Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 280: Hello teacher

Seeing the real person without boundaries, Ning Xiaoyu couldn't help but worry about his brother. This infinite real person is famous in Tianhai City, and even has the title of living deity. It is said that the technique can reach the sky, and on the rivers and lakes, it is said that there is a stone in the north and a boundless child in the south. If the real person of Wuji hands on his brother, his brother is likely to be beaten badly.

"Brother, should we run away?" Ning Xiaoyu pulled La Yetian's arm, nervous.

"Why run?" Ye Tian chuckled.

"This person is the master of Panlong Guan. He is a real person without boundaries. I am very worried. I am afraid he will attack you." Ning Xiaoyu said seriously. The real person without boundaries is a celebrity in Tianhai City, and she can easily recognize it.

"Oh, how good is it?"

"Well, I can't say clearly. In short, it is very powerful, just like a fairy."

"Immortal? Oh, are you too high of him? He called me a teacher. If he is an immortal, then I must not be the emperor of jade?"

Ning Xiaoyu was speechless and said: "Brother, don't talk nonsense. You don't want to run away, just be honest. The real person without boundaries may be generous and not bother you. After all, his apprentice was beaten to death by the three-eyed imp It hurts. Speaking of it, you saved his two apprentices. "

Ye Tian shook his head, not answering.

Su Mengyao is also nervous. She raises little ghosts, which is intolerable to the right path. Now that there is no real person coming to the end, she will surely catch her on the mountain and ask her for her sin.

The real person from boundlessness rushed forward, and when he came to the field, he ran away, and walked over to Ye Tian. He passed by the apprentice Wu Hai's body first, and only glanced down, his expression didn't see much touch, and his feet kept pace.

"Smelly boy, my master is here, and you are dead." Zhou Yuan turned to Ye Tian and said a ruthless thing. The man suddenly stood up, greeted the master, and shouted, "Master."

However, Real Life Without Borders didn't seem to see him as an apprentice. When passing by, he not only kept walking, but didn't even look at him.

The crowd was stunned, and Zhou Yuan was crying, sad. Bai shouted Master, and the apprentice was beaten so miserably without comfort.


Immediately afterwards, Shen Hao greeted Master Wu Realm, who was also ignored.

"Oops, this old man came for my brother, he must be hitting my brother." Ning Xiaoyu was nervous. For all her courage, her feet moved and her body stood in front of her brother. She felt that she was a girl, and the Realm of Realm would definitely not do anything to her, and even she was ready to reason with Realm of Realm.

"Well, you?" Ye Tian smiled bitterly, and there was no way to take this sister.

I saw the real person walking across the bounds, walking faster and faster, and his hands moved.

Ning Xiaoyu looked so scared and shouted boldly, "What are you going to do? You, you, you are a real person, compassionate, and can't just hit anyone casually."

However, she didn't expect her voice to fall, and I saw the real person suddenly knowing that she suddenly arched her hands and lowered her waist.

"Ah, this ..." Ning Xiaoyu was instantly aggressive. When she saw the real person starting without bounds, she thought that she was going to attack someone, but she did not expect to be saluting, and it was a very respectful gift.

Her little head was short-circuited for a while, thinking that the real person was bound to salute her, and the teacher shouted at her, for a while it was inexplicable. It wasn't until Su Mingyao, the girlfriend, pulled her away from her brother Ye Tian that she returned to God. It turned out that the real person from the end of the world salutes his brother, and the teacher called his brother.

At this time, Ye Tian was "opening a small difference", as if he hadn't seen a real person without bounds, looking up at the night sky in the southwest direction. In that direction, his keen sense of consciousness felt that a strong murderous force was approaching quickly.

"Zhengzhuer finally can't bear to shoot." Ye Tian said in his heart, a sneer full of sneer flashed in the corner of his mouth.

At this time, the real person bending over and saluting hadn't got up yet. It seemed that Ye Tian didn't answer and he would keep bending down.

One second, two seconds, and a few seconds passed. Ye Tian finally looked away and saw the real person who salutes without boundaries. Then he said casually: "Huh."

The real person without boundaries is as amnesty as before, and then he straightens up, but his face is not unpleasant, and he is still very respectful.

At this time, everyone in the audience was still pushing, dead silent, can't believe the scene that just happened. In particular, the two apprentices of Real Life Without Borders almost destroyed in three views, thinking that this was an illusion.

The real person without boundaries in Tianhai City is a fairy-like person who can sit on an equal footing with the head of a city. Does he even call Teacher Ye Tian any more absurd than this?

No one can believe it, but they have to believe it.

Just now Ye Tian said that the real person from the end of the world would call him a teacher and perform discipleship. Everyone despised it, and now I know he is not bragging.

"Master, are you a brain ...?" Zhou Yuanyi was born with no love, and wanted to ask if his head was amused and short-circuited, but he finally dared not say.

Shen Hao took a breath, and he was much smoother than his younger brother. Although there were countless doubts in his heart, he would not ask them silly now.

"Xiao Yu, who is your elder brother? Why would a real person call him his teacher?" Su Mengyao couldn't help asking Ning Xiaoyu. Even Sun Junhao put his head together and looked very interested.

"My elder brother he ..., hey, you ask me, who do I ask?" Ning Xiaoyu muttered. She thought she knew her brother, but he was surprised by her again and again. She made a faint decision in her heart, and she must press her brother, and ask him what secrets he did not tell her.

"Teacher ~ ~ Have you two bad guys provoked you?" The real person from the boundless world asked Ye Tian.

"It's not worth mentioning the argument." Ye Tian was very angry and did not have the general knowledge of the two Taoist priests. He asked, "Have you broken through the mystery?"

The real person without boundaries glanced at the two apprentices first, and seemed to blame them for invoking Ye Tian, ​​and then smiled and said to Ye Tian: "Thanks to the teacher's elixir, the disciples have broken through the mystery, and these two days are being consolidated realm."

The three of Ning Xiaoyu heard a cloud of fog and didn't understand what Dongyuan was, but Shen Hao and Brother Zhou Yuan were astonished. Then they knew that Master broke through the mystery was thanks to Ye Tian. What kind of elixir did Ye Tian give?

However, with just one piece of elixir, Master would not call Teacher Ye Tian.

Shen Hao and Zhou Yuan couldn't figure it out. They never dreamed that the real person without boundaries knew Ye Tian teacher under the carrot and stick of Ye Tian, ​​and signed a spiritual contract with Ye Tian.

"Breakthrough is just fine." Ye Tian looked very relieved. He looked up and didn't look at the sky. The murderous force was getting stronger and stronger, and the enemy was almost there.

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