Rebirth: I’m Lv Bu

Chapter 962: The loss is not small

Liu Beijun’s situation was like a rushing tide rushing into a shallow shoal densely covered with rocks, arousing countless splashes, and the momentum of the impact was subsequently suppressed a lot. Zhang Fei screamed and led his army to rush, the fierce collision and the screaming and shouting rang together! Liu Beijun’s battle cavalry smashed through the numerous obstacles and came before the Qin Army's great formation! However, what appeared before them was not a chaotic scene, but a rigorous army formation! The Qin Army's spearmen have been arranged into a dense spear formation, and the crossbowmen are all ready to go!

Liu Beijun's cavalry screamed and charged, like a wave that swept towards the Qin army!

Let go! With a loud shout from a general. The Qin army archers and crossbowmen who were ready to go fired their arrows together, and the dense arrows plunged into the cavalry wave, and immediately saw people turning their horses on their backs. The rushing wave seemed to have suddenly stirred up countless ripples!

However, this couldn't stop Liu Beijun's war cavalry from advancing, the wave seemed to have only a pause, and then rushed towards the Qin army with a more ferocious momentum! Rushing and roaring, the momentum is like a rainbow, the earth is trembling under their iron hoof! In a blink of an eye, that vicious wave crashed heavily on Qin's defense line! It was as if the stormy waves hit the shore, the scene was shocking! However, the spectacle of the Qin army falling apart and flying across the body did not appear. The fierce cavalry wave suddenly stopped in front of the Qin army's defense line! Countless Liu Beijun cavalry were stabbed into a hornet's nest by the dense spear formation. Qin Jun's sharp spear formation blocked the impact of Liu Beijun's cavalry. Liu Beijun's war cavalry was crowded in front of the Qin army's front, unable to advance or retreat for a while!

At this moment, the Qin army fired its crossbows, and the powerful crossbow arrows flew out, and the Liu Beijun cavalrymen who were crowded in front of the army turned on their backs! Immediately there was a rumbling of war drums, and the dense spear array began to advance. The dense spear array formed by sharp spears turned inward, slamming the enemy cavalry in front of them to the ground. Fly! Seeing this scene, Zhang Fei was extremely angry, but felt that the opportunity to defeat the Qin army in one fell swoop had been lost, so he immediately led the army out of the battle and retreated to the south. The swift and violent attack was extremely fast, and within a short while, the fierce battlefield returned to calm, and the enemy cavalry disappeared without a trace!

Zhuge Liang did not dare to be careless, and ordered the army to continue to be on guard while sending out scouts to investigate the enemy's movements. After it was confirmed that the enemy was indeed far away, the majority of the troops were ordered to lift their guard and sweep the battlefield.

Zhuge Liang stood on a high place, looking at the messy battlefield, frowning. A general rushed to Zhuge Liang's side, clasped his fist and said: "Enjoy the military division, the casualty statistics are roughly out. Our army killed nearly 3,000 people, injured more than 3,000 people, and suffered nearly 7,000 casualties. The enemy's casualties were only 3,000. ..."

Zhuge Liang was very depressed, and said to himself like a mockery: "Our Qin army has hardly lost a battle in the past two years! I'm just a new one this time!"

The general couldn't help saying: "In fact, the enemy did not succeed in this battle. At best, it was a tie!" Zhuge Liang shook his head and frowned, "I didn't expect the enemy's actions, and our army suffered twice as many casualties. More than the enemy army, this is not a defeat, what a defeat!" The general could not speak when he heard this. Zhuge Liang thought for a while, and ordered: "Send the army to continue marching towards Wudu! At the same time, send all scouts to the surrounding area to guard!" The general promised and hurried down.

Scouts, Zhuge Liang's subordinates were never attacked again. In the afternoon, tens of thousands of horses led by Zhuge Liang successfully entered Wudu County. However, after entering the city, what was greeted was the empty and deserted city, a huge city unexpectedly went to the empty city without even a dog barking. Zhuge Liang ordered the army to be stationed in the city, and at the same time sent scouts to investigate south, and sent messengers to Hanyang in the north to inform Hanyang of the situation here.

That night, the messenger sent to Hanyang led the messenger sent by Hanyang back to Zhuge Liang, clasped his fist and said, "Sergeant Qi, General Dianwei has already been sent from Hanyang to lead the army, and it will arrive in about a day. Wudu County is here." Zhuge nodded brightly, looked at the messenger sent by Hanyang, and asked, “Is Mrs. Yueying personally leading the army here?” The messenger clasped his fist and said: “Return to the military division, the madam did not come, but General Ling Dianwei led the army to come. His wife has already gone to Wuwei at the moment. Before leaving, the wife specially confessed that Wudu, Hanyang, and Chencang are all assigned to military divisions." Zhuge Liang smiled and nodded: "I understand." Then he said to the messenger: "Go and tell the lady, and tell the lord, Wudu County has been successfully taken, and the enemy has returned to Xichuan. My suggestion is that the attack on Liu Bei can come to an end. ." The messenger clasped his fists and retreated.

Ai Lang leaned on the pillow, holding Huang Yueying, who was completely limp, in his arms. Huang Yueying seemed to have felt something, she raised her head and blushed and said: "Husband, you, if you haven't had a lot of fun, don't worry too much, you can, you can continue to play with the little girl!..." Ai Lang heard her said. , I couldn't help but felt a sway, and then she hugged Huang Yueying and asked: "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Huang Yueying gave Ai Long a sullen look and said, "The husband is here to tease the little girl again!" Immediately blushing cheeks very serious and authentic: "As a wife and concubine, but can not make the husband happy, how to be a wife! In fact, the husband does not have to worry, the concubine can bear it! And, and..." At this point, Huang Yueying's voice suddenly It was so low that it was almost inaudible, and the tenderness in the beautiful eyes was like water, and there was an extremely moving look.

