Rebirth 2003

Chapter 320: Unexpected acquaintance

Liu Yuhu led Lu Yang. From the shade of the playground, he quickly walked to the rest area behind the stage. It was said that it was a rest area. It was actually open-air. After all, this evening party was just a high school party. The stage was built. It was made by the teachers and students of the school, and it certainly couldn't be compared with those commercial performances. . .


A light bulb was lit here, and a wire was pulled from a distance. The light bulb was hung directly on the spur of a metasequoia tree, under which there were seven or eight school desks and ten chairs, some of which had not yet performed on stage. Students, waiting here, some have performed, have not left yet, and rest here.


As soon as Lu Yang arrived here, he saw the five tall women in red dresses from a distance. At this moment, Liu Yuhu, who was walking in front of Lu Yang, showed a smiling face. He raised his hand and waved: "Hi! Several people." Beauty! Your brother Yuhu is here!"


   Several boys and girls who knew Liu Yuhu listened and chuckled. A girl who was drinking water sprayed the face of the opposite boy. The five women in red skirts all looked over.


Lu Yang blushed a little, not because he couldn't bear the gazes of the five beauties, but because he was walking with Liu Yuhu at this time. He felt a little embarrassed. Although he had known that this brother likes to play privately, there are still more than two dozen. Ten students from this school, as a teacher, he actually played a trick like this...


   Teacher's face is all shameless!


  The time of speaking, Lu Yang and Liu Yuhu have already approached the five red-dressed beauties. Lu Yang was a little surprised that Liu Yuhu was going to introduce him to these few.


   But, think about it. This is also reasonable. With so many teachers in this school, Liu Yuhu may be the one who knows the most beauties from colleges in the urban area. This guy would go to those college campuses to hang around almost every week and weekend, obviously focusing on the female college students in school to solve life-long events!


   Don't look at his ugly appearance, but as a teacher in a suit and leather shoes all day long, as well as that talkative mouth, he can really meet many beautiful college girls.


   As soon as he got close, Liu Yuhu stood on his toes again and put his arms around Lu Yang's neck. He smiled and introduced the five beauties: "Beauty! Have you seen it? This is your brother Yuhu! Absolutely! An alma mater! He is the great talent and great writer I often tell you! How is it? Isn’t it cool? Don’t you believe it now?"


   Lu Yang's gaze was looking at the five beauties, and the five beauties were also looking at Lu Yang with all kinds of strange gazes, including the lead dancer that Lu Yang had been paying attention to before.


   The air in the night is a bit cold at this time. These beauties are still wearing red dresses with open arms, but they are already wearing a coat on their upper bodies, and each one has become more affectionate.


   Lu Yang's eyes met the lead dancer, and she found her close. The face is more refined. A pair of eyes are as beautiful as black gems, and the flat eyebrows are not that kind of strong personality, but the kind of introverted personality that doesn't talk much.


   If it is such a personality, it can almost explain why Lu Yang has never seen her in the media in his previous life.


   This place in the entertainment industry does not have a strong background, but has an introverted personality and wants to get ahead. It's too difficult!


   Liu Yuhu laughed and introduced to both sides one by one. When introducing Lu Yang, he not only said Lu Yang's real name, but also said "Wen Chou is him! It's a fake!"


   When introducing the five beauties in red dresses, Lu Yang remembered two names. The first one was naturally the girl leading the dancer-Dao Xinyi.


   Lu Yang was taken aback when he heard this surname. It was the first time Lu Yang heard of this surname in real life. Only in Jin Yong's "The Eight Parts of the Dragon", I remembered a woman whose surname was Dao, Dao Baifeng! Duan Yu's mother, the genuine princess of Duan Zhengchun, the prince of Fengliu, didn't expect this beauty, whom she had never forgotten, also had the surname Dao.


   But she seems to have a character, but it is two extremes with the vinegar jar and the tigress knife Baifeng.


Every time Liu Yuhu introduces one, Lu Yang smiles and stretches out his hand to shake hands with the other person. After walking into the society, that’s good. When you meet people, you shake hands seriously, and people will not doubt that you want to eat. Other people's tofu can also make women feel good about you.


   When shaking hands with the other four women, Lu Yang had no idea. Only when shaking hands with the knife Xinyi, Lu Yang secretly felt the softness and warmth of the other's small hands.


   Another name remembered by Lu Yang is Liu Yuhu’s current girlfriend, er, maybe just one of his girlfriends, anyway, when Liu Yuhu introduced it, he said it was his girlfriend.


   The name is Simingjuan, which is also a rare surname, but such a rare surname is not that rare in the city. Even the "Ji" surname has been seen by Lu Yang. It is not surprising that there is one more surname.


   There are many uncommon surnames in China. They are rarely seen in the interior, but they are everywhere in places with many ethnic minorities, because most of these uncommon surnames are unique to ethnic minorities.


   For example, "Si" looks like a very artistic surname, but in the Dai people, Si means tiger.


   "Hey! Brother! Don't just shake hands! Where's your business card? Quickly scatter your business cards! Brother created an opportunity for you, why are you so unsure of it?"


