Rebirth of the Industrial Tycoon

Chapter 584 Everyone loves pandas

The Indian Naravani passed by not far away, and Li Weidong followed him immediately.

Naravani definitely did not come to Dubai for vacation. Thinking back to the news he had heard in the bar before, India had just approved a construction machinery procurement budget of 120 million US dollars. Li Weidong immediately guessed that Naravani had nothing to do with this 120 million US dollars. Billions of purchases related.

I just don’t know what role Naravani played in this US$120 million purchase case, and whether he was the main person in charge of this purchase.

In terms of business intelligence, Li Weidong is far inferior to those international giants, and it is impossible for those international giants to tell Li Weidong important information, so Li Weidong can only follow Naravani and collect information through some clues.

Naravani wandered around the venue and then stopped in front of the Liebherr exhibition area.

A giant company like Liebherr has two exhibition areas, indoor and outdoor. The outdoor exhibition area contains various physical equipment, including several very high-end construction machinery; while the indoor exhibition area also covers more than 400 square meters, arranged like It is an independent exhibition hall.

In comparison, Fukang Engineering only has a booth of more than ten square meters. Compared with Liebherr, the gap is probably like the difference between roadside Malatang and Haidilao chain stores.

In the exhibition area, many people came to visit and negotiate. After all, Liebherr is the world's top construction machinery company. Both its technology and product quality are first-class, and it has an excellent brand reputation. Many people buy it. The first choice for construction machinery.

Liebherr brought a dozen employees to explain to customers and promote its products. But even so, it was somewhat stretched. Many customers spent most of the day wandering around the exhibition area before an interpreter came up to talk to them.

Europeans have always been more utilitarian in doing business. Liebherr's commentators didn't bother to deal with people who seemed to be just joining in the fun, rather than serious buyers.

When Naravani walked into your Liebherr exhibition area, no one paid attention to him at first, but after just over a minute, a man who looked like an executive came out and received Naravani personally. Naravani chatted for a long time and handed over a business card before leaving.

And this scene was all seen by Li Weidong not far away.

"It's interesting that Liebherr's executives came out to receive them in person!" Li Weidong thought to himself.

Immediately afterwards, Naravani went to Volvo's exhibition area, and Volvo's executives also appeared and received Naravani personally.

Later, in the exhibition areas of Caterpillar, Komatsu Manufacturing, Hitachi Construction Machinery, etc., Naravani was received by senior executives without exception.

"It seems that Naravani has always been on the list of customers of large companies, so he was personally received by company executives. It is worthy of the executives of various large companies to personally receive him. The person in charge of the US$120 million purchase in India , It should be Nalawani!" Li Weidong thought to himself.

Naravani's facial features are similar to those of a Caucasian, and his skin color is not that of a dark Indian. If it weren't for that iconic beard, some people would really think of him as a European.

What's more, in places like Dubai, there are very many South Asians, second only to Arabs.

The tycoon countries in the Middle East that became rich by selling oil are relatively short of labor.

Due to religious and cultural reasons, women there do not participate in work, which reduces the labor force by half.

These countries are relatively wealthy and have very good social welfare. Citizens can receive welfare benefits from the government even if they do not work. This has also given rise to many people who are unwilling to work.

Even when the locals work, they do light work. Working four hours a day is considered hard work, which is equivalent to half a day's work and half a day's rest. And there are holidays every year. In total, working for eight out of twelve months in a year is considered hard work.

However, this level of labor participation and low work efficiency cannot guarantee the normal functioning of society. Everyone is counting money at home and no one goes to work, or only works for a short period of time. Wouldn't the country be paralyzed?

So the solution the local tycoons came up with was to hire foreigners to do the work.

South Asia is relatively poor, not far from the Middle East, and many people are similar to those in the Middle East in terms of religious beliefs. Therefore, South Asians have become a source of labor for wealthy countries in the Middle East.

Countries such as India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, etc., a large number of people go to the Middle East to work every year. They are engaged in the kind of jobs that local people are unwilling to do. The wages are not high, and the working and living conditions are relatively poor. This is a social disadvantage. Lowest level.

The glamorous lives of the wealthy people in the Middle East were earned by exploiting these South Asian wage earners.

