Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 364: : Bucky Wang Xiangzhu

"Some shrimp and crabs, how about the number of people?"

Nan Tian smiled disdainfully.

When entering the era of sci-fi mechs, it is often not the number that decides the victory of a war!

Only by relying on modern and sophisticated weapons can we win a war.

With an advanced weapon, a missile can even destroy billions of people on a planet.

In the Mecha era, all major forces have invested a lot of energy to train their own scientists and develop weapons.

Scientists are divided into sabcdefg grades according to the quality of weapons and the merits of battleships.

As the s-class "Taigu" spacecraft, it is the response of the top science and technology of the Galaxy Alliance.

What if a "Taigu" is there?

A group of indigenous primitives!

Nantian is very confident.

Nantian connected the "Taigu" spacecraft with brain waves, and the spacecraft turned on the automatic mode.

The "Taigu" spacecraft floated above Nantian's head, ready to attack at any time.

Nantian was content and relaxed, looking at the rushing army quietly.

The Japanese King's self-preservation festival didn't take Nantian's eyes at all, so he didn't do it himself, but let the army charge forward first, giving Nantian a little more power.

Nan Tian held out his finger, and in the former King's personal army, he nodded casually.


Flick at your fingertips and burst into bursts!

"Taigu" spacecraft launched, many missiles.

The spaceship has been connected to Nantian's brain waves.

As Nantian's thoughts moved, the spaceship followed and pointed out where to fight.

Suddenly, Nan Tian was able to kill tens of thousands of people with only one finger at a time.

It didn't take long for the Japanese King's personal army to be lost.

The Sun King was terrified.

The King of the Sun ordered the retreat in a hurry.

Finally, thousands of soldiers were preserved.

The Sun King was deeply embarrassed and floated the "Taigu" spacecraft above Nantian's head.

[This thing, like the spy, mysterious flying object, looks very much! It is this iron ship that played a major role in the action of extinction! 】

[Now, my army is also suffering heavy losses. Now, what should I do? 】

The Sun King thought to himself.

The "Taigu" spacecraft can kill hundreds of thousands of troops. This terrifying combat power shocked the Japanese king.

The Sun King did not dare to resist.

The Japanese king deliberately used the militant method against Nantian.

"Your Excellency, what kind of hero is it with the help of external force? The spirit of our samurai swords pays attention to one-on-one heads-up! Why, there is no courage, single-handedly fight with me. , My land has been yours since then! "

The king said coldly.

"Of course, I don't force you, after all, it's a waste of time to care about too much with a shrinking turtle."

The sun king laughed.

Nan Tian looked indifferent, knowing that the Sun King had no good intentions.

However, why Nantian was afraid of this sun king.

"Although, want to be heads-up? Ha ha, okay, I'm always there!"

Nan Tian said broadly, very casually.

There was still some fear in the sun king.

The Sun King said cautiously, "We said yes, we are heads-up, we can't borrow external force! You can't use the weird spaceship above your head!"

There was a sneer in the corner of Nantian's mouth: "Why do you need the power of the spaceship?"

"Well, this king likes you like this, brave boy, let's do it!"

The Sun King urged.

Nan Tian stretched out his arms, moved his mind, remotely controlled the spaceship, and flew back into the realm of life.

The meaning of the Sun King, in fact, in some ways, just fit Nan Tian's ideas.

Nantian also needs a battle to improve himself!

Nan Tian deeply felt that his cultivation behavior of Sanpin Wuzun was still a little weak!

Engaging a half-step martial arts king can just sharpen it.


Nan Tian's fighting spirit was surging, and his jacket was removed, revealing a bronzed dragon-like perfect muscle.

Nantian didn't even summon mecha for the pleasure of fighting!

It's pure flesh and blood fighting!

The Sun King is a half-step martial art king, and his true strength is also particularly good.

After fighting with Nantian for a long time, there is no difference.


On the other side, inside the seal of the Indian King, the Yue King and the Philippine King led their troops and launched a fierce attack on this place.

In order to attack the Japanese king, Nantian did not leave many soldiers in the seal of the Indian king.

For a time, most of the remaining sergeants in their base camp were killed by the Yue King and the Philippine King.

Seeing, Nantian, Yang Fei, Yang Lie, the fiercely beaten land of the three of them will be occupied.

A group of sudden reinforcements rushed over.

Both Yue and Fei were shocked.

"what happened?"

Yue Wang and Fei Wang glanced at each other.

Soon, reinforcements gradually appeared in their vision.

Yue Wang and Fei Wang suddenly realized.

The clothes of these reinforcements are dressed up. Is n’t this obviously King Bucky ’s soldier?

King Bucky and them have never been innocent, so why did they come suddenly?

The Yue King and the Philippine King are strange.

Soon, King Bucky came over.

The Yuewang immediately asked, "Why did Bucky come with so many people coming?"

"What do you want to do?"

Bucky King laughed.

"What do I want to do? Then what do you want to do?"

"Bring so many people over and want to fight?"

King Bucky asked.

"Warfare? We fight warfare?"

Yue Wang said forcefully.

King Bucky waved his hand: "It really doesn't matter what I do, but you attack the flying king, the fierce king's land, you are the one who cares about me!"

"Oh, what kind of **** logic? Fei Wang, the fierce king's fiefdom, care about your farts? We fight if we want to, provoke you?"

The Philippine King was also angry.

"I think you want to share a piece of soup! It's easy to say, this is easy to say! King Bucky, then your strength is also very strong, as long as you cooperate with us, we will lay down all the closures together. We can divide one-third of the land Give you!"

The Yue Wang smiled hey ~ ~ seemed very slippery.

King Bucky waved his hand firmly: "I don't mean that! I want you all to retreat! This is the flying king, the fierce king's land, you all leave me, don't step in!"

The Yue and Fei kings grinned, and were also angry: "Let's get away? Fuck! King Bucky, don't rely on your own strength, you want to do whatever you want! Give you a third of the land, is it less? "

"If you insist on wanting to do this alone, we will accompany you to the end and fight with you endlessly!"

Yue King and King Fei roared.

"You misunderstood! I don't want to swallow the land here! I want to protect it, because this is the land of the flying king and the fierce king, can't you touch your fingers?"

Bucky said solemnly.

"Oh? Flying King, Lie King? You really can talk! Flying King, Lie King arrogantly attacked Sir Sun King and Lord Ri King, you should have killed them all at this moment! Haha! Flying King , Liewang, it no longer exists! "To find this site, please search" "or enter the URL:

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