Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 289 Not at the same level

Everyone came to the underground ancient city through the underground river, but this time the old woman used the crutch in her hand to emit a gas mask to protect everyone.

Aoki grasped it casually, and a cloud of dark flames appeared in the palm of his hand. Yang Chenming, Cao Baichuan, Kong Jianbo and others turned pale instantly when they saw the dense bones piled up into a mountain. Professor Yu had dealt with many skeletons, but there were thousands Remember the bones, still shocking.

Mo Susu came here once, so naturally she didn't feel scared, while Qiu Jinse followed Aoki all the way without saying a word.

"It really is a lost ancient city, maybe we can find the Pisces Jade Pendant here." Aoki's eyes sparkled with excitement.

The old woman squeezed a spell in her hand, suddenly a black mist emerged from his hand, and rushed directly into the bone pile, after a while, the old woman shook her head, frowned and said: "Impossible, there is no jade pendant here. "

Aoki also frowned tightly, staring at the decaying throne suddenly, and strode over. There was a skeleton sitting on the throne, holding a sword full of precious stones on the bone of his hand. To ordinary people, these precious stones are priceless. Cheng, but Aoki didn't even look at it.

The bones on the throne belonged to an ordinary person. It should be the king of this country. Perhaps the current scene was caused by the battle between the country and the practitioners.

"Crack." Aoki held a protruding statue on the handrail and pressed it hard, suddenly the stone wall on the left parted left and right, revealing a dark corridor.

Aoki waved his hand, and the fireball in his hand flew directly into the tunnel, illuminating the tunnel, the stone walls were smooth, and some strange symbols were engraved on them.

"Sure enough, there are secret passages. People from the royal family always like to make such small tricks." Aoki's face showed a smug look, staring at Kong Jianbo and said: "You go in first."

"I...I dare not..." Kong Jianbo's face turned pale, and his whole body trembled slightly.

The old woman let out a cold snort through her nostrils, grabbed Kong Jianbo by the collar, and threw him directly into the tunnel. Kong Jianbo fell a big horse, stood up tremblingly, and turned his head, "It seems, it's okay..."

But as soon as he finished speaking, arrows rained down on the stone walls on both sides, directly piercing Kong Jianbo into a hornet's nest.

A person who was still alive just now died in a blink of an eye. Cao Baichuan and Yang Chenming's crotch became hot, and a stream of urine flowed down. Professor Yu frowned, sighed, but didn't speak.

Mo Susu's pretty face was pale, and her life was worthless. Now she finally realized that Professor Yu, Yang Chenming, Cao Baichuan and others were respectful to the young man and the old woman along the way. These two people were obviously very strange.

Aoki slapped Kong Jianbo's corpse with his palm from the air, and the corpse rushed straight down the corridor like a skateboard, but he didn't encounter any mechanism.

"Okay, let's go in." Aoki said lightly, but Zhuo Bufan glanced at Zhuo Bufan from the corner of his eye, Zhuo Bufan's face was as calm as an ancient well.

Everyone had different thoughts. Walking along the corridor to the end, it turned out to be a secret room, about 20 square meters, with nothing in it, only a stone pillar standing in the middle, about one meter, and a jade pendant on it, shining white and green , mysterious.

"Fifth Young Master, it's the Pisces Jade Pendant." The old woman's eyes lit up and she said excitedly.

Only at a distance of one meter around the stone pillar, there is a gas shield condensed with red light. The old woman stared at Cao Baichuan and said, "Go and see what's inside?"

"I..." Cao Baichuan's face was ashen, his gums were shaking up and down.

"If you don't go, you will die." The old woman said with cold eyes.

Cao Baichuan moved step by step, and slowly put his hand into the red shield, and his entire arm was melted into nothingness. Cao Baichuan rolled and howled on the ground pinching his wrist in pain, bleeding profusely.

"It seems that this thing is not easy to take, we need to find someone who is capable." Qingmu murmured to himself, completely ignoring the wailing Cao Baichuan, instead his eyes fell on Zhuo Bufan, "You go and get it."

Zhuo Bufan stared at him, "Why should I go?"

Yang Chenming jumped out in a hurry and shouted loudly: "Zhuo Bufan, if I tell you to take you, go, don't tell me you want to die here."

"You look down on them too much, and you look down on me too much. I can kill these two people with my fingers." Zhuo Bufan said indifferently.

The faces of Aoki and the old woman changed color at the same time, staring at Zhuo Bufan sharply.

Yang Chenming's face was like charcoal, he almost jumped and cursed, do you know who they are? It doesn't matter if you offend them, don't drag us to death.

"How dare you utter outrageous words when you're a little Qi-practice?" The crutch in the old woman's hand hit the ground vigorously, and a black mist sprayed out from the dragon's head immediately, turning into a featherless arrow and rushing towards Zhuo Bufan.

"It's over, we're all going to die here." Yang Chenming's heart was ashamed, he had seen the tricks of the old woman and Qingmu, Huang Shao and Jia Shao were killed by them.

Zhuo Bufan, a small college student, doesn't know whether he is dead or alive.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan made seals with his hands, his fingers were like a Jiangnan nun playing the piano, and with a flick of his fingertips in the air, the sound exploded, and the aura turned into strings.

The two energies collided together, and the black mist was instantly dispersed.

"Boy, you have some tricks, but you provoke me today is your death date." The old woman said, her eyes were fixed on the snake-shaped ring on Zhuo Bufan's finger, "My boy, there is still a meditation ring, what on earth do you have?" Is it someone from that sect?"

"No family, no faction, but what is your relationship with the ghost king?" Zhuo Bufan felt that the aura of the other party was exactly the same as that of the ghost king he met in Zhongzhou, both of which contained a corpse.

The old woman stared at Zhuo Bufan, and suddenly said: "You killed the ghost king? You are Zhuo Bufan."

As she spoke, the old woman put her hands together, and streaks of black mist condensed on him like naughty little snakes. At this moment, Aoki stood up and stared at Zhuo Bufan with a smile. If you die, we, the Infernal Corpse Sect, don't care, but you are a talent, if you are willing to submit to me, I can let you live."

"From now on, money, rights, women, I can give you all."

Zhuo Bufan shook his head, "What are you?"

"How dare you talk to the Fifth Young Master like that, you want to die." The old woman's eyes darkened, the little snakes on her body spurted out, gathered into a human-sized black snake, opened her mouth to spit out a letter, and bit Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan took out a talisman, quickly retreated to form a seal, and the palm of his hand jumped in an instant.

"Is it the talisman technique of the Maoshan School?" The old woman frowned.

Suddenly Zhuo Bufan's palm seemed to be pinching a big net woven by lightning, and it directly covered the black snake gathered on the old woman's body. Yin and evil spirits are most afraid of spells with attributes of fire and thunder.

The big black snake struggled for a while, and immediately resumed annihilation. Before the old woman could react, Zhuo Bufan kicked her in the face. The old woman flew out and hit the stone wall. The stone wall cracked and stones fell down.

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