Rebirth of the Military Industrial Overlord

Chapter 238: The fourth serial strategy

Secretary Yuan’s hands on the phone were trembling non-stop. On the other side of the phone, Qi Daquan was reporting to him the grand opening of the Wenzhou exhibition area vividly. There was a surge of people, waving banknotes and orders. 'S hand, and the dazzling astronomical number...

No, this number is really wrong!

The gentleman, he roared into the microphone and questioned: "Qi Daquan, you gave me so many orders for aquatic products, what do you want me to take for delivery? You can make it clear to me, or you can get me off as soon as you get back. Go fishing in the sea! If you can't get enough goods for the order, you can just stay in the sea and don't go ashore!"

The head of Qi Da, who was on the opposite side of the phone, was elated and frothed to show his merits. He suddenly fell into the ice cave like a dormant day when he heard that he was shocked.

Secretary Yuan’s question brought him back to reality from the peak of excitement. Yes, he patronized the order and added the numbers. But can he catch so many fish with the few small broken ships in the fishery company’s family? If you can't catch a fish, then this beautiful number is just a flower in the mirror.

He quickly cast his help-seeking eyes to Zhao Quan, who was on the side, but Zhao Quan made a grimace at him, and then made a slap in the face of Tan Zhenhua, who was sitting on the side of his wandering objects.

Qi Daquan, as if he had found a great savior, shouted into the microphone: "Secretary Yuan, Director Zhao needs to report to you first if there is a situation. I will sort out my thoughts and report to you in ten minutes."

After all, regardless of whether the secretary agreed or not, he just put the microphone into Zhao Quan's hand, then rushed over and pulled Tan Zhenhua up from his seat, and then bowed and said: "Tan, Master Tan, you can Hurry up and give me an idea. Today’s misfortune is not easy. If I can’t figure out a way to hand in so many fish, the secretary will drive me into the sea to feed the fish!”

Tan Zhenhua held back a smile and joked: "Oh, it's feeding the fish, I thought I was going to fish."

Qi Daquan didn’t catch his breath and almost lost his breath, yelling: "Whatever he feeds and fishes, my little ancestor, when is this all the time, there is a way to help me quickly, otherwise my brother? Can't go on!"

Tan Zhenhua was so busy: "Why can't I catch so many fish? Is it because there are no fish in the sea?"

In Tan Zhenhua’s memory, the fishery resources in the waters surrounding China are still quite rich, that is, the overfishing that emerged after the 1990s destroyed the surrounding ecological environment and finally led to catastrophic results. As for now, hehe, for small money Let's sacrifice money for a while.

Director Qi was taken aback when he heard the words, thought for a while and replied: "How can there be no fish in the sea? We Wenzhou is an important producer of seafood in Zhejiang Province. Dongtou, Beiji, Nanji, and Yueqing Bay are well-known in the world. Common economic fish include yellow croaker, yellow croaker, hairtail, silver pomfret, etc., rare and precious fish include sturgeon, anchovy, yellow-lipped fish, grouper, etc., and other kinds of shrimps, crabs, shellfish, seaweed, kelp, etc. There are so many varieties, how can it be said that there is no fish?"

Tan Zhenhua gave a thumbs-up and praised: "Director Qi is worthy of being the leader in charge of the economy. He knows the specialty products of this city well. According to you, there are a lot of seafood in Wenzhou’s four major fishing grounds, so the problem is here. Since there are fish, why are you afraid of not being able to deliver the goods?"

Director Qi blushed after brushing the ground, and after a long time he replied: "There are fish in the sea, but we don't have so many fishing boats, and we don't have so many old fishermen."

Tan Zhenhua slapped: "No ship, build it! No one, look for it!"

Director Qi's face became even more red, and even his head drooped, defending with an almost invisible voice: "But those who want money."

Tan Zhenhua sneered coldly: "No money, borrow it. The money in the bank that President Lin manages is not just for the purpose of paying wages to those loss-making companies!"

As soon as he uttered these words, Director Qi's face suddenly seemed to have opened a dye shop, and the red, white and blue were constantly changing.

