Rebirth: I’m Lv Bu

Chapter 960: Overall situation

The Qin army suspended the offensive and retreated several miles to set up a camp, while the tens of thousands of captured prisoners set up another camp to ban them.

Seeing that the Qin army had stopped the offensive, the closed coalition officers and soldiers couldn't help but calm down a lot of their fears. Everyone felt exhausted, and all over the wall were stumbling and resting figures. Obviously, there were shadows everywhere, but there was no voice at all, a depressive atmosphere enveloped the entire city.

Loew went back to the office hall and sat down, looking exhausted. Her eyes were worried and she didn't know what to do. At this moment, Huo Tuo rushed in from the outside, saw Love, stopped, and said solemnly: "General, I just counted the losses...." A bad feeling came up in Love's heart. , Looked at Loew, and asked hopefully: "How about? The loss will not be great?" Huo Tuo frowned and shook his head, saying: "The loss is very great, and there are only more than 70,000 people left in each department. , And morale is very low!..." Loew showed an unbelievable expression, and then showed a bewildered expression.

Huo Tuo sighed and said: "Although I don't want to admit it, but I have to say that we have already lost! General, our morale is low now, and the troops of other countries have the intention to retreat, we simply cannot defend. Got through this Yumen Pass! If you continue to fight, I'm afraid the whole army will be wiped out!..." Loew suddenly shouted hysterically, "No! No! I won't be defeated!" Then he shouted at Huo Tuo infinitely annoyed. "If I am defeated, there is no face to see the queen! We must win! We must guard the Yumen Pass!" Huo Tuo saw his seemingly crazy appearance, knowing what he said, he couldn't hear it now. So he said: "The general rest early. I'll take a tour!" Then he was about to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Loew exclaimed suddenly. Hotter stopped and asked, "What else does the general order?" Loew hysterically said, "You, immediately go and send a message to the generals of all countries to warn them that anyone dared to leave without permission, or spread the spirit of shaking the army. I will execute them as collaborating with the enemy! Tell them to act on their own!" Huo Tuo looked at Loew with a look of surprise, and wanted to advise, but felt that at this time he would definitely not listen to whatever he said, so he bowed his promise and quit. Up the hall. After Hotter left the hall, he went to inspect the city wall, and did not follow Loew's request to send a message to the generals of various countries. The reason why he disobeyed Loew's order was that he felt that carrying out such a ridiculous order at this time would only accelerate the division of the coalition forces without any benefit.

Huo Tuo came to the city wall and looked at the brightly lit city outside the city. He frowned and mumbled to himself: "We are all wrong! We are all wrong! The legendary Han Dynasty It's not something we can get involved! I'm afraid this battle will provoke an extremely terrifying enemy!" I couldn't help sighing and shook his head.

At this time, a general rushed to Huo Tuo's side anxiously, and said anxiously: "My lord, it's not good! Niya Army and Gumo Army escaped from Yumen Pass without authorization!" The so-called Niya and Gumo here are both. A small country among the 36 countries in the Western Regions. Hotter heard the report and was taken aback. He knew that today's battle had dealt a heavy blow to the morale of the coalition forces, but he did not expect the coalition forces to collapse so quickly. Just when Huo Tuo didn't know what to do, another general came to report: "It's not good, the Dawan Army and the Shule Army have also escaped without authorization!" Huo Tuo was furious and cursed: "These bastards. ! In this way, didn't we completely fail!" After thinking for a while, he told the two generals to guard the city carefully, and he hurried to the office.

In the lobby, I saw Love who had not rested, and said anxiously: "It's not good, the general, the army of Niya, Gumo, Shule, and Dawan all fled without authorization!" Love was shocked and shouted angrily: "They are so bold!" Huo Tuo anxiously said: "General, now that the hearts of the people are scattered, we can no longer stay in Yumen Pass! Otherwise, I am afraid that not only the army of other countries, but also our Wusun army will also escape. At that time, not only could not defend Yumen Pass, but the general would also fall into the hands of the Qin Army!" Love shouted hysterically, waving his fist: "I will never retreat! I will never retreat!"

Before he finished his words, there was a huge killing sound outside! In a short while, fierce fighting sounds came from the west side of the wall! The two were taken aback and hurriedly ran out of the hall to look west. Loew cried out in a bewildered manner: "What's going on?!..." Huo Tuo frowned, "I'm afraid Qin Jun noticed me. The situation of the army, so Kuiye came to attack!"

At this time, a general rushed to the two of them in an anxious manner, and said anxiously: "It's not good! The Qin army launched a fierce attack, we are about to be unable to defend it!" Loew said anxiously: "Hurry up and let the troops of all countries help. Close the wall!" The general said anxiously: "The troops of other countries fled one after another, and now only our Wusun army is left!" Loew was shocked, unable to speak for a while. Huo Tuo said anxiously: "General, let's go! I'm afraid it's too late if I'm late!" Love looked at a loss. At this moment, a huge shout came from the door closed. Hotter felt that the situation was not good, and hurriedly asked someone to bring the mount, dragged Love onto the mount, and then fled westward with Love. At the same time, Qin Jun had already broken through the gate and poured into Yumen Gate! The coalition army was defeated and fled in panic, and was defeated!

The Qin Army captured Yumen Pass, chased them for more than a dozen miles before returning to Yumen Pass.

