Rebirth 2003

Chapter 383: At the end of the song

   On the afternoon of taking the graduation photos, the whole class had a meal together. Well, when Wang Da discussed with the class cadres, he was talking about the graduation meal and the money was paid out of the class. The graduation meal seemed better than the scattered meal! Anyway, that's the case. For the last class dinner, I didn't have to pay for it myself, so naturally no one opposed it.


   Graduation dinner, uh, let’s just talk about a break-up dinner!


During the break-up meal, I can see the small circles. It is difficult to see how everyone’s relationship is on weekdays. During this break-up meal, people who are well-connected will meet and sit together. The relationship is average. Naturally seems a bit lonely.


   Counselor Wang Da and several popular teachers were invited over to accept everyone’s toast.


  Because they are about to graduate, most people are very open, even girls.


   It is worth mentioning that there are two couples who have been playing in love. They finally got together this time, a little shy and a little happy to accept everyone's congratulations.


The location of the break-up meal was chosen in a newly opened restaurant near the school. For this break-up meal, Wang Da specially asked someone to bring his TV and speakers, as well as microphones, for some students who like to sing and dance. Everyone added to the fun. When the wine was drunk, there were still a few who couldn't sing or dance, but they just went up and talked loudly with the microphone.


   Cheng Hua, Yang Zhi, Shi Jijun, Hu Gu, and others were all sitting at Lu Yang's table, together with Xu Xiaoman, the deputy monitor, study committee member, and a few other classmates who did well in the class.


   Shao Dahai was not happy because of the internship with Lu Yang. This time Hu Gu called him to come and sit, but he didn't come over, sitting alone at the table of other dormitory members. Reluctantly smiled and drank silently, occasionally glanced at Lu Yang's table with complex expressions.


Under everyone's humor, Wang Da went up and sang "You at the same table". Don't say, Wang Da usually talks slowly and babbles, but this song is good, and it attracts a lot of applause below. And applause.


   A boy with a strong drink. With a fever of mind, he shouted out in front of Wang Da, "Da Ge sang well! Da Ge has one more song! Encore!"


   burst into laughter below. The invited teachers also smiled.


  Wanda stood on the stage, squinted at the guy yelling "Tak", and then, everyone laughed. He laughed himself, not really angry.


Wang Qinqin, recognized as the number one beauty in Lu Yang's class, was also booed by everyone. She walked to the front desk generously, picked up the microphone, her eyes flowed, and she glanced at the class with a smile, her eyes stopped on Lu Yang's face. A moment later, a sweet voice sounded softly.


   "I can't bear everyone! But the end of the song has its own time. There is no permanent banquet in the world. Here I sing a smooth "July" for everyone! Hope our friendship... everlasting!"


   When Wang Qinqin was talking, the squad leader had already called out the accompaniment of this song.


   The melody of "July" is a bit sad. This song, almost every year during the graduation season, will be played again and again on the campus radio. Everyone has already been familiar with it, and I usually think it is not bad. As graduation is approaching, everyone will listen to it again. It was melancholy and slightly sad.


The hall gradually calmed down. Everyone listened to the melody of the song quietly, looking at Wang Qinqin on the stage, and the same was true for Lu Yang. In terms of appearance, Wang Qinqin was indeed very beautiful, with a delicate face like a porcelain doll, slender but forward` The protruding figure can always arouse the desire for protection in the hearts of many men.


   Wang Qinqin's singing sounded faintly, but his eyes fell on Lu Yang's face in the crowd.


"In the cold wind of that year, I drew very heavy makeup! I held your hand for the first time, but pretended to be sophisticated. I will wait for you to say, wait for you to say that I am beautiful! Oh, really, I really want to! In the night of another year, you covered the light of the stars and kissed my face for the first time! It was a little panic... Wait for me to say that I am your only port, oh, really Yes, I really want to..."


Wang Qinqin's voice is good. When singing this song, there is a faint loneliness in her eyes, as if she is really singing her own voice. Afterwards, she no longer looks at Lu Yang, just closed her eyes slightly, and there is nothing but selflessness. Singing.


After Wang Qinqin, several people were either actively or passively being pushed to the front desk, singing or dancing. Soon Yang Zhi and the others also booed and pushed Lu Yang to the front, in Yang Zhi’s words. , Lu Yang has written so many popular songs, they have never heard him sing before! Today, I have to sing a song anyway. If you don’t sing it again, everyone will have no chance to listen to it in the future.


  'S remarks caused many students in the class to echo.


   Actually, Lu Yang also had something in his heart that he wanted to tell everyone, he just went up and picked up the microphone.


   Everyone has everybody’s aura, in other words, everybody has a different status in everyone’s mind, so they get different treatment.


