opinion was exactly the opposite to yours."

She looked at Chen Yang and said softly, "She feels that the valuation is a bit low. Even if it is enlarged by 20%, it is within a reasonable range. Even if her shares are only 3% in the end, she still feels that Reasonable."

Chen Yang pursed his lips and picked up the tea cup to drink tea, but found that it was empty.

Huang Shan quickly picked up the teapot and refilled it for him.

Chen Yang took a few breaths and brought the teacup to his mouth, but suddenly stopped and turned to look at Huang Shan, "At the accounting firm, have they calculated how much the net worth of the Rainbow Fund will be if we wait until the end of the year?"

Huang Shan immediately shook her head, "Future income is not within the statistical scope of financial accounting subjects. Especially now with the financial crisis and uncertain market factors, no one can guarantee whether there will be profit or loss tomorrow, so the statistics are all visible and tangible. of,"

After a pause, she said with some hesitation, "However, as the boss of the company, you have the right to decide to adjust the valuation of the fund part. After all, these companies under Honggu Capital also provide financing valuations."

Chen Yang nodded slowly and was about to speak when he heard Huang Shan say,

“However, you also have to consider what the asset scale of these companies under Honggu Capital, such as Damai, Dajiang, and Hengli, will be by the end of the year, and how to estimate it at that time. value!"

Chen Yang looked at her dumbfounded, "If you said it, you didn't say it!"

Huang Shan smiled awkwardly, picked up the tea cup and brought it to her mouth to drink tea.

The reorganization of Rainbow and Honggu has a scale of 300-400 billion U.S. dollars in total, and any one point is worth 300-400 billion U.S. dollars. The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh. What do you want me to say? !

Chen Yang leaned on the sofa, squinted his eyes and thought for a while,

After a long time, he opened his eyes and said seriously, "Both Rainbow Fund and Honggu Capital were founded by Mr. Yu in the beginning. Before you came here, she managed both companies, including She also played an important role in the establishment of Damai and Hanabi,"

Huang Shan nodded lightly and looked at Boss Chen intently, waiting for him to continue,

Chen Yang took a sip of tea, thought for a while and said, "One code equals one code. Her investment share will be calculated according to the approved method. Take the middle value and round up the whole number. Let's set it at 4%. of shares,"

Huang Shan immediately took out a notebook from her briefcase to record.

After she finished recording, Chen Yang added, "Four percent is her actual initial investment in shares. In addition, after consultation and resolution by the board of directors, Qin Yu was granted a three percent bonus equity, which can be cashed in immediately."

Huang Shan blinked, "You hold a board of directors at home?"

Chen Yang rolled his eyes angrily, "I want you to take care of it?!"

Huang Shan pouted, "It's not my money anyway,"

Record silently at the same time.

Chen Yang picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea. At the same time, he said, "You can do the same. Combine the original options and grant 3% of the bonus equity together, which can be cashed in immediately."


Huang Shan raised her head suddenly and looked at the boss who was blowing into the tea cup. She couldn't help but grin at the corners of her mouth, "Thank you, boss!"

Three percent, which is higher than the original two percent, not to mention the one percent she had expected before.

She suddenly gained billions of dollars, and the value would continue to appreciate in the future. She couldn't help but be unhappy!

Chen Yang smiled and glared at her, "Why, don't you ask me now, when did the board of directors meeting?!"

Huang Shan giggled, "The boss is the biggest in the company, and the boss has the final say on the board of directors. When you say when to open, it will be open!"

When Chen Yang heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

Oh, Mr. Shan also flatters her sometimes, which is really rare!

Qin Yu's shares were 7% and Huang Shan's were 3%. The total shares were 10%, which was two points lower than Chen Yang's previous expectation of 12%.

So everyone is satisfied, it’s perfect,

As for whether it's worth it?

Hehe, what Chen Yang wants anyway is that by giving them 10% of the shares, they can help him increase the value of the company several times.

Otherwise, without these two capable men, he would be able to achieve good results by himself alone, without even mentioning expansion.

Don’t talk about hiring outside professional managers.

Don’t professional managers want share bonuses? !

The Big Three automobile giants in the United States, even though the company is facing the crisis of bankruptcy, their presidents still receive annual salaries of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Even if the US government is a blood transfusion, after the funds arrive, the first thing they do is to cash in their salary bonuses!

