Rebirth: I’m Lv Bu

Chapter 971: Break the city

The Queen of Jing Jue couldn't help feeling sad, her eyes flashing with tears. The eyes of this exquisite queen were originally beautiful, and the temperament was even more touching. At this moment, such a sad look suddenly appeared, and the original charm added three points of pity, which caused all the men present to be lost.

Seeing everyone's reaction like this, Queen Kucha burst into anger and shouted at the queen hysterically, "Do you think you are beautiful? I'm going to let you try the cruelest things in the world and die, so I can calm my mind. Hate! If you are a flower, I will completely destroy you with violent storms! I want everyone in the world to know what a miserable end you, the first beauty of the Western Regions, ended up!" Then rushed to all the people present. The man shouted: "You go together, today is cheaper for you, let you all taste the taste of the first beauty of the Western Regions!"

When the Queen Jing Jue heard this, she looked terrified in her eyes. All the men present were all excited, but did not dare to move rashly for a while. Queen Kucha saw the people still, and shouted angrily: "What are you doing in a daze? Didn't you hear me?" Everyone couldn't help standing up, their eyes staring hungrily at the shivering Jingjue Queen, an unspeakable expression. Sou wanted to rush to the forehead, all of them couldn't help swallowing. And the Queen of Qiuci also looked excited, staring at the show.

woo woo woo woo……! The rapid sound of the horn suddenly came from outside, and at the same time, a huge killing sound rang. All the people present were taken aback, and Queen Kucha yelled angrily: "What's going on outside?"

At this moment, an officer stumbled in and reported in anxious manner: "It's not good, the queen! Qin Jun, Qin Jun has killed, and he has entered the city!" As if he should have said something, terrible killing sound. With the sound of huge horseshoes, the sound became louder and louder, and it seemed to be approaching the palace quickly! The complexion of Queen Kucha and the ministers changed drastically. Queen Kucha hurriedly called to General Kucha: "Go and lead the army to counterattack!" Then General Kucha reacted and rushed out. Immediately, the Queen of Qiuci led a group of civil and military ministers out of the main hall, looking towards the city, only to see the situation of the east city gate with the light of fire and candle heaven, and the huge killing sound seemed to have flooded half of the city. Queen Qiuci couldn't help but bewildered and said, "What is going on? What is going on here? Didn't Qin Jun escape?"

At this moment, the war drums of Qiuci rang loudly, and then the huge sound of fighting shook the world not far outside the palace. Queen Qiuci couldn't help but her heart moved, and a civilian next to her couldn't help but yell: "The general led the army to fight back!" At this time, everyone's heart couldn't help but feel hopeful.

The sound of fighting outside was shocking. Although everyone was still far away in the palace, they still felt thrilling and shaken. Immediately, it seemed that one side had overwhelmed the other, and the huge roar drowned the entire battlefield! Queen Qiuci and the others couldn't help getting nervous. They didn't know whether they had broken the enemy or the enemy had broken them.

At this moment, a large crowd of people shook in at the gate of the palace. Everyone was surprised at first, and then discovered that the general and his subordinates had come in, and everyone couldn't help being surprised. A civil official shouted; "Great! The general won!"

However, before he could finish his words, everyone saw General Guizi and his subordinates panicking and panicking. Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and they were very surprised, and at the same time there was an incredible feeling in their hearts.

General Guizi led dozens of defeated soldiers and stumbled to escape to the back after eating, and cried out in fear: "Queen, we, we are defeated! Hurry, run away!" Queen Guizi was at a loss. Looks like. At this time, there were rumbling horseshoes and terrible killings near the door. General Qiuci was shocked, and he didn't care about his inferiority. He hurriedly rushed towards the back gate of the palace with the queen and others. Queen Qiuci fled in a hurry, without even having time to get her jewelry box.

Almost at the same time Queen Qiuci escaped from the palace, the cavalry led by Ailang had already stormed into the palace. In the palace, it was as if a pot had been blown up, and the maids in the palace fled, some took the opportunity to entrain the treasures in the palace, and the scene was in chaos.

Qin Jun rushed to various places in the palace, quickly controlled the palace gates, and searched for Queen Qiuci and his ministers. Ai Lang and other dozens of people went straight into the palace hall, and saw Queen Jingjue sitting on the ground, looking very pitiful and very excited. Seeing that she was all right, Ai Lang finally let go of her hanging heart. Ai Lang didn't care about her so much, but Jingjue Queen was a very important chess piece in his hand. If something happened to him, he would lose a lot.

