Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 647: : Zuo Xingmiao

"Don't be noisy! You are the pillars of my Xuezong. If you go on like this, what kind of system do you have!"

Shen Zong, the voice of Shen Zong, snow white hair, was also irritated to rise in the wind!

"Xue Zong is in great trouble. If you don't sincerely unite, and then there will be internal fighting, our Xue Zong will really be finished."

"However, first of all, I must affirm that Elder Xingde, I do n’t have any kind of Xuezong, it is absolutely impossible to surrender to Yanzong. The great foundation that our ancestors left behind is not to let us survive in humiliation! Said fervently.

On the other hand, elders and other elders from the main station sent elders to applaud and express their support.

"We vow to die to serve the suzerain! We are willing to coexist and die with Xuezong! We are willing to vow to die with Yanzong and others, never surrender, and fight for the last soldier!

Elder Xingde, who surrendered, looked embarrassed. The quantity and strength of his faction could not compete with the master of Xuezong.

Forced by the situation, they are not allowed to express the attitude of the main station, giving up surrender.

But suddenly!


A violent noise came!

The gate of the tightly defended meeting was kicked away.

A group of burly men dressed in water flower costumes just came over.

There were several disciples of Xuezong lying on the ground.

The master of Xuezong and others are all furious!

Who dares to be so rampant? This is Xuezong's base camp!

The elders with big ears and a pale blue face are about to shoot and kill all the hard-working guests!

Unexpectedly, the elder Xingde came forward and reached out to block the elder with big ears.

"Elder Fang, don't hurry, don't hurt yourself!"

When Elder Xingde saw this group of people, he couldn't help but be delighted.

The old man with a big ear was stunned: "Elder Xingde, could it be that these people, did you find them? What are you thinking about?"

Elder Xingde shook his head: "Oh! Where do I have the ability! You look at their dress and dress carefully!"

The elders with big ears looked at him, and suddenly they were all covered.

The water flower is serving, the waves are rushing!

Isn't this the signature unified service of the first descendant of Beiluo, the master of Beiluo Sect, on the star of Beiluo?

The main star of Beiluo is far away from the vast host star, how come they suddenly come?



The rapid footsteps followed.

A middle-aged man wore a large cloak of the master, embroidered with vivid patterns of river water, and walked proudly.

"See Master Manager!"

The disciples in the spray costumes all worship in unison.

"Yin Qing, you are still old tempered, this is a problem, you have to change it!"

The head of the North Water Sect, without giving any respect to the Lord of the Snow Sect, said bluntly.

"Yin Qing" is the name of Xuezong Lord.

The Lord of the Snow Sect, after all, is the master of the great lineage!

However, calling the name of Lord Xuezong directly is very impolite and disrespectful.

"Left trip!"

Yin Qing frowned, staring at the head of Beishui Sect.

Speaking of which, Yin Qing and Zuo Xingmiao are also old friends.

Once upon a time, Yin Qing was not the master of Xuezong. At that time, he was young and vigorous.

It happened that when Yin Qing was traveling near the sea, he met the left-handed miao who was developing the vast star market for Beishuizong.

Zuo Xingmiao was also young at the time and was not the head of the Beishui Sect, but he was also well-known and well-known in his sect.

Being sent to the vast protagonist to organize the construction of the Beishui Sect forces is also a great hope for Zongmen.

When two equally arrogant young people met, they naturally bumped into some sparks.

Yin Qing finally defeated Zuo Xingmiao with a slight advantage of one and a half.

This is a shame for Zuo Xingmiao.

Years have passed, Zuo Xingmiao has never forgotten this shame.

"The fight for time is over, Baiju has a gap. At the beginning, you and I fought in the sea, I was not as good as people, and ended in fiasco. Yin Qing, can you fight me again?"

Miao left, his eyes scorching.

Over time, Yin Qing became the master of Xuezong!

Zuo Xingmiao is not bad. In his Beishui Sect, he climbed all the way, and the official reached the position of the second governor of Beishui Zong. It turned out that it was only under the first governor Song Xian.

However, not long ago, Song Xian was killed and the position of the first general manager was vacant.

Zuo Xingmiao naturally took over and began to gradually take over the rights before Song Xian.

The only regret is that succeeding the first chief executive is a solemn and extremely serious matter after all.

Zuo Xingmiao has not been unanimously instructed by several veterans at the highest level of the sect, and has not been able to formally hold a succession ceremony.

In name, Zuo Xingmiao still hangs the title of the second general of Beishuizong.

Of course, this title is no small.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree!

The Northern Water Sect is strong, and the head of the Sect Gate is naturally a respectable position!

"No, you and I are not young people now, why fight again?" Yin Qing shook his head.

Xue Zong is in great trouble right now-he is so stunned ~ ~ He doesn't want to grow out of nowhere.

"Whatever it takes, if I don't beat you, my thoughts will not pass!"

Zuo Xing Miao Bu Yi Bu Yi.

"Water Spirit!"

The left-hand Miao immediately summoned the S-Class Water Spirit Mecha.

"What a powerful breath, he is at least a seventh-rank mech warfare master!"

Inside Xuezong, there are also some veteran eyes that are spicy, and at a glance they can see the power of Zuo Xingmiao.

"Go to death, Yin Qing!"

Left row of Miao roared, the mecha phantom shape, like a gruesome monster, rushed to Yin Qing fiercely!

Yin Qing's expression changed slightly, and he sighed, "Do I have to fight?"

After all, Yin Qing also summoned the mech!

Yin Qing ’s mecha is an S-class Snow Snow mecha, with both offensive and defensive capabilities, and is very powerful.

In addition, Yin Qing's own strength is also good, and he has battled with Zuo Xingmiao for 300 rounds, regardless of up and down.

"Haha, I didn't expect that you Yin Qing also broke through to the top of the seventh-ranked mech warrior! It's worthy of being the one who defeated me!"

Left-handed Miao veiled his head, and laughed loudly.

"However, you will eventually send me a step! Because, I will break through now!"

When the left-handed Miao was finished, he was imposing and suddenly rose, just like the flood-flooded, wild and wild!


Zuo Miao made a breakthrough before the war, from the top seven ranks of mecha warlords, to the sixth ranks of mecha warriors!

"Lie down!"

Zuo Xingmiao shot with a palm, sweeping the mecha ability, and knocked Yin Qing to the ground.

Fortunately, Baixue Mecha stimulated a group of shields that blocked the fatal damage for Yin Qing.

However, Rao is so, Yin Qing also spit out a big sip of blood and stained his white snow mecha.

"Yin Qing, you lost!" Zuo Xing Miao Lengran smiled.

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