Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 562: Five hundred sixty five

After working on Qi Hao's affairs, Chi Shuyan hurriedly went to the study room upstairs to find Old Man Qi, regardless of the gratitude in his eyes.

She didn't let Qi Zhenbai go with her when she went upstairs, so she was more sincere to find the old man by herself.

Chi Shuyan also made up his mind to be more sincere in his attitude for a while.

Looking at the door and entering the study room, there was an angry voice from Old Man Qi: "Come in!"

Chi Shuyan was not nervous just now, but she was a little nervous and swallowed her saliva. She opened the door and went in. She lowered her eyes and didn't dare to look up at the sharp gaze of the old man. She obediently shouted, "Grandpa! Are you free?"

When Mr. Qi saw his wife Zhenbai coming in, his eyes were a bit surprised, but when he thought of this child, he might have come to admit his mistake, Mr. Qi looked much better: "Daughter Zhenbai, are you free?"

Chi Shuyan pursed her lips and didn't explain much, she admitted her mistake and said, "Grandpa, it's hard for me to conceal you about the'fake pregnancy'!"

Old man Qi is not an unreasonable person. He has been angry since last night, and the object of his anger has been this kid, Zhenbai. Let this kid dare to conceal such a big thing?

But in truth, it was all his fault with Haozi's kid, who made that kid's hands itchy, but it was his misunderstanding, this kid was purely driven by him.

Thinking that this child is still afraid of him being sad, and wants to take the opportunity to get pregnant, let's not say that Mr. Qi is not angry, even if he is angry, he has long been wiped out.

Grandpa Qi's expression was very soft and said, "Well, Zhenbai's wife, who is right and who is wrong, Grandpa knows where your fault is, even if it is wrong, it is also the fault of Zhenbai!"

Chi Shuyan:...

After he figured it out last night, Mr. Qi didn't worry about whether the wife of Zhenbai was pregnant or not. He only felt a little regretful in his heart.

But anyway, he is in good health at the moment, and Zhenbai and Zhenbai's wife will sooner or later give birth to a fat great-granddaughter for his old man in the Qi family.

It's just that what he is most entangled with now is how proud he was when he went to show off in front of his old friends, how shameless he was now.

Of course, this is not easy to tell the grandson-in-law. In the past few days, Mr. Qi is not going to answer any more calls or going out again.

Elder Qi didn't say much, and in the end only asked Zhenbai's wife to promise that she would realize her great-grandchildren's dream immediately after graduation.

Chi Shuyan naturally immediately agreed: "Yes, grandpa!"

Elder Qi didn't go out, but he was a little panicked. Taking advantage of the wife of Zhenbai, Elder Qi asked, "Daughter-in-law, can you play chess?"

Chi Shuyan nodded and said that he could only do a little bit.

Father Qi had a good time and immediately asked Zhenbai's wife to play chess with him in the study.

Originally, Mr. Qi only thought that the wife of Zhenbai would play a little chess, and Mr. Qi also wanted to spend his free time playing casually. How did he know that the wife of Zhenbai said that she could play a little chess was really humble.

Looking at the neat and majestic wife of Zhenbai who killed his son, Mr. Qi immediately became interested. One old, one young, two grandparents and daughters-in-law played five games in a row. The more he went down, the more excited and energetic he became, and the more he liked Zhen. Bo this daughter-in-law.

The daughter-in-law that Zhenbai is looking for always cares about him everywhere.

The old and the young were extremely excited and fierce at chess, and Chi Shuyan also forgot the man waiting for her downstairs.

On the contrary, Qi Zhenbai, who was downstairs, did not go downstairs after seeing his wife for half an hour. There was no expression on his face, but he sat unsteadily. He didn't wait long and went straight upstairs.

When the door of the study knocked, Mr. Qi and Chi Shuyan were playing chess halfway through. Mr. Qi shook his head and sighed: "I thought this kid could hold on for a long time. I couldn't help it for a while? Patience?"

Chi Shuyan's cheeks were flushed, and the old man Qi snorted and let the boy Zhenbai enter the door. When the boy came in, the old man Qi coldly snorted and said with a cold face: "What? Is it possible that my old man will bully your wife? ?"

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