Rebirth 2003

Chapter 255: Lu Yang's killer

When Lu Yang went to work the next day, nothing happened. Wu Yongxiang was still sitting in the chair of the Academic Affairs Office. Mei Caiping also came to work as usual. Chen Bin did not ask for leave. Everything seemed to be fine. It was the same as usual, but Lu Yang noticed that the faces of the three of them were not the same as usual.


   Mei Caiping no longer had the same superior smile on her face, Wu Yongxiang also felt a little sad, and Chen Bin's eyes were hazy, especially when she saw Mei Caiping or Wu Yongxiang, his eyes almost showed a fierce smell.


   There are not many teachers who have noticed this. Even if someone notices it, there is no way to link the performance of these three people together, just thinking that they are in a bad mood today.


Lu Yang didn't do anything anymore. He went to work as usual and dozed off during work hours. Unlike before sleeping on the desk, Lu Yang changed a little this time. When dozing off, he put his cheek on one hand as he did when he was in school. With eyes closed, if you are not paying attention, it looks like you are thinking about a problem. At the same time, she also sent a text message to Tong Yaqian to help her pay attention to the leader. If the leader comes to the office to patrol, kick him under the table.


Life seems to have returned to calm again. Days passed. Lu Yang took a nap in the office during the day, occasionally took a class, and spent the rest of the time at the residence code. Unlike the three young masters who have been asking for a monthly pass recently, Lu Yang has recently gone three times a day. The chapter is updated with nine thousand words, no more and no less. Let the readers decide whether to vote or not. Although there is no outbreak, Lu Yang still works hard to write four or five chapters every day, with one chapter at noon and at least three chapters at night. When the state is overwhelming, you can write four chapters at night, and you have to write it up to one o'clock in the morning every night.


   The gap between "First Grade Magic Kitchen" and "Magic Sword Eternal" is getting smaller and smaller. Within a few days, the gap was shortened to 400 votes. The fans of the three young masters cheered in the book review section of "The First Grade Magic Kitchen" and seemed to have seen the dawn of victory, and the readers of "Magic Sword Eternity" were also working hard to vote and canvass. Many readers are asking Lu Yang to increase the monthly ticket faster.


   Lu Yang has been ignoring it, and still updates three chapters every day. The difference of more than a thousand votes, the three young masters broke out every day, even if the gap was finally equalized. It was enough to make him exhausted.


   Lu Yang's strategy is very simple, that is, keep saving and saving the manuscripts, and when "First Grade Magic Kitchen" is about to surpass "Magic Sword Eternity", it will explode in one fell swoop. Lu Yang didn't believe that the Third Young Master arrived at that time. How many more updates can burst out.


   To complete the lore in the last two days of the month.


   I have to say that after writing a book for a long time, Lu Yang has also deteriorated, and monthly ticket wars can be played tricks.


   The time soon came to October 28. The school was still calm, Chen Bin still seemed to have no action, and Lu Yang was not in a hurry. He had just borrowed a knife to kill. This knife is willing to cut it down, he has done everything he can do. Can only wait for Chen Bin's choice.


On the monthly ticket list, on this day, under the continuous increase of the three young masters, "First Grade Magic Kitchen" finally closed all the gaps, and in the evening of this day, "Magic Sword Eternity" stepped on the foot again, countless The fans of the three young masters were all excited to post in the book review area of ​​"First Grade Magic Kitchen", and countless people who followed this monthly ticket war also sighed, thinking that the dust had settled.


   The opposite is the book review area of ​​"Magic Sword Eternal", with a sigh, hundreds of loyal readers posted messages expressing depression, regret, and loss.


   They all participated in this monthly ticket war. Although "The Sword of Eternity" is not their work, they have also worked hard. Now they have been defeated by others, and the frustration is spontaneous.


   And that night, Lu Yang finally released the killer that he had prepared for many days. Ten chapters broke out in one breath, and after the tenth chapter, he issued a single-chapter declaration asking for a monthly pass.


"Brothers and sisters! The battle has heated up, and the victory or defeat is in the last two days. This month, the monthly ticket list is number one. We have been sitting for more than 20 days. I am not reconciled to losing at the last moment. Old rules! I will sound the horn of battle. Today I will add ten more chapters, plus the guaranteed three chapters. There are 13 chapters in total, almost forty thousand words, everyone! The horn has been blown, do you have any firepower tomorrow? There are still thirteen chapters, and the day after tomorrow still thirteen chapters! The thirteenth chapter erupts until the end of this month! I don’t care about the blood explosion, I just want to get the honor we deserve! Please fight with me!!!"


As soon as the monthly ticket list changed hands, Lu Yang broke out ten chapters plus more. The fans of "Magic Sword Eternal" were naturally the first to discover. Seeing the ten chapters suddenly added, almost all the fans were stunned, especially the single Chapter declaration, all 13 chapters tomorrow and the day after tomorrow! In just three days, the thirty-nine chapter is updated, and it really doesn't count the cost!


Everyone knows that Wen Chou has the habit of saving manuscripts, but no one has thought that in the past few days, "First Grade Magic Kitchen" has narrowed the gap between the monthly tickets of the two books. Cannot be used, after all, the update on the Internet is to keep the gap with the publishing side.


