Rebirth 2003

Chapter 258: Initial results

Vice President Lu did not respond immediately, his majestic gaze swept across the venue, and he paused for two more seconds on Wu Yongxiang's face, who looked nervous, and finally fell on Chen Bin, who seemed to be the incarnation of justice. As most people thought, Vice President Lu I also think that Vice President Sun instructed Chen Bin to do this. It happened last month that Lu Yang’s score was false. At that time, it was not found out who did it. Now Chen Bin puts all the responsibility on Wu Yongxiang and adds For several other charges, it was obvious that Wu Yongxiang was going to be beaten down by the rhythm.


Wu Yongxiang is the subordinate of Academic Affairs Director Chen Jian, not his Lu Minghui’s. Since Vice President Sun is about to move and the charges are settled, Vice President Lu does not have to sing a drama with Vice President Sun about this matter. Therefore, he pondered for a moment. Vice President Lu nodded, and said: "Since the evidence is solid, I propose to dismiss Mr. Wu Yongxiang from the post of director of the Academic Affairs Office, and let him teach the students! To see the after-effects!"


   The personnel arrangements of the junior high school have always been decided by Vice President Sun and Vice President Lu. Now Vice President Lu has proposed to remove Wu Yongxiang from his post. The others below look different, and they all know that Wu Yongxiang is finished! It was Chen Bin who attacked Wu Yongxiang, and Chen Bin was Vice President Sun’s top dog leg. Now Vice President Lu proposed to remove Wu Yongxiang from his post. Will Vice President Sun disagree?


Wu Yongxiang's eyes darkened, his mouth opened, and he wanted to say nothing, but in the end he didn't say anything. He could see it. Now that the situation is complete, Vice President Lu has reached a consensus with Vice President Sun, even if it is his boss Chen Jian who speaks. , Can't save him.


   Sure enough, after Vice Principal Lu expressed his opinion, Vice Principal Sun asked Chen Jian what he meant according to the usual practice. Chen Jian's face was also ugly at this time, without a smile on his face, he cast a cold glance at Wu Yongxiang who was sitting below. He glanced at Chen Bin, who was serious, and said with a sullen face: "I agree with Vice President Lu's opinion!"


   I can’t twist my thighs with my arms, and Vice Principal Lu is already on the side of Vice Principal Sun. Can he be the third-ranked dean of academic affairs in actual power to change this result?


   If he objected, Wu Yongxiang would be dismissed from his post in the end, and doing useless work would affect his prestige.


   What's more. Wu Yongxiang wasn't wronged this time. Chen Bin showed evidence that he was Wu Yongxiang's immediate boss. Chen Jian also felt dull on his face.


Vice President Sun coughed and said loudly: "Since everyone agrees that Wu Yongxiang should be removed from his post, there is nothing to say. From now on. Wu Yongxiang's office as a secretary of the Academic Affairs Office will be cancelled. Now everyone has a discussion about who will replace it. Teacher Wu Yongxiang's original position!"


  As soon as this topic was mentioned, the eyes of many old teachers below brightened.


   As for interns, and some employees in other positions, they lack interest, and the position of the dean of the Academic Affairs Office has nothing to do with them.


   Many old teachers were ready to move, but for a while, no one asked for whom to nominate. After all, this issue has just been thrown out, and many people are not mentally prepared. I didn't communicate with the leaders privately, even if I wanted to recommend myself, I was too embarrassed to yell out.


   The big venue was a little commotion, but generally speaking, it was in a quiet state where no one spoke.


Just as Vice President Sun was about to call for everyone’s opinions, Vice President Zhou suddenly spoke, and he smiled and said, "No one proposed? Then I will start. I propose that Teacher Bi Dongxue should take up this position! Teacher Bi Dongxue! I should all understand that I am an old teacher in our school! I have been working hard in my position for many years, and I have a good relationship with my colleagues, and students are welcome. I personally think Teacher Bi Dongxue is competent for this new position!"


  Bi Dongxue was surprised by the audience. He had an idea just now. He didn't expect that Vice Principal Zhou would be the first to propose him. He immediately stood up and put his hands together, thanked Vice Principal Zhou, and slapped the snake on the stick to express his election thoughts.




   Then someone suggested several other old teachers, and one old teacher recommended himself.


The venue was finally no longer quiet. Everyone suggested to each other that they had a good relationship and were likely to hold this position. When encountering this kind of thing, there are very few teachers who are willing to stay out of the matter, even if they don’t have this. In terms of qualifications, if you can push the teacher you have a good relationship with, people will also remember his love, and you can take more care of him when you find someone to do errands in the future.


Vice-President Sun and Vice-President Lu have been looking at you with cold eyes. After everyone’s proposal is almost the same, Vice-President Sun raised his hands and pressed it twice to make the whole venue quiet again, and then turned his head to the side. Looking at Chen Bin beside him, he said, "Who does Director Chen Bin think is more suitable?"


   Chen Bin's eyes trembled, and he glanced quietly at Mei Caiping, who was looking nervous below, and said ignorantly: "I personally think Teacher Mei Caiping is more suitable!"


  As soon as I said this, many people couldn't believe their ears, Mei Caiping? That woman dresses up all day long and has worked for several years. In addition to quietly falling in love with people or quietly falling in love, the diploma is not the highest, the qualifications are not the oldest, and the teaching level is not the highest. Why recommend her?