In a city like Dubai, it is even more normal to see South Asian faces.

People with looks like Nanavani will not receive special attention. At least Li Weidong, an East Asian face, is more conspicuous in the crowd than Naravani.

However, those big companies were able to recognize the inconspicuous Naravani in the crowd and sent senior executives to receive him personally. The only explanation was that Naravani was an important customer.

In his previous life, when Li Weidong was making second-hand machinery and equipment, he had met this Narawani several times.

Naravani's cousin is a high-ranking official in India, so Naravani also got a lucrative job in purchasing construction machinery.

In the international market, the Indian government has always taken advantage of people who are stupid and have too much money. And this Naravani is also a wealthy man in the eyes of many construction machinery suppliers.

The Indian government has two distinctive characteristics when it comes to overseas procurement. Either it is very willing to spend money and spends more than the normal price to purchase products.

For example, when buying weapons, I am never vague about the money I spend. I often spend a lot of money to buy a bunch of shrunken weapons.

Or you spend a small amount of money and suffer a big loss. It looks like you bought something cheap, but after adding various follow-up service fees, you end up paying more.

For example, the second-hand aircraft carrier purchased by India cost US$974 million, which was almost like pie in the sky.

However, the subsequent renovation and renovation costs were as high as US$7 billion. You must know that the cost of building the US Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is US$6.2 billion.

The reason for this is not because Indian procurement personnel are stupid, but because the corruption problem in Indian government procurement is very serious.

Later, India spent US$8.8 billion to buy 36 Rafale fighter jets, with the average unit price of each fighter being as high as US$240 million. This Rafale fighter jet was produced in the 1980s. When India purchased it, it was already an old fighter jet more than 30 years ago.

In comparison, the US F22 fighter jet was sold to the US military for only US$150 million. The f35a is sold to the US military for 80 million US dollars, and to US allies is about over 100 million US dollars.

After all, the F35A is the most advanced stealth fighter. When India buys a thirty-year-old product like the Rafale, the price is three times that of the F35A.

In fact, the French company Dassault's sales price for Rafale fighter jets is generally around US$60 million. India has to spend 240 million US dollars to buy it. Where does the price difference of 180 million go?

The answer is that it all fell into the hands of the Indians, and the French did not get a penny.

An arms sales deal, after price increases at various levels in India, finally turned 60 million U.S. dollars into 240 million U.S. dollars.

The same is true for Naravani when he purchases construction machinery. A piece of equipment that costs US$100,000 will cost him US$200,000 or even US$300,000 to purchase.

The difference in price naturally fell into his own pocket, or into the pocket of his cousin, a high-ranking official.

So although Naravani is a rich guy, he is also a very smart guy. He knows how to make money by taking advantage of the opportunity to purchase equipment.

One thing that impressed Li Weidong deeply about Naravani was that during a purchase, Naravani deliberately bought a batch of second-hand equipment.

Naravani then painted the second-hand equipment and shipped it back to India as new equipment. Naturally, the price was calculated based on new equipment, and there was even a slight premium. And the businessman who provided Naravani with second-hand equipment also made a lot of money.

This incident was not a secret in the circle of second-hand machinery dealers at that time. Since then, Naravani has been on the priority customer list of second-hand equipment dealers. Everyone hopes to do business with Naravani and treat second-hand equipment as first-hand. When selling equipment, oil and water are huge.

It was also because Naravani was a well-known wealthy man that Li Weidong recognized Naravani at a glance.

Now Naravani has just received a job in engineering procurement, so he is considered a newbie. People in the industry don't know Naravani's work style yet.

But Li Weidong knew that this guy had a big appetite, and he had a high-ranking official cousin as his backer, so he was even more unscrupulous when making money.

If Naravani is the purchasing representative sent by India, this is obviously good news for Li Weidong.

Fukang Engineering's products have no advantages in terms of performance, and their technology is two or three generations behind those of international giants. The brand has no reputation. The only advantage is probably its low price.

But construction machinery is not low-end manufacturing products such as clothes and shoes. It is not competitive just because it is cheap.

If we were to compete with real swords and guns, Fukang Engineering was really no match for those international giants and would definitely be pinned to the ground and rubbed repeatedly.

