"What happened outside?" Wang Kai was still deep in the palace, at this moment he also heard the chaotic voice outside, so he couldn't help asking.

But he drank too much just now, he was a little drunk at the moment, everything in front of him seemed to be shaking.

Not only him, but all the ministers in this palace drank too much, and many ministers looked at the maids beside them with lewd smiles on their faces.

At this time, the gate of the palace was suddenly knocked open, and a dozen guards broke in.

"Your Majesty, something is wrong!" The dozen or so guards had no time to kneel down, but immediately shouted loudly.

"Presumptuous, you didn't kneel down when you saw His Majesty! Your Majesty, I think they should be killed!" A civil servant stood up and said sharply.

"That's right! Execute their nine clans! Someone, pull them down!" Wang Kai said drunkenly.

"Your Majesty, something is wrong, the enemy army has broken in!" A guard yelled frantically.

"The enemy army broke in? What enemy army?" Wang Kai asked in surprise.

"Your Majesty, my lords, the enemy army has come and surrounded the palace, let's escape quickly!" another guard said.

While they were talking, dozens of guards rushed in from outside. These guards all turned pale, and they reported the information outside to Wang Kai and the civil servants here.

"Who is the enemy army?" Wang Kai stood up, but he drank too much alcohol and his head hurt, so he couldn't help but hold his head with his hands.

"Your Majesty, it's still not clear! We sent people out, and they were immediately shot to death by crossbows!" said a guard.

"Could it be that someone wants to mutiny?" Suddenly a civil official asked.


Hearing the word "mutiny", Wang Kai's expression also changed dramatically!

In the era of feudal emperors, the most feared thing was mutiny!

Since Wang Kai came to the throne, he has experienced a mutiny! At that time, Li Ziqian was in charge of the government, and Wang Kai was almost Li Ziqian's puppet. After that, Cui Zhuo launched a mutiny and killed Wang Kai. Wang Kai's countless cronies were also killed, and blood flowed in the capital! Wang Kai still clearly remembered what happened at that time. At that time, he hid under the bed in the bedroom and did not dare to come out for three days and three nights. He didn't know about Li Ziqian's murder until Cui Zhuo came to the bedroom and invited him out! Now, is there another mutiny in Kaijing?

"Let's go out and have a look!" said a minister.

"It's too dangerous to go out, let's quickly find a place to hide!" Wang Kai said trembling all over.

"Your Majesty, go out and have a look first! Your Majesty, if you go out with us, you might be able to convince those rebels!" Tuo Junjing said.

"Who is this rebel?" a civil official said.

"There are only 20,000 defenders in Kaijing, and there are no defenders in many cities around Kaijing. Could it be that the 20,000 defenders have launched a mutiny? Your Majesty, there are still 2,000 guards in the palace. As long as we guard this place well, we should Those who can stop their 20,000 defenders!" Tuo Junjing said.

"Okay...okay!" Wang Kai felt that he could hardly speak at the moment.

His character is the most timid and cowardly, and he is at a loss in the face of such things.

Tuo Junjing and others surrounded Wang Kai and headed outside, they had already arrived at the palace wall, at this moment a sharp arrow shot towards here!

A civil servant uttered a scream, and immediately fell down there, while Wang Kai immediately poured out feces and urine, and kept screaming in terror!

"Help Your Majesty back quickly!" Tuo Junjing hurriedly said.

They took Wang Kai back for a long distance before they stopped.

At this time, a few guards ran over from a distance. These guards were covered in blood and looked extremely embarrassed.

"Your Majesty, it's too bad, it's Song Jun! Song Jun is calling!" a guard said.

"What? Song Jun?" Wang Kai still didn't respond, but Tuo Junjing was stunned.

"That's right! It's Song Jun! They are all Han Chinese, and they all speak Han Chinese characters, so it must be Song Jun!" the guard said.

"Why did Song Jun appear here?" For a moment, Tuo Junjing felt cold all over his body.

"Isn't Song Jun negotiating with us about the ownership of Liaodong? Aren't they going to give us Liaodong? Why are they here now?"

"That's not right! The Song army is in Yanyun and the Central Plains, how can they cross the sea and appear under the city of Kaijing?"

"what is going on?"

A group of civil servants were chattering and discussing. At this time, there was a smell of blood coming from outside, and everyone fell silent again for a moment.

"If people from Song Dynasty come, then we are really in danger! We need to find a way to escape from the palace immediately!" Tuo Junjing took a deep breath and said.

