A burst of eccentricity seems to be entertaining", but he hesitated.

"What's the matter? If you have anything to say, just say that we are in prison now, right?" Lin Feng thought for a while and asked. Now that I and Li Zekai and others are partners, there should be no misunderstanding or suspicion.

"Brother Feng, are you still making big moves?" Tang Jiacheng thought for a while and felt that he was the youngest among the crowd, and there were some things that Li Zekai and Zheng Zhiheng couldn't say but he could say.

Lin Feng frowned slightly when he heard this, and knew in his heart that the conversation with Abby Cohen might have been overheard by the three of them. Although he didn't know how much the three of them heard, Lin Feng didn't want the three of them to be involved in this matter. This time, Lin Feng pulled the three of them into the game. Firstly, he wanted to make a friend. There are many friends in the shopping mall; secondly, he wanted to take the opportunity to get to know the family behind him, which would be of great benefit to his future career development, especially in the three families in Southeast Asia. Very powerful.

Therefore, Lin Feng did not hope that Abby Cohen's plan to attack Yen this time would drag the three of them into trouble. After all, Abby Cohen is not absolutely sure about this, and if he loses, he will not be able to explain to the three of them. The three of them are not like they are alone and can fly freely. The three of them have to take into account the interests of the family and the future.

"En will have a few plans, but you don't have to worry about cooperating with Abby Cohen and she will inform you when the shipment will be made." Lin Feng said vaguely.

"Lin Feng, we are friends and partners. If there is anything that needs our help, just say it. The so-called many people can do things that can't be done by one person. You have to know that this time we are not doing it for nothing. Yes!" Li Zekai said earnestly while supporting Lin Feng's shoulder.

Lin Feng nodded, although he was grateful in his heart, he did not reveal the truth.

Check it out and get in touch tonight! "Lin Feng, Li Zekai and the three looked at Lin Feng, but they had no choice but to watch Lin Feng leave without saying anything. The three of them were depressed for a while.

"Richard, what do you say about the fact that you and Lin Feng have the best relationship?" Zheng Zhiheng asked breaking the silence.

Li Zekai bit his lip in frustration. He and Lin Feng have known each other for two years, and he is also the fourth largest shareholder of "Second World" and has a very close personal relationship with Lin Feng. Just now, it is natural to see that Lin Feng has something in his heart. Just don't want to tell them.

"Based on my speculation, Brother Feng will definitely make a big move, but he alone has limited funds and Japan is the second largest economy in the world. Although this time, the huge losses of 17 listed companies, led by Sony, have hit the Japanese stock market hard. However, if the Japanese government is desperate to save the market, it will be impossible to deal with Feng Ge's little funds.

Tang Jiacheng analyzed.

"That's right, I think we can't sit back and enjoy the benefits, we can't always rely on the information provided by Lin Feng to make money, this is not a detention but a gift.

"Zheng Zhiheng said a little annoyed. They are all the favored children of heaven, especially Li Zekai, Zheng Zhiheng, and Tang Jiacheng. They all rely on their own efforts to achieve today's achievements. They are not like other rich children who enjoy the shadow of the previous generation. achieve something.

Therefore, the three of them are also extremely proud people. Lin Feng's cooperation, which is equivalent to a gift, made the three of them feel very uncomfortable. They don't want to sit back and get something for nothing. This will make the three of them feel indebted to Lin Feng and feel inferior.

Li Zekai nodded and called Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, we know that you are planning a big event and we want to join. I believe the three of us should be helpful to you. If you really consider us friends, don't hide it from us and let us join this game to take risks together." Li Zekai resolutely explain.

When Lin Feng received Li Zekai's call, he knew what Li Zekai wanted to say. Lin Feng was grateful but also a little helpless for the duty of the three of them.

"Richard, I just want to ask, can you really control the funds you have?" Lin Feng finished speaking and hung up the phone.

Li Zekai was stunned for a moment, then relayed this sentence to Tang Jiacheng and Zheng Zhiheng. After finishing speaking, all three of them sank. Yes, can they really have complete control over the funds they have? Although these funds belong to them in name, but if you want to use all the funds, you must finally seek the opinions of the elders before they can use them with their consent. And this is also the helplessness of being born in a wealthy family! The children of the wealthy family live not only for themselves but also for the family! Of course, there are also rebellious wealthy children. But that premise is not to hesitate to fall out with the family, but none of Li Zekai, Tang Jiacheng and Zheng Zhitan had this idea. They have too many responsibilities and obligations to go their own way like other rebellious wealthy children.

what to do? The three of them looked at each other. They wanted to join Lin Feng's game, but the three of them didn't have enough money to sit back and enjoy the benefits. Being able to participate in the game and enjoy the benefits would not qualify as true friends.