But when you meet a purchasing representative who wants to make money, the situation is completely different. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the other party is brave enough, anything is possible!

In the hotel suite, Naravani leaned on the sofa and tasted the coffee in his hand.

Perhaps because of the prohibition on alcohol, Arabs like drinking coffee very much. In the international metropolis of Dubai, you can find all kinds of the best coffee in the world.

Opposite Naravani, there was a European sitting, his name was Olaf, a representative of Swedish Volvo.

I saw Olaf say: "Mr. Naravani, the commission for construction machinery transactions is usually 3 to 5. I think other companies should not give you more than 5, right?

5 of 120 million US dollars is 6 million US dollars. But if all of these 120 million purchases are handed over to us, Volvo, we are willing to pay a commission of US$1,000 for it!

Mr. Naravani, our condition has broken the unspoken rules of this industry. I think this is enough to show the sincerity of our Volvo company. I also hope that you can seriously consider our condition! "

Hearing the figure of 10 million US dollars, Naravani was obviously moved.

For such large-scale machinery purchases, it is common for manufacturers to pay an additional transaction commission. Of course, this commission will also be paid in a legal name, such as consulting fees.

The commission ratio in the machinery industry is about 3 to 5 of the transaction amount. For some high-end mechanical equipment, such as shield machines and gantry cranes, the commission may be higher. Of course, the price of this type of machinery will be higher and the profit will be greater.

Ordinary construction machinery, the profit is not that big, the commission of 5 has been capped, many companies are not even willing to give 5, probably for the sake of 120 million US dollars, they will give 4.

The commission of 10 million US dollars proposed by Olaf is equivalent to a ratio of 8.33, which is far more than 5. Volvo is willing to give such conditions that break the unspoken rules, which shows that they are determined to win this single life.

The offer of 10 million US dollars was very tempting, but Naravani did not express his position immediately. Instead, he said: "Mr. Olaf, I need a few days to think about it. I think I will give you an answer before the end of the exhibition. of!"

"Well, I look forward to in-depth cooperation with Mr. Naravani." After Olaf finished speaking, he nodded and left.

Naravani personally took Olaf to the elevator and then returned to his room.

"10 million U.S. dollars! Volvo is really generous. But according to my research, Volvo's equipment is really expensive. It's also 120 million U.S. dollars. If you want to buy Volvo's engineering equipment, you should buy a lot less of it!" Then Lavanni murmured.

The world's top construction machinery giants all have their own strengths and weaknesses.

Caterpillar in the United States started with internal combustion engines, and internal combustion engines are also their advantage. Customers who are more interested in power and mechanical power often choose Caterpillar first.

Another American company, John Deere, is also very good at engines. In addition, their hydraulic system is the best in the world.

Japan's Komatsu Manufacturing is famous for its comprehensiveness. You can find any kind of construction machinery at Komatsu Manufacturing, and the quality is very good, with no obvious shortcomings.

The characteristics of Hitachi Construction Machinery are that its products are relatively durable and stable. Japan is the leader in terms of materials and technology, and Hitachi Construction Machinery has made full use of this advantage.

In addition, the prices of Japanese products are cheaper than those in the United States and Europe, and the after-sales service is more timely. Of course, if you return it promptly, you won’t receive any less money.

Germany's Liebherr is a time-honored company in Europe. Liebherr's business scope is very wide, not limited to the construction machinery industry, so they have a lot of key technologies in their hands.

Liebherr's construction machinery basically does not need to outsource the core components, they can produce them themselves. In terms of speed change, transmission and control, Liebherr has more advantages, which are also the traditional advantages of German companies.

The advantages of Swedish Volvo's construction machinery lie in quality and safety. Volvo's construction machinery, like Volvo's cars, has high safety, comfortable driving, high fuel efficiency, very good power, and very low noise.

In terms of quality, Volvo is indeed the best.

But there is also a disadvantage, that is, it is expensive. In this regard, it is the same as Volvo cars.

Volvo's construction machinery, products of the same grade, is definitely more expensive than Caterpillar from the United States and Liebherr from Germany, let alone cheaper products from Japan.