Qi Daquan is in charge of Wenzhou City's Economic and Trade Bureau, and he knows the city's economic development well.

Thanks to the vigorous development of various private small workshops, the city’s annual economic growth has exceeded 30% in the past two years, but under the surface of this prosperity, hidden worries have gradually emerged, and a large number of state-owned small and medium-sized enterprises are struggling to lose money. , The loss-making companies reflected in the statement alone have exceeded 30% of the total! In order to issue wages, these loss-making companies simply use banks as their own cash cows and cash machines!

Tan Zhenhua poked the general understanding of Wenzhou officialdom about banks. Yes, instead of letting banks continue to bear the heavy burden of loss-making companies, it is better to invest the bank's money in projects that can produce benefits. This is what it should be. The role played by the job, isn't it?

However, in this case, how many loss-making companies can still support the operation of banks with limited funds? Will this offend a large number of people? Will there be uncontrollable mass incidents?

Qi Daquan thought about it, gritted his teeth for a while, and looked sad for a while, but in the end, he finally made up his mind.

He nodded at Tan Zhenhua and said: "Zhenhua, you are fine!" Then he walked back to the phone, no matter what Zhao Quan was talking about, he grabbed the microphone and faced it. Bian Shensheng said: "Secretary Yuan, I have a way to hand over so many fish, even no matter how many fishes, but I must ask for your support, and the whole Wenzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government! On behalf of the Wenzhou Canton Fair exhibiting group, I promise that if the municipal party committee and government fully support us, we will increase the trading target of agricultural and sideline products of the exhibiting group to 10 million US dollars!"

Secretary Yuan, who finally put down the phone, felt that his whole body was trembling, was he excited? Is it excited? Is it joy? Maybe it was mixed with a little panic.

He stood up, walked to the large French window of the office, and pushed it open. In Wenzhou in April, it was warm and cold, and the evening breeze rushed in with hints of coolness, clearing his hot mind. He stood by the window for a while, forced himself to calm down from the enthusiasm just now, carefully weighed the pros and cons, and made a difficult decision.

Secretary Zhang was sorting files in the office, and the phone on the desk suddenly rang. Who else would call at this late hour? Could it be that Secretary Yuan has something to remind himself before get off work?

Speaking of which, Secretary Yuan is definitely a good secretary of the people. Since he took office, he has devoted himself to work and has a full schedule every day. People in their 50s don’t know how to cherish their bodies at all, Secretary Zhang Some feel distressed for him, of course, but also distressed for themselves.

As the secretary of the leader, how can he take a break if the leader is not off work? Secretary Zhang is rather lamented when he thinks that he needs to work more than ten hours a day.

He picked up the phone, and Secretary Yuan’s slightly tired but firm voice came from the microphone: “Xiao Zhang, you will arrange it now and inform all the members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and committee members in Wenzhou, and the leaders of various functional departments will come to me for a meeting. The enlarged meeting of the municipal party committee is scheduled to start at 10 pm."

Secretary Zhang was stunned, and subconsciously glanced at the Zhongshan watch on his wrist. Seeing that the needle was already pointing at 9 o'clock at that time, he couldn't help but blurt out and asked: "Secretary Yuan, it's so late..."

However, before he finished his voice, he listened to the tone on the microphone side to become severe in vain: "Xiao Zhang, the situation is very urgent. Don't ask anything. Hurry up and notify him. If someone asks you about the meeting, tell him. It is a major event that concerns the survival and development of Wenzhou!"

When Fu Lichang walked into the meeting room of the Municipal Party Committee, it was 5 minutes short of the notified meeting time. Finally caught up, he let out a long sigh.

He came from Liushi. As for why he didn't stay at home so late but was still soaking in Liushi... Then it was all tears.

After Shi Jinkuanjin cicada escaped and Zheng Xiangqing changed his body, Director Li cast all his anger on the remaining few, vowing to make the case of the "Eight Kings" an iron case, wishing a few phone calls a day to urge for inquiries.