"But, how do we escape?" a civil servant said.

"The people of Song Dynasty will definitely attack the palace later! It's dark night and it's raining heavily, let's take advantage of the chaos and escape from here!" Tuo Junjing said.

At this moment, Tuo Junjing felt his mind was in chaos, he had no idea what happened! Just an hour ago, both the King of Goryeo and he were dreaming of Goryeo becoming a powerful country, but now only an hour later, they were surrounded by the Song army here!

"People in the Song Dynasty had civil and military disputes, and the Central Plains is a piece of fat, and we Goryeo will eat this piece of fat! But, why did this piece of fat come to us by itself now? What's going on?" A civil servant still felt like dreaming, murmured.

"Song people, they have never planned to give up Liaodong to us! They have been paralyzing us, it should be like this, it should be like this! If I were from Song Dynasty, our strength is far superior to the surrounding small countries, and I would We will not give up our land to a small country! Haha, we have been wrong all along! We have woken up from our dream! It is time for us to wake up from our dream!" A minister in his thirties said with a pale face and a smile.

"No matter what, we have to escape from the palace!" Tuo Junjing gritted his teeth and said.

At this moment, Tuo Junjing also has a feeling of "waking up from a dream"! Only at this moment did he faintly feel that the so-called "powerful country" and the so-called "Gaoguryeo" were all a dream of the Goryeo people! This dream is always in their imagination! They take it for granted that there is a civil and military dispute in the Song Dynasty, they take it for granted that the Song Dynasty will give them Liaodong, and they take it for granted that they can become stronger until they can compete with the Song Dynasty or even capture the Song Dynasty! They never felt that this was a delusion, and they even negotiated with the Song people about the ownership of Liaodong in a serious manner.

"Wrong, all wrong." Tuo Junjing paled.

A group of them came to a remote place in the palace, and they were going to escape from here when the Song army entered the palace! It's so dark, this is their only chance of escape!

The shouting and killing in Kaijing City gradually became quieter, this is because the defenders in Kaijing City have been gradually wiped out by Wu Jie's navy!

However, until this time Wu Jie still did not launch an attack on the palace.

Wu Jie just surrounded the palace tightly!

He knew that it was dark night and rainy night, if he attacked the palace rashly and Wang Kai escaped, it would be a complete failure! So, he just surrounded this place firmly now!

The whole city of Kaijing fell into terror, and the Koreans in Kaijing hid in their homes and dared not come out!

Finally, the sky gradually brightened. At this time, except for the 10,000 soldiers who were still in other places in Kaijing City, the remaining 40,000 soldiers had all come outside the palace!

Although it was still raining, the soldiers' vision had improved a lot. They would never let a single person escape from the palace.

"It's over, we can't escape!" Tuo Junjing was terrified and worried all night, and now his face turned pale.

As for Wang Kai, he almost passed out, his eyes were looking around, without a trace of light in them.

"I want to be the greatest emperor of Goryeo! My achievements will be famous all over the world and will last forever!" Wang Kai suddenly laughed wildly.

He turned out to be crazy!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" Tuo Junjing yelled with all his strength, but Wang Kai suddenly ran out towards the distance!

He had already arrived at the palace wall, and the soldiers of the Song Army on it were about to shoot arrows, when suddenly a captain shouted sharply: "Don't shoot arrows! Capture this man alive! This man is the King of Korea!"

It turned out that the captain finally saw the bright yellow dragon robe Wang Kai was wearing through the layers of rain! This is a costume that only emperors can wear, so the person below must be King Goryeo!

Although it was raining heavily, the captain felt himself in a cold sweat! If he shot Wang Kai to death just now, he might have surpassed his martial arts!

The soldiers of the Song Army also felt cold sweat all over their bodies. Some soldiers of the Song Army were about to shoot their bows and crossbows, but they had to forcefully stop suddenly.

When they saw that there were no bows and arrows falling on Wang Kai's body, everyone breathed a sigh of relief!

"Quick! Catch this man!" The captain was the first to jump off the wall, and then countless soldiers of the Song Army jumped off the wall.

They came to Wang Kai's side together, Wang Kai was still laughing crazily, the captain had already rushed forward and pushed Wang Kai to the ground!

Then the captain pulled Wang Kai up, and many soldiers tied Wang Kai up with ropes.

"We have made a great achievement! Captured King Goryeo alive! Quickly, send someone to report to General Wu!" The captain said with extreme excitement.

