Rebirth: Overthrow Song Dynasty

Chapter 202 Defeating the enemy in the first battle

The snow is getting heavier and heavier, and Wanyan Loushi is leading the army forward!

There were more than 100,000 Jurchen troops, some of them followed Wanyan Zongwang, and Wanyan Loushi himself led 50,000 people as the vanguard!

"General, we will be able to come to Fuping City tonight! After we capture Fuping, we will rest there for the night!" Behind Wanyan Lou's room, a senior man said.

"Fuping County, I don't know how many garrisons there are! Now the Han people are different from before. If there are more garrisons there, our losses must be not small!" Wanyan Loushi said.

"When did these lowly Han people become less afraid of death?" Mr. Wan frowned.

"Under our oppression, the Han people have changed! Not only the Han people have changed, but we have also changed! Since the Central Plains was taken down, everyone enjoys it every day! I heard that in some armies, the sons and daughters stay in the city for half a year to enjoy themselves. If you want to go out, how can you do it? From Longmen to Fuping, if it was a few years ago, we would have arrived now! Not to mention Fuping, we might have already arrived in Chang’an! But now, we are still on our way! Wait until we go back this time , I must ask the Second Prince to regroup the army! Our army can't go on like this!" Wanyan Lou Shi said.

Mr. Wan nodded his head! Many Jurchen generals have already noticed the changes in the army!

"Can we take Chang'an in one fell swoop this time?" Wan Fu said.

"No problem at all! As far as I know, many of the Han armies are in northern Shaanxi! The rest of the forbidden army is in Tongguan. Only at the foot of Chang'an!" Wanyan Loushi laughed.

The sky is getting darker and darker, and spies are coming back ahead, some say they have spotted the Han army!

Wanyan Loushi was startled, and said, "How many Han troops are there?"

The spy said: "I don't know! It's too dark to see how many there are!"

Wanyan Loushi sneered, and said: "No matter how many he has, I have fifty thousand troops, as long as I rush over, I can wipe out all the Han people! I think it's Fuping's defenders who have come out, at most it will not exceed ten thousand Come on! On the plain, our Jurchens are invincible, not to mention I have an army of 50,000! This 50,000 army can wipe out the Liao Kingdom without any problem, let alone a mere 10,000 defenders? Send the order, and the whole army will charge!"

In Wanyan Loushi's heart, although he felt that the Jurchens were very corrupt, he still believed in the mythical law of "Jurchen is invincible"! As for the failure of Wanyan Huo Nu, he thought it was because Wan Yan Huo Nu fell into Song Jun's tricks, and he didn't think it was a matter of combat effectiveness! On such a plain, it is almost impossible to use intrigues!

When the Jurchen army learned that there were Han Chinese ahead, many people were already excited! At this moment, the Jurchen army was divided into teams of ten thousand people and teams of thousand people, roaring forward!

*** ***

Soon, the Jurchens and the Forbidden Army met again!

There are 20,000 veterans in the Forbidden Army, and these 20,000 veterans are at the forefront at this moment!

In the dark night, there are shouts of killing everywhere!

The 20,000 veterans are all spearmen, and they have already formed spear formations to resist in front!

A team of thousands of Jurchen rushed up. This was the first time they had seen such a spear formation. Just as they rushed up, the first wave of spears passed by, and then the second wave of spears came in unison!

The sound of "kill, kill, kill" on the battlefield keeps rising and falling!

The recruits behind finally rushed up wave after wave!

Wanyan Loushi felt something was wrong at this moment, his estimation of Song Jun was wrong! The Song army in front of me is probably not just 10,000 people, but far more than 10,000 people!

"How could there be so many people in the Song Army on the battlefield?" Wanyan Loushi was surprised!

He is the ever-victorious general among the Jurchens, and Wanyan Loushi immediately ordered the army to be divided into two parts, and he ordered the army to attack from both wings! They are all cavalry, while the Song army is all infantry, so attacking on two wings is a strategy often used by the Jurchens!

