Rebirth 2003

Chapter 260: 2 letters drop 3 people

Vice Principal Lu soon left his office, knocked on Vice Principal Sun’s office, holding the letter just received in his hand, and when he first entered the door, Vice Principal Sun smiled and welcomed him. When he also finished reading this When I wrote the letter, there was no smile on his face.


He is the head of the junior high school, and such a mess happened below. If the accountability from the top is down, he can't get out of the relationship. If the matter spreads outside, it will cause the entire third middle school to follow, especially the vice-principal Zhou. Although Vice Principal Zhou has no real power and little prestige in the junior high school, after all, the level is there. Once the matter reaches Vice Principal Zhou's ears, no one can predict what will happen if it happens as Vice Principal Zhou.


   Especially here, everyone knows that Chen Bin is his subordinate.


   "Old Lu! What do you mean?"


   After a long silence, Vice Principal Sun finally raised his head and asked Vice Principal Lu what he meant.


   When Vice President Sun read the letter, Vice President Lu was already muffled. When asked what he meant, he couldn't help but sneered and said, "Old Sun, what do you mean by yourself?"


Vice President Sun thought for a while and said: "It is still not completely certain whether this letter was written by Mei Caiping or was framed by someone else. In this way, I will call Chen Bin over to explain. If he can explain it, we Check who is setting him up again. If you can’t explain it, what should we do? We will do it! What do you think of Lao Lu?”


  Vice principal Lu nodded with a sneer.


   If it was just this letter, he might still wonder if it was framed, but he contacted the regular meeting last Monday. Chen Bin's behavior, this matter has been qualitative in his heart.


  Vice President Sun nodded and picked up the landline on the desk. He dialed Chen Bin’s office, and within a few minutes, Chen Bin smiled and walked into Vice President Sun’s office. Just before coming, he received a text message from Mei Caiping and asked him to meet at a cafe in the city in the afternoon. Presumably this thing is almost done, and he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.


   came in and saw that Vice Principal Lu was also there. Chen Bin was a little surprised, but he nodded with a smile, and then said to Vice Principal Sun: "Principal! Are you looking for me? If something happens, please tell me!"


   in Chen Bin's eyes. Today's Vice President Sun is a bit abnormal. He always has a seemingly non-smiling face on his face, but today he has a round face like Vice President Lu.


   didn't wait for him to think about it. Vice President Sun had already threw the torn letter in front of Chen Bin. Shen said: "Let's take a look! Give us an explanation after reading it!"


   "What is the principal?"


   Chen Bin smiled and asked, then he picked up the manuscript paper in front of him and looked up. Chen Bin was suddenly struck by lightning, his whole body shook, and his hands had begun to tremble slightly.


   "Dear Brother Bin..."


   How could this letter fall into the hands of Principal Sun? Haven't I been burned by it? Is this haunted?


   The content of the letter is exactly the same as the one he read the other day, and the handwriting is generally the same. Chen Bin was stunned, the letter had been burned. How could it appear in the hands of Vice Principal Sun? For a while, Chen Bin's head was blank, his lips trembled, his face turned pale, his palms were sweating, his body trembled slightly, and many questions poured into his mind.


   is Mei Caiping's torn shoe doing it? Didn’t I personally burn that letter? Is it my own illusion? Actually I didn't burn it? Then why does this letter appear here? Did the dead lady in the family give it to Principal Sun? Hasn't Lao Tzu knocked down that **** Wu Yongxiang? Why does that stinky lady Mei Caiping still do this? Does she want me to die? Not right! She gave this letter to Principal Sun, what good would it do for her? Didn't this trap herself too? Is she going to finish playing with me?


   One question after another flooded into my mind, Chen Bin was no longer in charge.


  Vice Principal Sun and Vice Principal Lu have been staring at Chen Bin’s expressions. At this moment, Chen Bin’s expressions of panic have confirmed that the things on the letterhead are true, and there is no need to ask anything.


   A look of disappointment flashed in the eyes of Vice Principal Sun.


   It's hard to find a good dogleg who can figure out what you want! Now that this kind of thing falls into Lu Minghui's hands, he can only cut the horse with tears.


   "Do you have anything else to say?"


   This sentence is actually just a routine matter, and Vice Principal Sun’s tone is already a bit helpless.


   "School, principal..."