Instead of looking for professional managers who were not sure whether they were reliable or not, Chen Yang might as well just trust these two time-tested partners.

Isn't it just 10% of the shares? He can afford it.

What you give out today will be earned back exponentially tomorrow.

This is called win-win cooperation!

After Huang Shan finished recording, Chen Yang asked, "What was the second thing you said?"

Huang Shan put away her notebook, raised her head and looked at Chen Yang, and said seriously, "How much do you know about Xijiang County Agricultural Machinery Factory?"


Chen Yang was a little confused and looked at her in confusion, "Why do you ask this?"

Of course he knew about the Xijiang County Agricultural Machinery Factory. Isn't it a factory that produces walking tractors and some agricultural machinery and equipment? Why did Huang Shan ask this?

Huang Shan leaned down and looked at him blankly, "Did you know that Xijiang Agricultural Machinery Factory has the qualification to manufacture complete motor vehicles?!"


Chen Yang was even more surprised. Looking at Huang Shan's serious expression, he didn't know what to say.

What are the vehicle manufacturing license qualifications?

If it weren’t for a few years later, under the influence of Tesla, a new wave of Internet car-making forces was launched in China, and there was a lot of discussion on the Internet, Chen Yang really didn’t know what this thing was.

In the earliest days, automobile manufacturing belonged to the category of major national machinery and was under the management of the First Ministry of Machinery Industry, also commonly known as the First Ministry of Machinery. This shows its importance.

Later, things gradually changed. This year, the competent authority became the current Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

But one thing remains the same in the automotive industry: no entry without permission!

What is permission?

There is a directory in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Only companies on the directory are qualified to manufacture complete vehicles.

No need to discuss anything other than the list!

It is because of this directory that new car-making forces can only do research and development and sales.

As for car manufacturing, we must either entrust it to traditional car companies, or acquire car companies that are on the verge of bankruptcy or have already closed down, but are still on the list.

This way they can produce their own car!

Even if the higher authorities later relaxed the entry standards for the automobile industry and changed the license to registration, the conditions were still extremely harsh.

It often has financial support of more than 1 billion, and has its own marketing network. There are many other details.

These terms have become a curse on the new car-making forces.

It is precisely because of this that too many PPT car-making behaviors have not appeared and spread in China!

Otherwise, hehe...

This shows how rare this thing is!

But now, Huang Shan actually told him,

The agricultural machinery factory in Xijiang County that used to only produce tractors and three-wheeled agricultural vehicles actually has the qualification to produce complete automobiles. Isn't this a joke?

Huang Shan stared at Chen Yang's expression closely, and after a long time, she sighed and said,

"It seems that you really don't know. Let me tell you, if you knew this, why would you let us buy the United Automobile Company's factory? Putting Tesla's production base in Xijiang is the most reasonable thing. What a way to do it!”

In the United States, labor costs are extremely expensive. If the production base is located in China, the production cost can be reduced by half at least. How could a person as smart as the boss not think of this?

It only makes sense that he doesn't know.

"Etc., etc,"

Chen Yang quickly waved his hand, held his head with one hand, squinted his eyes and said, "I'm a little confused now,"

Then he opened his eyes and looked at Huang Shan blankly, "Xijiang County Agricultural Machinery Factory? They are qualified to produce complete vehicles, that is, automobiles? Are you kidding me?"

Huang Shan raised her head slightly, "It's such a big deal, what kind of joke can I make to you?!"

After adjusting her posture, Huang Shan faced Chen Yang and said seriously, "Director Qi told me this. Xijiang County Agricultural Machinery Factory had a prosperous history of more than ten years before it went bankrupt in 1997.

At that time, the whole factory was holding back their energy and wanted to make Xijiang Agricultural Machinery Factory bigger and stronger. But if you want to make Xijiang Agricultural Machinery Factory bigger, you can't just produce tractors. Car production is the only way out! "

Chen Yang nodded slowly,

There is absolutely nothing wrong with converting a tractor factory into an automobile factory.

Lamborghini has made tractors before, Porsche has also made tractors, and the Mercedes-Benz Unimog tractor is world-famous.

In addition, Ford has tractors, Fiat has tractors, Honda and Renault have tractors,

Even the domestic Chongtai Automobile was formerly a Tieniu tractor.

As a tractor factory, Xijiang County Agricultural Machinery Factory wants to build cars, which is very reasonable!

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