Rebirth 2003

Chapter 509: New book upload

When Lu Yang drove back to the hotel in Xinyi with a knife, the news that Wen Chou would release a new book today has spread among several of his book fans. The first news was Wen Chou 5 Zhang Gen`suo in the group. When I came out for a meal, I actually ran into Wen Chou. Not only did he shook his hand, signed his name, took a group photo, but also helped Wen Chou pay for a part of the meal. The most important thing is to Zhang Gen. It is said that I heard Wen Chou personally say that the new book will be released today. This should be first-hand news, right? With such a little cool idea, Zhang Gen`shuo turned on the computer to spread the good news to Wen Chou Group 5 when he returned home, and then he saw dozens of Wen Chou book fans as he wished. Came out to ask him if the news was true? If it's not true, would it be a bad jj? "Little jj? Are you kidding? Genshuo doesn't understand? Even if it rots three inches, I still have a foot!"In front of the computer, Zhang Gen `Shuo murmured a little shamelessly, and then he posted the photo with Wen Chou at the Sichuan restaurant today to the group, and then took the photo with the autograph signed by Wen Chou to him, and passed it to the group. If there are good things, wouldn’t it be too wasteful if you don’t spread it out and scream? Zhang Gen`suo was in a good mood. Watching the rapid change of the discussion in the group, more and more people asked him about the details of his encounter with Wen Chou at noon today, and whether the news of the new book will be published today. Inaccurate? In the past, Zhang Gen's Shuo didn't have the patience to answer so many questions from so many people. Of course, there are not so many people asking him questions, anyway, at this time his patience is amazing. No matter what questions the guys in the group asked him, he smiled and responded. Includes a question from Xuejie 1013-"Dare to swear by the virginity of your future wife. Did you really say today that you will publish a new book today?" Zhang Gen `Shuo: "Can you swear by my virginity?" Xuejie 1013: "You? Pull it down! You are not worried that your mother-in-law is not born yet, are you? If the news is Really, for Mao dare not swear by the virginity of his future wife?"Zhang Gen’s Shuo: "If I spread the rumors. My big jj rots a foot every day! Believe it now, right? "&Nbsp;Xuejie 1013: "..."Bi Luoyan: "Monster! Identification completed!"...... Wen Chou 5 groups, the atmosphere of discussion is still very strong, the self-proclaimed Wen Chou Jinyiwei Xuejie 1013, has already posted a screenshot of this news to 6 other book fan groups, including the Wen Chou primitive group. In less than half an hour, thousands of people have already heard that Wen Chou will release a new book today. Lu Yang still knows nothing about this. However, this is not important. Because since he promised to release the new book today, he didn't plan to dazzle those fans. ……The silver-gray Land Rover is still on the way back to the hotel, the atmosphere in the car is good, and the car music is playing Zhou Chuanxiong's "Twilight". Lu Yang subconsciously hummed to the melody of the song, and drove the car in a relaxed manner. Dao Xinyi, who was sitting in the passenger seat, smiled amidst the sound of the music. This kind of inner peace and joy is a wonderful song. Seeing that he will be at the hotel in a few minutes, the phone in Lu Yang's trouser pocket rang, and he took out the phone. Found that Wang Lin was calling, Dao Xinyi in the passenger seat looked over subconsciously. "Huh? Call this time...Would you like me to have dinner?"Lu Yang was relaxed, and his tone of voice was very casual when answering the phone. There was a little smile at the corner of his mouth. Wang Lin smiled on the phone and said: "Yes! Wenda came to my site in Shanghai, of course I have to take care of you! Not only I plan to invite you to dinner, but also plan to invite you to go swimming! How about Are you interested? There will be many beauties than Gini..."Beauties than Gini? Lu Yang gave a chuckle, glanced at Dao Xinyi next to him subconsciously with smiling eyes, and refused: "Forget it, I just had lunch. I have no interest in swimming. Let’s talk about it next time! I’m driving and it’s not convenient to make a phone call. If I really want to eat with me, let’s go tonight! Haha!""Haha! Who really wants to eat with you? You look like a big beauty! Do you think you are Zhang Li or Dao Xinyi?"On the phone, Wang Lin replied in an angry voice, and Lu Yang immediately hung up. When Lu Yang smiled and threw the phone on the car platform, Dao Xinyi beside him smiled and asked: "Who wants to invite you to dinner and swim? It seems that Mr. Lu is not charming Little!""Wang Lin!"Lu Yang glanced at her again, still in his mind the swimming and bijit mentioned by Wang Lin. The beauty of Nepal, her eyes fell on Dao Xinyi at this time, and she subconsciously imagined in her mind, what kind of look should she look like in Bijini, shouldn't it be very attractive? "Do you know how to swim?"Dao Xinyi didn't notice the nasty thoughts in Lu Yang's mind just now, so he asked Lu Yang with interest swim. Lu Yang smiled, of course he can swim. "How about you? Will it? Or, when shall we go for a swim? It just happens that you are resting these two days." I regretted it in my heart. Haven't I already made up my mind to curb desires and stop provoking other women? Why do you even go swimming with Xinyi? Dao Xinyi was