Rebirth 2008: I Can Make Money Reading

Chapter 148: Mu Yang Gets Rich 1 Billion+ (Monthly Pass Asked)

Chapter 148: Mu Yang Gets Rich 1 Billion+ (Monthly Pass Asked)

At ten o'clock in the morning on November 8th, the driver Li Yi drove Muyang to Naixue's office in H City in a Rolls-Royce Phantom.

Yang Nian has already made an agreement with the venture capital to set the venue for the negotiation between the two parties at the Naixue Office in H City.

Yesterday, Yang Nian came to Muyang's villa to visit Muyang again, and discussed Naixue's valuation again, and agreed in advance.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Mu Yang and Yang Nian met the team of Tianyuan Venture Capital Company at Naixue Company, a group of five people, led by Wang Hua, the president of Tianyuan Venture Capital.

Tianyuan Venture Capital is one of the earliest professional institutions engaged in venture capital investment in China, with a management asset scale of more than RMB 6 billion and foreign capital participation.

Tianyuan Venture Capital contacted Yang Nian twice, but they didn't make an appointment to meet Mu Yang, Naixue's general manager.

Nayuki is developing too fast, and Nayuki is not short of money.

After the two parties exchanged pleasantries, they came to the conference room to sit down. Yang Nian opened the PPT and introduced Naixue's operation to Tianyuan Venture Capital again, including how many stores he owned and the approximate profit. These must be known to the venture capital.

Of course, the data provided by Yang Nian is 10% exaggerated than the actual data.

Yang Nian also knew that the venture capital would definitely conduct a serious investigation beforehand, and they would also be able to investigate Naixue's approximate profitability, and would conduct preliminary comprehensive calculations and valuations, rather than simply estimating how much money they would make.

Yang Nian said: "Naixue is currently well funded, and the funds needed for business expansion are not a problem, so even if we accept financing, we will not accept too much. We mainly need the team behind you to support Naixue's operation and listing."

Everyone in Tianyuan Venture Capital knows what Yang Nian said, and they are afraid that this kind of company that "I am not short of money and does not need financing" will not be able to raise capital no matter what.

After Wang Hua heard the words, he asked many questions, such as store expansion plan, development direction, and listing plan. Yang Nian answered, and Mu Yang added that as long as it does not involve confidentiality, he will reply one by one.

"Mr. Mu is only a sophomore, a genius in the sky. We also took a fancy to Mr. Mu, a genius, and wanted to invest in Naixue. Apart from Naixue, there is no other company with such great development potential as Xinghai Machinery, which can also be considered for financing."

"Thank you Mr. Wang for your appreciation. Let's talk about Naixue. Xinghai is not currently in my financing considerations." Mu Yang never thought about letting Xinghai go public. The business goes public.

Wang Hua smiled slightly, and said: "Naixue has no shortage of funds, and its profitability is indeed very good, but its model is easy to be copied. There is a company called Hey Tea in Shenzhen City, which has opened three stores. We investigate However, the revenue is very good, and you start to have competitors, and Naixue’s profit margin will soon decline.”

Yang Nian knew about this situation early on, and said calmly: "It's normal to be copied, but it's very difficult to copy the core stuff. We are the first new-style milk tea with excellent service and quality, and we have already become famous among customers." Deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, this 'first' alone cannot be copied, if not, there will be a second Fujixun now.

As for the issue of profit margins, at present, it has not yet appeared. I believe that Naixue can guarantee strong competitiveness for at least three years, and the profit margin will not drop so fast. "

The two sides discussed Naixue's situation, and Mu Yang drank tea quietly, occasionally interjecting that for him, if Naixue's valuation did not meet his expectations, it would be useless to say anything.

Talking about profit margins is actually the beginning of valuation.

Maybe Naixue has a high profit margin now, but as competitors join in, customers will gradually lose the freshness of this kind of milk tea, and the profit margin will definitely decline.

If the valuation is based on today's profit margin, Naixue's valuation will be very high, and VCs can see this risk, which is why VCs are unwilling to calculate the PE value in this situation.

Therefore, Tianyuan Venture Capital is valued at 7.5 billion yuan, and Yang Nian insists on 9 billion yuan.

On the first day, the discussions diverged considerably, and there was no conclusion.

Mu Yang did not participate in the discussion on the second day. In fact, the pre-investment valuation of 7.5 billion yuan given by the venture capital has exceeded his expectation of 6 billion yuan.

After the negotiation, Yang Nian reported to him that Tianyuan Venture Capital was willing to increase the pre-investment valuation to 8 billion yuan, but she insisted that it was still 9 billion yuan.

