Rebirth of the Industrial Tycoon

Chapter 628: Bragging about the World Championship Championship

Huanghai Petrochemical's natural gas transmission pipeline technology is considered to be at the top level in China, but compared with developed countries, it lags behind by several decades.

In fact, China is the first country in the world to use natural gas pipeline transportation. As early as the Qin and Han Dynasties in BC, our ancestors began to use bamboo pipes to transport natural gas.

In modern times, China's science and technology has lagged behind the world, so it was not until 1963 that China built its first modern natural gas transmission pipeline. The length of this pipeline is only over 50 kilometers, and the diameter is only over 400 millimeters. The natural gas transmission pipelines in many communities are now thicker than this.

Modern natural gas transmission pipelines in Western countries developed much earlier.

Similar to China, before the 18th century, the West also used bamboo as gas pipelines. However, with the beginning of the industrial revolution, the West began to use cast iron pipes to transport natural gas, and at the end of the 19th century, steel pipes began to be used.

In terms of gas transmission power, the West initially relied entirely on natural gas wellhead pressure. At the end of the 19th century, the United States took the lead in using steam-driven presses. In the 1930s, internal combustion engines were used to drive pressurized pipelines.

After World War II, Europe also began to use natural gas on a large scale. At that time, it was mainly Eastern European countries that used natural gas. Natural gas pipelines built by the Soviet Union passed through Czechoslovakia and were transported to Austria, the Federal Republic of Germany, Yugoslavia and other countries. .

As for Western Europe, natural gas is mainly obtained from the United Kingdom and Northern Europe. At that time, the natural gas consumption in Western Europe was not large, and the supply from the United Kingdom and Northern Europe was completely sufficient. Unlike today,

More than 40% of Europe's natural gas comes from Russia.

By the end of the 1970s, Southern Europe also built a line from North Africa.

Natural gas pipelines to southern Europe. At this point, the natural gas layout of the entire Europe has been formed.

compare to,

China's natural gas industry started relatively late. When we first entered the 21st century,

China's natural gas pipeline transportation technology lags far behind that of Western developed countries.

So Li Weidong knows very well that if Huafu Gas really introduces advanced technology from Western countries,

Then Huanghai Petrochemical will most likely not be able to compete.

Western countries don’t just give things like technology. It’s something like using technology to choke China’s neck.

The West has done much more. Being able to obtain advanced Western natural gas pipeline technology is a great thing in itself.

This is probably only possible by top companies like Huafu Group through some exchange of interests.

As Li Weidong said, in addition to its strong capital, Huafu Group

Basically there is no highlight,

However, capital is precisely the sharpest weapon of Huafu Group.

Allowing them to obtain advanced technology from the West.

"Having a lot of money means being awesome!" Li Weidong sighed lightly,

He opened his mouth and asked, "Uncle, do you know,

Which company's technology does Huafu Group use? "

"Enron Company!" Uncle He continued; "The name of Enron Company,

You must have heard that it is the second-ranked energy company in the United States, among the top 20 in the Fortune 500, and among the top 10 in the United States! "

"Enron?" Li Weidong made a weird voice. After thinking for a few seconds, he then asked: "Enron relies on the natural gas business to make a living, right? Pipeline transportation technology is Enron's core technology.

How could it be handed over to our Chinese company so easily? Huafu Group must have paid a lot of price! "

“How much did Huafu Group pay?

I have no idea. However, judging from the bid submitted by Huafu Group, what Enron provided was not their most advanced natural gas transmission technology, but technology from the late 1980s. "

Uncle He paused for a moment, then continued: "Another point is that Enron does not directly hand over technology to Huafu Group, but provides corresponding technical support during the construction process.

It is equivalent to them sending engineers over to be responsible for technical aspects such as planning and calculation, while Huafu Gas is responsible for the construction. During the entire process,

How much can Huafu Gas learn?

It just depends on their luck.