Just after the introduction, Liu Yuhu bumped Lu Yang's arm with his shoulder, winking, and said that the five beauties in red dresses opposite were all pursed and smiled. Lu Yang was a little hot after being run by Liu Yuhu. Seeing that the five beauties had no objection, he said. He took out the business card holder from his arms, took out a few, and then scattered one by himself.


  In other words, since the school printed business cards for everyone, Lu Yang hasn't given out a few of them, and he often forgets that he still has business cards on him.


   After the business card was finished, Simingjuan asked Lu Yang curiously: "Teacher Lu! Are you really the ugly character that Liu Yuhu said? The top god?"


   Lu Yang hasn't answered yet. Liu Yuhu was dissatisfied with him. He glanced at Simingjuan and said, "It's all said and done! You still don't believe it?"


   Lu Yang smiled and nodded.


   Another girl also inserted a sentence at this time: "In fact, we heard Teacher Liu said that his younger brother is a Wen Chou, and we asked him to help us get to know. More contact in the future?"


   "Okay! It's my pleasure!"


   Lu Yang agreed with confidence, but the corner of his eyes had been paying attention to Dao Xinyi's expression. Dao Xinyi's personality was almost the same as Lu Yang had guessed. The girls almost talked to Lu Yang, only she kept a faint smile, but she looked at Lu Yang with black jewel-like eyes strangely, not knowing what she was thinking.


   After chatting with a few people for a while, Lu Yang left, and Cao Xue was still there watching the party. It was difficult for him to leave for too long. Although I am happy to know Dao Xinyi in my heart, I have no other ideas for the time being. Recently, I have been dealing with two women. It has made him feel more emotional, which is not a good thing.


  As soon as Lu Yang left, the girls became lively, and even Dao Xinyi smiled brighter.


   A girl still asked Liu Yuhu a little bit suspiciously: "Mr. Liu! Didn't you brag? That person is really a ugly man with an annual salary of more than one million? How come I don't look like it! Very ordinary!"


  Another girl echoed: "Yeah! This is too common! It's completely different from what I imagined to be a great god!"


   Simingjuan also said: "Liu Yuhu! Do you have any proof?"


   Liu Yuhu patted his forehead. Called Qu said: "You were so polite to my junior brother just now! You still haven't believed in your feelings yet? How do you want me to prove it? Why doesn't my junior brother look like Wen Chou? Does Wen Chou have to look like you imagined? You haven't noticed My younger brother is a talent! He has the temperament of a great writer. Is it different from ordinary people?"






   "Also the temperament of a great writer!"


   Except for Dao Xinyi and another girl, the other three girls all expressed their disdain when they heard the words, and the atmosphere suddenly became cheerful.




   Lu Yang naturally didn't know the beauties he met just now. Actually, he hadn't fully believed that he was Wen Chou. Even if he knew it, he wouldn't care. He was him, and there was no need to prove himself to anyone. With his character, he would not care about the eyes of others. Independent special! This is true in the previous life, and it is also true now!


   Back next to Cao Xue, Cao Xuetian smiled and held Lu Yang's arm, and smiled and asked in Lu Yang's ear: "What did your brother tell you?"


   Lu Yang: "Introduce a few big beauties to me!"


   Cao Xue: "Cut! Can you make a draft next time you brag?"


  Lu Yang told the truth, but Cao Xue didn’t believe it. Lu Yang knew it would be like this. Lu Yang smiled and held Cao Xue’s little hand, and said with a chuckle: "Have you ever typed drafts before bragging?"


   Cao Xue gave him a smile, and the two cuddled together and continued to watch the performance on the stage.


The party lasted for more than half an hour before it was over. The audience left. Most of the students were yelled by their class teachers and moved their desks and chairs into the classroom. Lu Yang and the others were neither students nor class teachers. They could leave at the end of the party. At the end, Tong Yaqian smiled and stood up to look at Lu Yang and Cao Xue. The three of them had agreed before, and after the party was over, they would go out for a drink together and reminisce about the past by the way.


As he passed the school gate, Lu Yang noticed that the five beauties in red dresses were all gathered in the small guard room, with coats on their upper bodies and shoulders shrunk. Next to them, Liu Yuhu and two strange men were talking to them. I haven't left yet, but now they are gathered in the guard room. They should be waiting for the car.


When Lu Yang saw them, two of them also saw Lu Yang. Lu Yang nodded to them with a smile. They looked at Cao Xue and Tong Yaqian next to Lu Yang with unexpected eyes, and saw Lu Yang nod to them. They also smiled back.


   After Lu Yang and the two girls walked out of the school gate, the two girls glanced at each other, and one of them said softly, "I am a little bit convinced that he is really ugly!"


   Another girl nodded when she heard the words.


   As I said before, in this society, many times, the woman next to a man is his business card. Seeing whether the man has the skills, and the woman next to him, you can almost tell the difference! (To be continued...)


ps: Thanks to Litchi Township, Suifengju, and Buer Snack Food for rewarding 100 points, thank Xuetao for rewarding 1888 points, thank good Jun Wenhao for rewarding 10,000 points again, and thank you for rewarding 100,000 points in the pool Coin, become the fifth leader of this book! Thank you for your monthly pass and five-star evaluation ticket! Thanks!

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