Rebirth Of The Noble Mage Behind The Scenes

Chapter 71 Differences in Philosophy

"Starting to break down?"

Outside, the priest stared at the space channel that began to tremble violently, with neither happy nor sad expression.

This result was not beyond his expectations, and next, he needed to find out the key of the apocalypse that was about to fall into the city in the shortest possible time. Then use it as a guide to lead the return of the Lord.

The search requires a lot of manpower, but because he needed to destroy the core secret realm as soon as possible, he filled in all the Atheros, and now he can only arrange for the production nest below to urgently manufacture a new batch.

After all, the Glorious Secret Realm is different from the outside world. In order to avoid being seen through by the ninth-level extreme powerhouse to the greatest extent, he was the only one who entered the secret realm alone at first, and then relied on the lair and summoning rituals to develop many dependents and Faceless Cultists.

He must successfully complete the induction ceremony before the support of many ninth-order extreme powerhouses from the outside world arrives. This is a race against time.

After sensing the breakthrough situation of the people at the bottom, he realized that it was still far away from here, so the priest temporarily stopped paying attention.

At this time, a turbulent flow of space finally rushed out from the exit of the original space passage, and hit the protective cover that the priest had already arranged.

The priest glanced at it, and stopped paying attention. Instead, his consciousness was connected to the unfinished secret ritual in the city, and he was ready to wait for the drop after the destruction of the secret realm.

It's just the aftermath of the collapse of the secret realm. With his strength, he must be able to easily resist it...


A strong sense of crisis suddenly pulled the priest's consciousness back to his body.

He instinctively raised his hand instantly, injecting some of the remaining divine power in his body into the defensive barrier. In the next moment, the almost endless turbulence of the terrifying space directly engulfed the priests and the altar.

Although it is only necessary to resist the strongest impact of the first wave in the past, why is this wave endless?

Difficult to resist the spatial turbulence that was far stronger than expected, the priest no longer considered the problem of falling, but used all his strength to maintain the stability of the defensive barrier to prevent himself and the altar from being torn apart by the violent spatial turbulence.


While the priest was working hard to protect the altar, Anweis, who had overshadowed the priest, was guiding the last generation of dragon descendants to use the live broadcast camera.

When the live broadcast function was initially updated, the live broadcast camera and the anchor himself could be separated by a distance of about half a meter, and since the lens has no entity, it can pass through walls.

According to the development of the previous life, the game official should fix the effect that the camera can freely pass through the wall in the subsequent update, but it has not been fixed yet.

Under normal circumstances, this distance is actually useless, but now, the thickness of the walls of the safety cabin is far less than half a meter, and the elf controls the camera to poke out, and can directly broadcast the scene when the world collapses.

Although only live images can be rebroadcasted, this is also incredibly valuable information.

The relationship between the core secret realm and the glorious secret realm is actually similar to a small ball wrapped in a big ball, and when the small ball is pierced, the remnants of the explosion will naturally mix with the big ball.

Due to the fusion effect of time and space after the collapse of the secret realm, in the perception of everyone, the collapse of the secret realm is actually just an instant.

Then, as the off-white light lit up all over the body, the safety capsule appeared in the midair of the city ruins without warning, and smashed into a dilapidated house by the roadside with a muffled sound, smashing the whole house down in half .

"It's so exciting! Dragons and racks fight gangsters, this is a fantasy world!"

"Did you see the big scene where the whole sky shattered like a mirror on the host's side just now, I'm fucking blown!"

"Did you see clearly what the anchor went into that little black room to film?"

"I can't see clearly, but... the system reminds me that I have gained some experience points?!"

"My reminder is +50 proficiency in the space-time transformation department.


"I don't have any hints here, you can't be trustees, right?"

Gu Tao

Some players who watched the live broadcast of the Last Dragonborn were surprised because they suddenly gained some kind of benefit. Other players who didn't know the truth expressed their doubts. There was no lack of suspicion that someone was playing the rhythm, and the barrage in the live broadcast room flew up.

The last dragonborn himself could not see the reaction of the audience, but he could see the prompts on the system panel.

This is the result of his whim, trying to peek into the outside world with his magic eyes.

Not only the last dragonborn himself, after experiencing the process of the collapse of the secret realm at close range, everyone has gained a certain amount of gains, and their understanding of the shape of time and space has deepened.

Even Xiaye Yinghuo gained something. Although she couldn't see outside, Lorna instinctively ran out through the wall, and then condensed on the player girl again. It seemed that she had gained a lot.

Of course, it was Anvis who gained the most.

Due to the whim of being a prophet before, he added a variety of high-level recording devices to the safety cabin in advance, and he just recorded a lot of valuable research data at this moment.

This secret realm, which was built by the legendary powerhouse and can exist in other secret realms, has very important research value for him.

"The outside is already safe, we should have returned to the Glorious Secret Realm."

After checking the space-time state of the external environment, Anvis opened the door of the safe cabin, walked out, and carefully checked the status of the safe cabin.

There is a two-finger-deep twisted notch on the surface of Hengjin's cabin, and its fracture is as clean as a mirror. When Anvis carefully observes it, he can even see his own reflected hair very clearly.

The magic power of the shield module was almost completely exhausted, causing a piece of space debris to actually touch the cabin, and then it was offset by the protective circle with difficulty.

Afterwards, the cabin can be taken back and handed over to the mages under him for further inspection and research on how to improve it.

After receiving the signal from Anweis, everyone left the cabin one after another, and then Anweis put it away again.

Alanis deliberately took a step slower and fell last. She stared at Anweis' figure with complicated emotions.

The girl was sensitive to the specialness of Anweis. With the support of the family alone, Anweis's equipment would never be so luxurious.

Whether it's the alchemy armor on his body or the three weird dragons, it doesn't look like something provided by the family at all.

As the third daughter of the Duke of Carlot herself, even though she is now an adult, she only has one of the nine ranks of wonders in her hands, and it is an ornament privately bestowed by her father at the coming-of-age ceremony.

However, Anvis was able to release a ninth-level safety cabin casually. The gap was astonishingly large. He must have some kind of secret of his own.

She knew that her younger brother had always been obsessed with occultism and relics. Maybe she accidentally discovered the relics of a ninth-level powerhouse? Or found a part of the treasures of the city of the sky?

This is of course a good thing, but it also has a bad side.

"Anvis, with the help of foreign objects, we can gain powerful power in a short period of time. But the power that does not belong to us is not stable enough after all. Our own strength is the foundation of everything."

After hesitating for a moment, the blue-haired girl unconsciously stroked the hilt of her beloved sword, before finally deciding to speak.

She does not deny the role of high-level equipment, but if she relies too much on external objects, it is not in line with her philosophy of polishing herself.

Alanis didn't want Anweis to be too obsessed with the power of these foreign objects, which would lead to wasting the improvement of her own strength.

"I understand what you mean, sister."

Looking at the girl who looked at him seriously with ice blue eyes, Anweis nodded sincerely.

"However, the improvement of personal strength is limited and slow, and our current situation is very dangerous. Only by using the power of various external objects can we quickly strengthen ourselves."

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