Knowing that 9 billion is unlikely, Yang Nian will sing bad faces and Mu Yang will sing bad faces. If the venture capital is in a hurry, Mu Yang will ease the atmosphere.

Everyone was trying to be patient. In fact, both parties were in such a hurry. On the third day, Mu Yang participated in the negotiation.

Tianyuan Venture Capital insisted on a pre-investment valuation of 8 billion yuan. Seeing that the other party was still insisting, Mu Yang estimated that it was the bottom line. After thinking about it, he agreed to this pre-investment valuation, but he was unwilling to raise too much money.

Only willing to raise 500 million yuan, which is enough for Naixue to expand in the next few months.

After the financing, the post-investment valuation is 8.5 billion yuan instead of 8 billion yuan, and the 500 million yuan financing accounts for 5.882% of the shares.

If you continue to rent stores instead of buying facades, two to three billion yuan will be enough to open 100 stores.

But if you have money, you will also buy some high-quality front door houses or office buildings, which will appreciate in value anyway.

Wang Hua was not satisfied with the 5.882% shares, and said to Mu Yang: "Mr. Mu, do you have any intention to transfer some shares? Realize in advance."

As soon as Mu Yang's eyes lit up, he didn't want to take the initiative to propose this, but he pretended to be deep and said, "Mr. Wang, I'll sell it after it's listed. Wouldn't it be better to sell it at a higher price?"

"The probability of selling at a higher price is indeed very high, but the cash out time is relatively long, and the risk is relatively high. We have strong funds and are willing to bear this part of the risk. Anyway, it is a venture capital investment. It is not who you invest in, you are right. "

"Well, it makes sense, as much as you want, it's meaningless if the price is low."

"20%, according to the pre-investment valuation."

"I'll give you 15% at most." Mu Yang sold 15% first, and had enough funds to buy land with 1.2 billion yuan. After a while, Naixue's valuation will be higher, and he will sell some of it.

Moreover, it is not appropriate to sell too many shares in the first round, plus 5.882% of the financing, it is already 20.882%.

Mr. Wang was silent for a while, then smiled and said, "Yes."

He didn't expect Mu Yang to agree so quickly, he thought he would cover it up and not sell it.

Generally, founders treat their own companies like their own children, and are unwilling to sell shares. They will accept financing or transfer shares when they are really helpless.

Of course, Tianyuan Venture Capital acquires a lot of shares, and the risks they assume are also very high, but if they are successfully listed, the benefits will also be large.

But in any case, both sides are winners. Mu Yang got the development funds and got a part of it in advance, and Tianyuan also got the shares they wanted.

Next, the two parties sign an equity transfer agreement.

This does not mean that the matter is over, there are still many procedures to go through, such as applying to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau for changing business licenses, bank information and other procedures.

after a shareholder change.

After the dilution of financing, Mu Yang owns 74.242% of the shares, the second shareholder Tianyuan Venture Capital holds 20.882% (15% voting rights, 5.882% non-voting rights), Song Xuelu 4.706%, and Yang Nian 0.1%.

Yang Nian completed the first phase of the task, and Mu Yang rewarded her as promised.

Even 0.1% is currently worth 8.5 million yuan.

Before transferring the shares, Mu Yang asked her if she wanted the shares or in cash. Yang Nian wanted the shares. She believed that Naixue would appreciate to more than 15 billion, and it would be a loss to sell them now.

Mu Yang himself received 1.2 billion yuan in funds, and he still needs to pay 20% personal income tax. This tax rate applies to unexpected income such as winning big prizes.

After tax deduction, the funds in his hands are also 960 million yuan.

If he wants to evade taxes, Mu Yang can also pay less or even not pay personal income tax by setting up an investment company first to make false accounts of investment losses or other methods. People get caught.

Moreover, the transfer of shares between companies is not as simple as a sentence. The national tax law will think of various loopholes. It is normal for such a large share transfer and capital income to be watched by the relevant departments.

It's better to spend a little more, and feel more at ease. Anyway, there is no shortage of ways to make money, even if you are making a contribution to the country.

At night, Mu Yang received a reminder from the system.

Here comes the achievement point again.

[System prompt: Personal wealth exceeds one billion yuan, achievement points +20]

Total Achievement Points: 35.5

Seeing the system prompt, Mu Yang was very pleasantly surprised, the achievement point is very rich!

He worked tirelessly for half a year before saving dozens of points.

As a result, if the personal wealth exceeds one billion yuan, then it will increase by that much.

Mu Yang is somewhat looking forward to the next person's wealth achievement.

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