Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 85 Hope Elementary School

The efficiency of the Internet police of the public security organ is extremely high, but when tracing the IP address of the protagonist of the "Stolen Account" incident, after tracking 27 countries, they finally had no choice but to give up. The other party almost took the cyber police on a one-day trip around the world, covering the United States, Canada, Japan, and Belgium. In the end, the cyber police could only tell Lin Feng regretfully that the other party was a master hacker, and they could not track him down. .

As for the handling of more than 4.3 million stolen money from, the public security organs are also very troubled. This is the physical property brought about by virtual property, and the country has no relevant laws as a basis for how to deal with it. In the end, the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau returned the stolen money to "Second World". After all, it was all property obtained by relying on "Legend" equipment and gold coins, and theoretically it belonged to "Legend".

For this stolen money, Lin Feng and others had another headache. If this batch of stolen money is not handled properly, people will definitely be blamed, and the corporate image that has been established with great difficulty may collapse. This is definitely not something that can be bought with a mere 4.3 million.

How to deal with it, everyone also put forward many suggestions. Some suggested using this money to hold player gatherings, which would not only further promote "Legend", but also strengthen the hearts of players. There are also suggestions to directly convert points into cards, distribute them to various servers, and draw prizes for players, which is also very popular with everyone. Lin Feng also strongly agrees with this point. For example, a 20,000 gold coin lottery draw has a 100% winning rate, which can not only recycle gold coins, but also stimulate players to spend again.

Everyone put forward a lot of suggestions, and they were all good, but Lin Feng always felt that there should be a better way. Although "Legend" is very popular nowadays, it has also attracted the concerns of many people in the society. They think that it has seriously affected the students' studies. The online game is regarded as a scourge, calling on the country to ban "Legend" and ban the game.

This kind of voice has also caused considerable controversy in the society, but the country has not expressed its position on this. After all, online games have advantages and disadvantages for social development, which cannot be generalized. But Lin Feng was really worried in his heart that "Legend" was too popular, whether he would shoot the top bird and become a victim.

If the "Second World" wants to become a game empire and build a second world for mankind, it must be accepted by the whole society, and the focus should not only be on the current game players. Thinking of this, Lin Feng made a decision.

"I decided to donate all the 4.3 million stolen money to build 20 Hope Primary Schools." Lin Feng said without doubt.

When everyone heard this, they frowned. Although doing so can gain social praise and earn enough social impression points, but the company is still developing, it is better to lay a solid foundation. In the future, the company will grow stronger, and it will not be too late to do good deeds. But looking at Lin Feng's firm eyes, everyone knew that they should persuade him. After getting along for a while, everyone knew that although Lin Feng was easy to talk and never lost his temper, he was very stubborn once he made a decision. It belongs to the kind of person who hits the south wall without looking back, but smashes the south wall with his head.

But what everyone didn't know was that Lin Feng's decision solved a life-and-death crisis for the company in the future. When everyone recalled Lin Feng's decision today, they had to admire Lin Feng's foresight.

The next day, after Lin Feng announced the news, the whole country was in an uproar. First of all, the players of "Legend" jumped out to object, thinking that Lin Feng was using their money to do good deeds, which is called generosity of others. However, the society applauds, thinking that the "Second World" is doing good deeds for the out-of-school children of the motherland. Many parents who were opposed to "Legend" and online games before also greatly appreciated it, thinking that it has finally done a good thing.

However, what made Lin Feng angry was that some national departments came to his door, hoping that Lin Feng could entrust them with the financial aid. All of them are used on out-of-school children. Lin Feng ignored the department's face this time.

If I gave them 4.3 million yuan, I am afraid that 300,000 yuan will be used on the out-of-school children, and Lin Feng will already burn incense.

After sending people to dismiss these departments, Lin Feng encountered new troubles again. The matter of Lin Feng's plan to build 20 Hope Primary Schools was reprinted by major newspapers and magazines in the society. As a result, people from many regions across the country were sent to lobby. These places are indeed very poor, and they all need to build schools to get rid of spiritual poverty, but Lin Feng only has 4.3 million, and he can only build 20 hope novels at most, but there are nearly a thousand remote areas who come to lobby.

Being annoyed by these people every day, and Lin Feng couldn't drive them away, Lin Feng was in a state of desperation. Originally, I wanted to do something good and earn a little fame and social popularity for the company, but I didn't expect so much trouble.

Liu Yingying and the others were also helpless, and they didn't expect things to turn out like this. Every day, people from the company come to ask for help, hoping that Lin Feng can build Hope Primary School locally. For these people, they don't scold or chase them away, and they spend a lot of manpower to receive them every day, which makes the company restless.

In the end, Lin Feng had no choice but to publish the news in the newspaper again, telling everyone that the student aid money was from the "Legend" players, and where to build the Hope Primary School would be decided by all "Legend" players by voting together.

After releasing this news, no one came to the company to ask for help, and it was considered a peace for the company. The ability of "Legend" players to perform good deeds also offset the previous resistance to a certain extent. On the contrary, because many players had done good deeds and were in a happy mood, the online number of "Legend" increased slightly again.

Of course, in order to appease the previous players who said that Lin Feng was generous to others, Lin Feng launched a lucky draw again in "Legend". The winning rate is 100%, the minimum is 15 hours and the highest is 90 hours. And claimed that the total investment is huge at 5 million.

So far, the turmoil of 4.3 million stolen money has completely passed. As for the construction of 20 Hope Primary Schools, Lin Feng also set up a special engineering department to supervise and ensure the quality of the project.

Lin Feng remembered that in 2008, during the Sichuan earthquake, countless buildings collapsed, but several Hope Primary Schools stood still without any damage. The Hope Primary School that Lin Feng wants to build by himself must also meet this quality, and he specially designated three places in Sichuan to build the Hope Primary School.

Things happened one after another, before Lin Feng could breathe a sigh of relief, after three months of planning, the first "Super Girl" was finally about to start.

But Lin Feng's trouble came again, Li Zhiyou disagreed to participate in "Super Girl". No matter how Lin Feng persuaded him, Li Zhiyou refused. Lin Feng became impatient, and his tone was a little more serious, which made Li Zhiyou cry. Seeing Li Zhiyou crying silently holding a Chinese doll, Lin Feng felt distressed and blamed himself, but in the contract signed with Shanghai Oriental TV Station, there was a premise that Li Zhiyou had to participate.

In desperation, Lin Feng could only persuade him slowly, hoping to find out the reason why Li Zhiyou did not want to participate.

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