Rebirth 2003

Chapter 380: Parting mood

?Remember [Chinese website] www. in one second, to provide you with high-speed text starting. At around ten o'clock in the evening, Rui Xiaoxiu received a call from her mother and reluctantly put on her clothes and left Lu Yang's residence. Before leaving, she hugged Lu Yang and kissed him for more than a minute.


Rui Xiaoxiu left, and only Lu Yang was left in the room. He did not go to bed until after 12 o'clock in the habit for many years. After 10 o'clock, Lu Yang was not sleepy. When he returned to school, Lu Yang had a lot of memories of his time at school. Uncontrollable, he lay down on the bed for a while, Lu Yang got up and put on his clothes and shoes, took his wallet and cell phone, and left the residence.


   The outside of the community is still brightly lit, and the streets are full of vehicles and pedestrians.


People who like night always feel that the air at night is always more comfortable than during the day. Lu Yang is such a person, with his hands in his pockets, and walking to the campus. Along the way, he feels very cordial when he sees a scene and a thing. For Lu Yang, this is the place second only to his hometown.


This time, except for Rui Xiaoxiu, Lu Yang didn’t tell anyone for the time being, and he didn’t want to get together with anyone now. He just went to the campus and walked alone. On a night alone, walking alone with people. Familiar with the campus, Lu Yang's heart gradually calmed down, and his brain became clearer than usual.


It may be because he is about to graduate again. This time walking on the campus at night, Lu Yang has a faint sense of withdrawal. The teaching buildings, laboratories, playgrounds, dormitories, and threes and threes are happily walking along the way. The students who were together, Lu Yang felt a little bit reluctant and a little envious.


   I feel like I no longer belong here.


   Lu Yang remembered when he passed a small pavilion. It was here in the previous life, Feng Tingting promised to be his girlfriend, and that day was also night. When we broke up, it was still here, but it was daytime, morning, and the sun was shining, and it was also June 20, 2007.


   When passing a section of boulevard, Lu Yang remembered that it was here. He sent Cao Xue back that night, where he suddenly attacked and kissed her. The scene at the time appeared in her mind, and Cao Xue looked shocked and shy, Lu Yang smiled lightly.


   When passing the football field, Lu Yang remembered a long time ago. It was the first time when Cheng Hua and Yang Zhi came here to play football. That was the first time he played football, and the only time. After playing for half an hour, he didn't score a goal. Since then, he has no interest in football.


   When passing by the canteen, Lu Yang remembered the past that happened here with Feng Tingting and Cao Xue, and that he was behind the canteen that day. When he helped Hu Gu persuade Wang Xiaoshuang, remember that he made his own opinion that day. Tell Wang Xiaoshuang that Hu Gu would kneel in front of her and sing "Conquer"...


   One by one, the past came to my heart, both in this life and in the past.


   The unpleasant memory made Lu Yang feel a touch of sorrow and sorrow in his heart. The happy memory made the corner of his mouth smile. Maybe, in the dark, there was really providence.


  In life, we can always meet a certain person at an unexpected time, not only once.


Just when Lu Yang passed by the library door with a faint smile on his mouth, someone who hadn't seen for a long time came to meet him. Inadvertently, the two eyes met, Lu Yang was startled and stopped subconsciously. The same was true for Feng Tingting, who was oncoming. They were three or four meters apart, under the moon-white street lights, looking at each other, and there was no word for a while.


"came back?"


   After a moment of silence, Feng Tingting showed a faint smile, unconsciously stroked a strand of hair hanging beside her face behind her ears, and asked faintly.


   "Well, I'm back!"


   Lu Yang also showed a faint smile and nodded slightly.


   "I heard that you didn't have an internship in the last few months?" Feng Tingting stepped closer and asked again.


"um, yes."


   Lu Yang answered, but his eyes turned away, pretending to be looking at the scenery, and looking at the library building next to him. Feng Tingting's eyes trembled unnaturally, and there was a touch of self-deprecating in the smile on the corner of her mouth, nodded, and said, "I have something else, goodbye!"




Lu Yang finally glanced at her again. In the evening breeze of Xi Xi, Feng Tingting's skirt was flying, and she passed Lu Yang. Lu Yang didn't look back, but secretly gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and then exhaled gently. Just continue to move forward.


   After not taking a few steps, the phone rang in his trouser pocket. When he took it out, it was Yang Zhi's name.




   After answering the phone, Lu Yang chuckled and asked him casually.


   Every time he receives a call from Yang Zhi and Cheng Hua, Lu Yang always feels relaxed, and he feels the same when he receives a call from Wang Haiyang.


"Have you come back? Huazi that beast! Absolutely heterosexual and inhuman! I just came back today, and he didn't accompany me, so he went to accompany his Xiaoyue again! I just threw his rice bowl away. Go! I'm so angry!"


   On the phone, Yang Zhi's tone was also very casual, angrily, obviously depressed.


   Lu Yang laughed twice and asked, "Where is your horse? Haven't come back yet?"


Yang Zhi: "No! Come back the day after tomorrow! How about you? When are you coming back? Brother is empty and lonely now! Hu's second child is back! But you know that guy, I can't urinate in the same pot with him. Ah! And he's out drinking too! Now brother, I'm alone in the vacant room! I want to sing "Tears in the Iron Window? Ah!"


