Rebirth 2003

Chapter 252: Treat reality as a novel

When Lu Yang came out of the cafeteria, he kept paying attention to Tong Yaqian and Xu Xiaoman on his side following him.


   "Lu Yang! Why did you find Teacher Luo just now?"


   Xu Xiaoman first did not hold back the curiosity in his heart. Tong Yaqian's attention also looked at Lu Yang. Lu Yang smiled and said casually: "A little thing, keep it secret!"


   "Cut! Keep it secret! Do you think it's the age of a woman?"


   The two girls rolled their eyes together, but they were not angry, but their curiosity was not satisfied, and they were a little unhappy.


When passing by the dormitory, the two women said goodbye to Lu Yang. Lu Yang went to the off-campus residence alone and walked under the tree-lined road on campus. Lu Yang half-squinted and began to think about how to teach Mei Caiping and Wu Yongxiang a little lesson. Now that the score is almost certain, it is the hands and feet of the two of them. Lu Yang doesn't need to figure it out more clearly, just know that it should be the two of them.


The question now is, how can he get revenge on the two old teachers who have worked here for several years? Fortunately, Mei Caiping is just an ordinary teacher, while Wu Yongxiang is one of the two officers in the Academic Affairs Office. .


   If you tell Vice Principal Sun directly about your speculation, it will definitely not work. The speculation is speculation. He has no direct evidence. It is likely that this matter has just been told to Vice Principal Sun, and he is the one who criticizes himself immediately afterwards.


  As a leader, I usually like to do more than less. Without conclusive evidence, it is impossible for Vice President Sun to help him clean up the two people. He has to find another way.


   Lu Yang half-squinted his eyes, assuming the current situation as a plot in his novel. If the protagonist of the novel encounters this incident, how should he crack it?


   It doesn't work to report to the leader, and directly hitting people will make people underestimate themselves. Even the school will expel him as a black sheep.


   Lu Yang began to recall the thirty-six strategies of warfare in his mind, and the names of the strategies flashed through his mind, and finally fixed on the plan of killing people with a knife. Borrowing a knife to kill, whose knife? How to kill?


   I have no rights, and I can only use the rights of others to deal with the two people, but to deal with the two people. It is necessary to rely on the person whose power is above the two, and the scope of this is small.


   Vice-principal Sun, was the first to be excluded. There is no evidence, and he cannot be borrowed from him, and the same is true for Vice President Lu. Vice President Zhou. He himself doesn't have much authority in the leadership, and he doesn't usually take care of things. He also excludes him. Chen Jian, the dean of academic affairs? Not even better! Wu Yongxiang was his secretary, and he attacked Wu Yongxiang by slapping him in the face. He would never do that unless he was crazy.


So. In the end, only Chen Bin, the director of the school affairs office, was left.


   Chen Bin himself is higher than Mei Caiping and Wu Yongxiang, and he is also the number one running dog under Vice President Sun. Sometimes his words represent the meaning of Vice President Sun. It seems that he is just the director of the school affairs office, but in fact, the real power may not be smaller than that of the director of the educational affairs office and the vice-principal Zhou.


The corner of Lu Yang’s mouth suddenly turned up slightly. It happened that Chen Bin had an affair with Vice Principal Zhou’s wife. This is his handle. He dare to touch Vice Principal Zhou’s wife. It definitely doesn’t mean that he just let this matter out. Once exposed. , He will be ruined in this school. I am afraid that he will no longer be able to sit down as the dean of the school affairs office. No matter how soft the vice-principal Zhou is, when this matter is exposed, out of the dignity of a man, he will also talk to Chen Bin. There is no ambivalence and endless death.


   Thinking of this, the problem has become simpler, how to use Chen Bin's handle to deal with Mei Caiping and Wu Yongxiang? In Lu Yang's mind, five or six ideas flashed in an instant as if he wanted to conceive the plot of a novel.


Directly threatening Chen Bin and Vice Principal Zhou’s wife, indirectly achieved the purpose of threatening Chen Bin, tracking Chen Bin, looking for opportunities to take pictures of him meeting with Vice Principal Zhou’s wife, and then quietly putting the photos on his desk. Leave another letter paper to force him to shoot...


Thoughts flashed in Lu Yang's mind, and they were rejected by Lu Yang one by one. Although all these ideas worked, he was not satisfied. Finally, Lu Yang's mind flashed brightly, and suddenly he thought of a wonderful idea. .


   You don’t have to threaten Chen Bin or Vice Principal Zhou’s wife yourself, and you don’t have to follow or find someone to follow Chen Bin. You can secretly take photos of him dating Vice Principal Zhou’s wife. All you need is a letterhead, a magical letterhead...


   He had a certain idea, Lu Yang stopped, and then turned back to the office.


At this time, there are basically no people in all the offices. Unlike at night, after work at noon, except for the office doors of a few leaders, the other offices are basically unlocked. Some teachers occasionally spend noon in the office.


Lu Yang pretended to be passing by and walked past several open office doors, only to see a teacher writing something in one office. Fortunately, Mei Caiping’s desk was not in that office. Lu Yang smiled and greeted the teacher, then turned around and walked back, seeming to be looking for a certain teacher, and when he saw no one, he went back.