And not only the price of the complete machine is high, but the price of the accessories is also high. If it breaks down and a few more parts are replaced, it will be enough to buy a second-hand complete machine!

It is precisely because Volvo is sold at a high price that they have high enough profits and can pay a commission of 10 million US dollars.

But even with the commission of 10 million US dollars, Naravani did not agree immediately.

This is the virtue of Indians in doing business. Taking advantage is not enough. Even if they know that the price is the lowest, they still look forward to cheaper things and can take advantage of more. No decision will be made until the last moment.

In the elevator, the assistant said with some dissatisfaction, "The conditions we offered are so good, but the Indian didn't agree and wanted to think about it again. It's really disrespectful! Does he think that the conditions of other companies can surpass ours?"

Olaf smiled disdainfully: "Beggars are always greedy. For example, a beggar can usually beg for twenty yuan a day. One day, he only spent half a day begging for twenty yuan. , then will he finish work early? No, he will continue begging, hoping to get twenty yuan in the other half day!"

The two chatted first, and then the elevator reached the first floor. Olaf walked out of the elevator and walked towards the hotel door, when he saw someone walking towards him.

"It's Drizzt!" Olaf frowned slightly.

Drizzt is the representative of Caterpillar. When he appears here, you don't need to guess that he is here to talk to Naravani about the US$120 million purchase.

Drizzt also saw Olaf, he smiled politely at Olaf, and then walked straight to the elevator.

However, Olaf's eyes stayed on the beautiful female secretary in sexy clothes next to Drizzt.

The purpose of bringing a female secretary with beautiful appearance, hot figure and sexy clothes to discuss business is obvious.

Olaf was cunning and cunning, and he instantly realized that this beauty was a professional female publicist.

"Damn Yankee, you are so shameless for using this trick!" Olaf gritted his teeth and said to himself: "I hope that guy Lavanni can control it and don't be seduced by the beauty! But it seems a bit difficult to let the Indians control it!”

In the parking lot outside the hotel, Li Weidong and Ding Youliang were sitting in a car. Ding Youliang was holding a small telescope in his hand and staring at the hotel door.

"The people from Volvo came out. He should have met the people from Caterpillar." Ding Youliang paused and then said, "Chairman, when should we go in?"

"Don't worry, wait a little longer and see if there are any other monsters or monsters." Li Weidong said.

Ding Youliang continued: "The woman from Caterpillar just now doesn't look like she's a serious person."

"How did you tell?" Li Weidong asked.

"Looking at the clothes she is wearing, most of her chest is exposed, more than my two-stringed hurdle vest. She is also squirming when walking. She is definitely not a serious person." Ding Youliang said.

"That's a suspender belt, not a hurdle vest! Besides, you're a big man, even if you don't wear a hurdle vest and your whole chest is exposed, no one will look at you!" Li Weidong said with a smile.

"Not necessarily, many people like chest hair!" Ding Youliang also joked.

"Many people like pandas!" Li Weidong chuckled and continued, "But you guessed it right this time. This woman should be a professional female publicist, the kind who signs contracts in bed."

"It turns out it's a beauty trap!" Ding Youliang paused, and then said: "Since ancient times, heroes have always struggled with beauties. That Lavanni is not a hero either. Could he have fallen into a beauty trap?"

"Don't worry, this trick is useless against Lawanni!" Li Weidong said calmly.

"Why? Does this guy have a problem in that area? It shouldn't be. Isn't there magic oil in India? The magic oil can't cure it, so it's a bit serious. He needs to see a doctor. How about introducing him to a Chinese medicine doctor?" Ding Youliang Somewhat talkative.

"That guy is not interested in women." Li Weidong continued to explain.

"Is he a rabbit?" Ding Youliang asked with interest, the fire of gossip blazing in his heart.

"Maybe you are still a rabbit who likes chest hair! Otherwise, why would I bring you here!" Li Weidong laughed maliciously.

Ding Youliang felt his anus tighten, and he quickly said, "You must be mistaken, he likes pandas!"

"No, it's chest hair! Didn't you just say that many people like chest hair?"

"Who likes chest hair? I'm talking about pandas! Everyone likes pandas!"

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