But even so, it is a rare opportunity for our Chinese enterprises. There are not many opportunities to directly learn advanced foreign technologies. Even if we just look at what others do, we can have a big idea about our technology. improvement. "

"What I'm saying is that the United States has the most advanced natural gas pipeline technology in the world, and Enron is a leader in this field. Even the technology of the late 1980s, if you can learn it, is enough to meet our current domestic needs. Yes." Li Weidong said.

"Isn't that right? Enron's technology from the 1980s is not lagging behind in Europe. In China, it is the most advanced, far exceeding the level of Huanghai Petrochemical. That's why I said that this bidding project of Huanghai Petrochemical is basically No chance."

Uncle He went on to explain: "Actually, it is not a secret at my level. Enron's technology is indeed much better than that in China. The expert group has reached a consensus, but it has not yet reached the day of making a decision, so everyone I just knew it and didn’t say much.”

After ending the call with Uncle He, Li Weidong's face showed a hint of joy.

"Enron Company, the company that cooperates with Huafu Gas is actually Enron Company. Originally, I was still thinking about what kind of conditions I should put forward.

Only then can I get New Oriental Motor. Now it seems that Huanghai Petrochemical will beg me to buy New Oriental Motor! "

Regardless of natural gas extraction,

When it comes to natural gas pipeline transportation technology, the United States is undoubtedly the most advanced in the world.

When Europe was still fighting World War II,

President Roosevelt of the United States has already laid natural gas pipelines to important cities in the United States.

By the 1970s, there were approximately 700,000 kilometers of natural gas pipelines in the world, and the United States accounted for 400,000 kilometers, more than half of the world's pipelines. The natural gas pipelines of the Soviet Union and Europe are less than a quarter of those in the United States.

Among them, a large part of the natural gas transmission pipelines were built by Enron.

Enron was founded in 1930 as a gas distributor.

But Enron's luck was relatively good. It happened to catch up with President Roosevelt's New Deal, and the United States began large-scale investment in infrastructure. Enron began to engage in power plant construction and natural gas pipeline construction business, and quickly grew into the top energy company in the United States.

Enron's business scope is also very wide. In addition to its specialty natural gas business and electric power business, Enron is also engaged in many businesses such as petroleum, chemicals, communications, metals, wood, steel, and wind energy.

In addition, Enron's Internet technology business is also very developed. Enron was the first company in the world to implement an online transaction system. At that time, all merchants who had business with Enron could complete transactions with Enron through the Internet, which is what is now known as b2b.

Natural gas pipeline construction, as the company's starting point, is naturally the core of Enron's business. Enron's technology in natural gas pipelines is indeed the best in the world.

"Chairman Song, I accept the concession!"

In the conference room, a rather smart-looking man cupped his fist at Song Jinlong with a proud expression on his face.

This person is Lin Mancang, the general manager of Huafu Gas.

Just now, the expert group announced the results of the bidding. There is no doubt that Huafu Gas successfully won the bid.

That's why Lin Mancang had this victor's attitude on his face.

Song Jinlong walked out of the conference room with a livid face, his heart filled with unwillingness.

When it comes to the laying of natural gas transportation pipelines, Huanghai Petrochemical has the technology, experience, and more successful cases, while Huafu Gas is just a natural gas distributor, so Song Jinlong feels that this bid should be a sure win.

However, it was Huafu Gas that finally won the bid!

After learning the result, Song Jinlong's first reaction was that there was something fishy about this tender, and that Huafu Gas had done something secretly.

But after thinking about it carefully, Song Jinlong felt that it was impossible.

For such an important project as the West-East Gas Transmission, those responsible for reviewing the project are all well-known domestic experts, many of whom are academicians of the Academy of Engineering.

These famous top scholars are not the experts with v on the Internet who tell lies with their eyes open. Top scholars all cherish their own feathers. It is basically impossible to bribe so many experts at once.

What's more, this is a national strategic project, and there are so many pairs of eyes watching behind it. If anyone dares to cheat or deceive others, they may lose their heads.

