Rebirth of the Industrial Tycoon

Chapter 557: Dollars open the way

Spring has arrived in China, and the city is full of greenery, but Moscow is still shrouded in a blanket of snow.

Although it is not snowing in the sky, the snow on the roadside and the mud on the road tell Li Weidong that it is still a cold winter here.

Sitting in the car, even though he was driving on the road, Li Weidong could still feel the bumps coming from his buttocks.

Cars produced in Russia are generally relatively spacious, but the comfort level is really unsatisfactory.

The most important thing is that there are potholes on the road!

Due to economic reasons, most of the roads in Moscow are in disrepair. Even the main roads always have some potholes. Probably only the road in front of the Red Square is slightly smoother.

Although the melting snow gradually filled up some of the potholes on the road, the one who couldn't bear to drive was a Russian driver. This driver's driving style showed the boldness of a fighting nation.

When he stepped on the accelerator, the car flew up. When passing by a pothole, Li Weidong was knocked up and his head hit the roof of the car.

As the car entered the city of Moscow, there were gradually more pedestrians on the roadside.

There were long queues at the entrance of many stores. Li Weidong took a closer look and saw that the customers who came out were all holding large and square squares in their hands.

Li Weidong has eaten this before, and it's not delicious at all.

Russian big bread is actually whole-wheat bread. It contains no sugar or oil. The outer shell is crispy and hard. Fortunately, it is slightly softer on the inside. It tastes better to resist hunger, but the taste is definitely not as good as Chinese steamed buns.

The bread that Europeans eat on a daily basis is often relatively solid and very chewy to eat. In the entire European continent, only the bread made by Jews is probably soft, while the bread baked by other ethnic groups is hard.

For example, the bread baked by the Germans can be used as a brick to hit someone. Maybe in a 1v1 confrontation, the brick may not be able to hit the German bread.

Therefore, every bakery in Germany is equipped with a bread cutting machine, which is equipped with various cutting and cutting functions. Because German bread is so hard, if you buy it and cut it yourself, you will most likely not be able to cut it.

Looking at the crowd buying bread, Li Weidong couldn't help but think of the scene when he came to Russia a few years ago.

At that time, Li Weidong had just bought the loader factory, so he used dozens of truckloads of canned fruits to exchange the loader production technology from the Iset River Engineering Machinery Factory.

At that time, the Soviet Union had just disintegrated, all industries were depressed, and people's livelihoods were withering. At that time, there were long queues in front of bakeries like today, with citizens queuing up to buy bread. Ad-free network amww.

"Is there a shortage of food in Moscow?" Li Weidong asked.

Zhao Jinlong looked out the car window and said, "I haven't heard much about this. It seems that every time Ruble is demoted, there will be a queue at the bakery. But the old people I know are not ordinary people. Even if they are short of food, they will Can’t get enough of them.”

Zhao Jinlong turned around and continued with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't starve you. I guarantee that you will have a big meal of fish and meat. When you get to the hotel, you will have enough steaks. You can have as much as you want!"

"Are you bullying me for not having been to Russia?" Li Weidong also laughed: "In Russia, meat products are not expensive, but fruits and vegetables are valuable. I picked up fruit salad and ate it soon!"

The two were naturally joking. With Zhao Jinshan's financial resources, even if Li Weidong ate several tons of fruits and vegetables, he would not be able to eat enough of Zhao Jinshan.

Russia is located in a high latitude area with a relatively cold climate, which is unfriendly to the growth of most crops. Therefore, Russian agriculture has never been able to achieve high yields.

However, the land area in Russia is large enough, and quantity can make up for quality. Even if the yield per mu of crops is not high, as long as the planting area is large enough, the food output will naturally increase.

In the future, Russia's annual grain output will basically remain at around 130 million tons.

Although this is less than one-fifth of China's grain output, considering that Russia's population is just over 100 million, on average one person can produce one ton of grain a year.

Ordinary people certainly cannot eat one ton of grain a year, so Russia exports more than 10 million tons of wheat every year.

In the late 1990s, Russia's grain production was not so high.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union and years of "shock therapy," Russia's grain production has declined instead of rising, and is actually not as good as the former Soviet era.

At this time, Russia's annual grain output was only about 60 million tons, less than half of what it would be in later generations.

