Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 807 Arrangement

Yang Rui thought about it carefully, first went to the ion channel laboratory, informed the current situation, and left after making some arrangements. * w w w . q i b i w u . c o m *

The ion channel laboratory still belongs to the state, and Yang Rui is powerless and unnecessary to stop the organization from realizing its will here. The ion channel laboratory has never been involved in PCR research, and it is more difficult to do it from scratch than the Chinese Academy of Sciences. What's more, there is Professor Cai taking care of it here, so Yang Rui doesn't have to worry about it.

After all, the cooperation project is a cooperation. The Chinese Academy of Sciences can't have what it wants. The current scientific research progress of the ion channel laboratory does not even need to be interrupted. The only trouble is nothing more than some work of deploying manpower and instruments.

Yang Rui told Xu Zhengping to re-check and register the instruments and reagents, and then leave at ease and go to Huarui Laboratory.

In the Huarui laboratory, Yang Rui explained the situation while directing everyone to lock the experimental records and so on into the safe.

This time, he explained in detail, and clearly analyzed the risks, as well as some of his own responses.

The researchers in the laboratory all have experience in schools or research institutes. Yang Rui can imagine the behind-the-scenes transactions as soon as he said it.

Huang Mao reminded Yang Rui: "You seem to avoid conflicts like this, but when you look deeper, it's still a soft confrontation. The Chinese Academy of Sciences will not be so easy to talk about."

"I know, it's a big deal to fire me. I'll go out for a trip and come back, just start over again." Yang Rui was extremely confident at this time. Today is different from the past. When he was in Xibao Middle School, Yang Rui desperately wanted to be admitted to Peking University. Because he was admitted to Peking University and got a high score in the exam, he was eligible to enter the scientific research field.

But now, who dares to say that Yang Rui is not a member of the scientific research community? Who dare not recognize Yang Rui?

Whether Yang Rui is a Peking University graduate or a Peking University dropout, his status in the scientific research community will not be changed. Even if he becomes a Peking University dropout, there may be more topics, just like Bill Gates becoming a Peking University dropout. Like a Harvard dropout. Of course, if he hadn't been admitted to Peking University or Harvard, the direction of the topic would have been completely different.

All in all, Yang Rui has always been fighting for his scientific research status, but the method is different now than in the past.

Yang Rui has always adhered to the fact that the worst decision is better than indecision, and now time is pressing, so he completely switched to the execution mode, looked around, and said: "Don't worry, everyone, no matter what happens to Huarui Lab in the future. In any case, I will first ensure that everyone’s salary will be paid as usual, and secondly, if the Sinovel Lab cannot continue in the capital, we can also consider relocating, and if it doesn’t work, we will return to Hong Kong.”

He said so,

The expressions of several people are indeed quite relaxed.

An organization like the Chinese Academy of Sciences is indeed a strong deterrent in the field of scientific research, but outside the field of scientific research, let alone covering the sky with one hand, it is difficult to make an impact. If Huarui moves away, or even moves out of the capital, they The control power will be greatly reduced.

"However... the follow-up research of pcr will be stopped for the time being. For the pcr group, I will give you a big vacation. Come back and see the situation and decide whether to continue doing pcr or start a new research." Yang Rui paused for a while, and then said: " The studies of other groups will remain unchanged for the time being, and those who want to take a break can also take this opportunity to take a break."

Huang Mao is the person in charge of the pcr team. Although he knew it was inevitable, he still said angrily: "Our progress has to be set back by at least a month."

"Rest is for better work. You haven't rested for a long time. Take advantage of the time when there is no competition, and cultivate yourself."

"I originally planned to rest during the Spring Festival. At that time, many matching reagents are not easy to buy... I rest now, and a lot of pre-order research will be wasted." Huang Mao was quite frustrated.

Scientific research experiment is a continuous process, just like an assembly line. The final product comes from the continuous work in the early stage, and the pause in the middle often means that a lot of previous work is wasted. Next time Restart, have to start all over again.

Huarui Company spent Yang Rui's money, and the results it produced were Yang Rui's achievements. Yang Rui was also very unhappy about such problems. However, before making the decision to suspend, Yang Rui had expected it, so he turned to And appease Huang Mao: "The appeasement policy is easy to implement. We take a step back and give the other party a little sweetness, hoping that the other party will stop. But appeasement must have a bottom line. My bottom line is PCR. This is not allowed to be touched by anyone."

Yang Rui looked into everyone's eyes and said, "In order to protect the rights and interests of the PCR, Huarui spent 3 million US dollars in the US lawsuit alone. Do you think Huarui will give the PCR to the Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

Huang Mao asked: "Aren't they doing second-generation PCR?"

"They do it themselves, so they can do whatever they want. If I participate, I might be authorized or something." Yang Rui shook his head and said, "Anyway, I want to hide from the limelight for a few days, and so do you."

"What about us?" Li Wenqiang stood up and said, "We also know a little about PCR research. If they must ask, or ask us to provide information, what should we do?"

"They don't dare to ask forcibly. If you really take you away for questioning, then tell them that **** other book friends are reading:." Yang Rui considered the fastest result, and said: "Professor Cai and Wu Researcher Hong Bo will watch for me, they are not worth messing with."

"Researcher Wu Hongbo from the Chinese Academy of Sciences?" Li Wenqiang asked in surprise, "With him here, do you still need to hide?"

