Rebirth: I’m Lv Bu

Chapter 994: Sudden bad news

Ai Lang said, "It's not just Wusun." Then he handed the bamboo slip to Huang Wudie who was standing next to him, and said, "You read it to everyone!" Huang Wudie promised, took the bamboo slip, and started reading: "Lord Junjian, the situation in the Western Regions has suddenly changed a few days ago. Guishuang's 300,000 army suddenly appeared. The western countries, including Gumo, Qiuci, etc., have turned their backs. Guishuang's army commander drove straight into the city, and the army is already facing the Jingjue city! He was in a conspiracy and was in a coma, so his subordinates had to fight to the death to lead our army and the Jingjue National Army on his behalf. The people in the city were panicked and the situation was very critical! Although the subordinates had the determination to retaliate, they were worried that they would eventually betray the lord’s trust. In addition, Wusun united with the Kangju army, and has broken the Heilong Mountain Pass and Lin Puchanghai. The situation in Puchanghai is also very serious! All the soldiers and soldiers of our army have determined to die and vowed to survive and die with the city. I only hope that we can persist until the Lord's army supports the army. Hurry up!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the content of Mao Jie's letter. Although many people expected that something might have happened in the Western Regions, they didn't expect it to be so serious that everyone was caught off guard!

Ailang couldn't help cursing: "Fuck, why did I believe Wusun!?" Then he looked at Jia Xu and asked, "Old Jia, do you know this Guishuang Empire and Kangju?" Jia Xu clasped his fist. Said: "Qizi Lord. This Guishuang Empire is a large country on the western edge of the Western Regions. It has a vast territory with mountains and seas. At that time, Banchao claimed that it was as powerful as the Huns in the Qin and Han Dynasties, and was much richer. As for Kangju, it seems to be of the same origin as the Guishuang Empire. It is located in the northwest of the Western Regions and is adjacent to Wusun. The people in this country are very cunning and good at business. These years, they traveled from west to east in and out of the Huren merchants in the Central Plains. Most of them are Kangju’s businessmen. Their national strength should not be underestimated, roughly the same as Wusun."

After hearing Jia Xu's description, everyone felt that the situation was very serious. Ellen paced back and forth, frowning tightly. Stopped, looked at Huang Yueying, and asked: "How much grain and grass are there in Yueying, around Luoyang and in Guanzhong Xiliang?" Huang Yueying immediately clasped her fist and said: "Luoyang reserves more than 330,000 dans of grain and grass, and Guanzhong has 530,000. Yudan, Xiliang has more than 780,000 dan, and Pu Changhai also has hundreds of thousands of grain and grass."

Hearing these numbers, Ailang frowned slightly, and said to the people: "Since there is no problem with the grain and grass, I plan to mobilize all armies to help the Western Regions immediately!"

Zhuge Liang said: "Now all armies have targets to deal with. I am afraid that the army that can be mobilized will not exceed one hundred thousand horses." Jia Xu said: "Kong Ming said that, but the army in these places in Jingzhou, Hanzhong, Guanzhong and Xiliang should Some of them can be mobilized, as well as the Huns who surrendered not long ago. It is estimated that 200,000 troops can be assembled." Then he looked at Ailang and said, "You can send the soldiers and horses of Xiliang and Guanzhong to rush to help, and other places can step up their assembly. You don’t have to wait for all parties to join forces before marching. As long as the assembly is complete, all places will go to Yumen Pass, so that Wei Yan, who currently sits in Xiliang, will be the coach and coordinate the reinforcements of all directions before the lord arrives."

Chen Gong clasped his fist and said, "Wen He is extremely true!" Other counselors also agreed. When Ai Lang saw this, he said: "Okay, then follow Lao Jia's plan!" Then he returned to the back of the book case, took a pen and wrote several orders, took it to Dian Wei, and said: "Send it down immediately!" Dian Wei Yingnuo hurried away.

