Rebirth Of The Noble Mage Behind The Scenes

Chapter 225 The Powerful Spark Organization

‘The evil [Xinghuo] rebels attacked Jiyun City, and the eastern part of the Black Dragon Kingdom is seriously threatened! '

'[Xinghuo] The rebel organization went deep into the heart of the Federation, and the thousand-year-old city of Xisa was burning in the flames of war! '

‘[Xinghuo] The rebel army broke through the Green Curtain King City, and the seventh princess fled abroad! '

‘The [Spark] Legion arrived at the capital of King Bran, the whereabouts of the ninth-rank defenders were unknown, and all the ministers of the Bran XV Association surrendered! '


Looking at the 'shocking' news in the newspaper, Anweis, who had been paying attention to it all the time, was speechless.

Although the scale of Xinghuo's operation this time is indeed not small, if it is said that they can fight against multiple large and medium-sized kingdoms with ninth-level existence at the same time, and even win, it would be a bit too flattering for them.

Leo, the leader of the Starfire organization, probably doesn't even know that his Starfire organization is so strong.

In fact, Anvis has seen a similar situation before, but the protagonist at that time was not Spark, but the Circle of Truth.

An illegal incident happened, as long as no one stood up and publicly admitted that he did it, then the real culprit behind the scenes must be the villain leader Circle of Truth!

The palace was raided by a mysterious existence? The circle of truth must have done it!

The assassination of a nobleman who has touched the interests of many people? It is definitely instigated by the circle of truth!

Valuables stolen? People who must have a circle of truth temporarily change jobs to thieves!

Dozens of beasts in the farmhouse are mysteriously pregnant? Or the Circle of Truth did it secretly overnight!

Everyone knows that and so on, and the current situation is similar, but because the heat of the circle of truth has been suppressed, the name of the circle of truth in the rumors has been replaced by Xinghuo.

At the same time, thanks to the "tiger skin" that can be borrowed by the Spark Organization at will, the three major kingdoms of the Federation, the Glory Alliance and other large forces that had long been ambitious have come to an end in secret.

As the general attack of the [Spark] organization began, the elite legions of various countries directly found their own internal support in the Starfire organization, and then erected the flag of the [Spark] organization, and grandiosely attacked the nearby small and medium-sized kingdoms that had long been optimistic about the territory.

As for whether it will be exposed? Nobody cares about that now.

I am a very talented person, and I have a relatively strong ability to recruit subordinates. I easily instigated the kingdom's elite army to bring their own ordnance and supplies, and the whole organization joined the rebel army. Can you control it?

As for you saying that I look like Captain Wang? Don't spout blood! Watching the army behind me,

Look at the sword in my hand again, and reorganize your language!

Thanks to these people, the Xinghuo Organization quickly occupied half of the Federation within a month. The Xinghuo Commander Leo did nothing, and the power he held in name exceeded that of the Federation Speaker.

During this process, a middle-level leader named Langton in the Starfire Organization took the opportunity to apply for the task of taking down the Black Feather Kingdom.

Then, relying on the power of the Spark organization, Langton successfully captured the Black Feather King City, and snatched back Princess Paola and half of the "Book of Yellows" from Prince Altmer.

The reason why it is half a book is because the strength of the book itself is unexpectedly low. At the last moment, due to the inadvertent exertion of strength during the scramble and tear, the two who were caught off guard were instantly torn in half.

Then, with the second half of "The Book of Yellow Clothes", Prince Altmer escaped through the long-distance teleportation scroll, and his whereabouts are unknown.

Although he failed to do his best, Langton was also very happy, because he finally rescued Princess Paola from the clutches of the prince.

As for whether anything happened to Princess Paola and Prince Altmer during this period, it is usually not described in the biographies of heroes, so nothing happened.

Anweis did not intervene in the little war between these two people, after all, both parties in the plot had something to do with him.

And after "Book of Yellow Clothes" was divided into two, Anweis also went to observe them secretly.

The old secret scriptures are quiet like ordinary books around them, which shows that their power has not been damaged.

At the same time, there is a great coincidence between the two books.

The place where the "Book of Yellow Clothes" is divided into two is exactly between the thirteenth and fourteenth pages, that is, the page that carries the suspected consciousness of Gloria III.

At present, although they are separated, both books have that blank page.

However, the half of the book in Langton's hands had blank pages at the end, while the half of the book in Prince Altmer's hands had blank pages on the front page of the book.

The two people who didn't know each other about this were secretly glad that the page of the book relying on Gloria III's consciousness had fallen into their own hands by accident.

At the same time, according to Anvis's observations, Prince Altmer's fate has been upgraded again, and now he has officially upgraded to the level of Langton's old enemy.

Regarding this change, Anweis vaguely saw the shadow of the high-level prophet who had been defeated by his subordinates, the hermit.

Essentially speaking, Prince Altmer was able to come to this point, instead of being brought down by Langton as a villain when he met, it was all because of the interference of Anvis and the hermit.

Speaking of the hermit, this guy has been fishing every day since he used to be named by the man in the mirror, or he is taking advantage of the opportunity in his name, and he is living a very happy life. Anweis even wonders if he was I was infected with the fishing virus.

At the same time, amidst the chaos of war outside the Federation, the Silver Frost Kingdom where Anvis resided was also unavoidably affected by the flames of war.

However, due to the secret care of the Glory Alliance, under the management of the Thirteenth Prince, Frost Lake City stubbornly resisted several attacks by the "Spark Organization".

At the same time, under the catalysis of the war, Frost Lake City's own armaments are also rapidly expanding.

After all, it is "emergency to follow the power", so the private army currently owned by His Royal Highness has exceeded the maximum number of city guards by more than ten times, and is even equipped with a large number of mid-level and high-level armors that are strictly controlled by the kingdom.

Even during the war, the Thirteenth Prince led the army to 'recover' some nearby cities that had been 'captured' by the Spark organization.

Although some city owners strongly denied that they had anything to do with the Xinghuo organization, no one would listen to the dead man's defense after all.

Taking advantage of this great opportunity, the ambition of the Thirteenth Prince was also revealed.

As for Anvis, who had already gained the trust of the prince, he just nestled peacefully in the tower of elements, conducting his own research.

Thanks to the two players, Anvis has a better understanding of the power of original sin.

At the same time, the people from the White Light Club approached him again, hoping to allow more players to obtain this transformation.

In just one month of game time, the level of the two of them rose to more than fifty levels like a rocket.

This is because there is an upper limit for their bodies to withstand the power of original sin in a short period of time. If they absorb too much, their bodies will dissimilate uncontrollably.

But in any case, this kind of profession is almost unique to players. In the current major version of war as the main theme, any club that gets a large number of original sin apostles can lay the foundation for its own rise.

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