Friends are meant to help each other. Instead of one party sitting back and enjoying the benefits! "In this way, let's think about ways to see if we can raise more money." Li Zekai said after hesitating for a long time.

"Well, let's see you tonight!" The three of them dispersed after agreeing on a time.

At this time, Lin Feng has already used his own influence in the United States ("Dingdang" and "Second Entertainment") to reveal a message to the outside world. And he said that he regretted selling the company to Huiruan, which cast a shadow over the prospects of "g"B".

Once this rumor was released to the market, it immediately caused a small drop in US high-tech stocks. Since the bubble of high-tech stocks burst in 2000, the market of high-tech stocks in the United States has been in a bad market (!;

In particular, Lin Feng did sell the '\\\u0026JB-a company to "Microsoft" to "Si og "B" and set up a strong competition out of thin air, so that "Microsoft" shortened the time to kill "Si og "B" on the Internet gap. Can "g" Ba" really become a leader in high-tech stocks in the future?

Amid the slight decline in US high-tech stocks, Lin Feng dialed the phone number of "Stock God" Buffett.

"Mr. Buffett, it's the first time we've talked on the phone, and it's presumptuous to see him." Lin Feng was also very surprised when he reported his name to Buffett. He didn't expect Lin Feng to call him suddenly.

"Mr. Lin, your phone call really surprised me, but I have admired you for a long time. Your appearance has made the whole world's financial world more youthful, and we old people really want to go back to raise fish, grow flowers, and trim the garden!" Buffett said humorously. said.

After exchanging simple greetings, Lin Feng cut to the point.

"Buffett, let me tell you what you think of today's Japanese stock market?" Lin Feng asked implicitly.

Since Buffett can be called the "stock god", his on-the-spot adaptability and keen insight are naturally very human. As soon as Lin Feng said this, Buffett immediately thought that the attack on the Japanese stock market today must have come from the young people on the phone. hand. If not, it must have a close relationship with him. And if he calls now, he must ask himself something. Do you want to ask yourself to speculate in Japanese stocks together?

If so, Buffett would definitely refuse. Although Buffett is known as the "stock god", he has always only invested in the stock market and never speculated. He can absorb blue-chip stocks at low prices, but he will not buy low and sell high, but wait for the profit to be divided into long-term investments.

"Today's Japanese stock market fell sharply due to the huge losses of 17 companies including Sony. However, the reason for the suspension of 5j listed companies is that there are a large number of short sellers. I believe that the behind-the-scenes manipulator of this matter People's ambitions are definitely not limited to earning hundreds of millions of dollars." Buffett analyzed lightly and secretly clicked on Lin Feng, knowing that you are the person behind the scenes.

Lin Feng smiled. Although his actions were seen through by others, Lin Feng didn't care. Buffett is not one of those journalists who spread the word about these things. On the contrary, it is also beneficial for Lin Feng to directly ask Buffett to look down on the Japanese stock market.

"Mr. Buffett, I have an unfeeling request!" Lin Feng immediately told Buffett his purpose of coming.

After hearing this, Buffett felt a little bit in his heart. Originally, Buffett thought that Lin Feng was just inviting him to speculate in the common wealth of the Japanese stock market. After all, the cash in his hands and the cooperation of Lin Feng are enough to disrupt the Japanese stock market and profit from it. But now Lin Feng hopes that he will make a bearish statement on the Japanese stock market, and there is a lot of knowledge in it.

Buffett sank for a while and calculated in his mind what Lin Feng's plan was.

Lin Feng didn't speak either. If Buffett agrees to this matter, he agrees. If he disagrees, he will not agree no matter how much he says. It's better to stay calm and wait for Buffett to think clearly and give himself an answer.

"Mr. Lin, I need to think carefully about this question. I will give you an answer in ten minutes." Buffett Shen said cautiously after a long time. Although it is just a speech, it involves a lot.

Lin Feng sighed helplessly, but even though Buffett didn't give him a direct answer, it was finally good news if he agreed to think about it.

Lin Feng took a look at the performance at 3:00 pm on April 1st, Beijing time c6.

Then I called Erisa Kazama of the Japanese branch of "Second World".

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