Rebirth of the Red Dragon: Self-Discipline Becomes Stronger

Chapter 304 Siloam Civil War (second more! Seeking subscription!)

In fact, the Kingdom of Siloam did not put Noxus To put in one’s eyes at all at the beginning.

Because at that time, according to their intelligence, the Red Dragon of Noxus was nothing more than a young dragon.

The kingdom of Siloam, a young dragon, can still be dealt with barely.

The giant crossbows around the city wall can teach the red dragon how to be a dragon

Later, when he heard a pair of five-colored dragons besieging Noxus, it seemed that Kens completely left the matter behind.

How could a juvenile dragon survive the siege of a group of five-color dragons.

Regarding the fact that there is still flame dragon mother in Noxus, Charbekens didn't know.

After all, this matter is a war between giant dragons, and humans can only hear some rumours.

What happened in the distance is definitely unknown to human beings.

But half a year ago, there was a news that suddenly came, and Beacons was greatly taken aback.

Noxus won! It defeated the siege of the five-color dragon and survived.

In the past six months, it seems that Beacons has not eaten well, and can't sleep.

At this moment, a group of poor people in the periphery revolted and overthrew the rule of landlords and nobles.

Take back the land that belongs to their landlord.

In the final analysis, it was because of those things that seemed to be a little girl like Bekens, which completely angered the poor.

Although the poor don't know that Beacons wants the little girl, they can guess that they must be inseparable from the nobles in the imperial capital.

The uprising of the poor made it even busier than Kens.

The first thing you do when you wake up is to ask the poor where they hit.

Many of the soldiers were also poor families, and then the soldiers fell apart one by one.

Fortunately, in the end, it seemed that Beacons, with a powerful force, did not know where to get a strange army.

These troops are fierce, and they are not afraid of Death one by one, and they carry black armor all over their bodies.

The emergence of the mysterious army stopped the attack of the poor,

So far the Kingdom of Siloam was divided into two, and it seemed that Beacons was thinking of Noxus in the anxiety of the civil war.

With the red dragon's urinary nature, if Noxus didn't come to revenge, Chebekens would never believe it.

It is estimated that Noxus is just too lazy to ignore the Kingdom of Siloam.

When Noxus turns around, he will retaliate severely against the Kingdom of Siloam.

So Beacons, on the advice of the ministers, quickly dispatched an envoy to make peace with Noxus.

And also took out a lot of gold and silver jewelry, hoping to exchange for Noxus forgiveness.

But what Beacons never expected was that these gold and silver jewels Xilin simply didn't like it.

This is also the reason why Roland doesn't know what to say now.

"I don't know what to say? Then you should go to The Underworld.!"

Katelina was about to trample Roland to death.

Roland hurriedly shouted: "No! Now the Kingdom of Siloam is caught in a civil war, and can't come up with so many gold and silver jewels for you! Great dragon!"

When these words blurted out, Katelina's feet were suspended in the air, and then slowly retracted.

He returned to Xilin intimately and rubbed the warm dark red dragon scales on Xilin's body.

"Civil war? There was also a civil war in the Kingdom of Siloam. No wonder they came to Noxus for peace. If there was no civil war, wouldn't Noxus To put in one's eyes at all?"

At this moment, Xilin finally spoke.

"No Red Dragon, your Majesty! Now the Kingdom of Siloam is in the midst of a war, and I can't spare any time to apologize to Noxus."

"Now that I finally have some time, the Kingdom of Siloam has sent me non-stop to find you, Your Majesty Red Dragon, and ask for your forgiveness. By the way, I will offer my sincerity."

Roland, who had walked through the Guimen Gate, said his words very sharply.

If he kept talking, he would really die.

"Ask for my forgiveness, but this is something I don't like."

Xilin smiled coldly, and the thick and long tail behind him flapped against the mountain of gold coins.

Jinshan, which was beaten by Xilin, fell down in an instant, covering almost the entire ground.


Roland knew what Xilin wanted to express. He didn't lack any gold and silver treasures.

But the problem is that Roland only brought gold and silver treasures with him this time.

After all, in the rumors, the dragon is only interested in gold and silver treasures, and has no interest in other things.

"I hate people who speak slowly, and I will give you another chance to talk about the civil war."

Xilin was more interested in this thing. As for what jewelry Roland brought, he didn't want to take a look at it.

"civil war?"

Roland was stunned, how could this red dragon ask this thing.

But just for a moment, Roland immediately recovered and told Xilin everything he knew.

Regardless of whether he leaked state secrets or not, it would be good if he could survive.

After listening to what Roland said, Xilin became very interested in the mysterious army of Beacons that Laura said.

*" The mysterious army, do you know the origin of that mysterious army?"

Xilin asked lazily.

"No, I don't know the origin of that mysterious army, the great red dragon, I have nothing to hide about it."

"I swear to Zeus, the god of thunder!"

Roland was afraid that Xilin would not believe him, so he even swears to Zeus, the god of thunder.

This is the god he believes in.

Xilin raised his eyebrows, which was also quite coincidental. He still had two chances to release Zeus Thunder.

"Okay, I see, then you think that mysterious army is powerful, and it is also powerful for my group of men."

Xilin looked at the high-level standing below him and asked.

"It must be your subordinates. Our mysterious army is not as good as a finger of your army."

Roland quickly praised the Red Dragon's army.

But what he said is also true. The blood of the dragon blood warriors around them is too terrifying.

Roland had seen the mysterious army with his own eyes.

But that mysterious army was extremely cold from the feel, and it was full of deterrence.

But far inferior to Xilin’s Dragon Blood Warriors, the Dragon Blood Warriors are more powerful than the mysterious army in terms of momentum.

It was that Roland's words were too exaggerated.

After all, he knows that dragons like to praise the most, especially those who are more exaggerated, the more they like it.

"Really? Okay, it's very interesting to talk to you." Xilin's mouth raised slightly.

"Really? It is my honor, Your Majesty Red Dragon."

Roland's eyes lit up, and it sounded like he didn't need to die.

"Come on, drag on and kill, remember, cut the mess with a quick knife, and remember not to let him feel any pain."

Xilin gave a cruel smile. Asia,

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