Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Emperor

Chapter 4951 Betrayal of the past

At the same time, Zhang Yifeng in the Mechanical House was unaware of the fact that he had been targeted by everyone in the Evil Alliance.

"As far as I know, although the life span of people in the safe zone is not as long as that of monks, it is at least hundreds of years."

"Since your Excellency came from the safe zone, why did you transform yourself into a cyborg?"

"According to Anakin, it's only been a few decades since you left the safe zone."

Zhang Yifeng groaned and asked at the bald head.

"It seems that what you said is true. You even know this."

When the bald man heard this, surprise flashed in his eyes, and he trusted Zhang Yifeng even more.

After all, this can be regarded as the core secret of the safe zone.

Unless you have actually been to the safe zone and communicated with the people there, it is absolutely impossible to know this secret.

"Indeed, what you said is correct. Although the life span of the people in our safe zone is not as good as that of you monks."

"But normally, living for two to three hundred years is not a problem, and genetically modified warriors can even live for five hundred years."

"But the length of life sometimes depends on external factors."

The bald man said solemnly, as if he was remembering something, and a strong murderous look flashed in his eyes.

When Zhang Yifeng saw his appearance and thought of the strange hatred of the Mechanical House towards the monks, he probably had some guesses in his mind.

"Did something happen to you after you left the safe zone?"

"It seems to me that there is no other person in this mechanical house except you."

Zhang Yifeng asked in a rather serious tone, staring into the dark red pupils of the bald head.

After all, if something happens to the Mechanical House, only the person in front of him will be left.

That Zhang Yifeng is the clue for Anakin to find his father.

It might be cut off here.

"Don't worry, nothing happened to the people you're looking for, including the people who came out of other safe areas."

The bald man said in a heavy tone, the red light in the mechanical eyes flashing continuously.

It seemed that due to the influence of past memories, he showed faint signs of going berserk.

Fortunately, after taking a while to calm down, the red light in his eyes returned to calm.

"As you said, we are passing through the cracks in the virtual world and coming to this world."

"The crack that traveled through space at that time was not stable and would only randomly teleport us to any location."

"Unfortunately, we have come to this place of filth and betrayal."

The bald man said through gritted teeth, recalling the past that he didn't want to look back on.

"When we first arrived, a group of monks accepted us and lived with us."

"They were very friendly to us at first, but then we seemed to be their slaves and we were at their mercy."

“Until one day, a group of people from nowhere heard about our existence and came to ask us to help them make a tool.”

"But we saw that that thing would cause immeasurable harm to thousands of worlds, so we didn't agree to them."

"As a result, that group of people actually launched an attack on us, and the monks who lived with us immediately chose to betray!"

The bald man clenched his fists, and veins popped up on his forehead.

As he spoke, he pulled away the clothes on his chest, revealing a scar on his chest that penetrated his entire heart.

The original position of the heart has now been replaced by a mechanical heart that is constantly ticking.

"In the end, in order to force the clan members, they captured me and punched me through the heart in public."

"But even so, we won't do anything for them!"

"Afterwards, those people captured all my clan members and left me alone here."

"And I relied on the last energy in the spacecraft to transform myself into a cyborg and saved my life."

"From that day on, I built this mechanical home with the spaceship as the core and imitating the look of the safe zone."

"And refuse any monks to come near this place, secretly build robots, and plan to take back my compatriots one day."

The bald man told Zhang Yifeng all the details of the future.

And Zhang Yifeng finally understood why the Mechanical House had such strong resentment against the monks.

After all, they once trusted the monks so much, but they were betrayed at the most important moment.

"So, everyone except you was captured by those monks?"

"In that case, how can you be sure that none of those people were persecuted."

Zhang Yifeng asked in a solemn voice, wondering where his confidence came from.

"You don't know something. Everyone in the safe zone will have a chip implanted in their bodies when they are born, and their life status will be monitored throughout the process."

"Logically speaking, this thing can only be monitored in the safe zone, but before we left the safe zone, the king gave us privileges."

"Even if you are outside, you can monitor other people's life conditions at any time."

The bald man said, putting his hand on his wrist

a little.

Immediately, a light curtain unfolded in front of Zhang Yifeng, and there were images of dozens of people on it, and their life status was marked below.

Under Zhang Yifeng's observation, the life status of these people was just barely alive.

From this, it is not difficult to find that what the bald man said was true. Even if the gang killed him in front of him, the others never thought of making weapons for them.

"Now, can you understand me?"

"As for the people you are looking for, I'm sorry that I don't know where they are."

"And it's impossible for me to cooperate with you. After being betrayed once, I will never trust you monks again."

"No matter how similar we are in appearance, we are not of the same race."

The bald man looked at Zhang Yifeng coldly and said decisively.

Even from Zhang Yifeng's mouth, he heard about the situation in his hometown again.

Zhang Yifeng even took the initiative and saved the entire safe zone.

But in the bald man's heart, which has been broken by the monks, he will never trust any monk again.

"I can understand that."

After Zhang Yifeng pondered for a long time, he nodded to his bald head and said with a smile.

"You...came all the way, are you just going to leave like this and not hold on any longer?"

When the bald man saw Zhang Yifeng being so indifferent, a look of astonishment suddenly flashed across his face.

"Just because I have understood the torture you have suffered, and also understand your determination, naturally I will not persist any longer."

"Just before I leave, I want to ask you, who attacked you and robbed the others?"

Zhang Yifeng stood up and asked with serious eyes.

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