Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 691: : Ironthorn

"The king of the county is mighty! The king of the county is invincible! We, under the guidance and guidance of the king of the king, will calm down everything!"

Many strong men of the dark race have sworn allegiance.

"Ji Jie, Jie Jie, kill, kill! Let's kill the sky!"

The man in the red cape waved coldly.

"We obey!"

A group of powerful people of dark races, rubbing their fists, eager to try.


On the other side, Nantian's Taigu spacecraft is shuttled inside the space wormhole.

Time passed day by day, and as I watched, I was getting closer and closer to the main star of Dry Mountain.

Suddenly, the cabin of the Taigu spacecraft issued a sudden "Didi" alarm.

"what happened?"

Nan Tian was full of coldness.

On the large screen in the main control cabin of the Taigu spacecraft, a line of captions was displayed: "In the tunnel in front, space turbulence has occurred! Now, the entire tunnel is extremely unsafe. The danger index: five stars!"

"Spaceship, active defense system, start!"

"Ready to leave the wormhole!"

The Taigu spacecraft is an advanced S-class spacecraft, with an active defense system, very advanced, and advanced artificial intelligence assistance.

Space turbulence is very dangerous, especially in a wormhole, even more so, if you are not careful, you will always crash into the tunnel.

Facing such a dangerous situation, Taigu chose first and left the wormhole.

However, turbulence has already occurred, and the space tunnel has been twisted and disordered.

Soon, Dididi!

The alarm sound continues.

Artificial voice came from Taigu.

"Pay attention to passengers in the cabin, immediately enter the sleeping bed in the protection cabin."

"Just now, the spacecraft tried to jump out of the space tunnel and was blocked by turbulence, and the left wing of the spacecraft was partially damaged."

"The danger index is increased to: six stars!"

The Taigu spacecraft issued a series of voice broadcasts.

A dozen sleeping beds are built into the protection cabin of the Taigu spacecraft.

The sleeping bed can make people fall asleep safely, and once entered, there will be a special protective glass cover that will cover the person for special protection.

Sleepers can also survive by going to sleep.

Until the spaceship escaped from the trap, the sleeper was awakened by the artificial intelligence system inside the spaceship, or the spaceship was destroyed, but the sleep bed was intact and was awakened by the rescuers.

"Fuck! The turbulent space in the wormhole, a rare event in a hundred years, actually made me encounter it!"

Nan Tian took a sip.

Space turbulence occurs and the surrounding space is distorted.

Nantian wanted to contact his realm of life, temporarily enter the realm of life to avoid it, there is no way to enter.

"Unfortunately, I am not a master of the Holy Land. The old turtle is still in the realm of life. Alas, it seems that I can only enter the sleeping bed first and avoid it."

Nantian had no choice but to help.

Inside the space tunnel is extremely dangerous. Once it leaves the spaceship, it will be broken up by the turbulent flow of space in an instant.

At this moment, there may be only a chance to enter the sleeping bed.


At this time, the Taigu spacecraft suddenly violently swayed.

For some reason, the spacecraft Taigu began to swing from left to right and up and down, shaking.

"Is it the balancer that has failed. Damn, the spacecraft has lost its balance?"

There was a hint of bad guess in Nantian's heart.

Although Nantian didn't learn much mechanical knowledge, he also knew roughly that once the spacecraft lost its balance and was still flying in the space tunnel, it was extremely dangerous.

And, the space tunnel is one foot and one space, one foot and one light year!

When the spacecraft deviated slightly from the course and course, it didn't know that it was sent there.

Sure enough, there was another voice broadcast in the spacecraft cabin: "The right wing of the spacecraft was hit by an unknown object and has been damaged. The balancer has been damaged."

"According to the calculation of the light brain, the danger index is increased to: seven stars!"

"The spacecraft Taigu will be directed to the target: the main star of the dry mountain, and will launch the last emergency response measures. The spacecraft will start a random super-shuttle function to temporarily resist space turbulence."

"Countdown: 10 seconds! All passengers are asked to enter the sleeping cabin immediately. The super shuttle function will cause an irreparable strain on the passengers' body and body. Please enter the sleeping bed immediately. There are special devices in the sleeping bed to protect Passenger safety! "

Risk Index: Seven stars!

This is already the highest danger index set by the Taigu spacecraft!

It's time to reach the critical moment of life and death.

Nan Tian did not dare to have any chance, hurriedly ran into the protection cabin, opened a sleeping bed, and lay in.


The outer protective cover of the sleeping bed, close!

At the same time, the countdown to the last ten seconds began.









"Super shuttle starts!" The spacecraft Taigu issued a "rumbling", resounding in the world.

Behind the spaceship, two rocket launchers erupted into a dazzling jet flame.

The speed of the Taigu spacecraft exceeded 1,000 times the speed of light at this moment!

The speed was so fast that the Taigu spacecraft briefly resisted the turbulence in space, rushed out of the space interlayer, broke the space tunnel, and flew to the unknown area.


The star of the dry mountain, the garrison of the Ironthorn, the fringe-Lawson ruins.

The Lawson ruins used to be a large city within the main star of a dry mountain, with a resident population of up to ten million.

However, since the invasion of the dark race, Lawson City was quickly destroyed and became the Lawson ruins.

The city of Lawson was destroyed, and the dark race continued.

Every dusk and night, there are always a lot of people of the dark race who will come over, dig some useful resources in the rubble, and kill some refugees.

The officers of the Galaxy Alliance ~ ~ will naturally not let the dark race succeed.

Therefore, the Iron Stab Legion is responsible for defending this place and fighting with the dark race every day.

The Ironthorn Legion is a local legion under the Galactic Army's internal organization.

This time, the main star of Dry Mountain was invaded, and the Ironthorn Legion was transferred from other planets.

Nowadays, on the main star of Dry Mountain, there are tens of thousands of local legions like the Ironthorn Legion drawn from outside.

The Ironthorn Corps is among the many legions in the internal organization of the Galaxy Army, and the ranking is not high. It can even be said that it is relatively backward and exists at the bottom.

But even so, the Ironthorn Corps still has more than half a million galaxy sergeants, spaceships, battleships, chariots, tanks, heavy guns, and so on.

Due to the relatively large area of ​​Lawson ’s ruins, the Ironthorn Corps has deployed nearly 100,000 soldiers here, hundreds of large military-use warships of class C and above, and thousands of small and medium-sized spaceship warships .

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