Before he left, Qin Yongchang let Ye Tian carefully fight invincible. Ye Tian killed his apprentice, he will not give up, there will be a fierce battle between the two.

Qin Yongchang and Zhan Wudi are from the same age. They have heard of their names for a long time, and they are like Lei Guaner.

As for Chu Wenhao, the Chu family ’s son, went to Nanyang today to fight the invincible mountain to deal with Ye Tian. In this matter, Qin Yongchang did not say that he wanted to leave himself a back road. Because he didn't think Ye Tian would be an invincible opponent of the old masters. Once they were defeated, the Qin family would still rely on the Chu family.

In short, the Chu family can only pay well, not offend.

Of course, if Ye Tian can defeat the invincible, then it is best, relying on Ye Tian's might, their Qin family will soar into the sky.

Not long after Master Qin left, a guest from Villa 8 came again, and Tian Xue's big jeweler Su Xuehai. He brought two juniors, Xue Zihao and Su Yuheng.

They were invited by Ye Tian by phone.

Of course, Ye Tian only invited Su Xuehai and Xue Zihao to the two. Su Yuheng even dared to come, Ye Tian did not expect. The last meeting between the two was Fairview Villa, Qinghan's birthday banquet, Su Yuheng fought for the fault, but was stabbed by Ye Tianlian, and finally even stunned and killed by Lin Yu, a child of the family.

Xi Su Yuheng was reluctant to come here today, his father Su Xuehai forced him to apologize to Ye Tian, ​​because he had offended Ye Tian twice.

At Ye Tian's current level, Su Yuheng is a jumping beam clown to him.

Su Yuheng, after understanding Ye Tian's power, also felt remorse and should not offend this great god. In fact, the last time he was kicked and killed by Lin Yu for a half, he was much more honest, and never again the arrogance and arrogance of the past.

Now he really apologizes sincerely, Ye Tian forgave him.

Su Suhai held an aluminum alloy code box in her hand, and the treasure inside was worthless.

"Mr. Ye, all you have to do is here, I wonder if you are still satisfied?"

Su Suhai opened the code box, and saw that there were many emerald ornaments, including bracelets, bracelets, necklaces ...

Jade uses all the top grade jade, or glass kind of emerald green, or glass kind of royal purple, marked by the king's scraps, and a big thumb can be worth hundreds of millions.

What Ye Tian wants, Su ’s jewellery is made with heart. It is dozens of times more delicate than the hand-polished bracelet that Ye Tian gave to Qing Han. Each piece is impeccable. Perfect artwork.

"Yes, yes, Su always bothered." Ye Tian was very satisfied.

He will go to school this afternoon. Qing Han and his sister Ning Xiao Yu will share one each, and the rest will be left to his mother. These three are the most important women in his life.

He promised to send his sister an emerald bracelet, and his promise was finally fulfilled.

"Mr. Ye, my hand ..." Xue Zihao said and stopped, crying without tears.

In just three months, he was almost skinny, and he was completely different from the former confident and cheerful Dr. Xue.

的 His arms were severed, the wound was not fully healed, and he was wrapped in gauze. From the position wrapped by gauze, he did not cut his forearm near his wrist.

How important both hands are to a person. Without them, Dr. Xue is completely decadent, so skinny. He even tried to commit suicide, but he was stopped in time.

"Mr. Ye, do you really have a way to make my cousin's hands grow again?" Su Yuheng asked expectantly.

On the previous phone call, Ye Tian just said that maybe, probably, maybe, Xue Xuehao was reborn with no limbs.

But Su Xuehai shook her head, her face was bitter, she couldn't believe Ye Tian could do it. Although he believed that Ye Tian was a powerful man, he believed more in science. Man is not a frog. It is completely impossible to regenerate a broken limb. This is the law of nature. The will of the world cannot be rebelled.

He was brought to Myanmar by his nephew, and the nephew went to the bank to pick up the jadeite. He could be said to have stopped him for him. What's more, he meant handcuffs.

之后 After this incident, he was extremely blame, and whenever he thought about it, he was extremely conscious.