Ai Lang got off his horse, handed the rein to the soldier next to him, and walked to the Queen of Jingjue. When the Queen Jing Jue saw Ai Lang coming to her, the emotions she had been suppressing before suddenly broke out, and she threw her head into Ai Lang's arms and started crying! Ai Lang did not expect her move, and she was overwhelmed for a while, and she didn't know what to do. Immediately there was a feeling of rejoicing in my heart, fortunate that Yueying did not come together, otherwise, I am afraid that I will not be able to wash away if I jump into the Yellow River!

After a while, Jing Jue Queen's mood calmed down. Suddenly felt that I was lost, and quickly left Ai Lang's arms, turned sideways, and gently wiped the tears on his face with his sleeves. Ailang chuckled and asked, "Are you finished crying?" The Queen Jing Jue was only ashamed, and did not speak.

Ailang looked at Queen Jingjue, and suddenly felt that this woman, whether from a foreign nationality or a Han nationality, seemed to be the same.

At this time, a general rushed in and reported to Ai Long, "Come on to the lord, that Queen Qiuci and his subordinates only fled not long ago." Ai Long snorted and said with a smile: "How dare that girl? Against me, I can't let her run away!" Then he said to a general in front of him: "Your handsome subordinate stayed behind to clean up the spoils of the palace, and also take care of me the Queen of Excellence, she will satisfy her if she has any needs!" The official clasped his fist and promised. Ellen led the others in a hurry. Then the jumble of horseshoes sounded. The Queen Jingjue came to the door and saw Ailang and the others rushing towards the back door of the palace. Jing Jue Queen didn't know what she thought of, and she started to daze. The general who stayed told two soldiers to follow the Jingjue Queen, and he himself went to the harem to scrape the land!

The Queen Jingjue came back to her senses, and saw the two soldiers following her, she couldn't help asking: "You King Qin, why did he come back suddenly?" The two soldiers would be wrong and replied: "The lord wants to save the queen. Queen Jing Jue was stunned for a moment, her eyes showed shame and joy, and she did not speak for a while.

It is said that the Queen of Qiuci escaped from the royal city in a hurry under the support of the civil and military forces, and then the Qin army chased him. The scene was chaotic. The general of Qiuci protected the Queen of Qiuci and fled to the north and escaped into an abandoned villa. Among. Tired and exhausted, they stopped to rest, but did not dare to light the lamp, for fear that the terrifying Qin army would discover their trip. Queen Kucha listened to the sounds of killing and shouts coming from a distance, with fear and rejoicing in her heart, and then a feeling of hatred surged into her heart, muttering: "When the coalition forces come back, I will avenge my revenge. !"

At this time, General Guizi came in. Queen Qiuci glanced at him and asked with concern: "How is the situation outside? Did Qin Jun chase him?"

General Qiuci said: "Don't worry about the queen, they didn't chase after." Queen Qiuci was relieved after hearing the words. Immediately, I saw that the general of Kucha had closed the gate, and asked inexplicably: "What are you doing?" The general of Kucha turned around, because it was dark and there was no light on, so Queen Kucha could not see the gate. The general's face could only see a pair of eyes in the dark, like a wild beast. Queen Qiuci felt a sudden in her heart, and she felt uneasy for no reason. Immediately after hearing heavy breathing, General Guizi walked straight towards him.

Queen Kucha suddenly became frightened, took a step back, and shouted: "You stop!" However, the general of Kucha didn't listen to her, and continued to walk over. Coming to the front all of a sudden, Queen Kucha felt that she was being held tightly by the opponent before she could react! Queen Guici was shocked and exclaimed: "What are you doing?!" General Guici gasped very hard and eagerly said: "Queen mother, I have liked you for a long time! Today, today, you will be with me! "As he said, he kissed casually. Queen Qiuci fought hard to avoid desperately, but she was a weak woman who could resist such a big man. She was pushed to the ground all of a sudden, and with a sneer, most of her upper body was torn off. Queen Quetz screamed for help in horror, but the people outside ignored it. General Kucha suppressed Queen Kucha, gasping with a wicked smile: "Queen, don't scream, the people outside are all my people, no one will come to save you!" Queen Kucha heard this. , I only feel that the whole person seems to have fallen into the ice cave. She thought that she had originally intended to kill the Jing Jue Queen, but she didn't expect that such a thing would eventually fall to her own head. Could it be that the gods could not punish her! Thinking of this, I couldn't help feeling regretful! Feeling the abominable man pressed down, the thought of death arose in my heart!

At this moment, a shout suddenly came from outside. General Guizi, who was about to get his wish, was very annoyed and couldn't help shouting, "What's going on outside?" Before the voice fell, the door was knocked open with a bang. General Guizi felt bad, and immediately jumped up and grabbed the big knife thrown nearby. At this time, a figure rushed in, and a cold light flashed in the darkness, and the general of Kucha screamed and fell to the side of Queen Kucha.

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