Ai Lang walked into the hall of Yumen Guanzhisuo and saw that there were still many Western-style decorations in the hall, and immediately asked people to clean up those things!

Ailang walked to the top, turned around, looked at the warriors who were watching him, and smiled: "Good job, brothers! This battle was fought so heartily, defeated the Western Region Allied Forces and regained Yumen Pass in one fell swoop. !" The generals clasped their fists and said: "I am willing to graze the ground for Da Qin, and I will let you go!" Ailang laughed. At this time, Wei Yan stepped forward quickly, clasping his fist with joy on his face: "The cavalry lord, the 600,000 dans of grain and grass that the enemy has hoarded at Yumen Pass, as well as a large amount of dried meat and military salaries, have all fallen into our hands!" Haha laughed, and then said mockingly: "This is just a little compensation for our loss, it's not enough!" Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Ai Lang thought of one thing, and hurriedly asked Wei Yan: "Did the general of the Western Region Allied Forces catch it!" Wei Yan clasped his fist and said, "This general has no other skills, but escape is the best in the world! Our army was surprised. Seeing the figure of this general, let him run away!" Ailang didn't care, and said: "If you run away, you can run away! Only a defeated general!" Then he said: "The army has been marching in rapid succession these days. I'm very tired, so I'll take a good rest for a few days at the Yumen Gate!" Everyone clasped their fists and promised. Wei Yan remembered something and clasped his fists: "Master, that Mao Jie was captured by our army in the chaos, what should I do!" Ai Lang frowned and said, "Close it first. I don't have the time to deal with him now. .""Yes."

He turned to Wudu County. After Liu Bei retired to Wudu County, he still paid close attention to the situation in all directions. He eagerly hoped to hear the news that the coalition forces of the Western Regions were so powerful, and also hoped to hear that Cao Jun crossed the Yellow River to attack Luoyang and Sun Jianjun went north to attack Jingzhou.

That day, Liu Bei heard that a military emergency report was coming, and rushed to the hall immediately. Seeing that Pang Tong and others were waiting, they couldn't wait to ask: "Is there news from the north? Has the Western Region coalition forces broken Wuwei?"

Pang Tong said with a solemn expression: "I just received an urgent report that the 250,000 coalition forces of the Western Regions were defeated under Wuwei City and fled to the west. Xian Lu Bu is leading the army to chase and drive north!" Liu Bei was taken aback. Then he frowned and said: "This Western Region coalition is really useless! I shouldn't have any hope for them!"

Liu Bei was silent for a moment, and asked, "Where are Cao Pi and Sun Jian, do they have any actions." Pang Tong said: "The news just received. Cao Pi has withdrawn from the bank of the Yellow River after learning of our army's defeat. And Sun Jian. I have already returned to Cangwu...." Liu Bei couldn't help sighing, muttering to himself: "There have always been people icing on the cake, no one will give charcoal in the snow!" After a pause, he said to Pang Tong: "Although the Western Region Allied Forces are in Wuwei County was defeated, but it is still possible to withstand the Qin army’s offensive, right?” The reason why Liu Bei asks is that he hopes that the Western Region coalition forces can stabilize their positions near Jiuquan or Yumen Pass, so that it can greatly restrain Lu Bu’s energy. , Is absolutely beneficial to his safety in Nishikawa.

Pang Tong thought for a while, and said: "Although his subordinates have hoped several times, but I am afraid it will not be what we want! We must prepare for the worst!" Liu Bei asked with a puzzled look: " The worst preparation?" Pang Tong said: "If the Western Region Allied Forces are completely defeated, Lü Bu's Qin Army will regain Yumen Pass and threaten the entire Western Regions. At that time, the Western Regions, let alone an offensive, fear that everyone will be in danger. It became the target of the Qin army’s offensive. And Lu Bu only needed to leave twenty to thirty thousand elites at Yumen Gate to control the situation in the entire Western Regions. At that time, Lu Bu would inevitably spare his hands to deal with us. This Wudu County will bear the brunt. We have to consider. The question is whether it can hold Wudu County, and how to arrange it if Wudu County cannot be held!"

Liu Bei frowned involuntarily and nodded slightly.

At this moment, Mi Fang suddenly rushed over and reported in a hurry: "It's not good, the lord, Jia Mengguan was occupied by Ma Chao, and Mi Zhu retreated to the sword pavilion. The situation is very bad!" Liu Bei and others were shocked, Liu Bei couldn't help calling "How is this possible? Although Jiameng Pass is not as dangerous as the sword pavilion's natural dangers, it is also a dangerous pass for a man to be a guard and a man to open! How could it be possible that it was suddenly captured?" Mi Fang said, "I heard it was Qin. The army bombarded the city gate day and night with artillery and heavy catapults. After two days, the wall finally collapsed because it couldn't stand it. The Qin army immediately attacked, and his brother couldn't resist it before he was defeated!"

Pang Tong hurriedly asked: "What is the situation in Jiange and Yangping Pass?" The reason why Pang Tong asked about the situation of these two places was because the safety of Jiange was related to the safety of Xichuan as a whole, while Yangping Pass was Wudu's retreat to the army. , If Yangpingguan is occupied by the enemy, then their troops in Wudu will become the turtles in the urn, and the consequences will be disastrous.

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