"It's impossible," Ye Tian said. "Untie the gauze first, let me look at the wound."

"Come on!" Su Yuheng said.

I don't know why, but his old bean didn't believe Ye Tian, ​​but he had some trust.

Suntaly untied the gauze from his cousin's wound, and saw that the wound of the severed limb was almost completely healed, but still shocked. In the middle of the wound, the tender granulation did not develop a strong epidermis and was still bleeding.

Xie Zihao couldn't help his tooth decay. His teeth were rattling. Compared with the pain in his body, his heart hurt even more. He didn't have the courage to look at the wound. Every time, he couldn't help but want to find a stone and hit him.

"Bleeding, wrap it up quickly." Su Xuehai anxiously, looking serious, facial muscles are convulsing, I am afraid I am blame again.

"Anyway!" Ye Tian's face was dull.

His palm was flipped, and the Otsuki scepter was held in his hand, urging a green awn. When this green awn was integrated into the wound of the limb, not only the blood and water no longer flowed, but the wound was healing at a rate visible to the naked eye. epidermis. As a party, Xue Zihao's pain is also disappearing, and the originally decadent people suddenly have spiritual vitality.


Both Master Su Xuehai was shocked.

Is this the magic of legend?

"Keep quiet, or go out!" Ye Tian said to the pair.

They wanted to ask what the situation was. Ye Tian said so, and they all kept quiet. But the trust in Ye Tian added a little more.

This is a god-like method. Maybe a miracle will happen, which can regenerate the broken limb.

Otoki Reiki has strong hair growth and healing effects, but it is not omnipotent. It can heal Xue Zihao's broken limb wounds, but he cannot regenerate the broken limbs.

Xi Xiegu Dan Yetian refined a total of two capsules. In order to make the effect of elixir better, he also contributed two drops of essence blood in addition to his chaotic golden blood.

The essence of blood is the essence of blood, the essence of innate, the essence of life, the purest.

Essential blood has a medicinal effect. Burning the essence of a monk is equivalent to burning vitality. It is like fighting chicken blood, which can increase the combat effectiveness. The blood was exhausted, and vitality came to an end.

Xie Yetian's chaotic golden body niche, chaotic golden blood alone is comparable to the life essence of many powerful monks, and the effectiveness of chaos essence is comparable to that of magic medicine.

Because of adding two drops of chaos essence blood from Ye Tian, ​​the grade of Xinggu Dan has reached the top grade of Lingdan, which is even higher than Dapei Yuandan.

Ye Youtian helped refining without worrying about Xue Zihao's strong body caused by the strong medicinal power of Xinggu Dan.

The first grain of bone-supplying bone was refined in only three hours, and the medicine was concentrated on the left hand.

Both Su Xuehai and Su Yuheng's eyes were straight ~ ~ I saw Xue Zihao's broken arm first bulging a small meat bag, like a cocoon rebirth, a small tender hand grew out of the small meat bag , Then the small hand grows into a large hand, crystal clear, like a jade hand.

There was no suspense, and Xue Zihao's right hand was created by the second bone-container.

This is divine!

Ye Tian is a man of God!

The three members of the Su family reverently respected Ye Tianshan and were in awe as gods.

Speaking of which, Xue Zihao's physical changes are more than two hands. The excess medicine of Xuangu Dan nourishes his internal organs and his entire body. His whole body is now more than the physical master who is practicing. I saw that his skinny body had become stronger, like copper and iron, and looked like a golden body. His hands were as brilliant as jade, seemingly delicate, and the big stone could split with one punch.

Can it be compared to the chaotic golden blood of the holy medicine, and the chaotic essence of the divine medicine?

Qi Su Yuheng looked a little jealous, and he could not help but cut his arms and let Ye Tianlai continue to give him more bones.

"Master Ye, Da En Dade ca n’t afford to pay back, otherwise you take me as an apprentice, and then teach me a few skills, I'll be your younger brother?" Xue Zihao laughed. He now has a barbarian body, but he won't do any work, which is a big waste.


Uh ...

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