   If it is an ordinary teacher suggesting her, it’s fine, maybe it's just for personal reasons, but who is Chen Bin? He is one of the few leaders in the junior high school! Can he propose a woman who is not qualified for this position to be a secretary of the Academic Affairs Office because of personal friendship?


   At the top leadership seat, all the leaders also looked at Chen Bin unexpectedly. Chen Bin's skin was a little tight, and if his skin was not dark enough, he might already have a red face.


   But since it has already been proposed, how can I keep going.


   At this time, many people have already reacted, wondering in their hearts whether Mei Caiping's broken shoes were on Chen Bin's bed, or how could Chen Bin do such a thing?


Vice President Sun took a deep look at Chen Bin, and was already very dissatisfied. Chen Bin didn't tell him about the matter this time. Now he has proposed such an unreliable candidate, if not before Chen Bin. Following in his footsteps, Vice Principal Sun was able to scold Chen Bin out of shit.


   Frowning, Vice Principal Sun nodded and said, "Okay! I have written down the candidates you proposed. I will study carefully with Vice Principal Lu, OK! Let's end the meeting!"


   After finishing speaking, Vice President Sun picked up his own things with a sullen face, and was the first to walk out of the conference room. In the conference hall, everyone looked at me and I looked at you. They were all confused.


   What does this mean?


   Vice-Principal Sun’s expression just now seemed very upset? Isn't Chen Bin's proposal this time the intention of Vice President Sun? Some old teachers who had ideas about the position of the dean of the Academic Affairs Office had their minds alive again.


   As long as it is not the intention of Vice Principal Sun, they still have a chance.


At the meeting, I had to say that the most complicated mood was Chen Bin and Mei Caiping. Chen Bin had to propose this way, but Mei Caiping felt scared in her heart. Chen Bin actually proposed that she be the secretary of the Academic Affairs Office at the meeting. Hasn't she offended Chen Bin severely recently? So what did Chen Bin nominate her for?


   Mei Caiping has no joy of being nominated, only fear and anxiety. She has self-knowledge. There are dozens of teachers in the junior high school. No matter what she is talking about, she should not have her part this time, but Chen Bin clearly nominated her just now.


The meeting ended very quickly. After leaving the meeting, the teachers said everything privately. Some people liked to hear and heard and were very happy to see Wu Yongxiang stumble. Some people guessed whether this incident was the intention of Vice President Sun; some people were stealing in their hearts. Laughing. At the meeting just now, Chen Jian had an ugly face like a child who had eaten to death; of course, many people were discussing whether the woman Mei Caiping untied her belt in front of Chen Bin, or how to explain Chen Bin’s nomination of her today. Go to be a clerk in the Academic Affairs Office? The Academic Affairs Office of the Junior High School has only two official positions.


At the end of the meeting, Lu Yang, Tong Yaqian, and Xu Xiaoman habitually slowed down and walked behind the crowd. Among the last two topics of today’s meeting, among the three, it can be said that except for Lu Yang, the initiator, whether it is Tong Yaqian or Xu Xiaoman was confused. Even if they were both smart women, they couldn't understand which drama was sung at today's meeting.


No, not long after he walked out of the venue, Xu Xiaoman said questioningly: "Hey! What are you saying today? Director Chen Bin deliberately defeated Teacher Wu Yongxiang, just to help Teacher Mei be in charge? But I saw his expression, It doesn't seem to be very willing! Is it deliberately pretended?"


   Tong Yaqian was also very puzzled, but as her eyes rolled, she suddenly smiled and said to Lu Yang: "Lu Yang! Are you happy now?"


   "What am I happy about?"


   Lu Yang's heart jumped, and the first reaction was, did Tong Yaqian realize that I was playing a ghost? But it shouldn't! So many leaders and teachers didn't doubt me, how could she see it?


   Immediately, Tong Yaqian's answer made Lu Yang breathe a sigh of relief and realized that he was thinking too much.


Tong Yaqian smiled and squinted with her hands behind her back, smiling eyes squinting Lu Yang, and said, "What to pretend? Today, Director Chen Bin produced evidence to prove that it was Wu Yongxiang who was doing tricks on your score last month. You are not happy? Wu Yongxiang was lost because of this. Are you upset about the position of the dean of the Academic Affairs Office? Hey, are you already snickering? Are you happy?"


Hearing this Xu Xiaoman also smiled at the corner of his mouth. He touched the ground with a finger and said with a smile: "Haha! I almost forgot Yaqian if I didn't say that. Today is the most happy meeting. It should be you, right? You don’t need to do it yourself, and the person who framed you was kicked off by Director Chen. How about? Would you like to have a treat tonight? Share with us and celebrate today?"


   Lu Yang chuckled and nodded, "Yes! You want to eat outside, or eat at my place, whatever you want! If you can eat me, you count your skills!"


  Yes, it was the first time that I had intrigue with someone, and I had such an effect with a little bit of work, and Lu Yang had no reason to be unhappy.


   used to intern here, he was always played in the palm of his hand by others, and sold out for playing, and he was silly to be friends with others.


   Now he is finally playing someone else. (To be continued...)


  PS: Thank you for waiting to go back to ancient times, xhy79, and water red persimmon for rewarding 100 coins, thank you for being upset, for rewarding 300 coins, thank Lan? I once again rewarded 5888 points and became the third hall host on the fan list. Thank you for your continued support and thank you for your monthly pass. Starting from the new January, monthly pass will be accumulated from scratch again. Please guarantee your monthly pass! ! !


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