Ai Lang's gaze swept across the generals, and finally fell on Ma Yunlu, saying: "Ma Yunlu is the grain and grass officer, responsible for escorting grain and grass to the army!" Ma Yunlu clasped his fists and promised. Ailang glanced at the others and said apologetically: "It seems that the annual meeting will not be held this time. You must return to your respective stations immediately and guard against death. I think that when the army on my side moves, Cao Pi, Liu Bei and Sun Jian will notice the Western Regions. In the circumstances, these guys will definitely not miss this great opportunity. The task of defending everywhere is very difficult!" All the civil servants couldn't help but say: "The lord rest assured, the subordinates will live up to the lord's trust!" Ai Lang couldn't help but feel very pleased. Nodded.

At the same time, the royal banquet was going on in the hall of the emperor's palace, and the emperor and his concubines all arrived, but the atmosphere was rather embarrassing. The emperor smiled and said to Concubine Dong, who was sitting on the right side: "I haven't seen Concubine Ai for a long time, and Concubine Ai is still beautiful!" Concubine Dong frowned and said, "Thank you for your care."

The emperor gave a dry smile, glanced at the female guard standing behind Dong Guifei with the knife, and said, "I love concubine, this is a family banquet. It is better for outsiders not to be present?" Dong Guifei hesitated and felt There should be no problem, so he said to Hongye: "Hongye, you go outside and guard, you don't have to come in without my instructions." Hongye clasped his fists and promised, glaring at the emperor with warning, and walked out of the hall. The corner of the emperor's eyes jumped, and his heart was angry and depressed. He only felt that what the emperor was doing was useless, and a little female guard dared to be so disrespectful to him.

Seeing Hongye leaving the hall, the emperor's originally very kind expression changed a little, and he seemed to be a little angry. He picked up the wine glass and took a sip of wine, and then said to Concubine Dong: "Ai concubine seems to have climbed a high branch , I'm afraid you don't put me in your eyes anymore!"

Concubine Dong's brows frowned, and she said faintly: "Why do you have to say these things again! Since I came out of the cold palace, I have been frustrated, and my majesty and I have already cut off grace!" The emperor was furious, even if it was about to happen, but after all Dare to really happen.

Cao Jie said: "Sister Dong, as the saying goes, one night husband and wife are good for a hundred days. Your Majesty is in trouble now, is your sister really bearing the heart to watch?" Guifei Dong frowned, looked at Cao Jie and smiled. : "Today's banquet is really not easy! The queen and the empress don't have to be ambiguous, just say anything!"

Cao Jie said: "I don't dare to ask my sister too much. I only hope that my sister can use the convenience of today to help your majesty escape from Luoyang and go to Jizhou. In this way, my sister can be regarded as repaying the kindness of my majesty to my sister."

Concubine Dong Gui couldn't help smiling, and said, "Is that kindness? I didn't feel it!" She glanced at the two of them and said, "I can't agree to this matter. Although I don't know your intentions, this is clearly against the intentions of King Qin. , I must not do anything to be sorry for him!" The emperor and empress Cao Jie originally thought that Concubine Dong would agree, but she didn't expect that she would refuse with one bite, and was surprised. The emperor was already worried that Concubine Dong would inform Lu Bu. Thing.

Concubine Dong knew the emperor too much. Seeing his expression, she already knew what he thought. She couldn't help but aroused an idea in her heart. She only felt that if the emperor had faded from the emperor's identity, it would be a timid and useless man. Even being placed in the market may be despised. I was blind at the beginning, and almost ruined everything for him, while his father had already died for him! Concubine Dong Gui couldn't help getting a little excited and frowned. Settling down, he said coldly: "You don't have to worry that I will inform you. But only this time. If I hear similar things again, I will never hide it for you."

The emperor couldn't help but reprimanded: "You, you, lewd slut!..."

Concubine Dong's complexion changed, Huo Cao Weiqi, and shouted: "Don't forget, this lewd **** almost died for you, and the father of this lewd **** died in the hands of the thief because he was loyal to you. We don't owe you anything, but you have forgotten all those who sacrificed for you! You remember to me that no sacrifice is due!" The emperor's face was blue and white, and could not speak.

Concubine Dong Gui coldly said: "I advise you, don't have to do those daydreams again! Your strategy and courage, it is impossible to be the opponent of King Qin, and it is impossible to govern the world! If there is no self-knowledge wishful thinking, in the future I must regret it!" After speaking, he threw the emperor who was extremely pale and annoyed, turned and left. Everyone in the hall looked at each other and could not speak.