Chen Bin shook his lips and yelled out these two words, cold sweat was already on his forehead, and he couldn't say anything later in his defense. What he was most afraid of at this time was that the incident was making a big deal, and Zhou Kang knew it too. At that time, he is likely to be more than just losing his official position.


   Zhou Kang may have torn his heart.


   "Okay! Go back! Waiting for notice!"


  Vice President Sun waved his hand disappointedly. He was no longer interested in listening to Chen Bin's lie. When things had reached this point, even if he wanted to suppress it, Lu Minghui would never agree.


What's more, he doesn't want to press down. This kind of thing is easy for a while, and it is too difficult to keep pressing down. Sooner or later, Zhou Kang will know that it is not only Chen Bin who will cause the fire. He didn't let it go.


   "Sun, Principal Sun......"


   Chen Bin still wants to struggle to death.


   is like a person who is dying. Seeing the doctor, he grabbed the doctor's hand tightly, and said to the doctor with tears: "Doctor! I think I can rescue it again!"


   Unfortunately, Vice Principal Sun no longer wants to rescue him. Seeing what he still wants to beg for, Vice Principal Sun sinks his face and slaps the table suddenly, shouting, "Get out!"


   "Principal Sun..."


"go out!!"


   Chen Bin has never seen Vice Principal Sun treat him like this since he has been with Vice Principal Sun. At this time, he felt fear and cold in his heart. He knew he was over. The posture of Old Sun really wanted to deal with him!


   Chen Bin didn't dare to provoke Vice Principal Sun again, nodded, and withdrew from Vice Principal Sun's office in disgrace.


In the office, I was plunged into a quiet atmosphere again. For a long while, after Vice Principal Lu waited coldly, Vice Principal Sun spoke and said in a deep voice, "I will report this to the principal! Suggest that the principal transfer Chen Bin to the lower middle school. As for Wu Yongxiang and Mei Caiping, let’s move away too!"


After a pause, he said: "As for this matter. Let's press it down! Never let Lao Zhou know! As for Qi Xiaoling... Give her a warning! I hope she will not dare to be in school again after this incident. Fuck! What do you mean, Lao Lu?"


  Vice Principal Lu sneered silently, nodded and said, "That's all! It's a big mess, we can't take it!"


   After speaking, Vice President Lu got up and walked out of Vice President Sun’s office.


   For Vice Principal Sun, this incident caused him to lose a capable man, for Vice Principal Lu. One thing is better than one thing less. As the main leader, a scandal broke out below. It hit him and Lao Sun in the face.




   At about twelve o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Bin, with a gray face, saw Mei Caiping who was still dressed up in a cafe in the city.


  A closer look, but you can find that although Mei Caiping is still adorned as before, there are faint dark circles in her eyes. Obviously I haven't been sleeping well recently.


   The first time I saw Chen Bin. She said anxiously: "Director Chen! You are finally willing to meet with me. What do you mean lately? What kind of photos do you want? You have made it clear to me, can't I give it to you? What are you doing? Why against Wu Yongxiang? At the regular meeting that day, what did you recommend me to be the director of the Academic Affairs Office? Didn't you hear how everyone talked about me?"


Chen Bin, who already knew he was about to finish playing, was not angry anymore. He leaned softly on the back of his chair, with the corners of his mouth upturned, and sneered: "What are you pretending at this time? You asked me to do it. I You've done everything, but you handed the letter to the old grandson. What do you want to do? Don't play with me or let it go?"


   "Director Chen, what are you talking about? Why do I want to kill you? Why do you pass the letter to the old grandson? What is the letter?" Mei Caiping still doesn't know what happened.


   Chen Bin is already too lazy to explain. He smiled weakly and said: "Okay! To tell you the truth, I am out of play, but don't think about it! In order to frame me, you are really willing to pay for it! Even yourself! I took Chen Bin today! What else do you want to play? Just play! I'm leaving!"


   After finishing speaking, Chen Bin got up and was about to leave, and finally met in private. How could Mei Caiping let him go so quickly, she quickly got up and grabbed his arm, sweating on her forehead with anxiety.


Chen Bin squinted his eyes and looked at her expression. It didn't look like acting. He couldn't help but feel suspicious. After thinking about it, he sat back in his seat, staring at Mei Caiping's eyes, and asked in a deep voice: "Mei Caiping! Honestly, did you write a letter to me recently? Threatened me not to let you sit in Wu Yongxiang's seat and shake my secrets out?"


