Rebirth 2003

Chapter 293: Something went wrong

When Lu Yang woke up, he was awakened by the sound of Tong Yaqian opening the door when he bought vegetables. The bedroom door was closed, and there was a sound of the key opening the door. Lu Yang knew that it must be Tong Yaqian, except for himself, only she had the key. .


   Lu Yang moved his body silently, leaning his head against the bed, and accidentally caught a glimpse of the fried dough sticks and soy milk on the bedside table. She had already been here, and she reached out and touched the fried dough sticks and soy milk. It was cold.


The head of the hangover was a little swollen, and the injured arm no longer felt any pain at this time. Lu Yang leaned on the bedside in a daze. After a while, he tugged at the corners of his mouth, a little bit to laugh at himself. open?


   has come this far, does he have a way out? No matter how bad the situation is, always face it, do your best, and strive for the best result!


Thinking about it, Lu Yang started to get up. After a while, he came out of the bedroom. Tong Yaqian was choosing vegetables in the kitchen. When he heard the sound of opening the door, she turned her head and smiled, stroking the hair hanging in her ears, and said: "Unexpectedly, our great love sage would also be trapped by love? Did you spend your sorrow with alcohol last night? Was the injury on the arm caused by getting drunk and fighting? Or something?"


   Tong Yaqian's expression, this tone... completely beyond Lu Yang's expectations, shouldn't she be depressed at this time? Why does it seem that nothing happened? What's happening here?


   Lu Yang scratched his hair, walked over in a daze, squeezed a little smile, hugged her from behind, and whispered his doubts: "Are you not angry?"


When    asked these words, Lu Yang paid attention to Tong Yaqian's expression. But seeing Tong Yaqian's eyes curled up with a smile, she sneered: "Why should I be angry? Isn't it because Cao Xue is coming? Can she eat me or can she eat you?"


   Lu Yang blinked in confusion, thinking: This reaction is wrong! Is she really not angry? So what's the point of me borrowing wine to pour out my sorrows last night?


   "Really not angry?"


   Lu Yang still didn't believe it. Tong Yaqian smiled and kissed him on the face, made a "pop", and then smiled and asked, "Do you believe it now?".


   Is she really not angry?


   Lu Yang fell silent. He didn't believe that in this era, there were women who didn't get angry or didn't care about this kind of thing, but Tong Yaqian's performance today was the same as usual. Even more gentle than before, Lu Yang could only think of one explanation-she didn't want to put pressure on him.


   Because of this, Lu Yang was silent. He just hugged Tong Yaqian's arms, and subconsciously squeezed.


   Tong Yaqian was also silent, closing her eyes slightly, feeling Lu Yang's embrace. After a long while, he said quietly, "I plan to rent a house nearby. the future, when you accompany Cao Xue, can you visit me occasionally?"


   Lu Yang raised his head, looked at Tong Yaqian's eyes, and looked at her slightly closed eyes. The gloomy expression was quite unpleasant in his heart. This was Tong Yaqian's true reaction.




   Lu Yang responded in a low voice.


   Then Tong Yaqian opened her eyes and a bright smile appeared on her face. He smiled and said, "Okay! Don't hold it! Does it matter if your arm? If it doesn't matter, go to the codeword~! You didn't turn off the computer last night. I saw on the document that you only wrote half a chapter last night. , You are a codeword madman who wants to break more, do you?"


Seeing her smile again, Lu Yang kissed her smooth cheek, smiled and agreed, then went to wash her face, and then went to the bedroom to get cold fried dough sticks and soy milk, walked into the small room next to him, and took advantage of the computer At the time of booting, the fritters were wiped out, and then while the document was opened, I slowly drank soy milk.


   Tong Yaqian only had such a request to make Lu Yang's mood lighter. As long as Tong Yaqian is not disturbed, and with Cao Xue's temperament, as long as he does not find him sleeping on the same bed with Tong Yaqian, there should be no trouble.


The document opened soon, Lu Yang turned on the switch of the e-cigarette, held the e-cigarette in his mouth, began to adjust the state, recalled the thoughts of last night, after thinking for a while, the thoughts were connected, and then he quickly started. On days, you don’t have to go to work, you can take care of one day and one night at home, and you should be able to save some manuscripts.


However, he soon discovered that he was too optimistic. His arms were injured. When typing, although ten fingers were mainly moved, the touch of the fingers would still affect the skin and muscles of the arm. When typing, I thought it had nothing to do with my arm, but now I was injured, and I realized that my fingers were on the keyboard and the harder hits made the wound aching.


   Lu Yang frowned and paused for a while. After the pain subsided a little, he began to control his intensity, tapping on the keyboard carefully, and getting injured or sick with code words is no stranger to Lu Yang.


Although he was on the street in his previous life, in the following years, especially 10 years later, his ethics was still acceptable. The writer was not a god, so he would naturally get sick. In the following years, he had a bad cold, fever, and shoulder spondylitis. Every time, people are very uncomfortable, but in order to keep updating, he bit his teeth to continue the codewords. When a bad cold, he has a pack of meal toppings on hand, and the manuscript is written down in a day, which can use up half of the pack. I wiped my nose while washing, and after the day's manuscript was written, my nose became swollen.


