Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 658: Rune of Creation

"Your mother was injured and was very serious and is being rescued in the hospital. People may not be able to rescue them. You have to be mentally prepared."

When he heard Ning Haifeng crying on the phone, Ye Tian was almost crazy, and his mind was instantly blank.

What he has been most worried about has happened.

Some things can't be prevented!

When he arrived at the hospital, the doctor just ended the rescue.

"How is my mother?" Ning Xiaoyu rushed over and asked.

The doctor shook his head, his face solemn, and said, "We did our best."

Ning Haifeng's face was dead, his legs were soft, and he almost fell to the ground.

"My mother won't die, he won't die!" Ye Tian's eyes were firm, his voice was stingy, and he rushed into the rescue room like crazy.

This is the person he cares about the most. How can he allow something? Even if he fights for his life, he must be rescued from Lord Yan.

"Well, who are you? What are you doing? Hurry up and stop me!"

Obstructed by a doctor, Ye Tian kicked himself to the ground.

Then, he picked up the scarred mother who had stopped breathing on the operating table, jumped out of the window, unfolded the thunder wings, and went straight to the small world of Dongshan enchantment at lightning speed.

"Your brother, he ..."

Ning Haifeng was already sad enough to see Ye Tian jump down from the window holding her mother's "corpse", and almost did not faint. This is the height of several floors!

"Dad, you don't have to worry. Brother can fly. He is not an ordinary person. He has fairy-like ability and can go to heaven and earth, maybe he can really save his mother's life. Dad, what happened? Who hit? mom?"

"It's all my fault. If I don't go out to bend at night, your mother may not be hurt by bad people." Ning Haifeng blame himself very much.

In fact, when he was at home, he would only have one more corpse, which would not change the outcome in the least.

"Then do you see who hurt the mother?"

"Devil, he is a devil!"

Recalling the scene at the time, Ning Haifeng's entire body was shaking, it was too bloody, it was terrible, and it was a bit frightening.

This was a premeditated killing. In addition to Gu Xiaoman, the victim had three members of Dragon Guard.

At that time, Ning Haifeng went out to bend, and only Gu Xiaoman was at home. The three Dragon Guard members were ordered to protect the safety of the Ning family and guard it secretly.

But the killer was too powerful, that is, the three members of Dragon Guard were unable to fight together. Not only was Gu Xiaoman seriously injured, but the members of Three Dragon Guard were also severely wounded.

When Ning Haifeng returned home, he met the murderer in front of his house. He couldn't describe the person's looks, it was terrible, as if he had been burned by smoke and smoke, his body was incomplete, and his body was seriously injured. The murderer's eyes were terrible, like a knife, straight into the heart, staring at him for a few seconds, fortunately no action, otherwise he would not be able to stand here.

"Will it be my brother's enemy?" Ning Xiaoyu murmured in his heart.

Obviously the killer is not ordinary and is a strong one. Like this kind of person, for no reason will not attack an defenseless ordinary people, unless there is hatred.

The more she thought about it, the more she became inseparable from her brother. Bacheng's enemies came to seek revenge.

If the mother has a long and short, she will not forgive her brother in this life!

Dongshan, the enchanted world, Gu Xiaoman lies on a platform in the main hall.

On the platform, there are engraved magic circles, the aura rolling in, and a thin layer of smoke condensing above, like a dream, like a fairyland.

This is a kind old mother, that is, the oil lamp is almost dry, and only one last breath is left. There is still a loving smile on her face, a touch of peace.

Ye Tian's heart was bleeding. Her mother's injury was too serious. There was a large blood hole in her chest, which was almost transparent before and after. This kind of wound Ye Tian couldn't be more familiar, and was punched out with fists.

Of course, the average person cannot cause such a wound, and must be an extremely powerful master, at least to reach the level of inner strength.

Ye Tian wanted to explode, to avenge Xueyu, and to kill the murderer, but he knew that it was not the time to take things easy, and it was the first priority to rescue his mother.

"Hoo!" He breathed a long breath and stabilized his mind.

The palm of his right hand is facing upwards, the index finger of his left hand is used as a knife, and he strokes lightly, accompanied by a howling sound like a steel collision, a wound appears, and golden blood flows out, glittering and shiny.

Although, a random drop of blood has magical power, which is comparable to a big medicine, but it is not enough for him. What he wants is the five elements chaos blood essence, the purest blood origin.

The blood in his body was surging, the palm power was surging, and within a short time, five drops of crystal-clear chaotic blood essence were condensed out, like golden diamonds, with a bright stream, fragrant and fragrant, and the whole hall shining brightly.

From the outside, the hall is even more amazing. It is full of bright colors, every tile is glowing, it seems that there is a peerless spiritual treasure to be born.


Outside the gate, the King of Corpses Jin sighed softly. He knew that Ye Tian was consuming gold and blood again, and there were many.