It was too dark, no one could see the scene ahead, Wanyan Loushi could only make a judgment based on his own experience!

"The Han people are all infantry! On the plains, it is ridiculous to dare to use infantry to fight our cavalry!" Wanyan Loushi was thinking like this at the moment!

On a high slope, Yue Fei was standing here, and hundreds of generals and soldiers under him were standing behind him, waiting for his order!

Yue Fei is listening!

The sky was pitch black, even though Yue Fei was skilled in martial arts, it was still difficult for him to see all the scenes in front of him clearly! But he can hear everything on the battlefield clearly with his ears, and then describe everything that happened on the battlefield in his heart according to the sound of shouts and the sound of horseshoes!

"The Jurchens have been divided into two parts, and they are attacking us from two wings! Let the Fifth Army and the Sixth Army block them! Let the New First Army and the New Second Army retreat and go around the back of the Jurchens! The New Third Army, The New Fourth Army goes all the way to the back of Gaopo! The New Fifth Army, the New Sixth Army..."

He keeps giving orders!

The generals and soldiers summoned below conveyed his orders immediately!

In the darkness of night, unknown changes began to take place in the Song Army!

There are 120,000 Song soldiers here, and 50,000 Jurchen cavalry!

Wanyan Loushi led a group of cavalry to attack frantically forward, and the veterans of the Fifth Army in front blocked them!

Wanyan Loushi moved forward and killed several veterans! It's just that these veterans are still sprinting forward frantically! Resist them desperately! These veterans knew that they were not their opponents, yet they didn't back down at all!

In half an hour, the loss of the veteran has exceeded 30%! The general army has already collapsed under such circumstances, but these veterans still show no signs of collapse! Under the organization of the generals, they continued to advance wave after wave, constantly resisting the Jurchen cavalry!

"How did this happen? How is this a Han army? It is impossible for the Han to have such a strong army!" Wanyan Loushi's face became extremely ugly!

He has already organized a few thousand-man teams again, rushing forward frantically!

Finally, a gap appeared in the front, and he ordered his army to wipe out this group of veterans separately!

Those veterans are still resisting, all of them still have crazy expressions! Let's move forward desperately!


At this moment, suddenly there were bursts of shouts of killing in unison!

Wanyan Loushi suddenly felt that something was wrong, and only then did he realize that there were countless Han Chinese troops around him! He didn't know how the Han army was mobilized, and now he was caught in a tight siege!

"Not good! The Han people are really despicable, they actually surrounded us!" Wanyan Loushi said in disbelief!

Hearing the cries of killing from the recruits around him at this moment, those veterans became even more crazy. These veterans laughed and rushed towards the Jurchen cavalry in front!

Wanyan Loushi didn't dare to love to fight, he immediately led the army towards the surroundings!

Soon, he met the first army of recruits ahead!

The first army of new recruits was also divided into countless spear formations!

It's just that the physical fitness and battlefield experience of recruits are far inferior to those of veterans! The front row of recruits has been rushed to the ground, and the speed of the recruits behind seems to be much slower!

"Follow me and shout to kill!" Yang Zheng said loudly in the army!

His inner strength is so strong that his voice can be heard within half a mile at this moment!


As he roared, the people next to him roared together, accompanied by a stabbing spear!

kill kill kill!

Then, the sound of rows of soldiers shouting to kill rang out!

Encouraged by the voices of their companions, the tension in the soldiers' hearts immediately decreased a lot! They remembered what the generals said on the training ground. On the battlefield, as a soldier, you don't have to think about anything, just "go forward with courage" and never retreat! The braver you are, the more you can survive on the battlefield! The more timid you are, the more likely you will die on the battlefield!


A row of recruits in front fell under the sword of the Jurchens one after another, but none of them retreated! The recruits in the second row have also fallen, but they still haven't retreated! The third and fourth rows of soldiers fell, but they still did not retreat. They would rather die than disturb the formation behind! The spear array behind will always exist, always move forward!

