Rebirth 2003

Chapter 285: Week 6 is a big day!

On another Saturday, when Lu Yang got up in the morning, Tong Yaqian was still asleep. Because she didn’t have to go to work today, Tong Yaqian stayed in Lu Yang last night. Although the four seasons are like spring in Y Province K City, it is almost December. It was still a bit cold. When he got up, Lu Yang helped Tong Yaqian tuck the quilt before going out to wash. When Lu Yang washed up and bought the dumplings and soy milk from downstairs, Tong Yaqian opened his sleepy eyes when he heard the door ring. , And at this time, Lu Yang just opened the bedroom door to see if she was awake, and the eyes of the two met.


   Lu Yang smiled and said, "Wake up? I bought breakfast. Do you want to get up and eat while it is hot?"


   Tong Yaqian lay on her side on the bed, with a smile on her mouth, and said: "I usually go to work, I didn't see you get up so early, and you don't go to work today, why did you get up so early?"


   Lu Yang: "There is something going on going out today, do you want to go together?"


   Tong Yaqian: "What's the matter?"


   Lu Yang: "I have some stocks in my hand. I plan to sell them and change one."


Tong Yaqian raised her brows: "You buy stocks? Do you know about stocks? Don't spend all your hard-earned manuscript fees!" When it comes to this topic, the sleepiness on Tong Yaqian's face has obviously gone a lot, and she gets out of bed nervously. sit up.


   In the eyes of most people, people who play stocks are gamblers who can lose any wealth.


   Lu Yang smiled and walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed. He held her shoulders and soothed: "Don't worry! I have inside information and I will definitely make money."


Tong Yaqian didn't believe it: "Many people who play stocks say that they have inside information. Your information is reliable? Lu Yang! Listen to me! Write your novels honestly. Now you have a lot of income every year, enough. You don’t have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of your life, so don’t play with stocks, okay?"


   Lu Yang knew that Tong Yaqian was doing it for her own good. But will I lose money when I buy Apple stock? This is a golden opportunity of a lifetime. Buy more now. In a few years, I don’t know how many times it will double. You know that you will definitely make a lot of stocks. If you don’t buy it, it’s a fool!


   Lu Yang didn't say much, stretched out his arms and hugged the nervous and serious Tong Yaqian in his arms. He whispered in her ear: "Don't worry! I will definitely make a profit, so if I lose this time. I will never touch the stocks in the future, and I will eat my contribution fee with peace of mind, OK?"




   Listening to Lu Yang's assurance, although Tong Yaqian was still unwilling, she was finally relieved. In her understanding. Lu Yang's current draft fee of one million a year is not a problem. If Lu Yang's guarantee is true, then even if the stocks lose this time, he will still have nothing to worry about in the future.






   Knowing that Lu Yang was going to go out to take stock, Tong Yaqian couldn't sleep anymore, so she immediately got up and had breakfast with Lu Yang. I went to the stock exchange in this city with Lu Yang.


   When Lu Yang managed to sell Vanke's A shares, Tong Yaqian still whispered in Lu Yang's ear to persuade him to sell the stock. I won't buy other stocks, but when she saw the stock that Lu Yang bought, the increase from the beginning to the present, she was stunned.


Although Lu Yang was mentally prepared, when he saw the amount of funds that were finally realized, his chest suddenly bulged. A female employee of a securities firm who served Lu Yang congratulated Lu Yang enviously and said: "Congratulations, Mr. Lu! The stock market has ushered in an unprecedented bull market this year! Both the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Index have risen by more than 130%! And the Vanke A-shares you bought have a particularly large increase! At present, the market situation is still very good, I do not recommend you sir Sell ​​this time!"


Lu Yang listened to the introductions and suggestions of the female employees, but kept his eyes on the statement. The total amount that begins with the word 5, in a year, this stock has earned him more than three million yuan, plus the principal. There are now more than 5.26 million.


   No wonder, people say that the stock market can make people rich overnight.


When I bought it, my principal was less than 2 million, but now it’s over 5 million. The female employee suggested that Thaksin, Vanke’s A-share stock, will continue to rise in the next few years, if not. A better choice, he would never sell this stock at this time.


   With the money, plus his author's remuneration and money from selling Internet cafes, Lu Yang gritted his teeth and bought all Apple stocks.


The Internet cafe sold 1.8 million. The royalties paid by the e-Province Children’s Literature and Art Publishing House, the last month's manuscript fees paid by the starting point, and the recent sales of audio copyrights and comics adaptation rights were all added together. Lu Yang suddenly discovered that, His own funds actually have more than 8.12 million.


   This is not even the two million invested in "Gate of Rebirth", even if the money borrowed from the bank is paid back, there are still more than nine million.


   really is no longer a poor **`silk anymore?


   When he walked out of the stock exchange, Lu Yang was still feeling emotional. He always thought that he had no money. Before he knew it, he already had nearly tens of millions of money.


  I already have so much money, is it necessary to continue to bother to sell other copyrights? 8.12 million. I bought Apple stock. A few years later, it will be doubled several times. It should be no problem, right?


