At the beginning of 1870, the Li Mingyuan regime signed a repatriation agreement with the United States, Canada, Australia, Peru, Cuba, and other countries. According to the agreement, Chinese who had expired their work should be transported back to China by the South American Chinese regime. Eliminate the worries of the governments of the United States, Canada, Australia and other countries on how to deal with Chinese workers' staying. Therefore, from 1870 to 1879, nearly 700,000 people living on the coast of the Central Plains suffered from disasters in the past ten years, and they fled from Ding. Fortunately, fortunately, the outbreak of the province is because of the limited transportation capacity to South America, and it can only accept the labor agreements reached between the Han government and the United States, Australia and other countries. .

Affected by the Han Dynasty ’s acceptance of the Chinese laborers and the Chinese laborer ’s repatriation agreement, millions of people affected by the disaster in the mainland fortunately avoided the fate of death. They took a crowded transport ship and sailed to different destinations. Compared with the immigration of Chinese immigrants entering South America, the total number of Chinese in the five countries of Australia, the United States, Canada, Peru, and Cuba has not only decreased because of the influence of Han's policies on absorbing foreign Chinese workers, but has doubled to three times in history. Times.

Western capitalists take chasing interests as their first goal. Australia, Canada, and Cuba were under the direct colonial rule of the United Kingdom and Spain. For the use of Chinese young people as front-line workers to mine and grow economic crops, the use of white labor has been resolved. The high cost of the problems brought considerable financial revenue to the colonial government. Why would the governments of Britain and Spain not do it?

Australia's mineral resources have been gradually discovered and exploited. Following San Francisco in the United States, Australia has been called the New Jinshan by Chinese laborers.

Because of the shorter distance and lower transportation costs compared with the United States, the number of Chinese laborers going to Australia has doubled in the past decade. By the month, the number of local Chinese laborers reached 200,000, second only to the 350,000 in the United States. Western countries rank second in terms of the number of Chinese staying in the country.

In 1876, civil war veteran Ford Hayes took office as the US President. On the day he took office, he explicitly swore his exclusive position: "Our experience with blacks and Indians can also be applied to the Chinese. , I will give priority to using any suitable means to prevent the Chinese from reaching our shores. "

As the head of state in the Americas, Hayes catered to the attitudes of some white supremacists and delivered an anti-Chinese speech, casting a shadow over the vigorous introduction of Chinese workers. Since Hayes came to power, the US government has consciously reduced the number of Chinese workers in the United States. The number, in the United States, condoned the persecution of white rioters against Chinese workers, and the US police responsible for maintaining public order turned a blind eye to the incidents of smashing Chinese shops and killing Chinese workers, while the Argentine war broke out and more than 200,000 Han Chinese troops entered Argentina and Uruguay have further exacerbated the atmosphere of Chinese exclusion in the United States.

The storm of Chinese exclusion in the United States has intensified. With the end of the Argentine War and the establishment of the rule of the La Plata region in the Han country, the Chinese government and many Chinese who have lived in the United States have felt that a new round of Chinese storm is about to set off. The Chinese workers stranded in the United States will face an unprecedentedly dangerous situation.

Huang Xiping was one of the beneficiaries of the labor repatriation agreement. In 1875, from a small village in his hometown in southern Fujian, he followed a total of 1,300 young people to ship to the United States as railway workers. At the end of 1877, the two-year labor agreement expired. Huang Xiping didn't get on the transport ship to Han China like other Chinese workers to leave, but stayed in a town in Nevada where Chinese workers gathered. Using his previous experience as an apprentice in a drug store, he opened a Chinese medicine store. The semi-dragman medicine learned from the native Tulang in his hometown is often ineffective, but the medical skills are still poor. The thousands of Chinese workers gathered around the village have brought considerable benefits to Huang Xiping. At the end of 1878, he became Huang Xiping. Prepare to use the earned money to exchange for a large medicinal shop, and invite a few more Chinese apprentices. When the pharmacy business grew, a riot against the Chinese occurred. Hundreds of people in the Chinese community where Huang Xiping lived were old-fashioned. A white man with a musket and a knife broke into Chinatown, and when he saw the Chinese walking on the road, he fired, or chased with a knife and fled in terror. Chinese, and after the killing, they will cut off the Chinese braids and hold them in their hands to show off.

The incident in Nevada is not an exception. In areas with a large Chinese population, such as Alabama and California, white cowboys and homeless gunmen have joined the violence against the Chinese, and nearly 1,000 Chinese have been beaten by whites. It hurts. The mainstream media in the United States applauded the violent incident. Only some white farmers and mining merchants who hired a large number of Chinese workers muttered a few words to express their dissatisfaction with their interests, but it did not help.

The U.S. government intends to tear up the repatriation agreement of Chinese workers and no longer introduce large-scale Chinese workers to engage in lower-level labor. Therefore, after negotiations with the US government have failed, Han officials in the United States can only remind Chinese workers to be more careful and prepare to find Weapon for self-defense.

Witnessing the atrocities of white Americans in person, Huang Xiping learned the lesson, decided to leave the right and wrong place in the United States, and hurriedly dealt with the local medicinal materials at a low price to several apprentices who planned to stay. He hurried to South America in early 1879 when the immigrant carrier arrived in the United States.

