Rebirth 2003

Chapter 264: First time, last time

The night in Shanghai in mid-November was a bit cold. Sitting under the big camphor tree, Lu Yang also felt a bit of coolness eroding his skin, but he didn't care. Compared with what he was going to do tonight, it was obvious that he couldn't let such a little coldness. He flinched. He also thought about letting the man go. After all, it is normal for modern men and women to separate and recombine. Reason tells him that this is wrong, but this time he has the upper hand with sensibility, and only wants to be presumptuous this time.


At the entrance of the Little Wildcat Nightclub, people come in and out from time to time. Most of those who go in are sober. Those who come out of it are all a bit drunk. When some men and women come out, they hug each other tightly. Lu Yang passed by, and someone occasionally looked at Lu Yang strangely. Lu Yang kept his head down, making no sound or moving.


Finally, at about nine o’clock, the Porsche Cayenne appeared in Lu Yang’s sight, drove quickly from the other side of the alley, and then suddenly stopped not far from the Little Wildcat nightclub, and then the well-dressed man got out of the car. Get out, close the car door, take out a cigarette and a lighter next to the car, prepare to light a cigarette before entering the Little Wildcat Nightclub.


   Lu Yang stretched out his hand from the luggage bag beside him and put on a plastic mask on his face. Then he grabbed his luggage bag and walked quickly over there.


   A few people who saw Lu Yang looked at the ghost mask on his face in amazement. They opened their mouths slightly. They couldn't react for a while, but they intuitively realized that this person might be committing a murder.


   The man next to the Porsche Cayenne over there just lit a cigarette and looked up. As he was about to go to the nightclub, Lu Yang had already rushed to him with a gust of wind.


   The man opened his lips slightly in surprise, and the cigarette he had just lit fell from his mouth. The brain is blank, and I don't understand why this man wearing a ghost mask is rushing towards him?


   The whole person was just so stunned there.


   The dropped cigarette was still in the air. On the side of Lu Yang's body, the already fully tense right shoulder had crashed into the man's chest, as if he had been hit by a speeding truck. The man's feet flew off the ground with a bang. He slammed into the door of the Porsche Cayenne behind him, and the entire Porsche shook suddenly.




   Only then did the men and women who saw this scene scream out in shock.


Under the mask, Lu Yang pressed his lips together tightly.


   The man who fell on the ground in front of him. The corners of the mouth have been bleeding, sticking to the mountain, it is extremely lethal to ordinary people, just now. It was enough to hurt his viscera.


   "Who are you?"


   The man looked at Lu Yang in horror. His complexion was extremely pale, and also extremely frightened.


   The man wearing a ghost mask didn't say a word, so he would give him this first. At this moment, he only felt cold in his heart, because he wanted to kill him.


   Lu Yang stared coldly, squatting down in front of the man. Disregarding the frightened men and women around, they were watching excitedly. Still taking out his cell phone to call the police, Lu Yang's rough left hand squeezed the man's chin and abruptly lifted the man's face. The man's panic expression couldn't make him feel soft. He slapped his right hand and struck the man hard. On his cheek, a mouthful of blood mixed with a few teeth, Ying Ying flew out of the man’s mouth, and rootless finger prints on his cheeks immediately appeared. Lu Yang gritted his teeth and his eyes were cold. At this moment, he wanted to kill him, but A trace of reason still exists, so Lu Yang forcibly controlled the hostility in his heart. He grabbed the two arms of the man with both hands and shook up suddenly. Two crisp sounds suddenly sounded, and the man screamed like a pig. Resounded throughout the small street.


   "You, who are you?"


   The man screamed and asked loudly.


Lu Yang gritted his teeth tightly and wanted to slash the man’s throat with a palm. As long as one palm fell, he would be able to smash the man’s throat bone. For a martial artist, he would kill one person and kill another. Ordinary people can take the other person's life just by waving their hands.




Lu Yang gritted his teeth tightly, without saying a word, stood up suddenly, stamped his foot on the shin of the man's left leg, and suddenly there was another crisp sound. The man's screams screamed again. People who saw this scene nearby. , I felt a chill in my heart, and my heart was chilling.


   This year, there are actually such ruthless people who can maimed people with every gesture.


Controlling the violence factor in his heart, Lu Yang finally stared at this person fiercely, turned around and walked away, walking in the shadow of the big camphor trees on the side of the road, and quickly went away. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared from the crowd. In sight.


   A brutal and injurious act, from beginning to end, but for a few seconds, many people stayed there, dumbfounded.


Lu Yang left quickly. After passing through a dark alley nearby, all of Lu Yang's outfits had changed. The clothes, shoes, and hats he changed were all placed in his luggage. Along the way, Lu Yang Just look for a place without a camera. When passing a sewer manhole cover a few miles away, I lifted up the loose manhole cover, threw down the luggage bag in my hand, closed the manhole cover, and then hurriedly turned into another one. In the small street, he reached out and stopped a taxi, got into the car and went far away.