This is a self-harmful behavior. After all, the source of blood is the source of life. Once consumed too much, the body will be traumatized, and it will take a long time to make up for it. And once the road injury is left, it is almost at the Juxian Road, and it will be more difficult if you want to recover.

The two gods like Suzaku and Baihu are born like starving dead ghosts, one is at the door, the other is hovering in the air, greedily devouring the power of chaotic blood essence overflowing. This is a great medicine, which is extremely beneficial to their growth.

Inside the room, five drops and five elements of chaotic blood essence condensed, Ye Tian's entire person instantly became much older, and the original black hair became gray, as if Shou Yuan had been passing on him for decades.

After all, he just spent three drops of Chaos Blood Serum, but he hasn't fully replenished it, and overdrawn five drops. He can't bear the **** man!

"Well, after all, my chaotic golden body is only Xiaocheng. The five elements of chaos blood essence only have the power of reincarnation. The power of resurrection is only just beginning to emerge. It is far from enough to get my mother back from dying state."

"But anyway, fortunately, I have a piece of Otaki spirit vine, a pile of earth spirit milk, both of which have the power to regenerate. However, the power of these two resurgence only has an effect on the plants, allowing the dead wood to spring, and the dead grass to germinate The effect on people is not obvious. "

"So, I'm going to combine them with my five-element chaos blood essence, in the form of a rune."

"This type of rune, with its name created by a magic rune, has the power to bring death back to life, and it can give birth to death."


A section of Ogi spirit rattan, a pile of earth spiritual milk, after refining it into ample Ogi reiki and earth mother gas. This is enough to make a desert into a pure land, but it is easily absorbed by five drops of five elements of chaotic blood essence.

Chaos blood essence became more dazzling, crystal clear, emitting thousands of golden lights, as if five little suns, the surging energy of surging.


Ye Tian took another deep breath, using his finger as a pen and chaotic blood essence as his ink. His mental strength was highly concentrated, and he took the dragon and snake in the void. Each of his paintings is meticulous, resonates with the heavens and the earth, and flows out of the rhyme.

It seems that such god-level runes that can bring death back to life and create runes must at least have Jin Dan to draw them. Ye Tian has the experience of immortal cultivation in the previous life, and now it is difficult to paint. At the beginning, his pen tip was very sharp, and he gradually became heavy, as if the void had solidified into an iron plate, and his fingertips were deeply trapped in the mud and held.

This is the obstruction of heaven, because his behavior is stealing heaven!

If he doesn't give up, he may even descend into the sky, with serious consequences.

"Ah!" He growled, struggled, and never gave up.

Even when the calamity came to earth, he was not afraid.

Outside the house, Zhao Tianlong didn't know when he came, it should have been notified by King Jinjia.

Later, Meng Yao returned, but after a short while, he left again. When she returned, there were two more people around, Ning Xiaoyu and Ning Haifeng.

Ye Tian asked Meng Yao to invite the father and daughter of Ning's family. At first, they didn't want them to worry, and second, they worried that they were not safe outside.

When you step into the small world of enchantment, you can imagine how shocked the father and daughter were.

"Where is this? Wonderland?" Ning Haifeng opened his mouth in surprise.

"Meng Yao, have you and my brother always lived here? There is such a good place, why not tell me earlier?" Ning Xiaoyu complained.

The visual impact is too great, it is completely two different worlds.

Outside it was a dark night, and the enchanted world was still bright. That is the thunder pool glowing, comparable to 10,000 top-level night pearls ~ ~, which shines the small world like daylight, and the light is extremely soft.

The sea of ​​flowers is gorgeous, full of aura, full of sunshine, there are finches flying in the sky, and white tigers are walking among the sea of ​​flowers. This is not a fairyland, what is a fairyland?

"Meng Yao, you and my elder brother are here, no, no ...? Is my elder brother hiding in Jinwu?" Ning Xiaoyu gave full play to his imagination.

"Xiaoyu, what are you talking about?"

"Relax, if you and my brother really have something, I won't object. But on the premise, my mother must have nothing to do."

Su Mengyao is speechless.

A group of people waited outside the hall until the outside world dawned.


Suddenly, an amazing vision came. Above the sky, there were thousands of Ruicai and thousands of rays of light, falling down, penetrating the enchantment of the small world, piercing the roof of the hall, and falling onto a golden rune.

The magical rune of fortune finally became, blooming with brilliance, imprinting the void, countless Taoist patterns looming, and the rhyme of the Taos was very different.

The vision of the day and the earth was motivated by the runes.

"The runes are complete, all diseases are gone, and the soul is back!"

Ye Tian pinched the method, the fortune-making rune suddenly disintegrated, turned into a fluffy light rain, soft and gorgeous, fell on Gu Xiaoman's body, and disappeared into the body.

As you can see, the large blood hole in the bowl at the chest, after merging with the light rain, heals at a speed visible to the naked eye. The almost broken three souls and seven souls reunited under the light rain.

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