Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 306: Two Crazies

On the data sheet Zhaopu handed to Lin Feng, there are two plans listed.

The first plan is to list "Second World" on NASDAQ in the United States to raise funds. Wu Zhaopu estimated that based on the current financial situation of the "Second World", listing on NASDAQ in the United States can at least raise 30-50 gold for the company, which is enough to solve any problems. However, Wu Zhaopu is not inclined to this. "Second World" still has potential, and now is not the best time to go public. After the launch of "Half-Life", when the company makes a high-profile announcement of the development of "World War", it is the best time to go public. Or wait until the "Second World" headquarters building is completed. At that time, Wu Zhaopu estimates that the market value of "Second World" will exceed 300 yuan.

Going public now is a loss for both the company and the individual.

The second plan is that "Second World" will charge for the Asian version of "Counter-Strike ne" as soon as possible, and launch the Asian version of "Audition All-Star Lineup" as soon as possible. Relying on the profits of the Asian versions of "Legend", "Audition All-Star Lineup" and "Counter-Strike Ne" are also enough to maintain the implementation of this plan. Wu Zhaopu calculated that "Legend" can make a profit of about 100 million U.S. dollars a year. If the Asian version of "Audition All-Star Lineup" is released, the profit will be about 3-5 yuan, and "Counter-Strike ne" can also make a profit of about 100 million U.S. dollars. , together with the company's capital reserves, are sufficient to meet Tom's gold needs.

Just relying entirely on the financial support of the "Second World", the company will inevitably be relatively tight financially. I am afraid that Lin Feng's e-sports department will not be able to operate temporarily, and the previously promised "Second World Players Annual Conference" will also be greatly reduced in scale.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Feng chose the second option. For most companies, I am afraid they will choose the first option and let the company go public early. But that is for companies that lack operating funds or are even in poor condition and want to go public to collect money. The "Second World" doesn't have to be like this. Their own companies are in good financial condition and don't need to rush to go public. What's more, the more mature the company's development and the more reasonable its structure, the more profitable it will be after going public, and the better it can resist market risks.

Seeing that Lin Feng chose the second option, Wu Zhaopu was overjoyed. Although this is a little tight financially, it is generally good. What's more, although the second plan made the company's finances tighter, with Lin Feng's relationship with Industrial and Commercial Bank President Jiang, and the financial situation of the "Second World", Wu Zhaopu believed that loans would not be a problem.

(Previously, "Second World" has repaid 300 million yuan in ICBC loans after Lin Feng injected 5 funds)

Tom Te was also extremely satisfied with Lin Fengneng's agreement to his request. He is just a designer, and his financial situation is out of his consideration. His only concern is whether the company can provide sufficient funds.

"Mr. Lin, since you have the heart, I will definitely be able to design a building for you that will shock the world. Make it a symbolic building in Shanghai." Tom Wright said confidently.


Since skyscrapers are to be built. Then I want the tallest skyscraper in the world! "Lin Fengyu is not surprised and will not die.

Wu Zhaopu petrified on the spot. Isn't it the repair department building? How did it become the tallest skyscraper in the world?

"Haha. What I'm talking about is the budget for the construction of the world's tallest skyscraper." Unexpectedly, Mright was not surprised at all. Instead, he looked happy. In his conception, the "Second World" headquarters wants to become a symbolic building of Shanghai, a bustling metropolis. In addition to the unique appearance, height is also a must. Since it is high. Then why not become the tallest in the world!

finished listening. Tom specifically said. Wu Zhaopu has become a fossil. Looking at the two. Wu Zhaopu could only sigh -- two lunatics! But on second thought. He seemed to agree with the plan. Also evaluate half a day to come up with two options. Wouldn't he be considered half a lunatic?

Wu Zhaopu was depressed and stopped thinking about it. Anyway, Lin Feng always did amazing things. Just get used to it! Used to it!

subsequently. Lin Feng held a press conference. Lin Feng, Wu Zhaopu and Tom Te attended.

Many reporters are still digesting the horrible profits from "Audition: All-Star Lineup". Every day, reports on "Audition: All-Star Lineup" continue, and many current affairs news newspapers have almost turned into entertainment newspapers. Although many reporters expressed their opinions on this, when the editor-in-chief saw the sales volume, he did not hesitate to ask many reporters to continue reporting on "Audition: All-Star Lineup".