   Closed eyes and leaned on the taxi seat, Lu Yang's heart was still pounding. Although he had acted very coldly just now, it was the first time he was hurting so much. It is impossible not to feel nervous.


   The man was really vulnerable. At this moment, he relaxed, and Lu Yang felt a cold sweat on his back, one last time!


   Lu Yang said to himself in his heart.


   He is a gentle temper. He never likes to argue with people. The number of fights is even rarer. They all go back to his childhood. If he hadn't been brooding about this matter in his heart, he would not take such extreme measures.


   Now that things have been done, it depends on whether the police can find him.


Suddenly Lu Yang thought of something, took out his mobile phone, pulled out the recently made anonymous card inside, opened the window of the car, flicked it with his finger when passing a flower garden, and then put his original mobile phone card back in. cell phone.


Without this mobile phone card, even if the other party can find the detective agency, he will probably not get his information. Writing novels makes him think more carefully than ordinary people. Even if this is the first time he does it, he can think of it. Many small details that might reveal his identity.


   Returning to his residence, Lu Yang suddenly wanted to relax, so he sent a message to Zhang Li, and then went into the bathroom to take a bath again. When he came out, Zhang Li was already knocking on his door.




Not long after Lu Yang left, the police came to the scene of the wounding. After a few minutes, the ambulance came. I have to say that the efficiency of police dispatching in a metropolis like Shanghai is much higher than that of ordinary small cities. I picked up the ambulance as soon as possible, and the police inspector pulled the cordon at the scene. The police inspector who was investigating the scene had already collected evidence on the scene. Unfortunately, Lu Yang noticed it all in and out, and there was no evidence left at the scene.


   The police can only inquire about the nightclub guests who witnessed the scene just now. At this time, most of the witnesses had already slipped away. Not everyone likes to deal with police officers.


   The man was quickly sent to the hospital and pushed into the operating room. His family also rushed to the hospital. Two police officers were also waiting outside the operating room.


   The man’s family came, his parents, and an uncle. All three of them looked well-dressed and had the breath of a wealthy person. Anyone could tell at a glance.


   The parents and uncles of the man were naturally furious. They demanded that the police must catch the murderer. The only son was interrupted by his life with his arms and a calf. No one could not be angry.


The news soon spread to male colleagues. Feng Tingting, who was surfing the Internet in the dormitory, also got the news. When she heard the news, Feng Tingting was stunned. Obviously, she didn't expect anyone to dare to mutilate the man, but she was not sad, either. Did not rush to the hospital to see the man.


Because in this life, she did not really be a boyfriend and girlfriend with that man as Lu Yang imagined. She tried to get along with that man for a while, but that was all. She had already made it clear to him a few days ago. , No longer contact.


   This is also the reason why Lu Yang saw that she was not on the man's Porsche when he was monitoring that day. It is also because of this that the man has only recently lingered in the Little Wildcat Nightclub every night.


   Lu Yang didn't know anything, he only remembered the hatred of his previous life, and beat the man in love.




   The only child of a powerful family was beaten, maimed, and injured in this city. The police naturally attached great importance to it, but what if he pays more attention to it? There are too few clues. There is no surveillance on the street in the nightclub, and the lights are dim. When the murder was committed, the murderer was still wearing a mask. The only witnesses and the victim themselves did not see the murderer's face.


   I can't find any more from the man who has recently complained about


   When the police find people, it is nothing more than clues from the scene of the crime and interrogation of those who have the motive of committing the crime. These two lines can not find the target, leaving them with very little space to find.


   Skynet is restored without leakage, can anyone really do it without leakage?


Lu Yang was not in a hurry to leave Shanghai. The next night, he accompanied Zhang Li to the cinema to buy two tickets and watched her first movie "The Last Love You". This is not the premiere. The premiere is early. It's over.


   When watching the movie, Zhang Li was smiling all the way, wearing a cap and a mask, and sitting in the back row of the theater with Lu Yang, watching the other one perform another life on the big screen. That feeling made her fascinated.


   The feeling in Lu Yang's heart is also very strange. The heroine in the movie is sitting next to him and watching the movie with him. I can only think about this feeling before.


   In the dark movie theater, Lu Yang quietly held Zhang Li's warm palm, smooth and slender fingers, holding it in his hand, feeling good.


   In the darkness, Zhang Li glanced at him sideways, the corners of her mouth turned up, and her backhand tightly held Lu Yang's warm palms. At this moment, both of them felt like they were in love. .


ps: Thank you, Xinyangli, Aku, you are so handsome and rewarded 100 points, thank you for diving for one yuan, you will reward 588 points, thank you for being upset, reward 12364 points, and become the current fan value of this book. Second rudder master, thank you for your support. (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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