Rebirth Of The Noble Mage Behind The Scenes

Chapter 11 What happened to the cat?

After taking the girl on a tour around the academy, Anweis manipulated the floating disc and parked it in the fountain square at the foot of the Pamir High Tower restaurant, preparing to share lunch with Fiona after a long absence.

The Tower Restaurant is one of the most high-rise buildings in the entire Pamir Academy. Its interior environment is beautiful and elegant, no less than the most high-end restaurants such as the Golden Dragon Restaurant and Gloria Royal Restaurant in the imperial capital.

Originally, this was the magic tower of the first headmaster. But after the second principal took office, it was changed into a restaurant, allowing all teachers and students to visit and eat freely.

Maybe it is a hint that he is too good.

According to gossip, the first headmaster was very dissatisfied when he learned of the situation afterwards. He once had a 'friendly exchange' with the second headmaster in private, and the location was chosen in the Endless Sea.

Whoever loses goes home and grows lettuce.

The result of the exchange between the two is unknown, but whether the High Tower Restaurant should be opened or not.

I even heard that the new headmaster was so happy that he offered a free and unlimited supply of broad-leaf lettuce for a whole year... ①

After consulting Fiona's opinion, the two did not enter the private room, but chose to dine on the suspended terrace at the top of the tower with a wide view.

There are not many people dining here, and they are basically senior students.

Since the tower terrace cannot expand the space and the table space is limited, it is also one of the most expensive areas, and it only supports credit payment.

It takes 50 credits to reserve a table, and except for those real elite old students, few people are willing to come here to eat.

However, since it was a long-lost reunion with his sister, Anweisi didn't care about the cost of credits.

While breathing the fresh and cool air in the sky, while admiring the beautiful scenery of the entire Pamir, Fiona happily inserted a piece of delicate elf matcha cake into her mouth, then narrowed her eyes comfortably, and licked her pink lips.

Smart and cute Miss Fiona is finally grown up! No longer need to be restrained by Mr. Butler! Great!

You have to be careful when eating in the castle, if you make a slight mistake, you will be pointed out by the housekeeper, which is meaningless!

The bright light white sunlight shone on the girl's side face, making her look extremely beautiful.

Beside Fiona, Kate sat on a high chair specially set up for it, with a plate of delicate cream desserts in front of her.

It is skillfully manipulating the magic power, cutting the creamy dessert, and sending it into the mouth piece by piece gracefully like a girl, without even a trace of cream sticking to the beard and the pink nose tip in the whole process.

Anweis' eyes were attracted to it unconsciously, and he didn't know how to describe the cat's eating gesture.

When Fiona was holding him, he couldn't see anything yet, but now...

He glanced at the girl who looked a little slack in her sitting posture because no one was restraining her.

I always feel that Kate's dining etiquette seems to be more perfect than its owner...

So, what happened to the cat?


"So, Fee, which house did you choose?"

Taking a sip of the star-flavored star-flavored fruit juice, Anvis looked back at Kate and looked at Fiona with a smile.

"Academy... eh? Just like you, I also chose the Mystery Academy!"

Swallowing the cake hard, Fiona raised her small face with a smile as if asking for credit.

"Mystery Academy?"

Anweis was slightly surprised, you didn't choose that way in the past.

"Phi...can I ask, why did you choose the mystical school?"

Regarding the girl's choice, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Brother, didn't you choose the mystery department?"

Mentioning this, Fiona immediately became excited, and after taking a sip of Moonshine Raspberry Juice, she expressed her own wisdom and judgment with great interest.

"Since you were young, Brother Anweisi, you can make the best choice every time.

So, when the mage grandfather of the college asked me which college I wanted to choose, I suddenly thought, as long as you choose the same college as your brother, you should be fine—"

Looking at the girl with a smug expression, as if saying 'I'm smart', Anvis took a deep breath, and the corners of his mouth twitched subtly.

He knew it would be like this...

Moreover, the reason why the girl chose the mystical school was because she was influenced by him.

He could already imagine that Duke Carlot looked at him with question marks in the crystal ball when he heard the news.

"So, Fei... In your mind, what does the mystic school do?"

"I'm not sure, but it's probably the school that studies ancient mysterious magic?"

Fiona shook her head.

"To be precise, it is to study and decipher those incomprehensible magics to make them understandable."

Anweis sighed lightly, and after taking a sip of the juice, he spoke in a faint tone.

"I chose the mystical school because there are certain things I need in the mysterious library."

"But for you, you don't have any purpose, you just follow me blindly.

Moreover, with your personality, I am afraid that it is difficult to be patient, sitting in the library all day looking up information, just to decipher some ancient text, right? "

At the end, Anweis looked at the girl with a hint of sympathy.

"So, congratulations, you have chosen a school for yourself that is almost meaningless, and it is also one of the most difficult schools in the entire Pamir."

Listening to Anweisi's little analysis, Fiona's expression gradually became dull.

"Then... what should I do?"

The little girl like white crystal finally panicked at this moment.

"Anvis! My dearest brother! You will definitely help me! Right?"

After realizing it, the girl immediately showed a pitiful gaze like a kitten, hoping to impress Anweis.

"Okay, my sister...then, this time, you have to think about which academy you plan to join, and just tell me within three days."

Nodding habitually, Anweis decided to help her in this matter.

Is there any way, from childhood to adulthood is not bad this time.

", can you give me some advice?"

Turning her big eyes, Fiona looked at Anvis, expecting to get some advice directly.

"You should learn to analyze and think by yourself, instead of trying to impress me, Fei, I can't help you make a decision every time."

Shaking his head speechlessly, the boy rejected the girl's further request.

"Hmph~ Forget it, the big deal is I'll do my own research."

The cheeks bulged slightly, and Fiona wrinkled her small nose slightly dissatisfied, which made Anweis want to pinch it.


However, even though he said so, Anweis actually knew it in his heart.

Although the girl has a lively and playful personality, and doesn't like studying and thinking, she does have the confidence.

Different from other professions, everything about a bloodline warlock depends only on the maturity of the bloodline.

Because of the legendary bloodline she carries, even if Fiona doesn't do anything, her strength will grow with her bloodline, and she will naturally become the ninth rank, or the top of the ninth rank.

For most ordinary professionals, the purpose of learning is to master more powerful spells and skills, and to improve their own strength more quickly.

But if the power and effect of the magic mastered through learning is not even as good as the spell-like spells that come with the blood, then learning naturally becomes less necessary compared to the energy required.

Even Anvis himself, if he hadn't had a strong interest in magic and learned of the crisis of destruction in the future, he would have become a salted fish long ago.

Anyway, if you spend a little more time lying down, you can go straight to the ninth level, so why bother to spend so much time on layout and shaping the character design, studying this and that all day long.

Touching the fish, paddling the water to feed the succubus, how nice it is to enjoy a good life like other ordinary noble children.

But there is nothing if, the threat of the future is always forcing him to speed up and speed up.

①: "From the lettuce farm of the first headmaster, Griffin Prost."

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