So the only explanation is that the bidding plan proposed by Huafu Gas is better than Huanghai Petrochemical!

"Huafu Gas has never had experience in building long-distance natural gas transmission pipelines. How can their plan be better than ours!"

Song Jinlong took a deep breath, and then ordered: "Go and find out immediately what the plan proposed by Huafu Gas is, and why it can beat us!"

The men nodded and immediately tried to find out the information.

At this moment, Song Jinlong's secretary came over, leaned next to Song Jinlong, and said, "Chairman, Chairman Li Weidong of Puppy Electric has called you."

"Li Weidong? I remembered, he must be about New Oriental Motor." Song Jinlong waved his hand with an irritated look: "Push it for me and let him come back to me after some time."

Secretary Gu Zhao hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Chairman Li Weidong said that he already knew that we lost to Huafu Gas. He said that he had a way to help us make a comeback. If you are interested, you can have an interview."

"The bidding results have just been announced, and Li Weidong already knows it! Is there any way he can help us turn the tables? What kind of medicine is Li Weidong selling in his gourd?" Song Jinlong stopped suddenly.

After pondering for a moment, Song Jinlong said, "Immediately make an appointment for me to meet with Chairman Li. No, let's make an appointment for a dinner. Some things are better discussed at a dinner. Let's do it right away. The sooner the better!"

On the dining table, a Boston lobster was placed in the middle, looking very majestic.

In China at that time, Boston lobster was still a rare thing. At that time, China rarely imported this kind of thing. It is said that rare things are more valuable, so Boston lobster became the top food at banquets.

Of course, Boston lobsters at that time were also really expensive. Due to import tariffs on seafood, a pound of Boston lobsters in China cost about three to four hundred yuan, which was definitely beyond the reach of ordinary families.

After it is cooked in a five-star hotel, the price will increase several times. Therefore, this banquet with a whole lobster will inevitably cost tens of thousands of yuan.

Tens of thousands of yuan in 2001 was enough for an ordinary family to live for a long time.

Song Jinlong served Li Weidong a full glass of wine with a smile on his face. Li Weidong was not polite, picked up the wine glass and said: "Brother Song, let me toast you!"

"Brother Li, it should be me who respects you!" Song Jinlong quickly picked up the wine glass.

At the dinner party, the two of them called each other "Brother Song" and "Brother Li". After a few glasses of wine, they were as close as half-brothers with different surnames and no sworn ties.

It is not without reason that Chinese people like to discuss business at wine parties. After a few glasses of wine, those who were not familiar with each other became familiar with each other, and those who were originally embarrassed to say dared to speak out. It was easier for both parties to discuss the terms openly and honestly, and the negotiation became easier.

Just listen to Song Jinlong ask: "Brother Li, our Huanghai Petrochemical lost to Huafu Gas this time. I heard that you have a way to help us make a comeback?"

Li Weidong nodded: "Yes, I do have a way to get you back the bid."

"How confident are you?" Song Jinlong asked next.

"How could I dare to come to you if I'm not completely sure?" Li Weidong replied.

"What a loud tone!" Song Jinlong thought to himself, but he just smiled and refused.

Li Weidong then said: "Brother Song, if I can help you get this project back, then your Huanghai Petrochemical Company will have to sell the New Oriental Motor Factory to me!"

Li Weidong didn't hesitate and explained his conditions directly.

"This project is very important to us. If you can really help us get the project back, New Oriental Motor Factory will give it to you!" Song Jinlong was happy and did not bargain.

Li Weidong smiled and shook his head: "If you give it to me, I don't dare to ask for it. After all, you are a state-owned enterprise. If I take New Oriental Motor Factory for nothing, wouldn't it be embezzlement of state-owned assets! I'd better buy it at the market price. I can't Let state-owned assets suffer losses."

Song Jinlong said, "Brother Li, I'm not kidding you. Do you really have a way to help us snatch this project away from Huafu Gas?"

"Brother Song, we have known each other for ten years, right? Is there anything I, Li Weidong, can't do that I can't tell you?" Li Weidong asked.