Fu Lichang felt the pressure was great, so he had to stay in Liushi every day and take command, and checked the hapless ones. To put it more bluntly, even the embarrassment of who stolen the corn from the folks’ home when he was 8 years old, and who peeped at his neighbor’s aunt’s bathing when he was 10 years old, has been turned out. Fu Lichang felt that these things must be handled strictly. Among other things, those few goods who were sentenced to 10 years and 8 years for a hooligan crime are considered light...

Fu Lichang sat down next to President Lin, stabbed him, and asked in a low voice: "I said Lord Fortune, Secretary Yuan called the meeting so late, do you know what's urgent?"

President Lin shook his head slightly and said in a low voice: "I really don't know, just listened to Secretary Zhang said that it is a major matter for Wenzhou's survival and development."

Fu Lichang's heart is just playing drums, isn't it because there are new trends on it? The recent wind direction is really not good. He, the director of public security, should be trembling. Hey, it's not easy to be an official now.

Just as he sighed, the side door opened, and Secretary Yuan walked in calmly. He walked to the middle position but did not sit down as usual. Instead, he opened his mouth and said: "Call everyone so late. Here, it’s delayed everyone's rest. I'm sorry to say to you first."

Then, without waiting for the big guy to apologize, he said directly: "I call everyone here to tell you two news, one good news and one bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Seeing the faces of everyone in the audience, he paused and said, "The good news is that our participating group at the Canton Fair in Guangnan reported the results of the first day. We achieved unprecedented success. , The intentional order for agricultural and sideline products alone exceeded US$3 million, which has exceeded the total transaction volume of similar products in the previous session. Director Qi even made bold words to strive to achieve the highest transaction rate of US$10 million in agricultural and sideline products at this Canton Fair. recording!"

As soon as this statement came out, it fell into the crowd like a blockbuster, making a huge noise, and the meeting room was up and down, and all the faces burst into laughter. After all, they were preparing for work some time ago. Everyone has seen the cost and hard work. Now that we have made such a good start, everyone is proud of it.

A smile appeared on Secretary Yuan’s solemn face, but only for a moment. After everyone’s celebration, his face sank, his hands pressed down, and the meeting room suddenly became quiet. He looked around and slowly Open the mouth:

"Comrades, it is a good thing that we have made a good start, and it is even more good to be able to create more foreign exchange for the country. But, have you ever thought that how can we complete the orders that exceed our previous years by several times? Rely on our existing fishing grounds How many more fish can we get back from those small sampans? Just how many more catties of tea can we have on the acres of tea plantation? Our European citrus forest, our ten thousand zhang mustard planting base, rely solely on the existing What kind of scale can meet the demand?"

Looking at the thoughtful expressions of the audience, Secretary Yuan continued: "What we are facing now is a huge amount of international orders, and what we can earn is the country's extremely scarce foreign exchange, which is urgently needed for our country's economic construction. Yes, we can't let go of a single cent. If our own problems cause the loss of orders, we are the sinners of Wenzhou City, the sinners of Zhehai Province, the sinners of the country! This is the bad news I want to say!"

The "buzzing" discussion in the audience suddenly rang, and Secretary Yuan waved his hand to stop the noise, and continued: "I called you so late tonight. I just want to brainstorm and come up with a way to satisfy such a large order. Everyone, don’t have any scruples, speak freely, which one’s solution finally solved the problem, my old Yuan personally went to the province and went to the central government to give him credit!"

The enlarged meeting of the Wenzhou Municipal Party Committee held on the night of April 15, 1982 did not come to an end until 5 a.m. the next day. The meeting clarified a series of measures and measures to be taken next.

What everyone who participated in the meeting did not expect was that this meeting, which was originally just to solve a temporary difficulty, left such a strong and colorful stroke in the history of Huaxia’s reform. It broke through the shadows. The layers of veil in front of people at that time clearly showed a corner of the bright road before the eyes of the caring people.

The long-sleeping dragon of Huaxia finally opened its dim eyes, took a staggering step, and took a solid step towards the journey of great rejuvenation.

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