   "No! When did I write you a letter?"


   Lu Caiping's expression was too real, and Chen Bin couldn't distinguish a trace of falsehood in it, and he couldn't help but become more puzzled.


   "Don't you? You swear you absolutely don't?"


   "I swear! If I wrote you a letter recently, I would be killed by a car when I went out!"


   make such a vow?


Chen Bin fell silent, thought for a while, beckoned to the waiter who came to the cafe, asked the waiter to bring a sticky note and a ballpoint pen, and in Mei Caiping's puzzled eyes, pushed these two things in front of Mei Caiping. , Solemnly said: "I want you to write! No word is bad!"


   Although Mei Caiping was puzzled, Chen Bin’s serious expression made her subconsciously nod her head in agreement, and then Chen Bin closed her eyes and read the beginning of the letter: "Dear Brother Bin..."


Mei Caiping was taken aback, and then realized that this was probably the letter mentioned in Chen Bin's mouth. She didn't dare to hesitate at the moment. Although this title made her blush, she still wrote it down verbatim, Chen Bin continued to memorize it. Stopped after a few sentences.


   It's not that he doesn't remember the following content, but that some of the content is too exciting, he dare not let Mei Caiping know, so as not to get out of touch.


   opened his eyes and took the note that Mei Caiping had just written in his hand. Chen Bin read it word by word. After reading thirty or forty words, he didn't notice any difference from the handwriting on the letter.


   It's a pity that his own letter has already been burned, and the other one is still with Lao Sun. He didn't dare to ask for it. Otherwise, if you put a letter here for comparison, you might find a little difference.


   Some disappointment, more doubts, but Chen Bin still sighed shortly after reading the memo, even if the letter was fake? The key is that the content of the letter is true. Both Lao Sun and Lao Lu already believed it. Even if he could prove that the letter was not written by Mei Caiping, he would not be able to save him.


   As for whether you can save Mei Caiping?


Where did Chen Bin still have this kind of thought at this time, he just threw down the sticky note, in Mei Caiping's puzzled eyes, Chen Bin got up again, the difference is that he is not angry at the moment, and helplessly treats Mei Caiping. Say: "Don't ask anything, just accept your fate!"


   After finishing speaking, he really took a step away. Mei Caiping wanted to pull him back, but was thrown away by him, leaving Mei Caiping, who was still puzzled, standing there at a loss.


   Maybe Lu Yang himself didn't expect those two letters to play such a big role. He wrote these two letters, but he had an inspiration at the time, and he took the attitude of trying it out to see if this trick would work.


   And the current effect has far exceeded Lu Yang's previous expectations.


In the next few days, Vice Principal Sun announced that Chen Bin would be transferred to the third middle school in S Township. They are also the third middle school, but they were transferred from the third middle school in the city to the third middle school in the township. The status difference is unknown. , And this time Chen Bin was transferred and he was no longer a leader, but just an ordinary teacher.


   Mei Caiping and Wu Yongxiang were also transferred to two rural middle schools. After the order, almost all the teachers were at a loss. They didn't know which one they were singing again.


   At the last regular meeting, didn’t you say that it was only good to demote Wu Yongxiang to an ordinary teacher? Didn't Chen Bin also suggest that Mei Caiping should be the director of the Academic Affairs Office?


   Why did the situation suddenly change, and all three of them descended?


   Chen Bin is the confidant of Vice President Vice President Sun is willing to transfer him? Or the third middle school in s township?


Except for Lu Yang and Qi Lingling, who was warned by Vice President Sun himself, no one knows why Chen Bin was transferred. The most guessed one is that the reason why Chen Bin nominated Mei Caiping at the last regular meeting was because they had Ran, now that Vice Principal Sun knew about the matter, only then did all three of them descend below.


   But even with this speculation, there is still no way to solve all the doubts in everyone's mind.


   Along with the news of the transfer of these three people, it was announced that there was also a candidate for the post of Academic Affairs Office. Vice President Sun announced that Bi Dongxue, who was recommended by Vice President Zhou, would hold that position.


   The whole thing, it seems that Bi Dongxue has become the only winner.


  As everyone congratulated, it was natural that all kinds of envy and jealousy were inevitable.


   Lu Yang was sitting in the office, listening to everyone's comments on the recent events, I felt a burst of unreality in my heart, this is what I did? I actually did a director, a secretary, and an old teacher? (To be continued...)

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