Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 613: The Counterattack Begins

197 Chapter Six Hundred and Thirteen: The Counterattack Begins

Cha Mou Burton agreed to Lin Feng's current qualification requirements for directorship. Lin Feng then bought the real stock of "Wal-Mart" and became the first major shareholder of "Wal-Mart" with 100% of the shares. What's more, Lin Feng only asked for the qualification of a nominal director. No voting rights are required, and it's just to vent my cousin's anger. Samuel-Robson Walton naturally has no reason to refuse.

What's more, "Carrefour" is the second largest retailer in the world after "Wal-Mart". The two companies have always been competitors. Samuel Robson Walton is still very interested in "Carrefour" that can be innocuous.

At that time, for Samuel Robson Walton, the nominal director was just a piece of cake. But for Lin Feng. This named director has far-reaching significance.

Lin Feng's "" has become more and more demanding on the logistics system and supply chain management as the merchants' development of customers, and now "" has also begun to expand the international market. The logistics system and supply chain management procedures will be the decision " Whether it can successfully expand the international market and make a profit is the key. And Wang Juntao is still contemplating whether to develop a business-to-business system. Massive cargo transportation and distribution will be the most severe test for "" at that time.

In Lin Feng's view, the current "" does not yet have a logistics system and supply chain management program that match the sales volume. If you fall behind, you must learn from "Wal-Mart", which is what Lin Feng wants to learn from.

"Wal-Mart. Its logistics system and supply chain management are what make it famous from a humble mom-and-pop store to the world's largest retail chain store. With this set of world-leading logistics system and supply chain management program, "Wal-Mart" commodities The proportion of logistics costs to sales is only !gill. And 11% is Kmart, the originator of modern city-based retail enterprises. "Sears" is another giant in the United States. In the past year, "Wal-Mart" can save up to billion dollars in costs compared with other retail giants.

This is an extremely astonishing figure. This is also a very important basis for the promise of "Wal-Mart. The lowest price in the world every day"!

Lin Feng wanted to steal this logistics system and supply chain management program for himself. That's why Lin Feng spent a lot of time and money to buy the equity of "Wal-Mart" at a price of 100 million U.S. dollars, and asked Samuel Robson Walton for a director's qualification to let his people enter the interior to learn slowly.

As for the "cousin" candidate, Lin Feng already had a rough candidate in mind.

certainly. It is not a loss for Lin Feng to invest 100 million US dollars for this purpose. The stock of "Wal-Mart" has been stable for ten years, and there is no need to worry that the stocks purchased will shrink sharply. And the annual dividends are also very gratifying.

"Mr. Lin is happy to cooperate!" Samuel Robson Walton said shaking hands.

"Mr. Walton is happy to cooperate!" Satisfied, Lin Feng signed an operation cooperation agreement with Samuel-Robson-Walton for the "online music store". And reached an agreement that the records of Avril Records will only be sold in "Tilma".

After leaving Samuel Robson Waddoldton's house, Lin Feng returned to Los Angeles.

"Lin. You really have a record sales deal with "Wal-Mart?" Also, have you transferred the "Resale System" of "Phantom Technology" to "Wal-Mart? "Liu Yingying asked in amazement.

Liu Yingying never imagined that Lin Feng would transfer the "online boron sales system" to "Wal-Mart." Although the licensing contracts with many record companies are about to expire, it is not impossible to negotiate. After all, the "online boron sales system" is also profitable for these record companies. Now it is only because of Michael Jackson Nakata's Sony record copyright and Marceline Records breaking the rules that lead to Lin Feng and many record companies. But In Liu Yingying's view, this is by no means unsolvable.

Businessmen are only interested in profit. As long as Lin Feng can give them enough profits, Liu Yingying believes that other record companies don't have to fight with Lin Feng.

"Sacrifice. Did it really cost you a lot?" Avril held Lin Feng's arm tightly with a guilty expression on her face. In Avril's view, Lin Feng was the third richest person in the world and helping her was just a matter of effort.

"Lin, I'm very sorry. Maybe you don't need to sacrifice so much. I'd better sign with another record company. I believe I can still get a relatively generous salary." Michael Jackson also frowned again and again. This time it was just his personal matter. . He was already very sorry for hurting Avril, but he could still make a god to owe Avril this favor, but he couldn't accept it if he dragged Lin Feng down.

"Ha. It's nothing. I expected it. I was prepared for this from the very beginning." Lin Feng laughed and said without paying attention.

