Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 325: : Kuangbian Black Face Yan Luo

Nantian also laughed.

"Holy warrior, do you want warrior warrior? I'll show it to you! As for the son of Yanlu, it's really garbage!"

Nan Tian smiled disdainfully.

After all, Nantian raised his hand and waved his mouth.

Take out the Dinghaishen needle.

"Haha, just fine stitches in this dress, is also a magic soldier? Boy, you are so deceiving, are we really illiterate?"

Black-faced Yan Luo shouted coldly.

"Fine needles for sewing clothes? What about your eyes?"

Nan Tian smiled disdainfully.

"Change, change, change!"

"big big big!"

With that, Nantiandi commanded.

Dinghaishenzhen is also changing rapidly!

Soon, the Dinghaishen needle changed from a thin needle to a golden pillar up to hundreds of feet!

The big pillars lead straight to the sky and stand up to the sky!

Black-faced Yan Luo was also taken aback.

Although the Mecha era is frequent with all kinds of high-end weapons, magical changes like Ding Hai Shen Zhen are rare.

"What is this stuff!"

Black-faced Yan Luo took a sip.

The Intermediate Inspector General and the Three Castle Lords can be different from the black-faced Yanlu, this kind of rough man.

Both the Intermediate Inspector General and the Three Forts are full of poetry, scientific theory, and very sufficient.

Intermediate inspector general's white hair, could not help dancing, a crease in the face was shaking.

"This, this, this is Dinghaishen Needle!"

Intermediate inspector general sighed!

"The head of the Twelve Divine Soldiers! There are records on ancient books, Dinghai God Needle, ever-changing, can be large or small, rock-solid, indestructible! It can set hundreds of millions of eyes, can support billions of miles!"

The chief inspector murmured.

After all, the Intermediate Inspector stepped forward deliberately and touched the Dinghaishen needle.

The Ding Hai Shen needle has a shiny and radiant appearance. When the intermediate inspector touched it, he felt a cold heart.

"It's so cold! It's really mysterious! It's a magic weapon! That kind of feeling that penetrates into the bones, it's deep inside!"

The Intermediate Inspector was shocked.

"Head of the 12 Divine Soldiers, Dinghai God Needle?"

The black-faced Yan Luo was also shocked.

"My God! This is Dinghaishenzhen? Boss, I am a little student, don't lie to me!"

Black-faced Yan Luo said slowly.

The black-faced Yan Luo still didn't believe it.

"I didn't lie to you! This is the Dinghai God Needle, you Turtle!"

The Intermediate Inspector stared coldly at the black-faced Yan Luo.

"Inspector grown up, well said, this is indeed the Dinghaishen needle. You don't know, you can only say that you have a little insight! According to the records in the ancient books, all the characteristics of the big pillar in front of the Dinghaishen needle are consistent."

The Lord of the Three Forts also spoke out.

Nan Tian laughed and glanced at the Intermediate Inspector with disdain.

"I know you are a little bit dissatisfied! But, I have to tell you, if, I have been surprised by the Dinghai God Needle. Actually, I still have Divine Soldiers! And, more than one!"

"Today, I am going to see what it means to be awesome!"

Nan Tian summoned Mo Xie from the realm of life.

"Xiaohong, Xiaojin! Come play your skills!"

Nan Tian ordered.

The generals are super capable, and in some ways they are more flexible.

Xiaohong and Xiaojin are particularly powerful in external aspects. No, even Huoluozi, who is a very highland fire elf, has been controlled.

When Xiaohong and Xiaojin got orders, they began to control the general Moxie, and began to make gestures in mid-air.

For a time, Jian Qi was vertical and horizontal and glorious.

No one controls the sword.

The sword wields naturally, and moves one by one. The swordsmanship is particularly precise and precise.

Black-faced Yan Luo and others were completely surprised.

Originally, still whispering, the green-eyed old man who wanted to die in the south, wanted to sneak away.

"The Divine Soldier, the Ancient Twelve Divine Soldiers, was actually found by that man kid! There are more than one! It is Mo Yan, Ding Haishen Needle, any one can take out, and it will be able to set off a **** storm in the outside world! Lord Graycastle, compared to this kid, was also eclipsed. "

The green-eyed old man no longer dared to retaliate against Nantiandi.

The green-eyed old man grimaced, and gradually disappeared.

The green-eyed old man had planned that he would no longer be born in this life, immediately find a secret place to live in seclusion, and then forget about this residual life.

"It's amazing! It's really a magic soldier! I can see such a magic soldier in this life, and I will be satisfied!"

Lord Sanbao sighed.

Most of the **** soldiers exist in ancient books, and they are far away from modern science and technology weapons.

The black-faced Yan Luo's face was pale.

Now, he knows that he has no reason to come to Nantian for trouble!

Nantian is so powerful!

Of the Twelve Divine Soldiers, he has found three!

According to the previous agreement, the son of Yan Luo died in vain, or sin deserves it!

Nantian will continue to follow this trajectory, and it will also develop in the future and become a top expert.

Thinking of this, the black-faced Yan Luo, unwilling, glared at Nantian fiercely.

"Boy, don't be complacent! Now, it's the Mecha era. Some ancient ground weapons, or magical, cool, and mysterious, but in actual combat, the ground power is not very great. Because, already No one can really show their power! "

"Instead, some high-tech weapons are the mainstream of this era!"

Black-faced Yan Luo ha ha laughed.

Black-faced Yan Luo wanted to give Nantian a psychological shadow.

Nan Tiancai won't let him succeed!

The black-faced squirrels looked at each other, and Nantian decided to give this guy a good lesson.

"Who said that the **** soldiers are useless! In ancient times, these ancient weapons, with their ground power, were modern weapons, which were far beyond reach. Today, I will come and teach you a lot!"

Nan Tian said nothing, and summoned Xiao Hei from the realm of life.

"Xiaohei, you hold me the Dinghaishen needle, and give you a hard lesson, this guy with two wings!"

Nan Tian ordered.


Xiao Hei is not verbose either.

Little Black and the Tortoise are already familiar.

The turtle was scared of Xiaohei in his heart.

The Dinghaishen needle is on the little black hand, which can be said to be as good as a fish.

Xiaohei has evolved ~ ~ Now the power is unusually strong and there are some special skills.

"Wang Wang!"

Xiaohei yelled a few times, holding Dinghaishen Needle and slamming towards the black-faced Yan Luo.

"You even found a dog to deal with me?"

"Nan Tian, ​​you are so deceiving!"

The black-faced Yan Luo was furious.

The black-faced Yan Luo said, and attacked towards the sky.

Black-faced Yan Luo didn't take Xiaohei's eyes at all.

In his eyes, Xiaohei hung up to the sky, that is, a little spiritually puppy, compared with people, it was still too far away.


Little black came as a shadow, holding the Dinghaishen needle, and had hit the black-faced Yan Luodi's head. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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