"The first ministerial-level cooperation between China and the United States is like chocolate falling on the floor. I don't know which leader has a twitch and wants to lick it." Yang Rui waved his hand and said, "If it's an inquiry within Huarui, or in private If you ask, just say that you don’t know anything.”

Li Wenqiang and the others nodded their heads. They really didn’t know much. Yang Rui didn’t let them join until the PCR was completed and the PCR instrument was perfected. However, this kind of information is actually of limited use for the development of the second-generation PCR.

In the entire Huarui laboratory, Huang Mao knows the most. He participated in the research and development of heat-resistant polymerase. This thing is the raw material of pcr, and it is the most important raw material, just like the relationship between shells and cannons. If he told the Chinese Academy of Sciences all the materials and technologies he knew, the latter could save two years.

However, looking at it from another direction, if Huang Mao did not inform the Chinese Academy of Sciences of the information he knew, it would take at least two or three years for the Chinese Academy of Sciences to repeat the raw materials of the first-generation PCR instrument, and the second-generation PCR would be even more distant.

Yang Rui couldn't help but think that some people take themselves too seriously, and at the same time take themselves too softly.

Perhaps, it is because I feel that I can easily manipulate myself.

Yang Rui asked himself, and he didn't think a sophomore could make much decision.

Unfortunately, they didn't know that pcr was under the control of Yang Rui. Until he won the Nobel Prize, Yang Rui would not reveal the slightest bit of this project. For this reason, he was even willing to take 30 million US dollars to file a lawsuit in 1984. .

No face of any Chinese Academy of Sciences leader, worth 30 million US dollars.

Before leaving the laboratory, Yang Rui gave everyone a New Year's bonus, a whole sports backpack, and hundreds of thousands of yuan in cash, which made people cheer.

Yang Rui also specifically explained: "This money is for you to give yourself a big vacation at any time. In recent months, everyone can focus more on personal life. If you have any questions, just call Xibao Town, Hedong Province , tell me over there."

Seeing that Yang Rui finished speaking and went out, Huang Mao tightly held the 50,000 yuan in his hand, hurriedly followed, and said, "Yang Rui, let's chat."

"Well, a little worried?" Yang Rui slowed down.

"I'm not afraid of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, I just think it's a waste of time."


"I'm not young anymore, and I don't know how long I can do research. When I stopped suddenly, I panicked."

"Time is the greatest asset." Yang Rui nodded.

"I want to do something else." Huang Mao said.

"Oh? What are you doing?"

Huang Mao hesitated for a moment, and said, "I remember you said before that you are going to build a new pharmaceutical factory?"

"Yes, some equipment has been shipped over." Yang Rui nodded slightly.

"Continue to build?"

"Build, why not build."

"Aren't you afraid of people from the Chinese Academy of Sciences making trouble?"

Yang Rui thought for a while and said, "I was a little hesitant about where to build it. Now that the situation is like this, I'm going to build the pharmaceutical factory in Xibao Town."

A first-class pharmaceutical factory composed of first-class equipment, built in a town in the inland Hedong Province, somewhat affects efficiency, but the facts in front of him have to make Yang Rui consider that political and bureaucratic factors may have more influence efficiency.

Fortunately, there was already a Westjet factory in Westburg Town. Although it was only the size of a factory building, it was a modern pharmaceutical factory that had been in operation for more than a year, proving that the supply chain was complete.

Huang Mao was not surprised by Yang Rui's choice, he waited for a while and said, "Can I go to the pharmaceutical factory to see?"

"Do you want to change careers?" From ion channel laboratory to pharmaceutical factory, it is a big career change for professionals.

Huang Mao shook his head: "It's not enough to change careers, I want to see first."

"I will support you in scientific research. If you want to visit the pharmaceutical factory, it's okay if you want to." Yang Rui's eyes were a little strange. Huang Mao is a great figure in the field of ion channels in the future. If he transfers to the industry because of this, it will be a waste of talent. No one in the pharmaceutical factory can do it, so they want to waste the resources of such an academic giant.

However, it would not be a bad thing for Huang Mao to leave the laboratory temporarily and go to the pharmaceutical factory to find out. Yang Rui left Huang Mao with his phone number and contact person, and then got on the bicycle after a few more instructions.

After leaving the laboratory, Yang Rui went to the director of the police station and kindly sent a condolence money—two pieces of Zhonghua cigarettes, asking him to take care of Huarui Company on his behalf.

Comrade Director, with a bp machine on his waist, confidently patted his chest to guarantee.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences is not the Central Intelligence Agency, and its influence on the judiciary is very weak. Besides, Yang Rui just asked him to take care of it.

After doing all this, Yang Rui still didn't feel at ease. After thinking about it, he went to Wang Guohua and others to ask them to learn about the situation of the laboratory when they had time, and to engage in public opinion if necessary.

In the mid-1980s, the identities of college students were still very useful. Trifles, if they fell on college students, would become big things.

For example, college students have given up their public positions, college students have saved lives, and college students feel lost and depressed. The whole society needs to discuss the big issue of reminiscing about the past.

Of course, college students are indeed full of study and empty of spirit at this time, and it is inevitable to make big news when they are free.

After finishing all possible preparations, Yang Rui pedaled his bicycle and rode towards the sunset.

Now he really wants to know how long the leaders who make decisions can last if the five project teams have an average daily budget of tens of thousands of yuan.

"Let's see who can have a quiet and peaceful Spring Festival." Yang Rui rode his bicycle fast, and quietly mixed into the army of bicycles returning home. Mobile users please visit

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