For Lin Feng, who knows the "future", players have followed the popularity of mobile phones and especially multimedia mobile phones. It will gradually withdraw from the market and there will be at most about 1 year of glory. After that, it will be the world of mobile phones. At that time, most of them will rely more on mobile phones or laptops rather than professional handsome players. Now transfer the friendship of "Wal-Mart" to "Wal-Mart".

"Okay, don't worry. If you really feel that I have lost a lot, wait for me later" Phantom Technology. When my mobile phone comes out, give me a free endorsement. Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Suddenly". Michael Jackson and Marceline nodded heavily.

Don't forget to report, neither Michael Jackson nor Marceline is the kind of villain who is ungrateful for profit.

Lin Feng was very happy when he heard this, but this time he made a lot of money.

My own "Phantom Technology" has negotiated with the famous French mobile phone manufacturer and is negotiating the final details. Once the acquisition is successful, relying on his grasp of the future mobile phone trends and the popularity of Michael Jackson and others, Lin Feng believes that his "Phantom Technology" mobile phone will become a new global hotspot.

"How is Yingying?" Are you ready? We have to cooperate with "Wal-Mart's album sales plan 1 to sell at the same time!" Lin Feng explained.

"Yes, I know." Liu Yingying nodded heavily.

Lin Feng smiled triumphantly. Motorola, my anti-abandonment has begun

Three days later, major TV stations across the United States "Wal-Mart" announced that they would simultaneously sell the advertisements for Marceline Lavigne's latest two singles in 11 chain stores across the United States, and then they would be locked and locked in the global "Wal-Mart" for sale. During the Houston Rockets game, an ad for the online sale of Marceline's two latest singles was run on during prime time.

The overwhelming advertisements made all Marceline fans who have always wanted to be ecstatic, especially now that there are many ways to buy Marceline's two singles, all of which are extremely convenient. Otaku fans or fans who don't have time to work can make their purchases on "" and it's not only convenient to pay. And it's delivered to your door. If fans have spare time, they can go to "Wal-Mart" all over the United States to buy, and they can get a discount if they buy two records at the same time."

"Wal-Mart's "everyday parity" strategy.

In the first week, Marceline's two singles "Xi Xuyi and Xu" and "Storage" both topped the latest US record sales charts, and both sold tens of thousands of copies. This is also the first time a singer has two at the same time single hit the charts. Of course, these two singles of Marceline can achieve this astonishing result because the two songs have been around for too long but no records have been sold. The backlog of emotions of Marceline's fans was vented this week, which made her The sales volume has reached such an astonishing level.

Of course, it must be admitted that the two songs of Marceline Lavigne are indeed very good.

damn it! how so! Motorola at the headquarters of Sony Records slapped the table angrily and roared. He never thought that Lin Feng's "" would sneak into Chen Cang and open a branch in the United States. According to the investigation by Motorola, Lin Feng's "" signed online payment agreements with major banks in the United States. When signing the courier business with FedEx, it was the "spider scare song". The video site was just created when Marceline fans were making trouble.

Was asked, was asked by Lin Feng! Motorola was mad in the office angrily. But this is not what makes Motola hysterical. What really makes Motola crazy is that "Wal-Mart" will sell Marceline's two singles in an all-round way and advertise overwhelmingly in the United States, which undoubtedly slaps Motola severely. Moreover, Motorola sent people to understand that "Wal-Mart" placed these two albums of Marceline in the most prominent place, as long as customers entered "Wal-Mart", they could see it. This also made many customers buy Marceline's records at will.

Why the hell is this! Motorola, who couldn't understand the actions of "Wal-Mart", angrily grabbed the phone and called. Sebassen-Walton, the president of Talma, made a call. But after the phone call, Motola immediately controlled his emotions and tried to maintain a flat and relaxed tone.

"Long time no see Mr. Talton this afternoon. I just have a question when I called today. Aren't there indecent words in these two singles of Marceline?" Woolen cloth? And will it be advertised across the United States? Does our company have records from other record companies that don't have this kind of treatment? Mr. Chilton, you are being too kind to our other record companies. small. Although Mottola was upset, he didn't dare to ask questions and could only speak in a soft voice when facing the president of "Zi Erma."

After all, "Wal-Mart. And the record company does not have any intersection though "Wal-Mart. It also sells records, but at present, its record sales only account for the first place in "Wal-Mart". It's fair to say that Wal-Mart's reliance on record sales is optional.

If Motora pulled the record out of "Wal-Mart." The loss is by no means "Wal-Mart." But many record companies.