But now, on the night when "First Grade Magic Kitchen" had just won the first place, Wen Chou broke out, ten chapters added in one breath, October is old, which means that there will be the 31st in October, Wen Chou actually dared to announce the next two days Every day is thirteen chapters.


After    stayed, countless **** book fans were excited and enthusiastic.


The battle for monthly ticket number one is often not something that readers can win spontaneously. Just like this month, "First Grade Magic Kitchen" won the first place twice, and readers of "Magic Sword Eternal" can't win the first place no matter how spontaneously they vote. Back, only if the author wants to fight and call all the fans to vote, can there be any hope of reversal.


Now Wen Chou has exploded again. Wen Chou has not let them down. Almost every time he erupts, he can achieve his goal. So once again I see Wen Chou decides to fight to the end. Many readers who have lost their morale before only feel their blood boiled. The feeling of full blood resurrection, one by one in the book review area, in the book fan group to celebrate, and then spontaneously vote, or some people meet to vote together, piece by piece of rewards once again appear like snowflakes, countless large sums The reward is accompanied by hundreds of monthly tickets smashed down. Almost every time the page is refreshed, you can find that the total number of monthly tickets for "Magic Sword Eternity" is rising rapidly.


   is just one night, waiting for Lu Yang to get up the next day. When I turned on the computer, the monthly ticket list ranked first, and it had once again fallen into the hands of "Magic Sword Eternal", and "First Grade Magic Kitchen" once again fell to second place.


   "An unprecedented convulsion of ugliness! The number one this month, who else can take it?"


   "The Schumacher of the Internet world? Who is Schumacher?"


   "Can the three young masters still fight? Wen Chou is there, waiting for you to complete the third kill!"


   A similar post appeared in the book review section of the two books and the battle section outside the circle of the dragon. Even some other great gods have similar posts in their book review sections.


   The readers, authors, and editors who followed this war were almost blinded. Wen Chou actually dared to fight with the three young masters. Is this going to take away the honor of Schumacher in the Internet literary world of the Three Young Masters?


   Most of the fans of the Third Young Master were silent, only a few of them were still shouting to let the Third Young Master use an explosion to press it back, but those who knew the inside knew it in their hearts. Three young masters who have been erupting for almost a month. I'm afraid I won't be able to go back this time.


   The prolonged outbreak has overdrawn a lot of the energy of the three young masters. As the so-called rush, decline, and exhaustion, the momentum and energy are all weaker in the later stage.


   Before, most people thought that the censorship that had not erupted for so long had been exhausted, but now everyone discovered that the censorship was not exhausted, but was ready to go. He had retracted his fist before, but his purpose of retracting his fist. It is to play more strength.


   At this time, whether it’s "Magic Sword Eternity" or "First Grade Magic Kitchen" monthly ticket list, they have already dropped the third place with more than 6,000 votes, which is far ahead.


  Whether it is Wen Chou or the Three Young Masters, they have shown the greatest combat power in history. Fighting to this extent, it seems that each other's final eruption.


   Now that Wen Chou has finally exploded, can the Third Young Master explode more?


   The answer will be revealed soon.


On the same day, the three young masters resumed three shifts. The next day, on the 29th, there were still three shifts. Lu Yang still had thirteen chapters. The total number of monthly tickets was still growing rapidly. One day, the situation remained the same.


From the time the Third Young Master recovered to the third shift every day, everyone knew that he had given up, but Wen Chou kept his promise, continued to maintain thirteen chapters every day, continued to widen the monthly ticket gap, and did not give the Third Young Master any last chance of a comeback. .


Finally, with the attention of countless lights, the month ended in October. On the monthly ticket list, "First Grade Magic Kitchen" was second, and the first still belonged to "Magic Sword Eternity". So far, "Magic Sword Eternity" achieved a remarkable four. Consecutive championships. The popularity of Wen Chou has reached a new height.


   The book review section of "Magic Sword Eternity" is full of happy posts.


   The book fans are also beaming. All the readers who participated in this war are with You Rongyan. This is Wen Chou's victory, and the victory of "Magic Sword Eternal" is also their victory.


   They can't write a work that can defeat the Three Young It is also very good to be able to share this joy in this way of participation.


Just at the end of October, the second day of "Magic Sword Eternity" achieving four consecutive championships, on November 1, the smart Wang Lin, using his net name Necromancer, broke out among Lu Yang's book fans. A dozen stills were published, and at the same time, these stills were sent to Long Kong, the distribution center for industry news.


   "Four consecutive titled writer Wen Chou screenwriter, investment movie "Gate of Rebirth" stills are exposed!"|


   He learned to use the opportunity to propagate without a teacher. (To be continued...)


PS: Thanks to Litchi Township, India, Japan, America and Southwest for the reward of 100 points, thanks to xhy79 for the reward of 200 points, thank you for your monthly pass and five-star evaluation ticket, the public version was slightly changed last night, but Lu Yang was second The name of this work was changed to "Legend of the Master". I was a little grateful. I have been paying attention to this issue before. The public version only has this title to be changed. The chapters will take time to adjust slightly these days, which is quite depressing. Yes, when I was writing a new chapter today, I suddenly noticed a slight change. The plot is much easier to write. There are many things that I didn’t dare to think before, but I dare to write in the later plots. Don’t worry about causing dyslexia, I promise The following plots will become more and more exciting, and the sense of substitution will not be affected much.


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