"That's true. If we leave things we can't do to you, Brother Li, we can really succeed immediately." Song Jinlong thought of Li Weidong's previous achievements and nodded with deep approval.

But Song Jinlong immediately changed his voice and said, "But this time, our competitor is Huafu Gas. After all, they are a subsidiary of Huafu Group.

Huafu Group has a big business and strong strength. Looking at the country, it is also one of the top large companies, and its scale is several times larger than ours!

If it were just a Huafu Group, that would be fine. For this project, there is a top-level support behind the Huafu Group, and that would be the most difficult thing to deal with! "

"Are you talking about the American company Enron?" Li Weidong asked.

"You really know it!" Song Jinlong didn't look surprised.

Before that, Song Jinlong had already found out that the reason why Huafu Gas won the bid this time was because it reached a cooperation with Enron Company. Enron Company provided some technologies and was willing to send engineers to help Huafu Gas.

Faced with Enron's technology, Song Jinlong knew that Huanghai Petrochemical had lost the battle unjustly!

No domestic company, not even Japanese and European companies, would be able to compete with Enron.

Song Jinlong immediately asked, "Enron's natural gas pipeline technology is unique in the world. Is there any way you can win against them?"

"Technically speaking, if I give you twenty... ten years, it won't be as good as Enron's."

Li Weidong originally wanted to say "it can't be compared in twenty years", but after careful consideration, Chinese companies twenty years later have already built natural gas pipelines to Central Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia and Africa, even for South American natural gas in the mid-to-high-end market. Pipelines, there are also projects by Chinese companies.

Compared with infrastructure projects, the United States in 20 years will really not be able to match China's infrastructure madman, so Li Weidong changed "twenty years" to "ten years."

Song Jinlong didn't pay attention to Li Weidong's change of words. Even if Li Weidong said that he couldn't compare in twenty years, Song Jinlong didn't feel angry. After all, compared with Enron, Huanghai Petrochemical's technology was more than twenty years behind. Even twenty years could be considered. The Yellow Sea was petrified.

Just listen to Li Weidong continue to say; "Since we are unable to compete with others in a short time in terms of technology, we can only start from other aspects."

"In terms of cost, we have no advantage. Although Huafu Gas uses Enron's technology, when laying pipelines, we still use our domestic construction teams, and their costs are not very high." Song Jinlong said.

"We don't compare costs." Li Weidong shook his head and continued: "Since Huafu Gas needs the support of Enron, then find a way to prevent Enron from providing technical support. This project will naturally return to your Yellow Sea. It’s petrified inside the hand.”

"Is there any way to prevent Enron from providing technical support?" An idea flashed in Song Jinlong's mind, and he asked: "Brother Li, is there any way you can influence Enron's decision-making?"

"How can I have that ability? If I could influence Enron's decision-making, I would have gone to the Middle East to mine natural gas to make money!" Li Weidong replied with a smile.

"Besides, is there any other way to influence Enron?" Song Jinlong asked.

"Just shut down Enron!" Li Weidong said with a relaxed look, and at the same time, he put a large piece of lobster meat in his mouth and chewed it.

The heat is a bit stronger and the taste is a bit woody.

"Should Enron be shut down?" Song Jinlong looked like he was listening to a bad joke. He didn't think the joke was funny at all.

Li Weidong said seriously: "As long as Enron goes bankrupt, they will have no way to provide technical support to Huafu Gas. At that time, Huafu Gas will have to withdraw. This project belongs to Huanghai Petrochemical!"

Looking at Li Weidong's serious expression, Song Jinlong felt a ray of anger in his heart. He felt that Li Weidong was playing tricks on him!

That's Enron! The second largest energy company in the United States, ranked among the top ten companies in the United States, and among the top 20 Fortune 500 companies in the world!

Shut down Enron? The bragging rights to the world championship are yours!

Li Weidong, why don’t you say you are the President of the United States?

Even the President of the United States is unable to bring down Enron!

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