Such a thought only flashed in Lu Yang's mind, and it was rejected by Lu Yang. It was because Apple stocks would definitely make a lot of money, so he had to raise more funds to invest in it. In these years, who would think of his own? Is there too much money?


   Tong Yaqian, who walked out of the stock exchange with Lu Yang, didn't speak for a long time. She always knew that Lu Yang should have a lot of money, but she was just guessing. Until today, she didn't know how much Lu Yang made.


   has not graduated from university, and when everyone is still working hard for an internship of several hundred dollars, he has invested more than 8 million in the stock market.


   He is only 21 years old! She has been to Lu Yang's hometown more than once, and she knows how his family is. He used the money to build the small building in his hometown. It must have been poorer before.


   started from scratch, three and a half years of university, earned more than 8 million.


   Not right! He also invested in a movie and two Internet cafes!


   At this time, Tong Yaqian didn't know that Lu Yang had sold two Internet cafes. When the two of them got into the taxi and headed back, Tong Yaqian suddenly stretched out a hand to hold Lu Yang's hand on his knee, and asked softly: "With so much money, what kind of stock do you buy, are you afraid of losing it? Or, Let's go back and sell it now? With so much money, we just need to live in peace and stability! There is no need to take this risk~!"


Lu Yang laughed a little bit when he heard the words, and instead held her cool palms, and comforted: "Trust me! I really have inside information. I will definitely make a lot of money this time! When I make some money, I will buy you a big house! A villa will do too! Let you enjoy all the glory and wealth for the rest of your life! Don't let you feel wronged."


This is the first time Lu Yang promised to Tong Yaqian. There was a warm current in Tong Yaqian's heart, and her eyes were a little sour. She knew that although Lu Yang still didn't say that she would marry her, these remarks have shown that she is different in Lu Yang's heart. of.


   and Lu Yang's palms interlocked, Tong Yaqian quietly leaned on Lu Yang's shoulder, and said quietly: "I don't want your big house, don't you take this risk? Isn't it okay? You worked so hard to make this money..."


Lu Yang, who knows that it will surely rise, will naturally not be moved by Tong Yaqian’s persuasion. Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, missed, may never be there again, after all, he was just a lowercase in his previous life, and there are many ways to make money. He didn't know that Apple's stock was a good opportunity for him to jump ahead.




   Two flowers bloom, one on each table.


It was also on Saturday, when Lu Yang was buying Apple stocks, a group of more than 300 people gathered in Shanghai. These people came from all over the country, middle-aged people with successful careers, and rich men born with golden keys. The second generation, the second generation of officials, and some ordinary wage earners and young people who are still in school.


   They all came for a plan, a plan that may not be successful.


   is led by a few rich second generations and a 17-year-old boy.


   That's right! They are Wen Chou's book fans, the **** kind!


  Wang Lin, the most famous undead teacher among the fans of Wen Chou book, and the landlord here in Shanghai, naturally came to the scene to receive more than 300 people today.


A group of people who have never met before, at the moment they are apart, everyone feels cordial. No matter what their status is, whether they are rich or not, today, they gather together. There is no high or low, they are all ugly book fans. .


After    and others arrived, Wang Lin and Zhou Qing and others walked to the front of the crowd. The place where they gathered was under the Oriental Pearl Tower.


   17-year-old Zhou Qing was the initiator of this plan, but Wang Lin and others were the main organizers of this action. Most of the people’s travel expenses were also paid by a few of them.


More than 300 people saw these people walking in front of the crowd. All the people who were still chatting enthusiastically all quieted down. A young man in charge of the photography of this event was holding an expensive camera next to him and taking pictures with a smile. , They said, this event will be taken into photos for everyone as a souvenir, and some photos will be sent to Wen Chou's only book fan group, so that other book fans will be envious.


The eyes of more than 300 people were gathered on a few people. Wang Lin and other leaders don’t After all, they have never seen big scenes. The 17-year-old Zhou Qing is a bit embarrassed, his face is a little red, and he stands. Xue Feng, the best friend in the crowd, looked at him enviously.


Wang Lin glanced at the blushing Zhou Qing, knowing that letting him talk at this time would definitely make him embarrassed, so he clapped his palms and spoke on his behalf, yelling at the more than three hundred ugly book fans in front of him: "Everyone! The plan was discussed before we came! We don’t have much time, and many people will have to go back to work and school tomorrow. Now, let’s stop talking nonsense! Let’s go?"


   "Go!!! Go!!!"


Wang Lin’s "Go" was to ask everyone. The responses of more than 300 people gathered into a wave of "Go". The gathering of so many people had long attracted the attention of many tourists. Suddenly, such a loud noise broke out. But it shocked those onlookers.


   No one knows what so many people gather together and want to do. (To be continued...)


  Ps: Thanks for water red persimmon, flower appreciation and jade, Fengge for rewarding 100 points, thanks to star stamp for rewarding 1888 points, and thanks to sadness ↑star for rewarding 5888 points. Strongly ask for monthly pass! ! ! ! Has someone just been blasted off the classified monthly ticket list? Urgently ask! !

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