Ai Lang's heart was shaken, and she hugged Huang Yueying and asked, "Why don't you finish? And what?" Huang Yueying glanced at Ai Lang, and said leisurely: "The little girl envy Sister Yan, and Diao Chan and the others. How good is it to have a lovely daughter?" Ailang chuckled, stretched out her finger to lift Huang Yueying's chin, and kissed her red lips, half-joking half-seriously: "Then let's have a good time these days Work hard! Try to get this done!" Huang Yueying looked at Ai Lang with brilliant eyes, with a very eager look.

Ai Lang thought of the current situation in Xiliang, and couldn't help saying: "Now the entire Xiliang is recaptured. Next, are you ready to attack Xichuan?"

As soon as Huang Yueying talked about business, she became like a saint, but at the moment she nestled in the arms of her lover without an inch, but she showed a strange charm. Ellen couldn't help but stared blankly.

Huang Yueying thought: "It stands to reason that Liu Bei has suffered a heavy loss and his morale has fallen. It is indeed a good time to attack Xichuan in one fell swoop! However, the situation in Xichuan is different from other places, where the mountains and rivers are steep and natural fortresses! Although Liu Bei lost It is huge, but the remaining power is still not to be underestimated. It is almost impossible to eagerly seize Xichuan! The current news from General Ma Chao also confirms this judgment. Although General Ma Chao and the others captured Jia Meng in one fell swoop However, it was still unable to break through Yangping Pass and Jiange, and instead lost a lot of people." Looking at Ai Lang, said: "The little girl thought that the war against Liu Bei should be suspended." Ai Lang laughed.

When Huang Yueying saw this, she thought she had said something wrong. She couldn't help but flushed her cheeks, and asked: "Did the little girl say something wrong?" Ai Lang shook his head and smiled: "No. But Kong Ming called it not long ago. The same is said in the oral messages from people. This is really the same as what a hero sees!"

Huang Yueying nodded and asked: "I heard that Mr. Zhuge suffered a setback in Wudu County?" Ailang smiled: "That's nothing. He was ambushed and lost thousands of people. This shows that Ah, Zhuge Kongming, after all, is just a person, not a magical fairy. He can be regarded as a wise man, but sometimes he can't be regarded as a reckless man. I don’t think Kong Ming dreamed that he would be caught in Wudu County. Fei's ambush has planted a small somersault in the hands of a reckless man!" Huang Yueying only felt that what her husband said was reasonable, smiled and nodded.

Ai Lang thought for a while, and said: "I plan to stay here in Xiliang for a while. After all, Xiliang has just been recovered, and it can be said to be a waste of time! It is better for me to sit here!" Huang Yueying's eyes lit up. Praised: "My husband is right!"

Ai Lang glanced at Huang Yueying, and joked: "Yueying, you are a drunkard. It's not about drinking, but..." At this point, she took a hand under the quilt, and Huang Yueying exclaimed, her eyes watery. Looking at Ai Lang, he immediately showed an angry expression. Ailang smiled triumphantly, then reduced his smile, and thought: "Yueying should be responsible for the internal affairs. As for the Qiang and the Western Regions,..." Ailang frowned slightly when he said this. Come, look a little embarrassed.

Huang Yueying understood her husband’s thoughts, and said: "This little girl has already thought about this on the way here. It stands to reason that after defeating Liu Bei and capturing Xiliang in one fell swoop, we should turn our attention to the increase in the Central Plains. However, the Western Regions. The coalition forces have just been hit hard, and the countries are panicking. This is a good time for us to lose control of the Western Regions!"

Ailang nodded and said, "Yes, the Silk Road can get us huge benefits, and controlling the Western Regions is the most important part of controlling the Silk Road! In the past, the Han army continued to march westward, and this is probably the most important thing. The reason for this is that historians of Confucian origin always avoid the topic of interest, so there is no such saying in history books. In the end, it was far-fetched and became the emperor of Han Wu who was forced to criticize for a horse. It is simply inexplicable and unreasonable!"

Huang Yueying nodded involuntarily.

Ai Lang thought for a while, and asked: "How to deal with the problems of the Western Regions? Take the opportunity to send troops?" Huang Yueying smiled: "The little girl thinks that sending troops directly is the next step, and that way is to put us in In a position opposed to the 36 countries of the Western Regions, even if we win in the end, I am afraid that we will pay a high price! Even if we want to send troops, it is best to send troops after being invited by a certain country in the Western Regions!" After a pause, "Since the destruction of the Northern Huns, Wusun has collected the old land of the Northern Huns and became the most powerful country in the Western Regions! Many of the 36 countries in the Western Regions are under pressure and coercion, and we can make a big fuss about this!... …" Ai Lang's eyes lit up, and he patted Huang Yueying's hip with his palm lightly, and praised: "A good strategy! Let's provoke a discord to control the barbarian, haha! Good strategy! Good strategy!" Huang Yueying patted her buttocks.

Huang Yueying looked at Ai Lang in a blushing face, as if his emotions were greatly moved, but Ai Lang was excited about Huang Yueying's strategy at the moment, but did not notice it.

Huang Yueying settled her mind and continued: "I think that brilliant queen is the key to implementing this strategy. Your husband should have a good talk with her, and then let her and her tribe go back." Ai Lang asked puzzledly. : "Why is this?"

I like rebirth, I am Lu Bu. Please collect it: ( Rebirth I is the fastest literary update written by Lu Bu.

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