Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 323: : Sword swing world


"You all shut your mouth!"

"Everyone is your own, do you still have to fight?"

Intermediate inspector general, scolded.

"This time, what the third son said, there is nothing wrong. Young people, the anger is relatively big, and it is normal to miss one moment. The bronze palace was originally a Jedi, and it was normal to die a few people." The intermediate inspector said coldly.

"Boss, what are you talking about?"

The Lord of the Second Castle was a little bit angry.

The main fortress was also glaring, glaring at the intermediate inspector general, panting.

"Boss, if you want to give me a satisfactory statement about this matter, I will rebel, and I will not hesitate."

Black-faced Yan Luo, rushed to the crown!

Previously, the green-eyed old man who was responsible for the reception of the Eastern Area of ​​Graycastle smiled coldly.

"Nantian, Nantian! You are really looking for injustice, and you will kill yourself."

The green-eyed old man secretly said.

"Call you before, humiliate me! Hey, now the two main castle masters are alarmed. You only need to die as soon as you come out!"

"Haha, the two great fortresses of Greycastle, who shot together, have been things that haven't been in existence for many years."

The green-eyed old man, looking forward to his heart, Nantian was killed.

"Listen to my words."

Intermediate inspector general, said without any haste.

"I will give a solution to this matter. We will wait here for a while until the Nantian comes out. If he finds the magic soldier, he will make up for it and let him go. If he has no magic soldier, Killed so many of our outstanding disciples. ''

"I sentenced him to death and executed him personally."

Intermediate Inspector said coldly.

"Yes, I don't object! Since ancient times, the strong man is respected. He can get the magic soldier, make great contributions, and kill my successor, why not?"

Lord Erbao, he said first.

After all, Nantian is also an officer within the Galactic Army. In general, the hatred between everyone is not that great.

If Nan Tian is successful, maybe he will still be the chief of the Erbao Lord in the future.

The main thought of the big castle was a long time.

"The minority obey the majority. Since you all think so, I don't have much to say. As long as I really have patience, I don't have the son of Yan Luo!"

The Lord of the Black Castle "Black-faced Yanlu" also said coldly.

"Okay, thank you for giving me a face! I'm very grateful!"

Intermediate inspectors arched their hands.

Lord Erbao quickly waved his hand: "Sir, what are you doing. I'm going to listen to you!"

The Intermediate Inspector smiled slightly and stopped speaking.

The old man with green eyes on the side was stunned.

"Get the Divine Soldier? You can avoid death!"

"That Nantian, although he is not small, but it is not so easy to get the Divine Soldier. The Master Huolian, so powerful, has not been controlled by the Divine Soldier."

"In any case, that Nantian must be dead this time, and no one can save him!"

The green-eyed old man thought viciously.

No, it didn't take long.

From the entrance of the cave, Nantian walked out carrying the little white fox.

For a time, the audience was in an uproar!

Nantian has now become a very well-known figure.

Some soldiers in the middle of the gray castle surrounded Nantian.

As an officer in the first place, he stared coldly at Nantian: "Lieutenant Nantian, please put down your weapon and follow me to a place!"

Nan Tian frowned, "Which drama is this?"

"I came out of the bronze palace painstakingly, looking for the **** soldiers, nine lives, but you want to treat me like this, want to catch me?"

Nan Tian said coldly.

"Lieutenant Nantian, please put down your weapons and come with me, otherwise, if you are an anti-thief, execute immediately!"

The officer said coldly.

This officer was a lieutenant next to Lord Erbao, a major rank, and he used to dominate overbearingly due to the power of Lord Erbao.

"Immediate execution? You, a little major, have the right to execute me directly? Haha!"

"Come on, I want to see, what skills do you have!"

Nantian put the little white fox down, looked at it disdainfully, and surrounded himself with dozens of soldiers.


The major officer waved his hand.


Nantian is also welcome.


Meteor mecha possession, Nantian holding a meteor sword, like the **** of war, the sword shadow waved, like a dragon, and flexibly shuttled through the guns.

More than a dozen soldiers, including the major officer, were all killed by Nantian.


Suddenly, near the Grey Castle, the alarm sounded.

All four giants were alarmed.

Soon, the four giants got the news.

The old man with green eyes aside, he sighed in his heart: "This Nantian is so arrogant, he is just a lieutenant, and he was killed by leapfrogging. The second lord is the favorite lieutenant, Major Lu!"

"This is really a big basket! Nantian, you don't want to die!"

The green-eyed old man's heart is gloating.

"Let's go out and see! That heavenly **** Nantian, I want to see, what is he capable of!"

Intermediate inspector general, interest increased!

Followed by the Intermediate Inspector General, three fortresses, followed closely.

At the same time, in the gray castle, the soldiers stationed on the ground, all three layers and the outer three layers were dispatched.

Even some high-explosive cannons were aimed at Nantian.

However, Nantian was not worried at all.

Now Nantian is no longer the case, the boy who had just reborn from the ground came through.

Where Nantian's cultivation practice is placed is enough to deter the party.

After seeing Nantian, the master of the black castle "Blackfaced Yan Luo" couldn't resist it.

"Boy, return my life!"

The two huge wings behind the black-faced Yanlu flew violently.

The black-faced Yan Luo was covered with a layer of mecha with a black glow, and killed Nantian viciously.

Nan Tian glanced at the black-faced Yanlu and scanned it with the Wushen system.

Figure: Black-faced Yan Luo

Identity: Yan Luoxing, the leader of the black market leader

Wealth value: 20 billion Galaxy contribution points

Physical fitness: 37.5 (27.4)

Mental Strength: 36

Vitality: 37.2 (27.12)

Strength: 37.3 (27.2)

Agility: 37.23 (27.18)

Comprehensive combat power: 37.046 (28.98)

Main Class: Mecha Warrior / A Grade Mecha Warlord

First vice occupation: No

Talent level: Virtual Dao

First-class mecha combatants!

Black-faced Yanluo is a genuine mecha player!

This is what Nantian has encountered so far, with the highest mecha repair.

Xiuwei has reached the point where a product of mecha combatants ~

The aura of the mech behind the black-faced Yan Luo's head is also dazzling!

However, Nantian is not afraid!

Nantian did not call any foreign aid.

Nantian held the meteor sword in his hands, and he was full of luck and strength.

"The sword of Du Gu Nine Swords swings all over the world!"

The sword of Du Gu Nine Swords swayed the world, fierce and unmatched, Nan Tian's ancient martial arts and mechs, and even every trace of physical strength was perfectly transferred to the blade of the meteor sword.


Black-faced Yan Luo and Nan Tian made a hard fight.

Nan Tian Yiran still.

The black-faced Yan Luo couldn't stop the body, and took a step back more than ten steps to stabilize his body. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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