But even with an annual output of 60 million tons of grain, on average each Russian can eat less than half a ton of grain a year, and they will certainly not go hungry, nor will they go to the extent of panic buying grain.

The reason why there are queues to buy big trains is caused by the depreciation of the ruble.

Russia's light industry has a weak foundation and relies on imports for a large amount of daily necessities. Therefore, whenever the ruble depreciates, the price of daily necessities will rise, thus causing inflation.

Inflation will drive up food prices, which will lead to people queuing up to buy large amounts of food even though there is enough food.

Therefore, whenever the ruble depreciates in the future, people will line up to buy bread.

Later, Russia also figured out that the international trade system is mainly settled in U.S. dollars, and the reason why the U.S. dollar occupies the hegemonic position in international trade is mainly because bulk commodities are priced in U.S. dollars, the core of which are oil and food.

But Russia has no shortage of both oil and food. Not only can it be independent, but the excess can also be sold to other countries. So why should it depend on your dollar?

As a result, Russia in later generations has become more and more assertive in the face of Western sanctions, and Western sanctions have become increasingly ineffective.

The car arrived at a luxury hotel in Moscow. Zhao Jinshan and Li Weidong got out of the car. They walked into the hotel foyer and saw a Chinese man about fifty years old waiting there. After he saw Zhao Jinshan, he left immediately. Come over.

"Mr. Zhao, the room has been arranged, and I've also gone to see it." The man continued, "I originally wanted to pick you up at the airport, but you didn't let me."

"Lao Xing, thank you for your hard work!" Zhao Jinshan pointed to the man and introduced him: "Weidong, let me introduce you to someone. This is Lao Xing. I used to rely on Lao Xing for help when I came to Moscow to discuss business. "

"I'm just helping you drink a few glasses of wine." Lao Xing looked at Li Weidong and said, "This is Chairman Li! My name is Xing Sihai, just call me Lao Xing."

Li Weidong greeted Lao Xing, and Zhao Jinshan continued to introduce; "Lao Xing has a very good drinking capacity. He can drink not only liquor, but also vodka and whiskey.

This old man likes to drink vodka very much. No matter what happens, he will drink half a bottle of vodka. If you want to discuss business with him, you don't need to know how to drink.

And not only do you need to be able to drink, but you also need to drink a lot. It is best to drink a big toast with the old people and make them happy. Then the business will be concluded.

My own drinking capacity is quite good, but I can't compare with Lao Maozi. Especially the vodka, which is strong and choked, almost the same as alcohol. How can it be as delicious as the wine made from our grains! I'm not used to drinking.

So every time I discuss business with Lao Maozi, I call Lao Xing over and ask Lao Xing to drink with those Lao Maozi. Every time I drink Lao Maozi down, the business can be concluded! "

Li Weidong couldn't help but look at Lao Xing, and thought to himself, if this person can really drink a table of Russians down, he is really a talented person! Taking him to discuss business in Russia will definitely bring success. "

Lao Xing said: "I used to be a dealer. Later, a batch of goods was detained. It was supposed to be confiscated and fined. If this batch of goods was missing, not only would I, Lao Xing, be bankrupt, but I would also be fined. You'll be in debt.

In the end, thanks to Mr. Chen’s help, the batch of goods was released, so that I, Lao Xing, would not starve to death on the streets! Mr. Chen is my benefactor to save the people. As long as Mr. Chen orders something, I, Mr. Xing, will go through fire and water without hesitation! "

Two days later, Zhao Jinshan successfully made an appointment for a dinner.

At the dinner party, Lao Xing really showed his prowess. At first he drank from a cup, but soon he turned to blowing on a vodka bottle, and he just said, "Lao Tie, spin one for you!"

Although there was no "Lao Tie Xuan", the shouts of "Hala Whistle" soon started to come one after another.

"Haha whistle or not?"

"Hala Whistle!"

Zhao Jinshan next to him was smiling. At this time, he had received the information he wanted.

"The old guy just said that there is a man named Agafonov. There are medium and large industrial machinery in his warehouse. Some of them have not even been used. They have been stored since the collapse of the Soviet Union until now."

Zhao Jinshan paused and then said: "If we want to repay the debt with something, we can contact that Agafonov. As long as he says the same thing, we can get things out of the warehouse."