After arriving in the Han country, after setting up a store in the new capital Chang'an, Huang Xiping soon discovered that the South American Han country is very different from the American Chinese settlement. In a small town in the US state of Neda, although his medical skills are average, However, because there is only one Chinese medicine shop in the surrounding area, the daily returns are not bad. However, the local development of the Han country has been more than eleven years, and the traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine treatment systems have been gradually established. Based on.

When he checked and observed the other Chinese medicine shops on the street for several years, Huang Xiping found that the price of the herbs in those medicinal shops was 20 to 30% higher than when he was in the U.S., excluding the factors that other medical skills are superior to himself. It was brought by my fellow relatives from my hometown to pack. Each time I brought a full cart of medicinal materials, the transportation cost was much lower than the hands of a second-hand medicinal material merchant. When he realized the business opportunities contained in it, Huang Xiping made his life. The second important decision was to close the TCM shop and switch to a professional wholesaler of medicinal materials.

Today, according to the La Plata area, Han Guoxiong is at least three or five years away from becoming the largest country in South America's comprehensive strength, and with the first 1350-ton light cruiser independently built by Xinjing Shipyard delivered to the Navy. The military shipbuilding technology has nurtured the civil ship industry. Han Guoxin's new batch of 1500-ton large-scale civil ocean shipping vessels has completed experimental acceptance and is about to authorize the mass production of Xinjing Shipyard and Xinghe Shipyard.

The three core shipyards in Han Dynasty, the Xinjing Shipyard, Xinghe Shipyard, and the Royal Military Shipyard based on Jiangnan Shipyard's skilled workers, all have warships as their main purpose. During the next ten years of development planning, Han The Chinese government will authorize the opening of part of the steam ship construction technology, integrate and support the establishment of three to five large and medium-sized civilian shipyards, which will be responsible for ocean shipping operations. By then, there will be an explosion in maritime trade between South America and Nanyang and the mainland. In the future, the cost of immigration and goods transportation will be further reduced.

Looking at the impact of national development on the industry from the perspective of a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, Huang Xiping initially explored the key points of changing business. First, he sought out a Chinese medicine practitioner with a good reputation and a good reputation. He could find a buyer for the sale of medicinal materials, In the early days of the business, he quickly opened up the situation, followed by personally returning to his hometown by boat, contacting his family and friends there, buying herbs from local medicinal traders or directly from the medicinal farmers, and then renting ocean shipping vessels to transport the acquired herbs back to South America. .

Planning the entrepreneurial plan, Huang Xiping found Feng Langzhong, and opened his eyes to the true purpose together.

"Mr. Feng, Huang has been to the United States of America, and has also made a short stopover in the Southern Ocean. According to Huang's observations, the prices of local ginseng, Asarum, Schisandra, Codonopsis, Dihuang, Achyranthes, Yam, Chrysanthemum and other medicinal materials are more expensive than in mainland It is two to three times higher. If we cooperate together, I will purchase these medicinal materials from the mainland at a cost price, and then sell them at the Dengxiong Pharmacy. After deducting the costs of shipping and operating the sea, I will say that there will be a profit of 20 to 30%.

The development of the pharmaceutical industry is the general trend. Can Feng Xiong intentionally? "

"The distance from home to the mainland is thousands of miles away, and the risk at sea is unpredictable. In case our medicine encounters a storm at sea, shall we not lose money?"

没有 Feng Langzhong did not directly answer the other party's invitation, but asked a question that he was most concerned about.

"There are risks at sea, but they are not as big as Mr. Feng thinks." The first time the two sides discussed cooperation, there was always a bit of reluctance to each other. Huang Xiping patiently explained that "storms are the biggest risk in ocean shipping. In previous years, From time to time, the tragedy of small transport ships encountering storms and deaths has occurred, but according to the maritime decree issued by the government, small transport vessels with a displacement of less than 700 tons will gradually withdraw from the ocean transport industry. Three years later, vessels carrying ocean transport business The minimum standard of displacement is 800 tons, and the transport vessels below 800 tons can only engage in the short-to-medium-range offshore transportation business from the mainland to northern South America ~ ~.

There are also two local military shipyards starting to transfer steam ship construction technology to civilian shipyards. In the next ten years, ocean sailing ships will be eliminated. Steam ships will become the main force of the ocean shipping industry, with the tonnage and power installations of steam ships. The ability to resist storms is much higher than that of wooden sailboats. Therefore, even in the unfortunate event of a storm, the ship has great survivability.

"Thank you Brother Huang for your sincere invitation, but Feng has just settled in Chang'an. Most of the money I bought bought street shops, and I am afraid that the remaining money is not enough to do business with Brother Huang."

"How much money Mr. Feng can make now."

"Up to 2400 won, his wife is pregnant, Feng has to prepare some money for emergency purposes."

"Mr. Feng needn't worry. In terms of money, it's a big deal to make another copy, but in terms of shares, I'm afraid he will be wronged."

"Most of the medicinal materials business is brother Xiong's laborious communication. Brother Huang should have an extra share, Feng has no opinion."

"Okay, then we have negotiated with Brother Feng. Brother Feng will sell 2,400 won, accounting for 30% of the dry shares, and 5,000 won, accounting for 70% of the dry shares. We will draw up a formal agreement tomorrow."

"Thank you, Brother Huang for your support."

"Oh, Mr. Feng is polite, you and I should cooperate with each other and carry each other, it should be." ............

Huang Xiping answered with a smile.

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