   "You can sing "Iron Window Tears"?"


   Lu Yang asked with a smile.


   Because of this call, Lu Yang has changed directions and walked to the dormitory, chatting with Yang Zhi on the phone while walking.


Yang Zhi: "Sister Ni! The point of what my brother said just now is that I can sing "Iron Window" Tears? The point is the point! Do you know where the point is? It's emptiness, loneliness and coldness! I still write novels! Who are you?"


   Lu Yang: "You open the door now and have a look! I'm right outside the door!"


   Yang Zhi cut and said: "A ghost believes you! I believe you are an idiot!"


   Lu Yang smiled: "Then you open the door and have a look!"


   Yang Zhi: "Don't fight! I feel comfortable lying in bed now! Do not move!"


Lu Yang went all the way and talked to Yang Zhi. He told Yang Zhi several times along the way to open the door and have a look. Yang Zhi was not fooled. A few minutes later, Lu Yang came to the door of the dormitory. door.




   Yang Zhi’s question sounded in the dormitory.


Lu Yang stood outside the door and smiled. Yang Zhi asked again. Lu Yang smiled and opened the door twice, but did not speak. Yang Zhi was a little suspicious. He finally got down from the upper bunk bed and opened the door. Lu Yang smiled outside the door, Yang Zhi was taken aback, and then he couldn't see his eyes. He rushed up and hugged Lu Yang heavily, slapped Lu Yang on his back, pretending to be affectionate: "Brother! What is a brother? This is the real brother! It’s not like Huazi’s inhuman beast with the opposite sex! Yangzi! A good friend forever! We must live forever!"


   "Get out!"


   Lu Yang smiled and scolded Yang Zhi, who was deliberately disgusting. He walked into the dormitory with a smile. In the empty dormitory, there was only Yang Zhi alone. No wonder he felt empty and lonely.


   "Walk around! Drink and drink!"


  As soon as Lu Yang walked into the dormitory, Yang Zhi slipped on his t-shirt and pulled Lu Yang's arm to go out for a drink.


"you please?"


   Lu Yang smiled and joked.


   Yang Zhi rolled his eyes: "You are embarrassed? You made so much money and went out for a drink. Are you embarrassed to ask me to please?"




The two found a barbecue restaurant outside the school. They were drinking and talking nonsense. Yang Zhi, who likes to lively, called Cheng Hua, Shi Jijun, and Hu Gu one by one. Originally, these people did not agree to come. When Yang Zhi said that Lu Yang also When I came back, I changed my words one by one and said that I would come right away.


As a result, Lu Yang and Yang Zhi slowed down their drinking and waited while eating. Not long after, several guys who received the call came with their girlfriends one after another. Lu Yang and Yang Zhixuan couldn’t sit down at the table, so the shop owner put two square tables. Putting them together, eight people sat around the table, and the atmosphere gradually became warmer.


   A bottle of beer has bottomed out. Shi Jijun is like another time and space. His girlfriend has already changed one. The girl who chased him back in her freshman year is no longer by his side. She has changed to a tall and beautiful one.


   Lu Yang remembers that this tall and beautiful one is not the end of Shi's third place. In the next few years, he will change four or five like clothes.


   So, when Shi Jijun introduced this girl to everyone, Lu Yang didn't remember her name. Cheng Hua's girlfriend Wang Yue and Hu Gu's girlfriend Wang Xiaoshuang, and Lu Yang knew each other, and they could talk a few words on the table.


   These people excuse that Lu Yang is now very strong, and they take turns holding a glass of wine to meet Lu Yang for a drink.


   Some people envy Lu Yang for making a lot of money, some say that his novels are good-looking, some say "The Gate of Rebirth" is good, and some people are exploring the inside information of Lu Yang's new movie "Dragon and Snake".


   The guests in the shop came and left. Lu Yang and the others were always in awe, until it was almost one in the morning, when Lu Yang said that it was late, they left each other.


   Lu Yang consciously settled the bill. Cheng Hua and others who had a girlfriend left with his girlfriend. In the end, only Lu Yang and Yang Zhi walked on the way to Lu Yang’s residence, walking on their backs.


   It may be because of drinking some wine, Yang Zhi, who always loves to laugh and noisy, also shows a melancholy side.


   "Lu Yang! I really envy you!"


   "What do you envy me?"


   Lu Yang's tongue is also a bit Only his head is still sober.


   "When we graduate, we are unemployed, and we have to think about how to find a job. Unlike you, even if we don’t work for a lifetime, we won’t starve to death!"


Before Lu Yang took the call, Yang Zhi sighed and continued: "It is said that the relationship in college will end after graduation. Do you think I will end with her? I am very afraid of losing her now! She also said no. Will leave me, but I'm not confident! I graduated, I'm going to work separately, and I don't work in the same place. Can I still be together?"


   Lu Yang heard the words, feeling a little embarrassed and a little sad.


   After graduation, he and Feng Tingting were like this at the beginning, and Yang Zhi continued to support them for two years. Two years later, they finally broke up.


   People who long for love believe that distance produces beauty. Only those who have really faced the distance will know that too far distance will make the feelings that were thought to be indestructible become illusory! (To be continued, please search, the novel is better and updated faster!

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