Because Lin Feng refused to disclose the sales volume of each emperor superstar, and Lin Feng ordered all employees in the company not to disclose the actual sales volume of the simulation character dolls of each emperor superstar to the outside world. After all, they are all superstars. Originally, everyone was equal in status. Now Qiqi has become the spokesperson of "Audition All-Star Lineup". If they can tell the difference in the game, these reporters will be happy, but not for Lin Feng's company. good thing. The fans of the emperor's superstars are all crazy. If they attack each other because of their popularity rankings, it will have an absolute negative impact on the "second world". What's more, in this way, it is easy to offend the emperor superstar.

Why bother!

Under Lin Feng's absolute blockade, many reporters could only "cross the sea", using their own magical powers to evaluate the sales of a superstar's simulated character doll in "Audition All-Star Lineup", and wanted to give as much as possible real data.

Unexpectedly, when they were racking their brains to get as real data as possible, Lin Feng held a press conference again. Many reporters immediately rushed to the press conference to see if they could take the opportunity to get the actual sales data of the stars in "Audition: All-Star Lineup". Unexpectedly, Lin Feng's first sentence made everyone speechless in astonishment. Come.

"My friends from the press, in view of the development of the 'Second World', you must know that our company is about to build its own headquarters building. This is Mr. Tom Wright, the designer of the 'Sailing Hotel'." Lin Feng smiled slightly. Pass the microphone to Tom Wright.

"Everyone, I am very honored to be in charge of designing the 'Second World' headquarters building this time. This 'Second World' headquarters building will become the new tallest building in the world." Tom Wright said.

Many reporters in the audience exclaimed and stood up one after another.

The world's tallest skyscraper is now being occupied by the "Kuala Lumpur Petroleum Twin Towers" in Kuala Lumpur, with a height of 99 meters and a total of 88. Of course, the "Taipei Tower" under construction at the same time is rumored to be 508 meters high and will become the new tallest building in the world. Now the "Second World" is going to build the tallest building. This news is like an atomic bomb detonated in the hearts of many reporters.

What confuses many reporters is that the last press conference only announced the construction of the headquarters building, which has already shocked many reporters. As a result, it was only 3 days before the announcement of the construction of the world's tallest skyscraper was announced. This jump was too great. Rao is that the logical thinking of these reporters is already jumping and a bit unacceptable.

"Also, this time our company will raise RMB to build the world's tallest skyscraper as the company's headquarters." Lin Feng continued.

This has completely prevented many reporters from calming down. The news is too violent, and it is one after another. A company established only 2 years ago threatened to invest C yuan. Is the construction of the tallest building in the world a plan or a lie?

But no matter whether they are confident or just talking, for all reporters, there are news points that can be hyped. And it is a news point that is enough to attract global attention.

Many reporters asked questions about the building, scale, and structure of the tall building, but Tom Wright kept silent and only promised that it would become the tallest skyscraper in the world and a landmark building in Shanghai, which would definitely catch people's eyes It was recognized as the headquarters of the "Second World" building.

Although many journalists did not get any definite data, the news that the "Second World" will invest in the construction of the world's tallest skyscraper is enough to make their newspaper sales go up again.

Lin Feng from the "Second World" is definitely the person all reporters want to worship most.

Since the rise of the "Second World" in China, we have never worried about newspaper sales.

However, some journalists who are familiar with Lin Feng and have certain financial knowledge expressed concern about Lin Feng's declaration. Worry about whether the "Second World" is too ambitious and whether it will become the second giant group. The development situation of the Giant Group was good back then, and it was also because the construction of the "Giant Building" finally emptied the Giant Group's funds. What's more, the "Giant Building" was only 50 back then, and Lin Feng's is even more exaggerated, the tallest skyscraper in the world!

Just the word "world's tallest skyscraper" is enough to make everyone dizzy.

Regarding the reporter's concern about the financial situation, Wu Zhaopu said in a high-profile manner that the financial resources of the "Second World" can definitely support the construction of the world's tallest skyscraper, and it will never let it become an unfinished building, let alone drag down the "Second World" ".

The news was spread through the pens of many journalists on the same day. The "Second World" is once again the focus of global news. A company established only two years ago threatened to build the world's tallest skyscraper. Is it grandstanding, or is it really powerful?

The "Second World" wanted to build the world's first building. This news caused a sensation not only in China, but also in Asia, and even the whole world. A Chinese company, an online game company that has only been established for two years, threatened to build the tallest skyscraper in the world. When most people heard the news, their first reaction was to pat themselves on the face. Can't believe it, wondering if I'm dreaming, or is it April Fool's Day?