"Mr. Motorola, please forgive me for being rude to us." Taierma's auditing standards have always been fair and strict. Since the auditing department has passed, it is natural to create a god-like sales. As for advertising across the United States. That's our marketing strategy I think we "Wal-Mart's marketing strategy other companies have no right to question. Jr. Samuel Robson Walton Faint

"Uh..." Motola touched a nail that was neither soft nor hard, but she didn't dare to show her displeasure on her face.

"Mr. Talton, your company's review system, we naturally believe and have no right to question your company's marketing strategy. However, I have an unfeeling request. I would like to ask your company to put the records of other record companies in the "appropriate position." Woolen cloth! I think this is also the hope of all record companies! "Motorat bit the word "proper". He also brought up all the record companies to put pressure on Samuel-Robson-Walton.

Samuel-Robson-Walton sneered.

"How Mr. Motorola lays out records is the responsibility of our company's container department. I can't think of any other company directing us. Well, Mr. Motorola, I have something to do. Goodbye!" Samuel-Robson-Walton hang up the phone.

"Mr. Talton, Mr. Walton" Motola kept calling, but there were bursts of blind voices on the phone.

The damn bastard is too arrogant. Torah hung up the phone heavily on the phone with a distorted expression on his face. But for "Wal-Mart." He couldn't do anything about it.

No, absolutely not! A Motola then called other record companies must not let Marceline Records turn around. Otherwise, their "blocking" will be a waste of effort and become a laughing stock.

Unexpectedly, when Motuo La made a phone call, the result made Motuo La very annoyed.

Mr. Motorola's previous promotional activities, discounts and selected albums have reached market saturation, and it can even be said that they have damaged the interests of our company's artists to a certain extent. Of course, it is necessary to block Marceline Records, but if the interests of our company's artists are too damaged, we will not be able to explain to our artists. Mr. Motorola is now free to launch related promotions. If Mr. Motorola has other good solutions, please let us know and we will definitely cooperate with you. No matter it was just now or Time Warner and other record companies rejected Motora's plan to promote again with one voice.

After all, it is absolutely unacceptable for other companies to lose out with Marceline Records. In particular, there is Lin Feng behind Marceline Records, and now "Wal-Mart" is supporting Marceline Records. Many record companies already feel that this "blocking" operation is about to fail.

Anyway, the copyright in Michael Jackson's hand belongs to Sony Records, not their company. It doesn't matter if you can get it or not. As for Avril Records breaking industry rules. It's not entirely unacceptable to say the least. Of course he joined Marceline Records. Artists can make gods to get the maximum profit. But Marceline Records is currently as immature as a baby in the record industry and cannot be compared with them. What's more, if there are too many artists joining. I am afraid that the desired profit may not be obtained.

After all these calculations, other record companies would naturally not choose to work with Avril Records. Maybe it's a fight with Lin Feng.

God short-sighted guy! Annoyed, Motola hung up the phone again and sat on the armchair sulking.

How to do? What to do now Motorola is a little at a loss.

But just when Motorola was a little at a loss, Lin Feng made another move.

This world is a society of money. Although money cannot buy everything, everything in this world can be sold by making gods through money. Many record companies joined forces to put pressure on the record store to make the record store reject Marceline's record, so Lin Feng could also use money to buy the record store to make him fight back.

How many record stores are there in the United States? Lin Feng didn't know. But I know that there are few people in this world who do not love money.

"Sarche, look, there's only the two of us here, no reporter, no lawyer. This is just a drunken remark. I ask you and you say it. I just want to know if Sony Records is putting pressure on you not to allow the record store. Selling Marceline's records?" Lin Feng asked the owner of a record store with a bit of wine toast.

Salche opened his drunken eyes and looked at the $10,000 check in Lin Feng's hand, and then looked at the quiet box around him and smiled, "Mr. The record company hinted that we should refuse to sell Marceline's records for various reasons." Finished. Sarche had a smug smile on his face. Take the check from Lin Feng's hand.

In a word, $10,000 came in. The money is so easy. What's more, this is also the truth, and he is not slandering others.

Lin Feng also showed a satisfied smile that he got the most desired information.

Then Sarche and Lin Feng parted ways and went home satisfied with a check for $10,000. But Sarche didn't know that everything in the box had been recorded by the camera. And this happened in another place.

"Boss handles it!" Chen Shijun, the technical executive of "Shanxin Industry", opened a different account. Put this segment of video on "Shanye Cafe".

Motorola, you underestimate the role of "Shan Kuangye"! A touch of wind said with a sneer.

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