Three days later, Zhao Jinshan contacted Agafonov, and then there was another dinner party.

"While pear blossoms are blooming all over the world, and soft gauze floats on the river, Katyusha stands on the steep bank, singing like a bright spring..."

At the dinner, Lao Xing sang the famous song "Katyusha" from the former Soviet Union. He sang pretty well, at least he didn't run away.

Under the influence of the wine, other Russians at the dinner table also began to sing in Russian.

Zhao Jinshan took the opportunity to take out a wooden red wine box, handed it to Agafonov, and quietly opened a corner of the box.

Agafonov looked at the red wine box and found "Franklin" in the box staring at him.

Green Franklin is really cute!

Based on the thickness of the box, Agafonov estimated how many "Franklins" there could be in the box, and then took the red wine box with a smile.

Two days later, Li Weidong and Zhao Jinshan were in a jeep driving on the shabby roads outside Moscow.

"The warehouse should be right in front." Zhao Jinshan held the map and compared it with the road signs next to it from time to time, not sure if he could understand it.

"That sign seems to be a military restricted area, no entry, right?" Li Weidong pointed to a dilapidated road sign on the side of the road and said.

Although Li Weidong cannot read Russian, he can still understand the signs.

Zhao Jinshan answered: "What we are going to this time is a military base, or it used to be a military base. During the former Soviet Union, tanks and armored vehicles were stored there.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the tanks and armored vehicles were sold, and the warehouses were emptied, and then used to store various obsolete industrial equipment. Now it is no longer a military base, but can only be regarded as a large warehouse. "

"That's it." Li Weidong nodded.

However, when he arrived at the place, Li Weidong found that the people standing guard at the door were still soldiers with guns and live ammunition.

"Didn't I say that this is not a military base? Why are there still soldiers?" Li Weidong said nervously.

"Although it is not a military base, there is still a lot of equipment stored inside! It still needs to be guarded." Zhao Jinshan said, took out a piece of paper, and continued: "Don't worry, I have Agafonov here to help 's pass."

Zhao Jinshan said, took out 20 five-dollar bills and sandwiched them in the pass.

"I think Abraham Lincoln is the real passport!" Li Weidong thought to himself.

When the car arrived at the door, the guard immediately came over. Zhao Jinshan handed the pass directly over. The guard opened the pass and his eyes suddenly shone when he saw a thick US dollar bill.

He put away the US dollars, then returned the pass to Zhao Jinshan, let the jeep in, and did not forget to salute Zhao Jinshan.

The guard then went back to dividing the dollars.

There must be more than one guard at the door, so Zhao Jinshan stuffed 20 Lincolns instead of one Franklin.

20 pieces of Lincoln, firstly, it looks thick, and secondly, it makes it easier for the guards to divide the spoils.

The car drove into this former military base. Zhao Jinshan and Li Weidong also met the person in charge of the military base.

"General Agafonov asked us to come. This is a letter of introduction issued by General Agafonov." Zhao Jinshan said and handed the envelope to the person in charge of the base.

The person in charge of the base took the envelope and felt that it was a little thick. When he opened it, he found that it was green inside and he suddenly smiled.

Another $10,000 was spent.

The person in charge of the base put the envelope away close to his body and continued, "General Agafonov has already called me. I will send someone to take you to the warehouse right away. You can choose whatever you want."

After a while, the warehouse manager appeared and took Zhao Jinshan and Li Weidong to visit the warehouse.

"Mr. Vlasievich, do you smoke?" Zhao Jinshan said and took out a box of cigars, and then said: "I have a box of cigars here, please accept it."

Warehouse manager Vlasievich was a little impatient at first, but when he saw Zhao Jinshan giving gifts, his attitude immediately softened a lot.

He took the cigar box and held it in his hand, but frowned slightly.

"Cigars should be a bit heavy, right? This box of cigars is lighter than a box of cigarettes! Is there not a few cigars in it at all?"

Vlasievich opened it and found that there was indeed no cigar inside, but a small wad of dollars.

There were no outsiders around, so Vlasievich took out the dollars and counted them, which was exactly one thousand dollars.

Vlasievich instantly became enthusiastic: "Mr. Zhao, you can look at these warehouses as long as you want! If so, I have vodka there, and my mother's pickled pickles..."

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