Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 628: Six hundred thirty two

Chi Shuyan said: "Go to your house then. Send me your address in a moment. I will come home at 7:30 this evening."

Fu Shiyin was afraid that Master Chi would repent and immediately respond, and he believed in Master Chi a little bit in his heart.

Chi Shuyan suddenly said: "If Mr. Fu is free recently, why don't you help me find a corpse with a character similar to that of Miss Zhou? It's best if the corpse is intact and not decomposed. It has just died in the past two days."

Fu Shiyin was immersed in the excitement of seeing Man Qing in the evening, but he didn't think much about it, and immediately responded, "Yes, Master Chi!"

It didn't take long to hang up. It was estimated that Zhou Manqing knew that she would meet with her Fu Shiyin tonight. Before long, Zhou Manqing floated to the apartment.

It's not surprising that Chi Shuyan saw Zhou Manqing in the living room. Zhou Manqing's expression was a bit tangled, and finally made up his mind: "Master Chi, I still don't plan to see him. I have been very satisfied with him these days."

"I said before that if I had a way to restore your previous appearance, would you still not want to?" Chi Shuyan said lightly.

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Manqing shook his body, raised his eyes with excitement but couldn't believe it: "Master Chi, you really... really have a way?"

"The way people came up with it depends on whether you are willing or not. I saw that Fu Shiyin is indeed a good person, and he has always been thinking about you, so you don't want to satisfy him?" After speaking, Chi Shuyan said again: " In fact, I think it’s good for you to see Fu Shiyin in this way. If he doesn’t even dislike you, then it is definitely true love. You don’t have to worry about it in this life."

When Zhou Manqing was alive, although she looked good, she hadn't seen anything like skin appearance before. Others said that she was so good-looking, but she never felt that much. She always felt that the most important thing is to rely on ability.

For her boyfriend, Zhou Manqing didn’t seek to grow well. After all, in that circle, she met many people with good looks and character, but the reason for being able to walk with Fu Shiyin was because Fu Shiyin made her feel at ease. It is practical and safe.

Until now, Zhou Manqing still believes in his character.

But she didn't think that the other party could accept her like this. Even when she occasionally saw in the mirror, she was a bit creepy and disgusted.

She felt that if she saw each other with this face, the other party should give up.

She didn't want to delay his life because she wasted, Zhou Manqing took a deep breath and said: "Master Chi, I would like to see her. I don't need to change any image. I just want to see him like this. It's okay to let him give up!"

Chi Shuyan almost didn't choke when she saw that Zhou Manhalal took her words seriously. She didn't know if Fu Shiyin could accept it, but normal people were absolutely shocked.

I'm afraid that after tonight, Fu Shiyin will have a long nightmare.

Chi Shuyan interrupted Zhou Manqing, and took out another bottle of Bone Pill, letting her swallow it first.

Zhou Manqing now trusted the Master Chi in front of him very much, and didn't even want to swallow it directly.

"It will hurt for a while, so bear with it!"

After Zhou Manqing swallowed it, Chi Shuyan immediately transported her spiritual energy. When the bones in her body began to grow, Chi Shuyan immediately restored Zhou Manqing's crushed bones.

This process was very painful. Even though Zhou Manqing was a soul body, his complexion was distorted with pain. Fortunately, his facial movements were very fast, and it didn't take long for Zhou Manqing's bones to be broken.

Chi Shuyan didn't need a lot of aura because he had just been promoted. There was a constant aura in his body. Chi Shuyan looked at the normal and beautiful Zhou Manqing in front of him and breathed a sigh of relief: "Alright!"

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