This news was also broadcast on the "News Network" of the TV station that night. The host broadcast the news to the people of the whole country with a strange tone that the "Second World" would build the world's tallest skyscraper. Compared with the horror of this news, the host thinks that a private enterprise is actually appearing on "News Network" one after another, which is even more surprising!

Major domestic newspapers have also expressed their views on this.

"Global Times", a current affairs news media sponsored by the People's Daily, mostly focuses on foreign current affairs news, but the front page headline of this issue is "The "Second World" Builds the World's Largest Skyscraper". The newspaper gave a brief introduction to the "Second World", and mainly introduced the designer Tom Te in detail, and evaluated the types of buildings that Tom Te might design.

"People's Daily", the official daily. Although the front page is not the "Second World", it also introduces the construction of the first skyscraper in the "Second World", and lists the tallest skyscrapers in the world and the ranking of skyscrapers under construction.

Compared with the cautious attitude of the more official newspapers, other local newspapers are much bolder.

Shanghai's "Xinmin Evening News" made a report that night, and published a lot of comments, and even called on the "Second World" in the comments to build the headquarters building into the world's tallest skyscraper, surpassing the "Taipei 01" building under construction , making it a landmark building in Shanghai.

The rest of the local newspapers reported on this without exception, and they all praised it, hoping that the title of the tallest skyscraper in the world would settle in mainland China.

The foreign media, the British "Times", also reported it immediately, and expressed their exclamation in the comments - a company that has only been established for two years has continuously created new apotheosis in the Internet world, and the profit of an online game in one day can reach Tens of millions of pounds, and now the world's tallest skyscraper will be built. What kind of miracles will such a company create in the future.

The "Sun", which had a feud with Lin Feng, lashed out - the construction of the world's tallest building by a Chinese company is probably another piece of fake news. How can a company that has only been established for a year have C billion dollars to build the tallest skyscraper in the world. He also pointed out that this must be an advertising strategy made by Lin Feng to promote the company.

When the news reached Japan, it also caused an uproar.

Now in Japan, the "Second World" Japanese branch has firmly taken root. Although the Japanese game community was extremely angry with the "Second World", especially Lin Feng's arrogant declaration when he first established the Japanese branch, it is undeniable that the upsurge of "Counter-Strike ne" is indeed irresistible to them. At least for now, when Japanese players' rankings in "Counter-Strike NE" are firmly suppressed by China and South Korea, the arrogant Japanese have no shame to evacuate from it.

Coupled with Kazama Erisa's skills, the Japanese branch of "Second World" also avoided some improper conspiracy methods. Although Erisa Kazama used to serve as the manager of the public relations department of "x" and sacrificed her dignity, it was not without gains. Her network in the Japanese game industry is unimaginable by others, and the inside story she has mastered is far beyond Wada Yoichi's imagination. At first, when Yoichi Wada asked Erisa Kazama to accompany some high-ranking officials and high-level executives of other companies, he asked Erisa Kazama to take the opportunity to keep some evidence, hoping to use it in the future.

Unexpectedly, the arrival of Lin Feng directly made Erisa Kazama "rebel" and invested in Lin Feng's company. These evidences were naturally brought by Erisa Kazama to the core archives of the Japanese branch of the "Second World", and Erisa Kazama helped the "Second World" to coerce these high-ranking officials to give the Japanese branch of the "Second World" A tool for fair treatment. For this, Wada Yoichi was very angry. Although he had sent someone to steal it, but under the strict protection of the "Spike" security company, Wada Yoichi could only steal chickens without losing money.

As for those senior officials who were threatened, they could only suffer from being dumb. Fortunately, Erisa Kazama's request is only to hope that the "Second World" Japanese branch can get a fair treatment, so they don't need to become angry.

As for Lin Feng, an arrogant Chinese, a game company that has only been established for two years, actually threatened to build the world's tallest skyscraper, one can imagine the mood of these arrogant Japanese game companies.

However, many Japanese game companies are not the only ones who feel unhappy when they hear that Lin Feng is going to build the world's tallest skyscraper.

(There are 2 more chapters to come!)


By the way, I recommend this book: Dad really has a vision, and even built the villa in this place. In addition to hearing Taoists say that there is a dragon and a tiger here, there are a lot of beautiful girls next door in the next village. What, there is such a beautiful sister next door selling beef in the vegetable market? Could it be the legendary beef Shih Tzu? You will be struck by lightning if you recklessly waste everything, so I'd better cheat and go home so-so!

The girl next door grows into a novel Author: Amu Dawang ISBN) (to be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please log in to m, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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