Chu Muyue stood there, her eyes closed slightly.

The light beam that burst from the jade stone fell on the center of her eyebrows, and a message was passed into Chu Muyue's mind.

"I am Liu Ji, the word is Bowen, and I have obtained the heavenly book and the Jiucai Stone of the Xuanmu Tianzun. The Jiucai Stone can only be opened by those who have the yin and yang of life and death..."

A calm and full of vicissitudes of life sounded into Chu Muyue's mind, and her heart trembled slightly.

"Liu...Liu Bowen!" Chu Muyue showed a shocked look on her face, "Yin and Yang live and die!"

The joy and shock in her mind made her look constantly change.

Unconsciously, Chu Muyue raised her hand to cover her eyes.

"Could it be that the power of my eyes is the yin and yang life and death eye Liu Bowen said?"

Chu Muyue, who had never known the ability of his eyes, only then realized that the ability of his eyes was called Yin and Yang.

It's no wonder that when she examines a person's body with her eyes, she can display the information about treatment, life and death, that is, she can bring back the dead.

The ability of the eyes cannot be talked about with others, so until now, Chu Muyue didn't know what his eyes were, but thought it was a supernatural ability.

But now it has finally been explained, and it is still known through this nine-color stone.

But I didn't expect that the former owner of the Jiucai Stone turned out to be Liu Bowen.

A stream of information flashed in Chu Muyue’s mind. It turned out that Liu Bowen had obtained this nine-color stone from Fuchuan Mountain. At the same time, he also obtained four volumes of the Book of Heaven, which later helped Zhu Yuanzhang win the world. The torture is too heavy, but in old age it is impossible to die well.

The nine-colored stone will fly out of the owner's body following the death of the owner. Bowen Liu also left a message to let his children and grandchildren bury the nine-colored stone in the tomb with him.

This should also be because there were tomb robbers who stole Liu Bowen's tomb and obtained nine colored stones.

Chu Muyue saw a record in some of the inheritance books of the mystic medicine school. Once, there were rumors in the world that those who inherited Liu Bowen could get the world, perhaps the Nine Color Stones.

Unexpectedly, this inheritance would have been waiting for more than 600 years.

Chu Muyue touched her chin, and muttered to herself for a while, "Could it be that that map is the location of the Jiucai Stone? How could it be in the hands of an imperial doctor? It's not like letting her children and grandchildren hold this Is Jiucaishi buried with him? Isn't it a tomb robbing?"

Various questions revolved in Chu Muyue's mind, but she couldn't figure out her thoughts.

"Forget it, let's go back and ask the master!" Chu Muyue could only sigh helplessly, not understanding the inheritance of Liu Bowen, so she focused all of her attention on the courtyard.

Inside the Nine Color Stones, it is a self-contained space, except for the owner, no one can enter. This courtyard is built by Liu Bowen's life's painstaking efforts.

Seeing this ancient courtyard house made of wood, and wiped the sweat from his forehead, Chu Muyue was amazed in her heart. It is indeed the legendary Liu Bowen that one person can build such a two-entry courtyard house. .

Bedrooms, kitchens, study rooms, halls, etc. are all available, as well as a row of two-story pavilions with bookshelves written on them.

Chu Muyue's eyes lit up when she saw this row of pavilions.

Inside the entire pavilion are rows of shelves, on which are placed various books, and some boxes, bottles and jars.

The things in it are all kinds of treasures collected by Liu Bowen.

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