Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 327: : Gu Quan's Ideas

"Follow it all?"

Nan Tian couldn't help smiling, while using the Wushen system to explore all aspects of the intermediate inspector's land.

Figure: Gu Quan

Identity: Intermediate inspector general of the internal military department committee of the Galaxy Army. The internal organization of the Galaxy Army gives the rank of major general.

Wealth value: 100 billion Galaxy contribution points

Physical fitness: 37.9 (27.9)

Mental Strength: 36

Vitality: 37.8 (27.8)

Strength: 37.7 (27.7)

Agility: 37.6 (27.6)

Comprehensive combat power: 37.4 (29.4)

Main Class: Mecha Warrior / A Grade Mecha Warlord

First vice occupation: No

Talent level: Virtual Dao

Intermediate inspector general called Gu Quan, shook his head slightly, and said to Nan Tian: "You don't know anything! Any regular member of Ziyuanwei, even if you meet the senior inspector general, the senior inspector general will salute .Zi Yuanwei they have some hidden power, which is not what you can imagine. "

Nan Tian couldn't help but be curious: "Master Gu, you are also the rank of major general, and an ordinary member of Ziyuanwei is also the rank of major general. Are you still weaker than them?"

The Intermediate Inspector waved his hand: "You are still too young to understand the subtleties and gaps. I ask you, is there a powerful second lieutenant in the hand, or a captain with a cavalry company in his hand?"

"Of course it is, that the second lieutenant with the integrated and strengthened regiment in his hand is awesome! In our internal organization of the Galaxy Army, some power figures can't just look at the rank. Moreover, my major general is not real! Major General, to put it bluntly, it is the Military Commission. Looking at me as the position of Intermediate Inspector, I have to inspect many planets, many military officers, and do not give a vain military title on the bright side.

"Special Major Generals and Major Generals, Special Major Generals, and the three are all very different. The members of Ziyuanwei, the start is the rank of Special Major General, meaning that they are better than the generals! And I, the generals , One grade lower. "

Gu Quan explained in detail.

After all, Gu Quan couldn't help but sigh.

"How big is the Galactic Alliance, the endless Xinghai, and how many arrogances! What a little mid-level inspector of mine is worth!"

Gu Quan said slowly.

"Guardian Gu, the road is long and long, and the road is still long. We can't give up on ourselves!"

Nan Tian persuaded.

Gu Quan smiled slightly: "My hope is all on you! I am responsible for the military affairs of all life planets, centered on the sea blue star, 10,000 light-years away. This position is for me now. Say, it's already awesome! If I want to be a hundred-footed, and go further, I must recommend an excellent person to join Ziyuanwei! If you successfully joined Ziyuanwei! "

"I am an ancient interpreter, and I can immediately become a senior inspector general, responsible for all military affairs centered on the Sea Blue Star, with a radius of 100,000 light years!"

"Becoming a senior inspector general is my dream for Gu Quan's life. I hope you can help me achieve it!"

"Lieutenant Colonel Nantian, please!"

Gu Quan said solemnly.

"Join Ziyuanwei? Let me think about it."

Nan Tian thought.

Such a powerful organization, once joined, will certainly have many restrictions.

Nantian's pursuit of freedom is free, unrestrained and arrogant.

Gu Quan shook his head: "Lieutenant Colonel Nantian, I think you still haven't understood what I mean. With my right, I can recommend an excellent person every three years and directly pass Purple Plume Academy. Purple Plume Academy returns to Galaxy The internal military special-level military committee and Ziyuanwei jointly lead the jurisdiction. You have won this college and you can join Ziyuanwei when you graduate, but I ca n’t make the final decision. ”

"There will be someone in Ziyu Academy to assess you. That kind of assessment is very difficult. Of the 10,000 students in Ziyu Academy, there is not necessarily one that can successfully become a regular member of Ziyuanwei!"

Gu Quan explained.

Nan Tian was irritated for a while!

Ho, what does this ancient interpretation mean?

I hope Nantian joins Ziyuanwei, but I look down on Nantian a little bit. I don't think Nantian can join Ziyuanwei 100%!

Nantian is proud of the people!

"If others can't do it, it doesn't mean that I can't do it in Nantian! It's just a Ziyuan Wei! We, there are still more than a thousand members in the internal organization of the Galaxy Army. Why can't I do in Nantian!"

Nantian smiled proudly.

In the previous life, Nantian was the undefeated martial king. During the ancient Wu era, there was only one undefeated martial king.

In this era of Mecha, Nantian is also going to be a big fan, not to lose to others!

"Okay, I admire the courageous people like Lieutenant Colonel Nantian!"

Gu Quan laughed.

Nan Tian found out that he fell into a set of Gu Quandi.

However, since the words have been made clear.

Nantian is not easy to change, regret it!

Ziyuanwei, the internal organization of the Galaxy Army, a gathering place for geniuses, and arching the Galaxy Galaxy is safe!

In fact, if you think about it, you will know that this life in Ziyuanwei will be very exciting!

Water flows down, people go high!

[Admission to Ziyu Academy, and then joining Ziyuanwei, may be a different experience, and it will also allow me to grow quickly. 】 Nantian thought of this, can not help but surging blood!

Gu Quan clapped his hands and said, "Okay, then we will make up our minds. I will arrange for you and the admission procedures. During this period, it will take half a month. You should prepare for it. The establishment of Ziyu Academy On the 108 main stars, which are millions of light-years away from Sea Blue Star, the vast main star. Because of the strict operation of the Purple Plume Academy, it is estimated that there are not many years when you go not coming!"

"Go well prepared, say goodbye to your family and friends, and deal with the matter that should be dealt with. When the time is up and the formalities are completed, I will come to you."

Gu Quan said.

Nantian nodded: "Okay, I see!"

Nan Tian said nothing, and left the Gu Tandi Chamber of Secrets.

After Nantian left the Chamber of Secrets, he first left Greycastle and came out of the sea.

Nantian took the "Taigu" spacecraft and flew into the sky, heading straight to the house.

Millions of light years, in the endless sea of ​​stars, can also be regarded as a long distance.

Even if you are traveling in an advanced space wormhole s-class spaceship battleship, you must fly for at least one month.

Nantian has to be good with her parents ~ ~ Family and friends, be happy for a while, stay at home for a while while saying goodbye, and tell the parents and friends about the incident.

Let everyone not worry about themselves.

The vast star, Purple Feather Academy!

Millions of light years away!

Boy, boy!

Have to set foot on the road!

Conquer, conquer, conquer one peak after another!

Break through, break through, break through one bottleneck after another!

Achievements, achievements, achievements one glory after another!

[Ziyu Academy, I am coming to Nantian! 】

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