   There are some students who are usually jokes about at random. When they came to the stage, there were all kinds of jokes and jokes below. When Wang Da came on stage, everyone clapped vigorously. When Wang Qinqin came on stage, the applause and whistles rang out.


   When Lu Yang came onto the stage, there were applause and urging sounds below. When Lu Yang took the microphone and was about to speak, the following quickly quieted down. Basically everyone looked at Lu Yang on the stage.


   Four years of university, other people just graduated, but Lu Yang has earned ten million fortune, and there are no known how many books he has published. In everyone's eyes, this achievement is naturally far higher than others.


   People with strength will be respected in any group. Even if respect is mixed with envy and hatred, on the surface, they definitely want to make friends with Lu Yang.


Lu Yang looked at Wang Da, the teachers next to Wang Da, and Cheng Hua, Yang Zhi and others on another table. Finally, his eyes swept over all the students, and he said: "Four years have passed, thank you The teachers’ hard work! And thank you brothers for walking with me through these four years..."


  Lu Yanggang said that, the next lively girl protested.


   "Lu Yang! What do you mean? Just thank your brothers? We girls are not in your eyes?"


As soon as this remark came out, more girls' protests immediately attracted. Lu Yang smiled and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, and said in compromise: "Uh...beauties, don't worry, I haven't finished yet! Well, thank you all for being here. In the past four years, light up my life, eh, is this all right?"


   Many boys laughed and scolded Lu Yang for no principle. The girls also laughed, but they all expressed satisfaction.


   After the remedy, Lu Yang did not dare to say much, fearing that someone would catch the problem again, and said briefly: "A thousand words are in the song! A song "andy" for everyone! Thank you!"


   "andy" is Adu's song. Lu Yang used to like it very much. Just now everyone urged him to come on stage to perform a show, and the song rang out temporarily.


   The accompaniment sang has sounded, and Lu Yang stood on the stage and sang heartily.


   "How long have you not seen the sea, how much do you know about yourself up to now, always refuse to admit defeat, always be faster than others, whether there is your future in front of you..."


   This is a song that a brother sings to a brother. A song is like a story. It contains expectations and encouragement for the brothers. Singing it at such a time near graduation can be regarded as the occasion.


   After Lu Yang finished singing, there was naturally a round of applause. Cheng Hua and Yang Zhi, who were better than Lu Yang, clapped hardest. Such a song, to them, Lu Yang sang it to them.




Two days later, the graduation certificate and graduation photo were issued to Lu Yang and the others. On this day, everyone sat in the classroom for the last time and went up to receive their certificates and photos one by one. A delicate girl with red eyes.


   After the certificate and graduation photo were issued, Wang Da wrote the last line on the blackboard, which was his new q`q group number.


   "I hope everyone can join in! Mobile phone numbers, many people leave here, should change, only this group number has always existed, it is not easy for everyone to be together for four years, I hope you won't break contact in the future!"


Those who got their graduation certificates on this day, not only Lu Yang and the rest of their class, but seniors, most of them got their graduation certificates on this day. The moment they got their graduation certificates, everyone gave birth to them and no longer belonged to this. The sense of school.


Therefore, at noon on this day, many students who were confused about the future and dissatisfied with the school made the final madness. Many of these people are honest and honest. They have never done anything extraordinary in the four years of university, but they have an influence on the group. More than 80% of the graduates are involved, um, especially boys.


   For example, the male dormitory building No. 3, the dormitory building No. 4 opposite belongs to girls.


At noon and lunch time on this The girls are holding rice jars or water bottles to the canteen as usual. When passing the downstairs road, a graduating class is lying on the balcony on the 5th floor to bask in the sun. The boy, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he saw three young and beautiful girls chatting and laughing and passing by. The usually scornful boy rolled his eyes and suddenly ran into the dormitory and ran to the balcony with an empty water bottle in his hand. Swish twice in front of the three girls, and threw two empty water bottles downstairs...


   "Boom Boom"


   Two explosions made the three girls scared and screamed and turned and ran, while the boy who succeeded in the prank laughed loudly and shouted like a lunatic: "Beauty!!! I love you!!!"


This person’s behavior is like lighting the fuse of an arsenal. On all the balconies of the boys’ building, he started smashing things down. Anyway, he has graduated, and he can’t bring these water bottles, washbasins, rice bowls, and benches. Going back, it was like throwing a bomb, throwing it downstairs. The doorman was frightened and ran out to look. Seeing that the boys in the whole building did this, she was also frightened. Like the girls who wanted to go to the dining hall, she was frightened. Hiding in the corner, watching those crazy boys go crazy.


   Soon, the behavior of Building 3 spread to other dormitory buildings, and even some graduating class girls were also driven to smash all the things they couldn't take away like a game. (To be continued)

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