After all, Porrot raised his axe and chopped off the dead man who had delivered it with one axe.

Masuo in the Nantian camp account was so upset and left waiting that the dead did not return to report intelligence.

Masto was anxious and impatient, and Masto didn't know what was going on.

"Alas, General Porrot, have you received any letters! What should I do now?"

Masto is full of thoughts.

Because of the repeated screaming of Borotte outside, Nantian has been completely angered.

Nan Tian led Yang Fei, Yang Lie went out.

Nan Tian, ​​Yang Fei and Yang Lie are all strange faces to Porot.

In the eyes of Porot, Nantian, Yang Fei, and Yang Lie are all small people, which is not important.

"Oh, how come there are three little babies! What about lions! Where are you, the coward, lion?"

"Previously, you ordered your soldiers to attack Sergeant King, but now you want to be a tortoise?"

Porot shouted.

Nan Tian looked indifferent.

"Lion camel has been killed by me!"

Nan Tian said lightly.

"What, the lion was killed by you?"

Porot's eyes widened, his face full of surprise!

Who are the lions!

The general of the left road under the Indian king accounted that it was only weaker than Porrot.

In the southern earth, lions are also famous for a long time, and they are famous military commanders!

"Your child with a yellow mouth, I can really believe it! Haha! Lion camel, you get out of me! Don't find some to fool me!"

"Admiral Yin Wang has given orders, and now your clan and nine families have been exterminated, only you sinner hasn't fought! I advise you to get out as soon as possible!"

Pyrot shouted.

Nan Tian looked the same: "I said, the lion camel has been killed by me! Now, it's your turn!"

After all, Nantian violently rose, and his figure jumped high.


Meteor mech is summoned on the body.

The Meteor Sword slashed to Porot's neck.

In Porrot's eyes, the cold light flashed, and he couldn't help retreating again and again.

Nan Tian's fierce sword has quietly cut off the skin on Porot's neck.

Some blood spewed out.

Porot's face was cold and cold.

He never expected Nan Tian's strength, so powerful!

It turned out that he really hit it like this!

If not, he reacted faster instinctively, and his head would be separated.

"Boy, you are ruthless!"

"I fight with you!"

Porrot picked up the axe and was desperate to fight with Nantian.

Behind Porrot, there were nearly 200,000 troops watching.

If Borot defeated, it was very shameful.

Perot couldn't afford to lose this person, so he fought desperately.

The Nantian Wushen system swept away and scanned all aspects of Porot's attributes.

Figure: Porot

Identity: Under the seal of the king of the melee kingdom-General Right

Wealth value: 80 million 5 million chaotic coins

Physical fitness: 35.98

Mental Strength: 34

Vitality: 35.94

Strength: 35.96

Agility: 35.95

Comprehensive combat power: 35.566

Main Class: Ancient Warrior / Sanpin Wuzun

First vice occupation: No

Talent level: psychic

Porot's overall combat power is slightly higher than the lion's camel.

Nan Tian has fought against the lion and camel and also accumulated some experience.

It is also handy when dealing with Porrot.

The mysterious skills of Nantian ancient martial arts emerged endlessly, and the meteor mech gleamed.

Xiaoxing now has intelligence and can always quickly analyze Porot's weaknesses.

These flaws and weaknesses are all precisely calculated using scientific light brains.

Originally, Nan Tianguang could cope with Porot by virtue of his strength.

Now, with the help of Xiaoxing.

Porrot was stretched out and stretched back and back, sweating.

Soon, Porrot was defeated.

Nantian raised the meteor sword and would kill Porot with a sword.


"Sin barrier, die!"

Two thunderous screams of clear weather exploded in the sky.

Warri and Wake, two ascetic monks, appeared like ghosts in front of Nantian.


Warri, Wacker's fist was like a heavy rain, hitting again and again, pushing Nantian back.


Warry, Wacker and Paulo are about to leave!

Nantian's eyes narrowed.

"Oh, do you still want to leave?"

Nan Tian snorted.

The Valkyrie system can be scanned.

Figure: Warri

Identity: under the seal of the king of the melee kingdom-ascetic monk

Wealth value: 90 million chaotic coins

Physical fitness: 36.93

Mental Strength: 35

Vitality: 36.92

Strength: 36.91

Agility: 36.93

Comprehensive combat strength: 36.538

Main Class: Ancient Warrior / Second Class Wu Zun

First vice occupation: No

Talent level: psychic

Figure: Wacker

Identity: under the seal of the king of the melee kingdom-ascetic monk

Wealth value: 90 million chaotic coins

Physical fitness: 36.96

Mental Strength: 35

Vitality: 36.95

Strength: 36.94

Agility: 36.93

Comprehensive combat strength: 36.556

Main Class: Ancient Warrior / Second Class Wu Zun

First vice occupation: No

Talent level: psychic

"Two masters of second grade Wu Zun! It is extraordinary, but fight me, you are still tender!"

Nantianyou Dragon Body Method + Lingbo Microstep, the speed limit broke out!


Nan Tian made a note of "Dali Vajra Fist" and came out fiercely and violently.



Warri, Wacker's two ascetic monks fist, flicking immediately, spit out a big mouthful of blood.

"Ghost bergamot!"

Warri and Wacker were both second-rank Wu Zun after all, and they were powerful. After taking a punch, they immediately reacted and started to fight back.

As soon as the ghost buddha hand came out, there was suddenly the sound of a ghost wind howling.

This is Warri, Wacker ’s stunt!

Nantian's eyes lit up.

"The ancient martial arts skills are very structured and contain a lot of mysteries! In the ancient martial arts era, they were all from the big schools. In my impression, there are only three major demons, and there are such levels of exercises."

"It seems that these two ascetic monks are of extraordinary origin! There are also some demon sects in the melee kingdom. Perhaps their inheritance is extremely ancient, or perhaps they are inextricably linked to the three demon sects of the ancient Wu era. contact?"

Nan Tian was puzzled.

However, to clarify these issues, it is imperative to win these two ascetic monks first.

Immediately, Nantian is not keeping his hands.

The firepower is full, and the attack strength is also more brave than one trick.

Nantian is full of energy.

The intensity of starting is very violent!

Gradually ~ ~ Warri, Wacker and the two couldn't hold on.


Warry and Wack screamed, closed their eyes, and immediately fell to the ground.

Nan Tian approached the two.

"Don't pretend to die, I have a decent way to start! Open your eyes quickly, I have something to ask you!"

Nan Tian said coldly.

Warry, Wacker couldn't seem to pretend to stand, so he stood languidly.

"Kneel! I only ask you to open your eyes, who will allow you to stand up!"

Nan Tian snorted!

"Yes, lord!"

Warry, Wacker is also a greedy life and fear of death, no longer a trace of rebellion, immediately fell to his knees to the ground.

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