Wanyan Loushi felt that these new recruits were not strong enough to fight, and he was overjoyed. He was going to rush out and return to destroy these new recruits! The cavalry interspersed back and forth, and the Song army would definitely be wiped out!

But he didn't expect these recruits to be so tenacious as to be unbelievable, the people in front were all dead, and the formation behind them didn't change! They were literally blocked!

Once the cavalry's sprint is blocked, once the speed of the cavalry stops, it will be difficult to turn around!

kill kill kill!

There were such voices everywhere, countless recruits were scarred, some had broken arms, some were blind, and they were still moving forward regardless of their own safety!

Wanyan Loushi killed an unknown number of Song soldiers, and another general of the Song army rushed towards him regardless of his body! He moved forward with a knife, and he was about to chop the Song army general's waist, and suddenly he felt something was wrong! The general of the Song army didn't resist at all, but continued to stab Wanyan Loushi's neck with the sword in his hand while roaring crazily! This general of the Song army was fighting with his life for his life, he was taken aback, and hurriedly returned his sword to block the sword of the general of the Song army!

The general of the Song Army's martial arts was far inferior to him. With one move, the general of the Song Army had already fallen towards the distance, but soon another general of the Song Army rushed up again! This general of the Song army also fought desperately, he didn't resist Wanyan Loushi at all, he just wanted to insert his weapon on Wanyan Loushi's body! Even death would add a wound to Wanyan Loushi's body!

Wanyan Loushi was terrified, he killed the general of the Song army with one blow! I saw that the general of the Song Army had rushed forward again, and the target of the general of the Song Army turned out to be his mount!

He only heard a long hiss, and the white horse under him fell into a pool of blood!

Wanyan Loushi was furious and slashed at the general! The general had already shown a gratified expression on his face, but he still wouldn't let himself sacrifice in vain! He didn't care about Wanyan Loushi's knife, but he himself rushed towards Wanyan Loushi. His sword was left in the horse's stomach just now, and he hasn't drawn it out yet. He wants to use his own hands and his own sword. Add some wounds to this powerful Jurchen general with his mouth!

Wanyan Loushi was stunned, he couldn't believe that there are such soldiers in the world! At this moment, there was a sharp sound of wind, and a spear came towards Wanyan Loushi. Wanyan Loushi parried it with a knife, and his arm felt numb!

He was taken aback, then kicked the previous general away, then he turned around and left, a moment later he rushed into the Jurchen army and rode on another horse!

"Liang Hao, are you alright?" The general of the Song Army holding a spear helped the general on the ground up and asked with concern.

It turned out that this person was Yang Zheng, Wu Jie's deputy in history, and it was his brother Liang Hao who fell to the ground!

At this moment, Liang Hao only spat out blood, his face was paperless, and he had no strength in his body. He struggled and said, "Leave me alone! Kill the Jurchen!"

Yang Zheng was filled with regret, he grabbed Liang Hao's hand, and poured waves of internal force into Liang Hao's body! Liang Hao broke away from Yang Zheng violently, and said, "Leave me alone! Kill the enemy!"

Yang Zheng gritted his teeth and strode forward! A soldier came up from behind and took Liang Hao to the back to bandage him up!

*** ***

Yue Fei was still listening, judging the situation of the Jurchens based on the voices on the battlefield, and then kept giving orders!

The Jurchens were completely surrounded, but at this moment, the sound of horns came from the Jurchens army!

After the sound of the horn sounded, all the Jurchens went in the direction of the sound!

Then the sound of the horn went all the way east!

The remaining Jurchens actually gathered under the sound of the horn, and they charged together, and the soldiers of the Imperial Army kept chasing after them!

As the sky fell, the remaining Jurchens came to a hill!

Exhausted, they stopped here!

The imperial soldiers stopped under the hills!

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