  While passing by Mei Caiping's office, Lu Yang walked a few steps lightly, walked in behind Mei Caiping's desk, half-squinted and quickly scanned the documents and books on Mei Caiping's desk.


   On Mei Caiping's desk, like many teachers, there is a plastic file basket with many documents and books inserted in it.


   Lu Yang glanced over it, and at a glance he found a half-old preparation notebook. Seeing how old it is, it should have been used two or three years ago.


Lu Yang stretched out his hand to pull it out, opened it with his hand, and saw that the content inside was indeed the content of the lesson preparation, the second-year Chinese lesson preparation notes, Lu Yang quickly stuffed it into his arms, turned and exited this office, and then quickly returned to his office. I found two stacks of blank draft papers from the drawer of my desk. These draft papers were issued to them by the Office of Academic Affairs, and each teacher had them in a unified format.


   took another ballpoint pen, and Lu Yang then left the office with two stacks of draft paper sandwiched the lesson preparation notes, preparing to go back to his residence.


   The corridor outside the office was still quiet. No teacher saw Lu Yang and went back to his residence outside the school without any surprises. Lu Yang opened Mei Caiping's half-old lesson preparation notes.


   still has her name written on the cover.


   I have to say, this woman writes well, with her own style of writing.


   Lu Yang began to concentrate all his attention. With full concentration, I flipped through the lesson preparation notes page by page. After ten minutes, after reading the entire lesson preparation notes, Lu Yang closed his eyes. The content just passed by was like being photographed by a camera. . It clearly appeared in his mind.


   After rebirth, it is different from ordinary people's memory!


   Without this incredible memory, Lu Yang's method would never be realized. And now...


   Lu Yang picked up the pen and began to write on a stack of blank draft paper. The content was exactly the same as Mei Caiping's half-old lesson preparation notes, except that the handwriting was slightly different.


   Lu Yang ignored it. Continue to write down. One hundred words, two hundred words, three hundred words...


   When Lu Yang silently wrote more than 3,000 words in one breath, the text under the pen was no different from Mei Caiping's handwriting, almost exactly the same.


   I am afraid that even if she sees it, she can't tell which one is written by herself and which is imitated by others.


   After writing this, Lu Yang stopped writing, looked at the words on the manuscript paper, and smiled with satisfaction. Immediately, he tore off the few manuscript papers just written with his hands. Then he wrote a new letterhead to Chen Bin on the blank manuscript paper.


   Since he was killing someone with a knife, Lu Yang didn't mind making this matter a little more complicated.


  The more complicated it is, the less likely it is for anyone to doubt him. What if all the teachers in the junior high school know that he is talented? Who would doubt that he could completely imitate other people's handwriting?


   imitating other people's handwriting has nothing to do with talent, it is already a special skill! Or it's craftsmanship.


   A short letter was quickly written. After hesitating, another idea flashed in Lu Yang's mind, and then he wrote another letter exactly the same.


   Put down the pen, lit a cigarette in his mouth, another prank idea flashed in Lu Yang's mind, chuckled, and actually stacked two identical letterheads, all in the shape of a heart.


   When I was in junior high school, the little man wrote love letters to the girls.


   Lu Yang used to learn to stack this, but it took a lot of his mind to learn it. He didn't expect to use it now. Two heart-shaped letterheads were stacked on the desk in front of him. Lu Yang smiled happily.


   can do bad things so creatively, it's worth giving yourself a compliment!


When all of this was done, it was almost time for work in the afternoon. Lu Yang smiled and picked up one heart shape and put it in his trouser pocket. The other heart shape opened the laptop's CD drive and put the heart shape in. , And then closed the CD-ROM drive, presumably hidden here, no one will find it.


   As for Mei Caiping's half-old lesson preparation notes?


   Lu Yang found some alcohol in the kitchen, soaked it on the lesson preparation notes, then took it to the bathroom to light it, and when it was all burned to ashes, he washed it with a shower nozzle, and it disappeared quickly without a trace.


   Lu Yang suddenly discovered that the writer of the novel was really dangerous. He had done bad things with careful thinking and had done so thoroughly to destroy the corpses.




During working hours in the afternoon, Lu Yang rarely did not doze off during working hours. He kept his eyes on the movement outside the office door and waited for more than an and finally saw Chen Bin leave the office and go to Go to the toilet.


   Lu Yang put down the book in his hand casually, got up and walked out. Tong Yaqian saw him and asked him what he was doing.


   "Go to the toilet!"


   Lu Yang replied casually, already speeding up a bit, and heading to the toilet.


   After a while, Chen Bin first left the toilet, his face was relaxed, Lu Yang then came out from inside, with a smile on his lips.


   Everything that should be done has already been done, so just wait and see the show. (To be continued...)


  PS: Thank you Yaoyue~Kill, my family. General Baiqi, Feihong, Lizhi Township, close your mouth to reward 100 points, thank xhy79 for rewarding 200 points, thank you for your monthly pass and five-star evaluation ticket. Well, today I received a suggestion from the editor, asking me to revise the names of people and works that may be involved in disputes in the book. In the next few days, I will take time to revise a little bit. If you suddenly see something in the book The name and the title of the work are different from before. Don’t be surprised, please bear with me! There are too many sensitive things on this subject, I have been very careful, and there are still some problems.


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