Rebirth of Fortune Soars

Chapter 2264 Don't talk too much

Qin Feng finally agreed with Shi Dazhu's decision and focused on real estate with all his strength.

Of course, it is no longer just reselling land as it is now, but going all out into real estate.

It also advertised that Shi Dazhu's giant group has officially become a real estate company.

Qin Feng also agrees with this.

After all, real estate companies will be giants in the next 20 years, not to mention the long run, at least 20 years.

This kind of company, with assets of hundreds of billions or even trillions of tons, is an absolute financial giant.

This is much better than game companies.

Game companies are always rejected by the mainstream of society.

Although it is said that game companies also make money, and they are very profitable.

However, it has always been rejected.

No way, the game is too addictive.

Of course, from Qin Feng's point of view, there is no point in boycotting the game itself. You are not addicted to games, you will be addicted to other things.

Saying that there is no game, students can concentrate on studying, that is the beauty of parents deceiving themselves and others.

Just like those parents who resist games, ask yourself, did they study hard every day when there were no game consoles in their era?


They are most likely to find other fun.

Concentrate on studying, and those who can concentrate on studying are all the same whether they have a game console or not.

On the contrary, for a person who does not concentrate on studying, even if you lock him in a closed space with only study books and nothing, he will not concentrate on studying.

Just like, Qin Feng remembers that when he was in school, he cut the characters on some colored pages of Chinese and English books along the outline to form a personal silhouette and erected it like a 3D picture.

This is the learning attitude of a scumbag.

It doesn't matter what game console. It's just a game console, which gives the scumbag an additional environment to indulge in.


I absolutely support you. If so, then I suggest two options! "Qin Feng thought for a while and said.

"Let's hear it!" Shi Dazhu's eyes lit up.

He called Qin Feng over just to listen to Qin Feng's opinion.

"The first one is to buy land, build a building, and sell it!" Qin Feng said.

This is also the most common, and basically the business model of most real estate companies.

Build a building, then repair it, and sell it. Of course, in the past two years, there will be pre-sale routines.

Before the house was built, pre-sales began.

In the middle, there will naturally be many pitfalls.

However, this mode is also the most commonly used mode.

"The second model is to build a building, only for rent, not for sale!" Qin Feng said.

"Rent, not sell?" Shi Dazhu was stunned.

"Yes, it adopts your fine decoration style, and is equipped with butler service." Qin Feng nodded, "It is specially for high-end talents. For many high-end talents, they don't have time to take care of housework and other trivial matters .For them, it is enough to have a place where they feel comfortable enough to rest. It is not a so-called home in the popular mouth."

Shi Dazhu thought for a while and nodded.

"Moreover, the most important thing is to only rent and not sell, so that we can wait for the bonus of rising housing prices!" Qin Feng grinned, "If you sell, you will lose it. But renting, you can reap the bonus of rising housing prices."

Shi Dazhu grinned.

This model is good, he likes it.

"So, for this model, you must look for the city center, a prosperous area. Especially it must be close to the CBD." Qin Feng said.

Only near the CBD, your lease-sale model will have a market.

If you want a very remote place, who will rent it? Work is so inconvenient, no one wants to rent. Most choose to buy.

After all, if you rent, the rent may increase every year. And buy, but not.

"I understand. As expected, listening to what you say is better than reading ten years of books!" Shi Dazhu laughed.

"Then the company is still the old rule. Each of us has half the shares. However, I have one more share!" Shi Dazhu said.

Qin Feng nodded.

"By the way, is Boss Yan still looking for you?" Qin Feng asked.

"No! We're not helping them launder money now, and he's not looking for us again." Shi Dazhu said happily, "Fortunately, we've gotten rid of this trouble. Otherwise, we'll be in big trouble in the future!"

Money laundering is illegal.

They help Boss Yan launder money here, regardless of the commission of about 30% each time, the profits are huge.

But all this money is life-threatening.

You take the money now, and you will have to pay it back in the future.

When something really happens, it's over.

All the years of hard work are gone.

Now, finally get rid of it.

Of course, this is also thanks to the efforts of the boss.

Otherwise, Boss Yan will not let them go easily.

For a person like Boss Yan, once you get on the boat and want to get off the boat, it's not that easy.

Is their money so easy to earn!

If you earn it, you must keep earning it until they don't need you.

There is no reason for you to abandon them.

If it wasn't for Boss Ming, it would be really hard for Qin Feng and Shi Dazhu to get rid of them.

"By the way, how long will you stay this time?" Shi Dazhu asked.

"Probably go back after the Spring Festival." Qin Feng calculated the time, "After all, the United States is still in school."

Qin Feng is a special case. He has already completed enough credits. It is Qin Feng who is too lazy to graduate. After all, it's not interesting to graduate after only one year. For some people, graduating early allows them to work hard earlier.

But for Qin Feng, this time is not bad.

Therefore, Qin Feng is still continuing his graduate studies at Harvard.

As for whether to continue to study for a doctorate after graduation in the future, it depends on the situation.

Qin Feng doesn't have much vision for a doctor.

In particular, it is difficult to graduate with a Ph.D.

The doctor looks too much at the tutor. The tutor is willing for you to graduate, and you can graduate smoothly.

Otherwise, you have to continue to work for free for the tutor.

This point, even for Qin Feng, is probably hard to avoid.

In graduate school, it doesn't matter. But when Qin Feng is really a Ph.D. student, he might be excitedly used by those tutors.

After all, it would be a waste if a student like Qin Feng didn't get up too much.

Therefore, Qin Feng reckoned that if he really wanted to study for a Ph.D., he might not be able to graduate in three or four years after the statutory two years.

If it is the kind of three-year system, it may take four to five years to graduate.

Therefore, Qin Feng does not have much vision for a Ph.D.

Of course, everything is unknown, after all, Qin Feng is still early. There is still one year left in this course.

One year later, Qin Feng didn't know what happened.

In particular, in recent years, the world has developed very fast.

Qin Feng didn't even know what he would become in the past few years.

"By the way, in the past few years, although the economy has been the focus, everything can be tolerated. But, brother, you also know what it means to settle accounts after autumn. Therefore, it is better to be low-key. The higher authorities allow us to make more money, but they will not tolerate one People with big mouths." Qin Feng finally reminded.

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