Concubine Dong Gui came out of the hall and saw the vast world outside the door. She couldn't help having a big heart, and finally let out her long-time bad breath. Hong Ye came up, clasped her fist and said: "Manny!" Concubine Dong Gui smiled and said: "Go, go back to our own place!" Hong Ye promised.

The emperor’s banquet was collected hastily, and he and Queen Cao Jie went to the bedroom of the palace. The emperor complained: "You didn't try to figure out the situation, so you set up this banquet recklessly. Not only did you fail to do so, but it was ridiculous! Fortunately, she promised not to inform Lu Bu, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous. Now!" Cao Jie couldn't help feeling angry, and looked at the emperor with a sneer: "Yes, it's my fault! I found that some of Dong Guifei's words are really reasonable. In your heart, you feel that you are an emperor. Everyone should pay for you! It’s the fault of others to make a little unsatisfactory convenience!" The emperor was taken aback, and said unhappily, "How dare you talk to me like this!" Cao Jie sighed, looked away, and didn't want to look at him. The man murmured: "A man's authority is not obtained by his name. Some people do not have any official position, but others will only serve him or even give his life to him. I don’t hesitate to do it, and although some people have high positions or even noble kings, others will not put him in the eyes!"

The emperor's face sank and asked displeasedly; "Who are you talking about?"

Cao Jie smiled coldly, sighed, and said, "I'm tired. Goodbye." Then he left without waiting for the emperor to speak. Looking at Cao Jie's back, the emperor's face was blue and white, and his heart was very annoyed. He just felt that everyone today was rebellious, and they were all rioters! After feeling depressed and troubled, I couldn't help but miss the Xizhou ethical society that Confucianism always admired.

At this moment, a little **** hurried in and said to the emperor excitedly: "Your Majesty, good news, good news! The slave and maid had just heard that something happened in the Western Regions, and the millions of alien forces entered the Western Regions, and the entire Qin Palace It's like it's fried!" The emperor's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he muttered to himself: "Could it be that the sky has finally opened its eyes!" The emperor couldn't help but fought with the idea of ​​relying on external forces to restore his imperial power. .

The Western Regions were suddenly critical, and many planned things had to be put down. Civil and military officials from all over the country hurriedly returned to their residences, while those who received orders began to get busy. Some people noticed that the messenger cavalry on the streets seemed to increase suddenly, but the lively festival atmosphere quickly shifted their thoughts to the festival in front of them. The whole Luoyang City was as lively as ever, as if it hadn't been affected by this unexpected event at all. No wonder, because according to Ailang's request, in order to let everyone have a happy and peaceful Spring Festival, they did not announce this matter and plan to inform the public after the Spring Festival.

Ai Lang was worried about the situation in the Western Regions, and the next day led Dian Wei, Yan Liang, and the 20,000 cavalry who had assembled urgently to leave Luoyang to Yumen Pass. In the snow, the army rushed westward, and the rumbling of horseshoes was like the thunder of this winter.

Twenty thousand horses traveled day and night and arrived at Yumen Pass in only seven days. As soon as Yumen Gate was closed, a strong atmosphere of war rushed into the face. An enemy army of seven to eighty thousand scales actually advanced to Yumen Gate, completely blocking the channel for reinforcements from Yumen Gate to Puchanghai.

Ai Lang stood on the city gate and looked at the tiers of enemy barracks that seemed unusually strong outside the city. He frowned and asked, "What's the situation with Pu Changhai and Jing Jueguo now?" Wei Yan shook his head and clasped his fists: "I haven't received news from the two places for many days. I don't know what the situation is! This enemy army outside the pass arrived six days ago. It did not attack, but built a strong camp outside the pass. It is not the offensive, but the cutting off of our ties with Pu Changhai and Jing Jueguo! The final general led an army to attack three times, but the enemy army was unable to get out of the camp, and our army failed to achieve any results after all!"

Ailang looked at the enemy camp outside the city, frowned, and immediately shouted to Dian Wei Yanliang: "Follow me!"

Immediately after the gate of the city gate opened, Ai Lang led Dian Wei Yanliang and three thousand war riders out of the city gate until before the enemy barracks. Ai Lang challenged Yan Liang.

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