   When I had a fever, I swallowed a fever-reducing medicine and placed a water bottle next to it. I felt that I couldn't keep it going, so I drank a big mouthful of boiling water to stimulate my spirit.


   When there is frozen shoulder, there is no way to relieve it. I can only clenched my teeth and insist on it. At most, I can only pinch the painful joints with my fingers every few moments.


   There is a bit of skin trauma on his arm like this, and I really can’t scare Lu Yang. At least he is not as uncomfortable as having a bad cold or fever, nor is it as uncomfortable as a frozen shoulder.


   Writing online novels for a long time is prone to occupational diseases. This is also an important reason why Lu Yang wanted to learn martial arts after seeing Teng Hu practicing boxing in the training room after Lu Yang was reborn.


   Long-term codewords in previous lives, occupational diseases appeared one after another.


   And his occupational diseases are still mild. Sometimes when I chat with everyone in the author group, I know that someone is worse off.


   It is like protruding lumbar discs caused by long-term sitting; a very good writer was jealous of wind and flow, and got floaters; there are also many tenosynovitis that have been suffered by great gods, abound.


Especially the floaters, which directly led to the jealous wind of a little **** at that time, ended the writer’s career and there was no way to write. It is said that the floaters are very rare, and there seem to be many mosquitoes flying in front of them. Fly away, is there anything worse than this for writers who have to face computer codewords every day?


Lu Yang continued with the half-chapter written last night, spent a few hours to complete this chapter, and then remembered that the chapter has not been updated today, so he logged in to the author's background of starting point. The author's background has just logged in and he hasn't started uploading. I heard the phone ring in my trouser pocket.


   It was only yesterday that more than 300 book fans went to shout under the Sheng Building, so when the phone rang, Lu Yang's first thought was-Is there news from Shanda?


   hurriedly took out his phone and took a look, only to realize that he was thinking too much. The caller ID was Wang Da's name.


   smiled, Lu Yang pressed the answer button, put the phone to his ear, and smiled: "Hello teacher!"


"What a damn! Lu Yang! You kid! Even me and you are cheating? Say! Why didn't you answer when I called you last night? Did you deliberately avoid me because of a guilty conscience?" The call was just connected, Lu Yanggang Smiling and saying hello, Wang Da's angrily voice came on the phone.


   "Ah? What's the matter? I will cheat no one will cheat you, teacher!"


   Lu Yang was stunned by Wang Da, and for a while, he couldn't remember where he had pitted him.


Wang Da: "Don't you admit it? The people from the bank came to me yesterday! They said that our transfer contract is invalid! Because you have used the Internet cafe as a mortgage and borrowed money from the bank! All right, you kid! Sell ​​me an Internet cafe that has already been mortgaged? Do you want to mess around in the future?"


   Hearing this was the case, Lu Yang slapped his forehead with a slap, and then gasped in pain. He forgot that his right arm was injured, and he patted his forehead with his right arm...


  Wanda didn't say anything, Lu Yang almost forgot that he couldn't sell it after he mortgaged it. Lu Yang quickly apologized to Wang Da. After an apology and a long explanation, Wang Da was relieved.


In order to take advantage of these two Internet cafes, Wang Da borrowed more than one million, more than one million debts. It is a big burden on everyone, especially for office workers like him who eat to death, and this time. It was his elder brother who matched the loan for the loan. If his elder brother loses his job because of this incident, he won't even want to raise his head in front of his family in the future.


   After waiting for Wanda’s news, Lu Yang promised: "Teacher! Don't worry! I will solve this as soon as possible! I will pay back the money from the bank as soon as possible! Our agreement is still valid!"


Wang Da: "Then you hurry up! The bank said, give us a week, if within a week, if your loan can't be paid, I will close these two Internet cafes and auction! Remember! That's it! Give me back the money within a week! That's right! Just use the money I bought to buy an Internet cafe! Didn't I just give you 1.8 million? Wouldn't it be gone so soon?"


   Lu Yang smiled bitterly and said, "I know! I'll pay it back as soon as possible!"


   The 1.8 million that Wanda bought in Internet cafes ~ ~ has long been a stock.


   After finishing the call with Wang Da, Lu Yang discovered that there were five or six missed calls and a few text messages in his phone.


Three of the missed calls were made by Wang Da and two were from unfamiliar numbers. As for text messages, two were sent by Yuer to chat with him. The time was late last night. The other two text messages were sent by Wang Da to question Lu. The one who raised this incident, and the other one, was sent by the account manager of the bank to tell him about it, and this number was exactly the same as the two unfamiliar numbers just now.


   Obviously the first two missed calls were also from the bank account manager. (To be continued...)


  PS: Thanks to Feng~~ Brother, Bailong Jianxian, Fuji Snack Food rewards 100 points, thanks to the heart-with the wind rewards 588 points, thank people for iron, rice is for steel rewards 1888 points. Ask for a monthly pass! ! ! !


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