slightly shocked, his face was a little hot, his eyes blinked twice unnaturally, his eyes looked forward, and he dared not look at Lu Yang anymore. There was a brief silence in the carriage, and only left was left. The sound of car music. Just as Lu Yang was about to change his mouth, Dao Xinyi responded, and his voice was obviously lowered a few degrees: "Good, good!"For a moment, Another thought came to Lu Yang-take her to the swimming pool now! Strike while the iron is hot, it has always been the only magic weapon to chase girls. Unfortunately, this idea was only given up by Lu Yang after a flash in his heart. Dao Xinyi is indeed very beautiful, but she is a good girl, Lu Young didn't want to harm her. I have enough women. Lu Yang smiled and did not continue this topic. After a few minutes, the car drove into the hotel parking lot, and the two walked into the hotel side by side. When the elevator stopped on the third floor, the two said goodbye. Until this time, Dao Xinyi still did not dare to look at Lu Yang’s eyes, and did not know what she was thinking at this time. The elevator door closed again, sending Lu Yang to the fifth floor. Returning to his room, Lu Yang first turned on the air conditioner, then turned on the computer, and made a cup of tea while the computer was on. Since he promised those book fans to upload new books today, he would not break his promise. First log in to q`q, and see the reply from the editor Tiange, Lu Yang smiled, can I sign in by just giving a title? This is a very good deal. If he didn't promise those book fans to upload a new book today at the Sichuan Restaurant, he really wanted to try to provide only a book title, and he would get the feeling of an internal sign. But, now..."God! Thank you! I’m out for dinner today. I promised book fans to upload new books today. Please upload a new book, please refer to Brother Tian!"The information was replied, and Brother Tian did not reply immediately. He immediately glanced at the time displayed on the lower right corner of the computer. It was almost twelve o'clock. Brother Tian should have lunch, and there won't be a reply until one or two o'clock in the afternoon. The mood was not affected, Lu Yang called up the saved manuscript from the computer, and then logged into the author's backstage at the starting point, and started to create a new work. Authorization status, initial release status, work cover, work introduction, first chapter content...It took ten minutes to get it done. What makes Lu Yang feel good is that the title of the book "The Lord", there is no book with the same title in the library at the beginning, and the title is not occupied, otherwise he wants to use this title, I am afraid it will be We have to wait for Brother Tian to help him. The first chapter of "The Lord" has more than four thousand words, enough for the review of the new book. The new book was successfully created, but it is still under review, and the book cannot be searched at the starting point. In order to show his credibility, Lu Yang sent screenshots of the information about the work he just created to 7 book fan groups. Another sentence: "The new book is under review, please be patient!"As soon as the news was announced, the 7 book fan groups immediately became lively. Wen Chou Group 5, Zhang Gen`shuo came out first: "Haha! Brother's reputation, right? What did I just say? I want to swear by the big jj, just now Some people who don’t believe in brother’s credibility have their faces flushed with shame?"Appreciating flowers and jade: "Upstairs, now we don’t want to see you, you can go and draw a circle. Let’s play around! Hey, the new book of Wenda has finally been released! Great! It’s a big feat!"Tianma Junjie loves: "Wenda has been naughty for so long, and finally he is willing to send the new book. It’s a pity that it’s still in review status! What the **** is Dianniang? The new book of a great **** at the level of Wenda is still waiting for review? What a cheating system! It's cheating!"Aris 2000: "Just now I'm still saying that life is so lonely as snow! Wenda will release a new book to let me pass the loneliness, Wenda I love you, I want to give birth to you a baby!"Don't chase my fart: "Upstairs, aren't you the public? How do you give birth to Wenda? Do you use armpits to give birth?"Earl of Bingmo: "It's nonsense to give birth to children! If it's true Yes, you have said so many times, the son of Wenda can fill a kindergarten! If you are a little bit more, let’s give a reward! For example, the handsome me!"Aries 2000:" Are you upstairs blushing? I haven't said that you are so handsome yet. You are ashamed to say handsome in front of me? You are really not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue!"...... Wen Chou original group. Thor Group: "It seems that my threat has worked, and Wenda is obviously scared! Well, the slave family has created another stunt! I will use this trick to deal with Wenda in the future! Haha! Don’t you guys want to adore me? I’m already posing! Come on! Brothers and sisters adore me to your heart’s content! Don’t see me as a delicate flower and don’t let it go!" Lan? Person: "Wen Da! Sister Thor is so Are you not going to take care of it? I'm going to die soon!"Xuan Tianzong: "Secondly! Whose family's Bear child, hurry home!" (to be continued)ps: Thanks to the bandits for robbing the gangsters for rewarding 588 points, and the Eastern instructor for rewarding 1888 points.

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