Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 390: : Play against Han Jinwu

"The result is out!"

More than a dozen counted officials elected a representative and took to the high stage.

This representative, with a solemn look, was surprised.

"After our expert identification, all these monsters are super monsters! And, without exception, these super monsters are all killed. The killers of these monsters are arrows!"

Counting the official representatives, said slowly.

"What arrows! Such awesome, can be shot, hundreds of super monsters!"

Han Gongzi asked coldly.

The representative of the counting officer waved his hand slightly: "Arrow? Is it an ordinary arrow, exactly the same as the one that was just removed from the body of the sky-bearing carving. More importantly, the method of shooting these beasts is the same as shooting The technique of covering the sky is basically the same as that of the same person! "

"So, I declare that the possibility of cheating is ruled out! The result of the identification is fair and authoritative!"

Count the official representatives, and finally conclude.

"In addition, this time a total of 1 holy-level monster was counted and exchanged for 1,000 points! Six hundred and thirty-eight super-level monsters were counted and 2552 points were exchanged! Together, Mr. Nantian has a total of 3552 points and won Han Gongzi!

Count the official representatives and announce.

"Impossible! Impossible! Among them, there must be something stupid!"

Han Gongzi, waving his arms, yelling.

King Wen frowned, clapping his hands heavily.

"Bold! You only have more than three hundred points, Mr. Nantian, there are more than three thousand points! What are you talking about, and you still refuse to lose? Come, drag him down to me, and hit a hundred big boards!"

King Wen snorted.

Immediately, there are palace guards on the left and right, who will take Han Gongzi down.

Han Jinwu stepped forward and pushed several court guards to the ground with one hand.

Han Jinwu then knelt down on the ground.

"King, this time it's rude! But I hope the king sees the merits of my Han family for generations and forge the land for the king, and spare the children!"

Han Jinwu said, arching his hand.

King Wen, his eyes burst into coldness.

[Well, you, Han Jinwu, who is a general and holds the military power, dare to see no one? I want to beat your Han family's board, even if you push my guard away, I really don't take my kingship into consideration! Does it make sense? Does it really make sense! 】

King Wen, my heart is full of anger!

However, King Wen is after all a generation of owls, and he knows how to be patient at the right time.

In this autumn hunting, King Wen is the winner after all!

The Hans attempted to get involved, and the conspiracy of the deputy head of the Wuxu Corps was not achieved!

In addition, after all, the Han family is deep-rooted and powerful. At present, in order to stabilize the land, it is not suitable to completely turn over with Han Jinwu.

Just make a sloppy look, forget it!

Wen Wang thought for a moment, made up his mind, and waved his hand: "Since that, Ai Qing, take your son and leave! The autumn hunting is over and everyone is gone!"

"Nuo, Weichen obeyed!"

Han Jinwu looked gloomy, and he would leave with Han Gongzi.

However, the road between Han Jinwu and Han Gongzi was blocked by Nan Tian.

Han Jinwu glared at Nan Tian: "Go away, do you dare to stop the way of the boss?"

"Young man, don't you think that if you have a little skill, you dare to act arbitrarily!"

Nan Tian looked indifferent and pointed to Han Gongzi.

"Boy, there are still some grudges between us that haven't been settled? You are a **** and insulted me! If I don't teach you some lessons, how can I walk in the future!"

Nan Tian smiled coldly.

Han Gongzi had a neck, and Han Jinwu was beside him.

Han Gongzi was fearless: "Well, I will insult you, how to drop! No matter what, you are in my eyes, you are a pariah!"


The corner of Nantian's mouth rose slightly.

Immediately, Nantian moved!

Nan Tian's shot was as fast as lightning, bringing out bursts of phantom.


Nan Tian fanned loudly on the face of Han Gongzi.

Han Gongzi suddenly became a pig face.

"Today, your brother Nan, come to teach you to be a good man!"

Nan Tian was talking while beating Han Gongzi.

Han Gongzi was beaten to no avail.

In an instant, Han Gongzi, who was originally flamboyant, turned into a big pig head.

Nan Tian finally added another foot.


Han Gongzi fell heavily on the ground, curled up, and his body kept twitching.

It's so miserable to see your son!

Han Jinwu is naturally unable to sit still!

Han Jinwu shouted: "Damn boy, I want your life!"

Han Jinwu's strength is very strong, Gu Wuxiu, and has improved, and now his body breath has exploded, even reaching the level of Qipin Wuwang.

The thick true energy, like the momentum of the mountains, overflowed to the surroundings.

Some weak servants, first of all, could not hold on.

The servants, with a dizzy mind, quickly fell to the ground.

"Dashuai, the original strength is so powerful! Dashuai, the hidden is too deep!"

Some magnates noble lamented.

King Wen is also dignified.

Han Jinwu's powerful strength vaguely threatened King Wen.

On this day, if it were not for Nantian to force Han Jinwu to use all his strength, people always thought that Han Jinwu was an ordinary martial king!

"From the moment you took things in the void, I knew that you were very powerful! But, I should n’t have done anything to provoke my Han family!"

"Today, I will kill you!"

Han Jinwu pulled out his waist saber, a seven-foot-long **** rain sword.




Han Jinwu roared loudly, **** rain sword, split one after another.

Rolling knife gas, like a tornado, swept through!

"Yes, good opponent!"

Nantian is also interested!


Meteor mech, put it on!

Nowadays, Nantian Ancient Wuxiu and Mecha Xiuwei both broke through to the King Realm, and Nantian is also in need of a war to consolidate his own cultivation behavior!


"The sword of Du Gu Nine Swords swings all over the world!"

Nantian is also unambiguous!

In the face of Han Jinwu of King Qipin Wu, Nantian also used his strongest swordsmanship, the sword of Du Gu Nine Swords!

Sword swings all over the world, sword spirit is vertical and horizontal, a sword is light and cold in 19 states!


Nantian's Jiutian Shenlong Qi ~ ~ turned into a solitary sword Qi, and collided fiercely with Han Jinwu's sword Qi.

After a loud noise, the ground was messy.

With Nantian and Han Jinwu as the center, those who are below the martial arts realm in a radius of more than ten miles, whether they are strange animals or martial arts, are all killed!

Nan Tian Yi still does not move, holding meteor sword, standing where, proud world!

As for Han Jinwu, he was in ragged clothes, and he took seven or eight steps backwards.

Han Jinwu looked pale and spit out a big sip of blood.

"King, someone has attacked your soldiers, have you not shot yet?"

Han Jinwu, Wang Wen sitting on the high platform, asked for help.

Han Jinwu knows the strength of King Wen, and as long as King Wen takes the shot and fights with himself, Nantian will definitely die.

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