Soon, Wu Jie got the news. A smile flashed across Wu Jie's face, but he still said: "Send people to guard around the palace, and we must strictly guard it! It is very likely that this is a strategy of the Koreans. They find someone Fake the King of Goryeo, and the real King of Goryeo can sneak away! Someone, bring some guards from Kaijing City, let them identify whether that person is the King of Goryeo!"

Wu Jie strode towards that side. After a while, several guards who opened the capital were also escorted towards that side. The intelligence personnel of the General Staff Headquarters also dispatched towards that side at this moment. They all I have seen the portrait of King Goryeo before, and I can recognize Wang Kai's identity!

"That's right, it's the King of Korea!" After a quarter of an hour, everyone finally confirmed Wang Kai's identity.

"But, why does he look like a lunatic?" said the captain who had captured Wang Kai before, and now the captain felt that he seemed to have caught the wrong person.

"Haha, haha, I am the greatest king of Goryeo. I won Liaodong, I conquered the Central Plains, I destroyed the Song Dynasty, and I enslaved all the Han people! I will live forever!" Wang Kai was still laughing wildly.

Wu Jie sneered, and strode up to Wang Kai, he slapped Wang Kai hard, only to hear a crisp sound, one side of Wang Kai's face immediately swelled up!

Wang Kai spat out a mouthful of phlegm suddenly, his eyes became clear, and then their eyes became extremely terrifying.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" Wang Kai asked in a trembling voice.

"Hmph! The phlegm has fascinated the heart, isn't it better now?" Wu Jie said disdainfully.

At this moment, Wang Kai finally realized that he was captured by Song Jun. His body collapsed on the ground, and the dragon robe on his body was splashed with mud and water. The soldiers around him laughed together, and the captain also laughed.

Seeing that Wang Kai had been captured by the Song Army, Tuo Junjing and the others came out after hesitating for a moment. They knelt down in front of the Song Army soldiers and surrendered voluntarily! They all understand that the treatment of voluntary surrender and being caught must be completely different! Sure enough, after they voluntarily surrendered, Wu Jie did not embarrass them.

"Are you the Prime Minister of Korea Tuo Junjing?" Wu Jie even asked someone to hold an umbrella for Tuo Junjing, and said in a soft voice.

"It's the villain!" Tuo Junjing hurriedly said.

"He who understands the current affairs is a hero! After the Song Dynasty conquered Koryo, we also need someone to govern. We must have the former monarchs and ministers of Koryo to help us appease the people of Koryo. Do you understand what I mean?" Wu Jie said.

"The villain understands!" Tuo Junjing said with bitterness in his voice.

"Immediately issue an imperial decree in the name of Wang Kai to order officials and generals from all over Koryo to surrender to Song!" Wu Jie said coldly.

"Yes!" Tuo Junjing nodded and said.

By this time, all the Koreans in the palace had surrendered, and the Song army had completely occupied it!

In the palace, Tuo Junjing wrote the imperial decrees and stamped them with jade seals, and these imperial decrees will be sent to all parts of Korea!

"Great King of Korea, from now on you will be the Marquis of Kaijing of my Great Song Dynasty. This is the title granted to you by His Majesty the Great Song Dynasty. Do you want it or not?" Wu Jie looked at Wang Kai, who was completely awake beside him, and sneered.

"Aren't you going to kill me?" Wang Kai trembled.

"If you accept the title of Marquis of Kaijing, then I won't kill you! Not only that, the concubines in your harem can continue to follow you, the property in the palace is still yours, and you can still be rich and prosperous! If you don't want to accept it , then I will cut you into pieces right now." Wu Jie said lightly.

"I am willing, of course I am willing! From now on, I will be the Marquis of the Great Song Dynasty!" Wang Kai said with a surprised smile on his face.

Seeing Wang Kai so spineless, Wu Jie couldn't help spitting on the ground, Wang Kai's face turned red, but he was only shy but not angry! Knowing that he didn't have to die, he was so happy that he couldn't get angry at all.

Tuo Junjing next to him was extremely disappointed, he felt that this king was not as good as Ah Dou from the Central Plains.

"General, General Wang Gui and General Wu Lin have led their troops to the city of Kaijing!" At this moment, a soldier came in from outside and said.

"Tell them that the Koryo court has been completely wiped out! Now the troops are divided into two groups, and General Wang is ordered to set off from the sea, while Wu Lin goes forward from the land and conquers Pyongyang within five days!" Wu Jie said.

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